* Special thanks to [Tim Kendrick](https://github.com/timkendrick) for contributing a webpack plugin - `monaco-editor-webpack-plugin` - now available on [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/monaco-editor-webpack-plugin).
### Breaking changes
* Introduced `MarkerSeverity` instead of `Severity` for markers serverity.
* Replaced `RenameProvider.resolveInitialRenameValue` with `RenameProvider.resolveRenameLocation`.
* Fixed typo in `monaco-typescript`, renamed `setMaximunWorkerIdleTime` to `setMaximumWorkerIdleTime`.
### Thank you
* [Remy Suen @rcjsuen](https://github.com/rcjsuen): Fix conversion code from MarkedString to IMarkdownString in hovers [PR monaco-css#5](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-css/pull/5)
* [Peng Xiao @pengx17](https://github.com/pengx17): fix an issue of `fromMarkdownString` [PR monaco-json#4](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-json/pull/4)
* [TJ Kells @systemsoverload](https://github.com/systemsoverload): Add rust colorization support [PR monaco-languages#31](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/31)
* Merged `IModel`, `IReadOnlyModel`, `IEditableTextModel`, `ITextModelWithMarkers`, `ITokenizedModel`, `ITextModelWithDecorations` to `ITextModel`. A type alias for `IModel` is defined for compatibility.
* Merged `ICommonCodeEditor` and `ICodeEditor` to `ICodeEditor`.
* Merged `ICommonDiffEditor` and `IDiffEditor` to `IDiffEditor`.
*`CompletionItem.documentation`, `ParameterInformation.documentation` and `SignatureInformation.documentation` can now be an `IMarkdownString`.
* Added `CompetionItem.command`, `CompletionItem.commitCharacters` and `CompletionItem.additionalTextEdits`.
* Added language configuration `folding` which can define markers for code patterns where a folding regions should be created. See for example the [Python configuration](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/blob/d2db3faa76b741bf4ee822c403fc355c913bc46d/src/python/python.ts#L35-L41).
* Added by accident `ResourceFileEdit` (due to how `monaco.d.ts` is generated from vscode). That is not honoured by the editor, and should not be used.
* Add HEALTHCHECK as a Dockerfile keyword [PR monaco-languages#29](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/29)
* Add ARG as a Dockerfile keyword [PR monaco-languages#30](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/30)
* [Can Abacigil @abacigil](https://github.com/abacigil): MySQL, Postgres, Redshift and Redis Language Support [PR monaco-languages#26](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/26)
* [Matthias Kadenbach @mattes](https://github.com/mattes): Support Content-Security-Policy syntax highlighting [PR monaco-languages#27](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/27)
* [e.vakili @evakili](https://github.com/evakili): Whitespaces after # are allowed in C++ preprocessor statements [PR monaco-languages#28](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/28)
* [Pankaj Kumar Gautam @PAPERPANKS](https://github.com/PAPERPANKS): adding microsoft logo to footer [PR monaco-editor#577](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/577)
* [Dominik Moritz @domoritz](https://github.com/domoritz): Fix code in changelog [PR monaco-editor#582](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/582)
* [ItsPugle @ItsPugle](https://github.com/ItsPugle): Updating the footer to reflect change of year [PR monaco-editor#707](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/707)
* [Michael Seifert @MSeifert04](https://github.com/MSeifert04): Add linebreak for if [PR monaco-editor#726](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/726)
* [Niklas Mollenhauer @nikeee](https://github.com/nikeee): Fix line number API usage [PR monaco-editor#740](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/740)
* [Andre @anc](https://github.com/anc): More realistic terminal shell [PR monaco-editor#742](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/742)
* to the many others that have contributed PRs to [vscode](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode) which have also made their way into the monaco-editor.
* Method `provideCodeActions` in `CodeActionProvider` now returns `Command[] | Thenable<Command[]>` instead of `CodeAction[] | Thenable<CodeAction[]>`, which is already removed.
* added `monaco.editor.getModelMarkers`. Get markers for owner and/or resource.
### Notable Fixes
* No longer use CSS class `.row` for command palette to avoid CSS conflicts with Bootstrap.
* Fix Accessibility Help Dialog accessible issue on IE/Edge.
* Fix Find Widget CSS compability issues with IE11.
* Toggle Block Comment can remove extra whitespaces.
### Thank you
* [Kitson Kelly @kitsonk](https://github.com/kitsonk): Update monaco-typescript to TypeScript 2.4.1 [PR monaco-typescript#15](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-typescript/pull/15)
* [@duncanwerner](https://github.com/duncanwerner): Add hex number tokenization to R language [PR monaco-languages#21](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/21)
* [Remy Suen @rcjsuen](https://github.com/rcjsuen): Update Dockerfile grammar with STOPSIGNAL and SHELL instructions [PR monaco-languages#22](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/22)
* [Marlene Cota @marlenecota](https://github.com/marlenecota): Add Small Basic support [PR monaco-languages#23](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/23)
* A lot has changed w.r.t. how themes work in the editor, mostly driven by the work to support theming in VS Code. `editor.updateOptions()`**no longer accepts `theme`**; the theme can be changed via the newly introduced `monaco.editor.setTheme()`. Additionally, we recommend editor colors be customized via `monaco.editor.defineTheme()` instead of via CSS -- see [sample](https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/playground.html#customizing-the-appearence-exposed-colors). The color names will be stable, while the CSS class names might break at any time.
