@ -1466,6 +1466,14 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
* Sets the text to inject . Must be a single line .
* /
readonly content : string ;
/ * *
* If set , the decoration will be rendered inline with the text with this CSS class name .
* /
readonly inlineClassName? : string | null ;
/ * *
* If there is an ` inlineClassName ` which affects letter spacing .
* /
readonly inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing? : boolean ;
/ * *
@ -3167,6 +3175,11 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
* Defaults to true .
* /
foldingHighlight? : boolean ;
/ * *
* Auto fold imports folding regions .
* Defaults to true .
* /
foldingImportsByDefault? : boolean ;
/ * *
* Controls whether the fold actions in the gutter stay always visible or hide unless the mouse is over the gutter .
* Defaults to 'mouseover' .
@ -3436,7 +3449,7 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
/ * *
* Controls if we seed search string in the Find Widget with editor selection .
* /
seedSearchStringFromSelection ?: boolean ;
seedSearchStringFromSelection ? : 'never' | 'always' | 'selection' ;
/ * *
* Controls if Find in Selection flag is turned on in the editor .
* /
@ -3856,10 +3869,11 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
/ * *
* Configures the mode .
* Use ` prefix ` to only show ghost text if the text to replace is a prefix of the suggestion text .
* Use ` subwordDiff ` to only show ghost text if the replace text is a subword of the suggestion text and diffing should be used to compute the ghost text .
* Use ` subword ` to only show ghost text if the replace text is a subword of the suggestion text .
* Use ` subwordSmart ` to only show ghost text if the replace text is a subword of the suggestion text , but the subword must start after the cursor position .
* Defaults to ` prefix ` .
* /
mode ? : 'prefix' | 'subword Diff ';
mode ? : 'prefix' | 'subword ' | 'subwordSmart ';
export type InternalInlineSuggestOptions = Readonly < Required < IInlineSuggestOptions > > ;
@ -3901,9 +3915,9 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
* /
preview? : boolean ;
/ * *
* Configures the mode of the preview . Defaults to ` subwordDiff ` .
* Configures the mode of the preview .
* /
previewMode ? : 'prefix' | 'subword Diff ';
previewMode ? : 'prefix' | 'subword ' | 'subwordSmart ';
/ * *
* Show details inline with the label . Defaults to true .
* /
@ -4098,98 +4112,99 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
folding = 35 ,
foldingStrategy = 36 ,
foldingHighlight = 37 ,
unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = 38 ,
fontFamily = 39 ,
fontInfo = 40 ,
fontLigatures = 41 ,
fontSize = 42 ,
fontWeight = 43 ,
formatOnPaste = 44 ,
formatOnType = 45 ,
glyphMargin = 46 ,
gotoLocation = 47 ,
hideCursorInOverviewRuler = 48 ,
highlightActiveIndentGuide = 49 ,
hover = 50 ,
inDiffEditor = 51 ,
inlineSuggest = 52 ,
letterSpacing = 53 ,
lightbulb = 54 ,
lineDecorationsWidth = 55 ,
lineHeight = 56 ,
lineNumbers = 57 ,
lineNumbersMinChars = 58 ,
linkedEditing = 59 ,
links = 60 ,
matchBrackets = 61 ,
minimap = 62 ,
mouseStyle = 63 ,
mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = 64 ,
mouseWheelZoom = 65 ,
multiCursorMergeOverlapping = 66 ,
multiCursorModifier = 67 ,
multiCursorPaste = 68 ,
occurrencesHighlight = 69 ,
overviewRulerBorder = 70 ,
overviewRulerLanes = 71 ,
padding = 72 ,
parameterHints = 73 ,
