--The new implementation for snapping needed to remove
the touching view edge from touching algorithm. The
windows trakers now provide two separate values for each
----First value is for regular window touches for which
their window geometry intersects with view published
----Second value is for windows that are touching
view edge without intersecting with view geometry
--when a behaveAsPlasmaPanel is sliding-in and View
is in editMode, it is a good idea to calle
Positioner::syncGeometry() in order to validate
the View window geometry in edit mode. The problematic
case example was a right SideBar Panel that when
was hidden and the user was using Meta+A to
show its settings, the View did not change its
geometry properly in the end.
--View::Effects now provides in API in order for
elements to publish regions that need to be added
or removed from View::mask(). A good example for this
is View Config windows that must remove a rectangle
for their bottom edge in order for users to have
fully access to their action buttons at the bottom.
--when hidden configuration windows are deleted memory
consumption is improved and provides much lower values
--when hidden configuration windows are not deleted
memory consumption increases but their responsiveness
for hiding/showing is instantly
--really handy and beautiful in order to confirm the
calculations that are valid. Already a bug was found
for ParabolicEffect. There is 1px difference between
hovering Tasks and Applets
--View recreation path was broken from new implementation
for Latte::Interfaces that pass objects to containment
interface. This is now fixed and Interfaces::View object is updated
and broadcasted correctly when changed
--when GtkFrameExtents are zeroed for behaveAsPlasmaPanels
then it is better to recreate the view to avoid freezes and
hidings of the view because of compositor strange behavior
--use a single slot when View triggers its workarounds
for the kwin issue that kwin hides panels when an activity
stops. In such case the view shadows are also redrawn.
--there are cases that the Blurred area svg returns
a NULL mask() even though it should not. In such
cases the workaround takes place and for the workaround
the calculations have already taken place and we
do not need to reapply them because in that case
the blurred area moves out of the window.
--used a video demonstrating multiple panels at the
bottom edge with padding between them
--max/minLength and offset are changed to float values
--max/minLength and offset can now be adjusted with
Ctrl+Wheel over their label in Appearance tab page. Clicking
the previous mentioned label will round the values
--introduce an autoSizeEnabled value in order to block
auto size mechanism when it becomes annoying. Such issue
appears more often to Latte panels
--block MenuZ from Latte icon heuristics
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--always find the highest view that is going to be
used for global shortcuts based on position activation
--adjust the code a bit for SideBars in order to show
when a SideBar is called for global shortcuts based
on position activation and hide correctly when the
global shortcut is not triggered any more.
--when the user requests to activate an applet that
it is not expandable such as DashBoard then only
thing that it is possible, it is to forcefully
activate it
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--First steps in order to support mulitple Tasks
applets in the same dock and panel.
--Step1: migrate values from Containment to Task
--Step2: deprecate Task applet options that are
found in containment
--Step3: provide multiple dynamic Tasks tabs in
--when default indicators are reinstalled then
views do not have to be reload its sources. The user
is expected in such cases to restart Latte. At the
same time installing Latte multiple times does not
create too many views recreations with no real
--the new code can understand ALL applets that are
inside an internal containment style applets such
as plasma, nomad systrays and group plasmoid
--the workaround to reshow views when the activities are
pausing from the kwin_x11 bug interfer with user REMOVING
a dock or panel. We now protect the workaround to not
interfere with REALREMOVING
--behaveAsPlasmaPanel can now slide in/out as real windows
but after they hide there is a chance that their geometry
should be updated. This patch makes sure that this will
happen exactly before the BEHAVEASPLASMAPANEL starts
--when the user has chosen to hide the screen gap
when there is a maximized window in the screen and
at the same time the View behaves as plasma panel,
it now slides in/out nicely
--this way we make sure that the user will be
able to trigger showing with mouse at the screen
edge. Using the window mask to succeed in this
in not an option.
--change them with moveTop/Left which provide
the exact math calculations that are needed
for geometries. Functions setX/Y must be
avoided because they may change the width
and height values.
--Latte can now support multiple Views in the same screen
edge. Views as separated in THREE Layers of priorities.
