@ -1,9 +1,105 @@
import { Repository, Module, Interface, Property, User } from "../models"
import { Repository, Module, Interface, Property, User, QueryInclude } from '../models'
import { SCOPES } from "../models/bo/property"
import * as md5 from 'md5'
import * as querystring from 'querystring'
import * as rp from 'request-promise'
const isMd5 = require('is-md5')
import Tree from '../routes/utils/tree'
import * as JSON5 from 'json5'
import RedisService, { CACHE_KEY } from "./redis"
import * as _ from 'lodash'
1: '2.0'
const arrayToTree = (list) => {
const parseChildren = (list, parent) => {
list.forEach((item) => {
if (item.parent === parent.id) {
item.depth = parent.depth + 1
item.children = item.children || []
parseChildren(list, item)
return parent
return parseChildren(list, {
id: 'root',
name: 'root',
children: [],
depth: -1,
parent: -1
path: 2,
query: 2,
header: 1,
formData: 3,
body: 3
* @param parameters 参数列表数组
* @param parent 父级
* @param result swagger转化为数组结果
* @param definitions swagger $ref definitions
const parse = (parameters, parent, result, definitions) => {
for (let key = 0, len = parameters.length; key < len; key++) {
const param = parameters[key]
if (!param.$ref && !(param.items || {}).$ref) {
// 非对象或者数组的基础类型
...param, parent,
id: `${parent}-${key}`
} else {
// 数组类型或者对象类型
let paramType = ''
if (param.items) { paramType = 'array' }
else { paramType = 'object' }
...param, parent,
id: `${parent}-${key}`,
type: paramType
let refName
if (!param.items) {
refName = param.$ref.split('#/definitions/')[1]
delete result.find(item => item.id === `${parent}-${key}`)['$ref']
if (param.items) {
refName = param.items.$ref.split('#/definitions/')[1]
delete result.find(item => item.id === `${parent}-${key}`).items
const ref = definitions[refName]
if (ref && ref.properties) {
const properties = ref.properties
const list = []
for (const key in properties) {
name: key,
in: param.in, // response 无所谓,不使用但是request 使用
required: (ref.required || []).indexOf(key) >= 0
parse(list, `${parent}-${key}`, result, definitions)
export default class MigrateService {
public static async importRepoFromRAP1ProjectData(orgId: number, curUserId: number, projectData: any): Promise<boolean> {
@ -128,6 +224,463 @@ export default class MigrateService {
result = safeEval('(' + result + ')')
return await this.importRepoFromRAP1ProjectData(orgId, curUserId, result)
/** 请求参对象->数组->标准树形对象 @param swagger @param parameters */
public static async swaggerToModelRequest(swagger: SwaggerData, parameters: Array<any>, method: string): Promise<any> {
const { definitions } = swagger
const result = []
if (method === 'get' || method === 'GET') {
parse(parameters, 'root', result, definitions)
} else if (method === 'post' || method === 'POST') {
let list = [] // 外层处理参数数据结果
const bodyObj = parameters.find(item => item.in === 'body') // body unique
if (!bodyObj) list = [ ...parameters ]
else {
const { schema } = bodyObj
if (!schema.$ref) {
// 没有按照接口规范返回数据结构,默认都是对象
list = parameters.filter(item => (item.in === 'query' || item.in === 'header'))
} else {
const refName = schema.$ref.split('#/definitions/')[1]
const ref = definitions[refName]
if (!ref) list = [ ...parameters.filter(item => (item.in === 'query' || item.in === 'header'))]
else {
const properties = ref.properties || {}
const bodyParameters = []
for (const key in properties) {
name: key,
in: 'body',
required: (ref.required || []).indexOf(key) >= 0
list = [...bodyParameters, ...parameters.filter(item => (item.in === 'query' || item.in === 'header'))]
parse(list, 'root', result, definitions)
const tree = arrayToTree(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)))
return tree
* 返回参数对象->数组->标准树形对象
* 如果swagger responses参数没有的情况下异常处理
* 如果swagger responses对象200不存在情况下异常处理
* @param swagger
* @param response