peekWidgetDefaultFocus = 74 ,
definitionLinkOpensInPeek = 75 ,
quickSuggestions = 76 ,
quickSuggestionsDelay = 77 ,
readOnly = 78 ,
renameOnType = 79 ,
renderControlCharacters = 80 ,
renderIndentGuides = 81 ,
renderFinalNewline = 82 ,
renderLineHighlight = 83 ,
renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus = 84 ,
renderValidationDecorations = 85 ,
renderWhitespace = 86 ,
revealHorizontalRightPadding = 87 ,
roundedSelection = 88 ,
rulers = 89 ,
scrollbar = 90 ,
scrollBeyondLastColumn = 91 ,
scrollBeyondLastLine = 92 ,
scrollPredominantAxis = 93 ,
selectionClipboard = 94 ,
selectionHighlight = 95 ,
selectOnLineNumbers = 96 ,
showFoldingControls = 97 ,
showUnused = 98 ,
snippetSuggestions = 99 ,
smartSelect = 100 ,
smoothScrolling = 101 ,
stickyTabStops = 102 ,
stopRenderingLineAfter = 103 ,
suggest = 104 ,
suggestFontSize = 105 ,
suggestLineHeight = 106 ,
suggestOnTriggerCharacters = 107 ,
suggestSelection = 108 ,
tabCompletion = 109 ,
tabIndex = 110 ,
unusualLineTerminators = 111 ,
useShadowDOM = 112 ,
useTabStops = 113 ,
wordSeparators = 114 ,
wordWrap = 115 ,
wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters = 116 ,
wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters = 117 ,
wordWrapColumn = 118 ,
wordWrapOverride1 = 119 ,
wordWrapOverride2 = 120 ,
wrappingIndent = 121 ,
wrappingStrategy = 122 ,
showDeprecated = 123 ,
inlayHints = 124 ,
editorClassName = 125 ,
pixelRatio = 126 ,
tabFocusMode = 127 ,
layoutInfo = 128 ,
wrappingInfo = 129
foldingImportsByDefault = 38 ,
unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = 39 ,
fontFamily = 40 ,
fontInfo = 41 ,
fontLigatures = 42 ,
fontSize = 43 ,
fontWeight = 44 ,
formatOnPaste = 45 ,
formatOnType = 46 ,
glyphMargin = 47 ,
gotoLocation = 48 ,
hideCursorInOverviewRuler = 49 ,
highlightActiveIndentGuide = 50 ,
hover = 51 ,
inDiffEditor = 52 ,
inlineSuggest = 53 ,
letterSpacing = 54 ,
lightbulb = 55 ,
lineDecorationsWidth = 56 ,
lineHeight = 57 ,
lineNumbers = 58 ,
lineNumbersMinChars = 59 ,
linkedEditing = 60 ,
links = 61 ,
matchBrackets = 62 ,
minimap = 63 ,
mouseStyle = 64 ,
mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = 65 ,
mouseWheelZoom = 66 ,
multiCursorMergeOverlapping = 67 ,
multiCursorModifier = 68 ,
multiCursorPaste = 69 ,
occurrencesHighlight = 70 ,
overviewRulerBorder = 71 ,
overviewRulerLanes = 72 ,
padding = 73 ,
parameterHints = 74 ,
peekWidgetDefaultFocus = 75 ,
definitionLinkOpensInPeek = 76 ,
quickSuggestions = 77 ,
quickSuggestionsDelay = 78 ,
readOnly = 79 ,
renameOnType = 80 ,
renderControlCharacters = 81 ,
renderIndentGuides = 82 ,
renderFinalNewline = 83 ,
renderLineHighlight = 84 ,
renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus = 85 ,
renderValidationDecorations = 86 ,
renderWhitespace = 87 ,
revealHorizontalRightPadding = 88 ,
roundedSelection = 89 ,
rulers = 90 ,
scrollbar = 91 ,
scrollBeyondLastColumn = 92 ,
scrollBeyondLastLine = 93 ,
scrollPredominantAxis = 94 ,
selectionClipboard = 95 ,
selectionHighlight = 96 ,
selectOnLineNumbers = 97 ,
showFoldingControls = 98 ,
showUnused = 99 ,
snippetSuggestions = 100 ,
smartSelect = 101 ,
smoothScrolling = 102 ,
stickyTabStops = 103 ,
stopRenderingLineAfter = 104 ,
suggest = 105 ,
suggestFontSize = 106 ,
suggestLineHeight = 107 ,
suggestOnTriggerCharacters = 108 ,
suggestSelection = 109 ,
tabCompletion = 110 ,
tabIndex = 111 ,
unusualLineTerminators = 112 ,
useShadowDOM = 113 ,
