--do not consider preferredWidth or preferredHeight
for applets when that value is <=0 otherwise that
applet it may become invisible. Such case is the
plasma analog clock when it is locked at a vertical
BUG: 398098
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
(cherry picked from commit ec0e16ca5a)
--trying to combine dock mode, panel mode and
parabolic effect with plasma applets current implementation
can create such issues. Removing the zoom=1
criteria to activate the Latte MouseArea. The
user can still lock plasmoids that want the
Hover Default Plasmoid behavior or use the
Latte protocol to understand when they are in a Latte
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--v0.8 introduced unified global shortcuts for all
cases, that means that applets are also taken into
account for Latte activation/new instance global
shortcuts. A new parameter is introduced with
the patch at Latte global settings file called
"unifiedGlobalShortcuts", the user can set that
parameter to false before Latte startup in order
to use only global shortcuts relevant to the
Latte plasmoid.
--a visual indicator in order to show which plasma
applets have been overloaded from Latte. The overloaded
mechanism is a way in order to make these applets work
properly with Latte parabolic effect
--The Plasma layout is using the Latte plasmoid. By
following that case the neutral applets areas werent
activated. This is fixed now and also the click animation
in such cases.
--allow the applet developers to set at their
applet main file:
property bool disableLatteParabolicIcon: true
in order to disable any Latte functionality
concerning the parabolic icon
-- allow the applet developers to set at their
main file:
property bool isInLatte: false
in order to be informed by Latte when they are
in a Latte containment. For what ever purposes
the developers need to adjust to their plasmoid.
-- the mousearea used for the parabolic effect
can block some important signals to go to
underneath applets. We make sure that such
signals are not accepted, and as such are
forwarded to underlying applets.
--in Justify alignment fillWidth(s)/Height(s) applets
may exist. In such case the calculations for their values
should be activated because there is a chance that the
panel contents would go out of bounds and out of
screen. This way we make sure that all contents will be always
--animate tasks hidden spacers properly
when a task is inAttention and the user
enters the mouse at first time when the task
isnt zoomed
--improve tasks hidden spacers animated
--improve applets hidden spacers animated
--the directRenderDelayer is used during first
entering in order to delay the activation of
directRendering. The cons of previous fastEntering
implementation added the necessity for this
--when the user has chosen to activate tasks
through mouse wheel and there are applets that
can be hovered, then for these applets the mouse
wheel can be also used to activate/deactivate them.
--enhanche the dynamic background feature and
in ordre to improve contrast with the underlying
background Latte now calculates the luminosity of the area
underneath the panel and based on that chooses the
best color to create contrast. The colors are chosen
only between textColor and backgroundColor.
--previously directRender was activating also when
from the first entered element the mouse moved fast
enough to the second element. But this could happen
also accidentaly some times. This improvements indicates
also the mouse position in the second element to be
near the center of that element
--the new kde activeWindowControl becomes active
when is showing menus. That conflicts with Latte
internal heuristics in order to not show or show
dynamically panel shadows, active indicators etc.