* Support for the internal snippet syntax **has been discontinued** and snippet must now use the official, TextMate-like syntax. Find its grammar and samples [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets#_snippet-syntax).
* Changed `IModel.findMatches` to accept a list of word separators.
* Changed the shape of the `IModelContentChangedEvent` emitted via `IModel.onDidChangeContent` to **now contain a batch** of all the changes that the model had.
* No longer using `transform: translate3d`, now using `will-change: transform` for browser layer hinting. Use the `disableLayerHinting` option if you have any trouble with browser layers (bluriness or high GPU memory usage).
* Simplified wrapping settings: `wordWrap`, `wordWrapColumn` and `wordWrapMinified`.
* [@AndersMad](https://github.com/AndersMad): HTML Tags: Add support for dash and fix colon in end tag [PR monaco-languages#14](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/14)
* [Sandy Armstrong (@sandyarmstrong)](https://github.com/sandyarmstrong): csharp: add support for binary literals and _ as separator [PR monaco-languages#16](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/16)
* [Anton Kosyakov (@akosyakov)](https://github.com/akosyakov): Include src as a part of npm package [PR monaco-languages#17](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/17)
* [Kitson Kelly (@kitsonk)](https://github.com/kitsonk): Update to TypeScript 2.3.4 [PR monaco-typescript#13](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-typescript/pull/13)
* [Kitson Kelly (@kitsonk)](https://github.com/kitsonk): Add documentation support on hover [PR monaco-typescript#14](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-typescript/pull/14)
* [@replacepreg](https://github.com/replacepreg): Updating date at footer [PR monaco-editor#409](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/409)
* [Aarin Smith (@aarinsmith)](https://github.com/aarinsmith): Fixed spelling error in README.md:85 'instantion' -> 'instantiation' [PR monaco-editor#440](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/pull/440)
* to the many others that have contributed PRs to [`vscode`](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode) which have also made their way into the `monaco-editor`.
- [issue #385](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/385): Cannot add action to the left-hand-side of the diff editor
- [issue #386](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/386): Shortcuts for actions added via editor.addAction don't show up in the Command Palette
- [issue #387](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/387): Cannot change diff editor to a custom theme based on high contrast
- when entering an embedded mode (i.e. `nextEmbedded`), the state ending up in must immediately contain a `nextEmbedded: "@pop"` rule. This helps in quickly figuring out where the embedded mode should be left. The editor will throw an error if the Monarch grammar does not respect this condition.
- Before, token types would be rendered on the `span` node of text, and CSS rules would match token types and assign styling to them (i.e. color, boldness, etc.to style tokens)
- To enable us to build something like a minimap, we need to know the text color in JavaScript, and we have therefore moved the token style matching all to JavaScript. In the future, we foresee that even decorations will have to define their color in JavaScript.
- It is possible to create a custom theme via a new API method `monaco.editor.defineTheme()` and the playground contains a sample showing how that works.
- Token types can be inspected via `F1` > `Developer: Inspect tokens`. This will bring up a widget showing the token type and the applied styles.
### API changes:
#### Namespaces
- added `monaco.editor.onDidCreateEditor` that will be fired whenever an editor is created (will fire even for a diff editor, with the two editors that a diff editor consists of).
- added `monaco.editor.tokenize` that returns logical tokens (before theme matching, as opposed to `monaco.editor.colorize`).
* [Sam El-Husseini (@microsoftsam)](https://github.com/microsoftsam): Using Cmd+Scroll to zoom on a mac [PR vscode#12477](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/pull/12477)
* [Sandy Armstrong (@sandyarmstrong)](https://github.com/sandyarmstrong): Support CompletionItemKind.Method. [PR vscode#10225](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/pull/10225)
* [Sandy Armstrong (@sandyarmstrong)](https://github.com/sandyarmstrong): Fix show in IE11 [PR vscode#10309](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/pull/10309)
* [Sandy Armstrong (@sandyarmstrong)](https://github.com/sandyarmstrong): Correct docs for IEditorScrollbarOptions.useShadows [PR vscode#11312](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/pull/11312)
* [Artyom Shalkhakov (@ashalkhakov)](https://github.com/ashalkhakov): Adding support for ATS/Postiats [PR monaco-languages#5](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/5)
-`monaco.editor.createWebWorker` now loads the AMD module and calls `create` and passes in as first argument a context of type `monaco.worker.IWorkerContext` and as second argument the `initData`. This **breaking change** was needed to allow handling the case of misconfigured web workers (running on a file protocol or the cross-domain case)
- Broken configurations (loading from `file://` or misconfigured cross-domain loading) now load the web worker code in the UI thread. This caused a **breaking change** in the behaviour of `monaco.editor.createWebWorker`