@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Improvement - ChannelName.toString() conversion optimization
Fixed - `retryInterval` and `retryAttempts` settings aren't applied in case of 'READONLY You can't write against a read only replica.' error
Fixed - `retryInterval` and `retryAttempts` settings aren't applied in case of 'READONLY You can't write against a read only replica.' error
Fixed - `RRemoteService` may cause CPU spike after Master failover
Fixed - `RRemoteService` may cause CPU spike after Master failover
Fixed - `FlushListener` causes `ClassCastException`
Fixed - `FlushListener` causes `ClassCastException`
Fixed - `TrackingListener` causes `ClassCastException`
Fixed - `RedissonSetCache.addIfAbsentAsync()` uses incorrect argument for zadd (thanks @fooooxxxx)
Fixed - `RedissonSetCache.addIfAbsentAsync()` uses incorrect argument for zadd (thanks @fooooxxxx)
### 20-Feb-2024 - 3.27.0 released
### 20-Feb-2024 - 3.27.0 released