1. Views from Shared Layouts have highest priority and they
are first to occupy a screen edge
2. Views that are set OnPrimary screen occupy a screen edge only
if there is NO other View from a Shared Layout applied already
3. Views that are Explicit to specific screens occupy a screen
edge only if there is NO PRIMARY view already loaded
--make the top/bottom borders identification much
smarter in order to identify in they must be drawn.
There are many corner cases that these borders should
be drawn, for example when a vertical top aligned
panel is half shown its top border because of a
top panel
--the user can now choose for vertical views to
stick their edges at the top or bottom screen edge
and ignore any top or bottom views accordingly. These
options are available in the Transparent Settings
area for vertical views and in advanced settings
--improve calculations for Effects area during startup
and at the same time when the dock is totally hidden
so it should not paint any effects area at all.
--at the same time create a base SubWindow class for
all window helpers used by Views. Now ScreenEdgeGhostWindow
and FloatingGapWindow use the same window implementation
--create FloatingGapWindow the first time needed
from VisibilityManager if it is not already created.
--remove FloatingGapWindow when View::screenEdgeMarginEnabled
is disabled
--this indicator is used only internally from Latte
in order to draw default plasma applets tab style
indicators when the user has chosen to not draw
latte specific indicators. A good example of its
usage is when the plasma theme contains tabbar
indicator which is used in applets and the Latte
overlayed icon applets need to use the same visual
with the regular plasma applets.
--enabledForApplets and lengthPadding for indicators
has now moved to indicators responsibility to handle
--as a consequence usesPlasmaStyle has been removed
from indicators API. The corner cases that indicators
conflict with plasma theme applets should be handled
differently and in a different way
--use a different shadows manager for dialogs such as
dock settings window through the Latte::Corona class.
The new shadow manager is responsible to draw
"dialogs/background" shadows for windows instead of
the PanelShadows original class which is responsible
to draw "widgets/background" shadows
--provide a new way to identify which application
launcher has the highest priority in order to be
triggered. When an application launcher applet
has a global shortcut assigned to it then that
application launcher applet has the highest
priority in order to be triggered through
"Super" global key.
--fix showing advanced settings window in order to update
the window geometry ONLY WHEN there are availableScreenGeometry
changes from Latte::View(s).
--As a side effect changing docks/panels location under wayland
when they have enabled their background blur has reduced crashes
during location changes.
--for floating views the hide timer can do
the trick about when to make the checks
that the view must become hidden. In floating
views should support different default and
current value because it should be greater
that the normal use cases.
--improve the new worksarounds in order to always
apply the activities that a view and its windows are
present when the workarounds were triggered from
kwin faulty behavior. The kwin faulty behavior is
that when any activity is paused then all Latte::Views
become hidden and lose their activities references.
The workarounds are timers that when they trace
a faulty visible state !visible are restoring the
normal behavior to views.
--trying an alternative approach concerning real floating
Views and screen edge triggering. In such case the user
has triggered to show a REAL FLOATING VIEW, it is considered
normal from user point of view for the view to remain shown
until there is windows changed state or the mouse has
escaped the View main window area
-- when the user hovers the screen edge there is a chance that
screenedgeghostwindow has become underneath the view. In such
case when the real floating window slides in the screenghostwindow
becomes unhovered faulty and it is destroyed afterwards. It is
much better if the screenedgeghostwindow in such case remains shown
until the mouse is not contained neither in the view or the screen
ghost window
-- expose screen edge ghost window thickness
--when the floating view is a real panel window and
slides out-in with real animation if the user keeps
its mouse on the screen edge the view can remain
shown without sliding out
--when dock settings window is shown it is good to
NOT overlap with plasma panels. Under X11 this is
possible because the real availableScreenGeometry
is exposed through QScreen.
--indicators are now tracked only based on their
installation path, that means that are updated
more precise when changes are applied and
at the same time views are recreated only when
the show the specific indicator that was changed
--improved settings for Floating windows in Behavior
tab and add a new option to hide ALL screen gaps meaning
both length screen and thickness screen gap when there
is a maximized window in the screen
--following the new design applied first at
View:availableScreenRegionChangedFrom instead of different
View parts to trigger directly m_corona relevant signal,
all View parts are triggering the View relevant signal
and as such the can be disabled all together
--set a minimumLength in order to avoid the indicator
to become TOO SMALL and not noticable. The minimum
length has been set to be 25% of the screen edge length
that the view as attached.
