@ -440,10 +440,20 @@ Item{
anchors.centerIn: parent
//we setup as maximum for hidden container of some applets that break
//the Latte experience the size:96 . This is why after that size
//the folder widget changes to fullRepresentation instead of compact one
width: Math.min(96, parent.width)
//the Latte experience the size:96 or units.iconSizeHints.panel.
//This is why after that size the folder widget changes
//to fullRepresentation instead of compact one
width: Math.min(maxSize, parent.width)
height: width
property int maxSize:{
if (Latte.WindowSystem.plasmaDesktopVersion === 0 ||
(Latte.WindowSystem.plasmaDesktopVersion < Latte.WindowSystem.makeVersion(5,12,80)) ) {
return 96;
} else {
return units.iconSizeHints.panel;