useTabStops = 114 ,
wordSeparators = 115 ,
wordWrap = 116 ,
wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters = 117 ,
wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters = 118 ,
wordWrapColumn = 119 ,
wordWrapOverride1 = 120 ,
wordWrapOverride2 = 121 ,
wrappingIndent = 122 ,
wrappingStrategy = 123 ,
showDeprecated = 124 ,
inlayHints = 125 ,
editorClassName = 126 ,
pixelRatio = 127 ,
tabFocusMode = 128 ,
layoutInfo = 129 ,
wrappingInfo = 130
export const EditorOptions : {
acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter : IEditorOption < EditorOption.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter , boolean > ;
@ -4231,6 +4246,7 @@ declare namespace monaco.editor {
folding : IEditorOption < EditorOption.folding , boolean > ;
foldingStrategy : IEditorOption < EditorOption.foldingStrategy , ' auto ' | ' indentation ' > ;
foldingHighlight : IEditorOption < EditorOption.foldingHighlight , boolean > ;
foldingImportsByDefault : IEditorOption < EditorOption.foldingImportsByDefault , boolean > ;
unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine : IEditorOption < EditorOption.unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine , boolean > ;
fontFamily : IEditorOption < EditorOption.fontFamily , string > ;
fontInfo : IEditorOption < EditorOption.fontInfo , FontInfo > ;
@ -7413,11 +7429,13 @@ declare namespace monaco.languages.css {
declare namespace monaco . languages . json {
export interface DiagnosticsOptions {
/ * *
* If set , the validator will be enabled and perform syntax validation as well as schema based validation .
* If set , the validator will be enabled and perform syntax and schema based validation ,
* unless ` DiagnosticsOptions.schemaValidation ` is set to ` ignore ` .
* /
readonly validate? : boolean ;
/ * *
* If set , comments are tolerated . If set to false , syntax errors will be emitted for comments .
* ` DiagnosticsOptions.allowComments ` will override this setting .
* /
readonly allowComments? : boolean ;
/ * *
@ -7429,7 +7447,10 @@ declare namespace monaco.languages.json {
* /
readonly uri : string ;
/ * *
* A list of file names that are associated to the schema . The '*' wildcard can be used . For example '*.schema.json' , 'package.json'
* A list of glob patterns that describe for which file URIs the JSON schema will be used .
* '*' and '**' wildcards are supported . Exclusion patterns start with '!' .
* For example '*.schema.json' , 'package.json' , '!foo*.schema.json' , 'foo/**\/BADRESP.json' .
* A match succeeds when there is at least one pattern matching and last matching pattern does not start with '!' .
* /
readonly fileMatch? : string [ ] ;
/ * *
@ -7449,6 +7470,14 @@ declare namespace monaco.languages.json {
* The severity of problems that occurred when resolving and loading schemas . If set to 'ignore' , schema resolving problems are not reported . If not set , 'warning' is used .
* /
readonly schemaRequest? : SeverityLevel ;
/ * *
* The severity of reported trailing commas . If not set , trailing commas will be reported as errors .
* /
readonly trailingCommas? : SeverityLevel ;
/ * *
* The severity of reported comments . If not set , 'DiagnosticsOptions.allowComments' defines whether comments are ignored or reported as errors .
* /
readonly comments? : SeverityLevel ;
export type SeverityLevel = 'error' | 'warning' | 'ignore' ;
export interface ModeConfiguration {