@ -696,64 +696,6 @@ void PrimaryConfigView::hideConfigWindow()
void PrimaryConfigView::updateLaunchersForGroup(int groupInt)
Types::LaunchersGroup group = (Types::LaunchersGroup)groupInt;
//! when the layout/global launchers list is empty then the current dock launchers are used for them
//! as a start point
if (m_corona && m_latteView->layout()) {
if ((group == Types::LayoutLaunchers && m_latteView->layout()->launchers().isEmpty())
|| (group == Types::GlobalLaunchers && m_corona->universalSettings()->launchers().isEmpty())) {
Plasma::Containment *c = m_latteView->containment();
const auto &applets = c->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->kPackage().metadata();
if (meta.pluginId() == "org.kde.latte.plasmoid") {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
// not using QMetaObject::invokeMethod to avoid warnings when calling
// this on applets that don't have it or other child items since this
// is pretty much trial and error.
// Also, "var" arguments are treated as QVariant in QMetaObject
int methodIndex = metaObject->indexOfMethod("getLauncherList()");
if (methodIndex == -1) {
QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(methodIndex);
QVariant launchers;
if (method.invoke(item, Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, launchers))) {
if (group == Types::LayoutLaunchers) {
} else if (group == Types::GlobalLaunchers) {
//!BEGIN borders
Plasma::FrameSvg::EnabledBorders PrimaryConfigView::enabledBorders() const