@ -631,3 +631,48 @@ export class FormatOnTypeAdapter extends FormatHelper implements monaco.language
// --- rename ----
export class RenameAdapter extends Adapter implements monaco.languages.RenameProvider {
async provideRenameEdits(model: monaco.editor.ITextModel, position: Position, newName: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise<monaco.languages.WorkspaceEdit & monaco.languages.Rejection> {
const resource = model.uri;
const fileName = resource.toString();
const offset = this._positionToOffset(resource, position);
const worker = await this._worker(resource);
const renameInfo = await worker.getRenameInfo(fileName, offset, { allowRenameOfImportPath: false });
if (renameInfo.canRename === false) { // use explicit comparison so that the discriminated union gets resolved properly
return {
edits: [],
rejectReason: renameInfo.localizedErrorMessage
if (renameInfo.fileToRename !== undefined) {
throw new Error("Renaming files is not supported.");
const renameLocations = await worker.findRenameLocations(fileName, offset, /*strings*/ false, /*comments*/ false, /*prefixAndSuffix*/ false);
const fileNameToResourceTextEditMap: { [fileName: string]: monaco.languages.ResourceTextEdit } = {};
const edits: monaco.languages.ResourceTextEdit[] = [];
for (const renameLocation of renameLocations) {
if (!(renameLocation.fileName in fileNameToResourceTextEditMap)) {
const resourceTextEdit = {
edits: [],
resource: monaco.Uri.parse(renameLocation.fileName)
fileNameToResourceTextEditMap[renameLocation.fileName] = resourceTextEdit;
range: this._textSpanToRange(resource, renameLocation.textSpan),
text: newName
return { edits };