public static async swaggerToModelRespnse (swagger: SwaggerData, response: object): Promise<any> {
const { definitions } = swagger
const successObj = response['200']
if (!successObj) return []
const { schema } = successObj
if (!schema.$ref) {
// 没有按照接口规范返回数据结构,默认都是对象
return []
const parameters = []
const refName = schema.$ref.split('#/definitions/')[1]
const ref = definitions[refName]
if (ref && ref.properties) {
const properties = ref.properties
for (const key in properties) {
name: key,
in: 'body',
required: (ref.required || []).indexOf(key) >= 0
const result = []
parse(parameters, 'root', result, definitions)
const tree = arrayToTree(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)))
return tree
public static async importRepoFromSwaggerProjectData(repositoryId: number, curUserId: number, swagger: SwaggerData): Promise<boolean> {
if (!swagger.paths || !swagger.swagger || !swagger.host) return false
let mCounter = 1 // 模块优先级顺序
let iCounter = 1 // 接口优先级顺序
let pCounter = 1 // 参数优先级顺序
async function processParam(p: SwaggerParameter, scope: SCOPES, interfaceId: number, moduleId: number, parentId?: number, ) {
const name = p.name
let description = ''
// 规则转化处理
let rule = ''
if (p.type === 'string' && p.minLength && p.maxLength ) {
rule = `${p.minLength}-${p.maxLength}`
} else if (p.type === 'string' && p.minLength && !p.maxLength) {
rule = `${p.minLength}`
} else if (p.type === 'string' && !p.minLength && p.maxLength) {
rule = `${p.required ? '1' : '0'}-${p.maxLength}`
if (p.type === 'string' && p.enum && p.enum.length > 0) {
description = `${description} 枚举值: ${p.enum.join()}`
if (p.type === 'integer' && p.minimum && p.maxinum) {
rule = `${p.minimum}-${p.maxinum}`
if (p.type === 'integer' && p.minimum && !p.maxinum) {
rule = `${p.minimum}`
if (p.type === 'integer' && !p.minimum && p.maxinum) {
rule = `${p.required ? '1' : '0'}-${p.maxinum}`
// 类型转化处理
let type = (p.type || 'string')
if (type === 'integer') type = 'number'
type = type[0].toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) // foo => Foo 首字母转化为大写
// 默认值转化处理
let value = p.default || ''
if (p.type === 'boolean') {
value = (p.default === true || p.default === false) ? p.default.toString() : ''
if (p.type === 'array' && p.default) {
value = typeof(p.default) === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(p.default) : p.default.toString()
if (/^function/.test(value)) type = 'Function' // @mock=function(){} => Function
if (/^\$order/.test(value)) { // $order => Array|+1
type = 'Array'
rule = '+1'
let orderArgs = /\$order\((.+)\)/.exec(value)
if (orderArgs) value = `[${orderArgs[1]}]`
const pCreated = await Property.create({
required: p.required,
description: `${p.description || ''} ${description ? `|${description}` : ''}`,
priority: pCounter++,
interfaceId: interfaceId,
creatorId: curUserId,
moduleId: moduleId,
repositoryId: repositoryId,
parentId: parentId || -1,
pos: REQUEST_TYPE_POS[p.in],
memory: true
for (const subParam of p.children) {
processParam(subParam, scope, interfaceId, moduleId, pCreated.id)
let { tags = [], paths = {}, host = '' } = swagger
let pathTag: SwaggerTag[] = []
// 处理root tag中没有的情况
for (const action in paths) {
const apiObj = paths[action][Object.keys(paths[action])[0]]
const index = pathTag.findIndex((it: SwaggerTag) => {
return apiObj.tags.length > 0 && it.name === apiObj.tags[0]
} )
if (index < 0 && apiObj.tags.length > 0) pathTag.push({ name : apiObj.tags[0], description: tags.find(item => item.name === apiObj.tags[0]).description || '' })
tags = pathTag
for (const tag of tags) {
let repository: Partial<Repository>
let [repositoryModules] = await Promise.all([
Repository.findByPk(repositoryId, {
attributes: { exclude: [] },
include: [QueryInclude.RepositoryHierarchy],
order: [
[{ model: Module, as: 'modules' }, 'priority', 'asc'],
