@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export class TypeScriptWorker implements ts.LanguageServiceHost, monaco.language
return models.concat(Object.keys(this._extraLibs));
_getModel(fileName: string): monaco.worker.IMirrorModel | null {
private _getModel(fileName: string): monaco.worker.IMirrorModel | null {
let models = this._ctx.getMirrorModels();
for (let i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
if (models[i].uri.toString() === fileName) {
@ -257,22 +257,28 @@ export interface ICreateData {
customWorkerPath?: string
/** The shape of the factory */
export interface CustomTSWebWorkerFactory {
(TSWorkerClass: typeof TypeScriptWorker, ts: typeof import("typescript"), libs: Record<string, string>): typeof TypeScriptWorker
export function create(ctx: IWorkerContext, createData: ICreateData): TypeScriptWorker {
let TSWorkerClass = TypeScriptWorker
if (createData.customWorkerPath) {
// @ts-ignore - This is available in a webworker
if (typeof importScripts === "undefined") {
console.warn("Monaco is not using webworkers for background tasks, and that is needed to support the customWorkerPath flag")
} else {
// @ts-ignore - This is available in a webworker
// @ts-ignore - This should come from the above eval
if (!self.customTSWorkerFactory) {
const workerFactoryFunc: CustomTSWebWorkerFactory | undefined = self.customTSWorkerFactory
if (!workerFactoryFunc) {
throw new Error(`The script at ${createData.customWorkerPath} does not add customTSWorkerFactory to self`)
// @ts-ignore - The throw validates this
TSWorkerClass = self.customTSWorkerFactory(TypeScriptWorker, ts, libFileMap)
TSWorkerClass = workerFactoryFunc(TypeScriptWorker, ts, libFileMap)