@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ export const language = <languages.IMonarchLanguage>{
// Keyword list shorthand
keywordsShorthand: [
[/(@atomName)(:)/, ['constant', 'constant.punctuation']],
[/(@atomName)(:)(\s+)/, ['constant', 'constant.punctuation', 'white']],
// Use positive look-ahead to ensure the string is followed by :
// and should be considered a keyword.
@ -532,6 +532,13 @@ export const language = <languages.IMonarchLanguage>{
next: '@doubleQuotedHeredocDocstring'
/\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?'''/,
token: 'comment.block.documentation',
next: '@singleQuotedHeredocDocstring'
/\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?"/,
@ -539,6 +546,13 @@ export const language = <languages.IMonarchLanguage>{
next: '@doubleQuotedStringDocstring'
/\@(module|type)?doc (~[sS])?'/,
token: 'comment.block.documentation',
next: '@singleQuotedStringDocstring'
[/\@(module|type)?doc false/, 'comment.block.documentation'],
// Module attributes
[/\@(@variableName)/, 'variable']
@ -549,11 +563,21 @@ export const language = <languages.IMonarchLanguage>{
{ include: '@docstringContent' }
singleQuotedHeredocDocstring: [
[/'''/, { token: 'comment.block.documentation', next: '@pop' }],
{ include: '@docstringContent' }
doubleQuotedStringDocstring: [
[/"/, { token: 'comment.block.documentation', next: '@pop' }],
{ include: '@docstringContent' }
singleQuotedStringDocstring: [
[/'/, { token: 'comment.block.documentation', next: '@pop' }],
{ include: '@docstringContent' }
// Operators, punctuation, brackets
symbols: [