{ model: Module, as: 'modules' },
{ model: Interface, as: 'interfaces' },
repository = {
const findIndex = repository.modules.findIndex(item => { return item.name === tag.name }) // 判断是否存在模块
let mod = null
if (findIndex < 0) {
mod = await Module.create({
name: tag.name,
description: tag.description,
priority: mCounter++,
creatorId: curUserId,
repositoryId: repositoryId
} else {
mod = repository.modules[findIndex]
for (const action in paths) {
const apiObj = paths[action][Object.keys(paths[action])[0]]
const method = Object.keys(paths[action])[0]
const actionTags0 = apiObj.tags[0]
const url = action
if (actionTags0 === tag.name) {
// 判断接口是否存在在该模块中,如果不存在则创建接口,存在则更新接口信息
let [repositoryModules] = await Promise.all([
Repository.findByPk(repositoryId, {
attributes: { exclude: [] },
include: [QueryInclude.RepositoryHierarchy],
order: [
[{ model: Module, as: 'modules' }, 'priority', 'asc'],
{ model: Module, as: 'modules' },
{ model: Interface, as: 'interfaces' },
repository = {
const request = await this.swaggerToModelRequest(swagger, apiObj.parameters || {}, method)
const response = await this.swaggerToModelRespnse(swagger, apiObj.responses || {})
// 判断对应模块是否存在该接口
const index = repository.modules.findIndex(item => {
return item.id === mod.id && (item.interfaces.findIndex(it => (it.url || '').indexOf(url) >= 0 ) >= 0) // 已经存在接口
if (index < 0) {
// 创建接口
const itf = await Interface.create({
moduleId: mod.id,
name: `${apiObj.summary}`,
description: apiObj.description,
url: `https//${host}${url.replace('-test', '')}`,
priority: iCounter++,
creatorId: curUserId,
repositoryId: repositoryId,
method: method.toUpperCase()
for (const p of (request.children || [])) {
await processParam(p, SCOPES.REQUEST, itf.id, mod.id)
for (const p of (response.children || [])) {
await processParam(p, SCOPES.RESPONSE, itf.id, mod.id)
} else {
const findApi = repository.modules[index].interfaces.find(item => item.url.indexOf(url) >= 0)
// 更新接口
await Interface.update({
moduleId: mod.id,
name: `${apiObj.summary}`,
description: apiObj.description,
url: `https//${host}${url.replace('-test', '')}`,
repositoryId: repositoryId,
method: method.toUpperCase()
}, { where: { id: findApi.id } })
await Property.destroy({ where: { interfaceId: findApi.id } })
for (const p of (request.children || [])) {
await processParam(p, SCOPES.REQUEST, findApi.id, mod.id)
for (const p of (response.children || [])) {
await processParam(p, SCOPES.RESPONSE, findApi.id, mod.id)
return true
/** Swagger property */
public static async importRepoFromSwaggerDocUrl(orgId: number, curUserId: number, swagger: SwaggerData, version: number, mode: string, repositoryId: number): Promise<any> {
try {
if (!swagger) return { result: false, code: 'swagger'}
const { host = '', info = {} } = swagger
if (swagger.swagger === SWAGGER_VERSION[version]) {
let result
if (mode === 'manual') {
const repos = await Repository.findByPk(repositoryId)
const { creatorId, members, collaborators, ownerId, name } = repos
const body = {
creatorId: creatorId,
organizationId: orgId,
memberIds: (members || []).map((item: any) => item.id),
collaboratorIds: (collaborators || []).map((item: any) => item.id),
visibility: true,
id: repositoryId,
description: `[host=${host}]${info.title || ''}`,
result = await Repository.update(body, { where: { id: repositoryId } })
} else if (mode === 'auto') {
result = await Repository.create({
id: 0,
name: info.title || 'swagger导入仓库',
description: info.description || 'swagger导入仓库',
visibility: true,
ownerId: curUserId,
creatorId: curUserId,
organizationId: orgId,
members: [],
collaborators: [],
collaboratorIdstring: '',
memberIds: [],
collaboratorIds: []
if (result[0] || result.id) {
const bol = await this.importRepoFromSwaggerProjectData(mode === 'manual' ? repositoryId : result.id, curUserId, swagger)
