* Special thanks to [Tim Kendrick](https://github.com/timkendrick) for contributing a webpack plugin - `monaco-editor-webpack-plugin` - now available on [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/monaco-editor-webpack-plugin).
### Breaking changes
* Introduced `MarkerSeverity` instead of `Severity` for markers serverity.
* Replaced `RenameProvider.resolveInitialRenameValue` with `RenameProvider.resolveRenameLocation`.
* Fixed typo in `monaco-typescript`, renamed `setMaximunWorkerIdleTime` to `setMaximumWorkerIdleTime`.
### Thank you
* [Remy Suen @rcjsuen](https://github.com/rcjsuen): Fix conversion code from MarkedString to IMarkdownString in hovers [PR monaco-css#5](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-css/pull/5)
* [Peng Xiao @pengx17](https://github.com/pengx17): fix an issue of `fromMarkdownString` [PR monaco-json#4](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-json/pull/4)
* [TJ Kells @systemsoverload](https://github.com/systemsoverload): Add rust colorization support [PR monaco-languages#31](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-languages/pull/31)
## [0.11.1] (15.03.2018)
- Fixes [issue #756](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/756): Can't use "Enter" key to accept an IntelliSense item
- Fixes [issue #757](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/757): TypeScript errors in `editor.api.d.ts` typings
* Selects the folding strategy. 'auto' uses the strategies contributed for the current document, 'indentation' uses the indentation based folding strategy.
* Defaults to 'auto'.
foldingStrategy?: 'auto' | 'indentation';
* Controls whether the fold actions in the gutter stay always visible or hide unless the mouse is over the gutter.