--when as Always Visible view was unloaded from
a CentralLayout because its Activity was closing
it was creating a crash. This patch fixes the
situation by releasing sensitive view signals
--when the application launcher is not a popup then
we do not have to wait for the dock show we can execute
the activation code immediately
--when Latte activates an entry can now understand
if a popup is going to be shown in order to delay
the execution. If a popup is NOT going to show either
for a latte task or an applet then the code is executed
--all the qml handling code from globalshortcuts is
now moved to Latte::View::ContaimentInterface. This
way the code is cleaner and can be expanded easier.
--draggingStarted signals/slots were used in order
to handle the active window dragging from empty areas.
The new approach ungrabs the mouse properly through
View relevant function and at the same time sends a
QEvent::Leave event to inform applets that the mouse
has left the view. This is enough in order to remove
any older draggingStarted workarounds and hacks.
--the issue was pretty obvious when the user was
using a top view with thickness < 24px. and a
bottom view always visible. In that case the top
view struts on startup did not decrease below
at 24px.
--when a vertical view is in busy state and is touching
also a horizontal view that is fully transparent in
SMART mode then the visual result is not that good.
In that case it is better to show the view background.
The horizontal view background in that case can provide
three different states:
a) if the panel style for popups is activated then the
horizontal view will follow the plasma original style
b) if NOT [a] and solid background for touching windows
is enabled then solid background will be offered
c) if NOT [a] and NOT [b] then the isBusy state
transparency will be offered
--trying to increase smartness for horizontal
and vertical views. In multiple layouts environment
a view can exist in cases that one or more of
the sided views that is touching it is NOT
transparent, it would be nice for those
cases the top or bottom view to LOSE also
its transparency in order to not look
--when hide timer is set below 50ms. there are
cases that does not let the view to be shown after
a containmouse trigerring. By setting a minimum
value for the timer to 50ms this is fixed.
--when KWin edges are used in a SharedLayout then the
all view Layout::isCurrent() function must be used
otherwise the layout is not identified properly as
current based on different layouts per activities
--in such case under x11, the winIds of the visible
Latte windows are changed and as such the windows
tracking mechanism becomes broken. The code introduced
tries to track the case the update the WM::ignoredWindows
--this function creates irrelevant crashes even
under x11 environment... Dropped in favour of
show()/hide() functions that seem to not create
any issues
--fixes to signals in ViewParts in order to avoid
crashes. Currently the recreateView approach is used
in order to reload indicators runtime dynamically.
The "View::setSource" approach does not reload the
indicators properly
--the previous approach was disabling the background
contrast effect at all times except when the background
opacity was 100%, the new approach considers the background
opacity value and provide mid values to be applied.
That means that 0% background opacity disables the background
constrast visual effect, 100% applies the background contrast
visual effect at its maximum values and in between the mid
values for background contrast effect are applied
--View::WindowsTracker now provides all the time
information about CurrentScreen and AllScreens!
This way all consumers (Latte::Containment, Applets etc.)
can choose whatever suits them best.
--when dragging a new applet over the view
the responsiveness is now improved vastly
--the new architecture uses two different
DragAndDropAreas. One which is the old one
and is used when dragged launchers, urls and
separators. The second is used only when
applets are dragged into the view
--the visuals for adding launchers/applets have
been improved and a circular visual is preferred
now instead
--fix all events identifications from DragMove and
DragExit etc. in containment::qml part and all drags
flags are calculated only at DragEnter! This fixes
the DragMove signaling and all DragMove signals are
sent correctly.
It needs to be fixed also for Tasks plasmoid because
every time the mouse hovers the Tasks Plasmoid then
the DragMove signals are NOT SENT as they should.
--any view and view::containment() signals that
are related to layout are now moved in the
View::setLayout() in order to be reinitialized
properly when the view changes to another
--following plasma approach and use always
even for !compositing mode the widgets/panel-background
svg file. This way when Latte and Plasma panels are
combined there is uniformity between them.
BUG: 406597