await RedisService.delCache(CACHE_KEY.REPOSITORY_GET, result.id)
return { result: bol, code: 'success' }
} else {
return { result: true, code: 'version'}
} catch (err) {
return { result: false, code: 'error'}
/** 可以直接让用户把自己本地的 data 数据导入到 RAP 中 */
public static async importRepoFromJSON(data: JsonData, curUserId: number) {
function parseJSON(str: string) {
try {
const data = JSON5.parse(str)
return _.isObject(data) ? data : {}
} catch (error) {
return {}
const repositoryId = data.id
await Promise.all(
data.modules.map(async (modData, index) => {
const mod = await Module.create({
name: modData.name,
description: modData.description || '',
priority: index + 1,
creatorId: curUserId,
await Promise.all(
modData.interfaces.map(async (iftData, index) => {
let properties = iftData.properties
const itf = await Interface.create({
moduleId: mod.id,
name: iftData.name,
description: iftData.description || '',
url: iftData.url,
priority: index + 1,
creatorId: curUserId,
method: iftData.method,
if (!properties && (iftData.requestJSON || iftData.responseJSON)) {
const reqData = parseJSON(iftData.requestJSON)
const resData = parseJSON(iftData.responseJSON)
properties = [
...Tree.jsonToArray(reqData, {
interfaceId: itf.id,
moduleId: mod.id,
scope: 'request',
userId: curUserId,
...Tree.jsonToArray(resData, {
interfaceId: itf.id,
moduleId: mod.id,
scope: 'response',
userId: curUserId,
if (!properties) {
properties = []
const idMaps: any = {}
await Promise.all(
properties.map(async (pData, index) => {
const property = await Property.create({
scope: pData.scope,
name: pData.name,
rule: pData.rule,
value: pData.value,
type: pData.type,
description: pData.description,
priority: index + 1,
interfaceId: itf.id,
creatorId: curUserId,
moduleId: mod.id,
parentId: -1,
idMaps[pData.id] = property.id
await Promise.all(
properties.map(async pData => {
const newId = idMaps[pData.id]
const newParentId = idMaps[pData.parentId]
await Property.update(
parentId: newParentId,
where: {
id: newId,
await RedisService.delCache(CACHE_KEY.REPOSITORY_GET, repositoryId)
function getMethodFromRAP1RequestType(type: number) {
@ -145,24 +698,45 @@ function getMethodFromRAP1RequestType(type: number) {
// function getTypeFromRAP1DataType(dataType: string) {
// switch (dataType) {
// case 'number':
// return TYPES.NUMBER
// case 'string':
// return TYPES.STRING
// case 'boolean':
// case 'object':
// return TYPES.OBJECT
// default:
// if (dataType && dataType.indexOf('array') > -1) {
// return TYPES.ARRAY
// } else {
// return TYPES.STRING
// }
// }
// }
interface JsonData {
* 要导入的目标 repo id 名
id: number
modules: {
name: string
description?: string
* 排序优先级
* 从 1 开始,小的在前面
interfaces: {
name: string
url: string
method: string
description?: string
* 状态码
status: number
* 标准属性数组
properties: Partial<Property>[]
* 导入请求数据 json 字符串
requestJSON: string
* 导入响应数据 json 字符串
responseJSON: string
interface OldParameter {
id: number
@ -173,3 +747,51 @@ interface OldParameter {
dataType: string
parameterList: OldParameter[]
interface SwaggerParameter {
name: string
in: string
description?: string
required: boolean
type: string
allowEmptyValue?: boolean
minLength?: number
maxLength?: number
format?: string
minimum?: number
maxinum?: number
default?: any
items?: SwaggerParameter[]
collectionFormat?: string
exclusiveMaximum?: number
exclusiveMinimum?: number
enum?: Array<any>
multipleOf?: number
uniqueItems?: boolean
pattern?: string
schema: any
children: SwaggerParameter[]
id: string
depth: number
interface SwaggerTag {
name: string
description?: string
interface SwaggerInfo {
description?: string
title?: string
version?: string
interface SwaggerData {
swagger: string
host: string
tags: SwaggerTag[]
paths: object
definitions?: object,
info?: SwaggerInfo