@ -69,45 +69,11 @@ editor.addAction({
keybindingContext: null,
// Control if the action should show up in the context menu and where.
// Built-in groups:
// 1_goto/* => e.g. 1_goto/1_peekDefinition
// 2_change/* => e.g. 2_change/2_format
// 3_edit/* => e.g. 3_edit/1_copy
// 4_tools/* => e.g. 4_tools/1_commands
// You can also create your own group.
// Defaults to null (don't show in context menu).
contextMenuGroupId: '2_change/2_bla',
// Method that will be executed when the action is triggered.
// @param editor The editor instance is passed in as a convinience
run: function(ed) {
alert("i'm running => " + ed.getPosition());
return null;
// Optional enablement conditions. All members are optional
enablement: {
// The action is enabled only if text in the editor is focused (e.g. blinking cursor).
// Warning: This condition will be disabled if the action is marked to be displayed in the context menu
// Defaults to false.
textFocus: true,
// The action is enabled only if the editor or its widgets have focus (e.g. focus is in find widget).
// Defaults to false.
//widgetFocus: true,
// The action is enabled only if the editor is not in read only mode.
// Defaults to false.
//writeableEditor: true,
// The action is enabled only if the cursor position is over a word (i.e. not whitespace).
// Defaults to false.
wordAtPosition: true,
// The action is enabled only if the cursor position is over tokens of a certain kind.
// Defaults to no tokens required.
tokensAtPosition: ['identifier', '', 'keyword'],