@ -3,6 +3,21 @@ Redisson Releases History
Try __[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro)__ with **ultra-fast performance** and **support by SLA**.
### 24-Aug-2022 - 3.17.6 released
Feature - Helidon 3.0 support
Feature - ability to specify `MapWriterAsync` and `MapLoaderAsync` in `MapOptions` object
Improvement - log output string expanded to 1000 characters by default
Fixed - `RBuckets` methods don't use `nameMapper`
Fixed - PingConnectionHandler should close channel on RedisLoadingException, RedisTryAgainException, RedisClusterDownException, RedisBusyException
Fixed - Invocation timeout isn't applied for `RTopic.removeListenerAsync()` methods
Fixed - `WriteBehind` task isn't stopped after `RMap.destroy()` method invocation
Fixed - Connection pinging works incorrectly if new connections were created in pool
Fixed - "SlaveConnectionPool no available Redis entries" error occurs in Cluster caused by early excluding of master node from nodes for reading
Fixed - Permanent blocking calling threads
### 22-July-2022 - 3.17.5 released
Feature - `touch()`, `unlink()` and `delete()` methods implemented for transactional `RSetCache` and `RSet` objects