Commit Graph

127 Commits (c01ea7e25e889ab1e215f1660706b4d151a4d43f)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alexander Lohnau 505379ed04 Use spdx syntax for all files
Michail Vourlakos 53231392ba position properly primary config win on first call
--sometimes when the primary config window is first called
it was wrongly positioned at most bottom-left screen corner
Michail Vourlakos 3e055914c0 provide a dragging corner in dock settings window
Michail Vourlakos 919b0cbf8c rename view property
Michail Vourlakos 5e50147848 fixes for dock settings window
--do not alter maxlength and offset incorrectly
when cycling between different views with different
relevant settings
Michail Vourlakos 3689cc406d retrieve available screen space through activityid
Michail Vourlakos 5d7ea7c9c7 fix crash at primary config when switching layouts
--fix crash at primary config when switching layouts
--load on demand view type options at vertical latte
views as memory improvement
Michail Vourlakos e323f31645 use universal inAdvancedMode for edit settings
--for all view edit windows are now using the same
flag in order to identify basic and advanced level
for editing their settings
Michail Vourlakos 7e4791fdbc fixes for hiding/showing signaling
Michail Vourlakos 45d09b2cd4 editdock:support indicatorsuimanager
--the new approach is much more memory efficient
as the same indicator config ui is used for ALL
views and anything related to config uis is now
handled by the manager instead of each diffent
view on its own
Michail Vourlakos 582de7afe3 each view now keeps one indicator configui
--curent view indicator config ui is not deleted
when the PrimaryConfigView changes its parent view.
For each view there is one indicator config ui
that is kept available to be shown when appropriate.
This way we avoid unnecessary recreations of indicator
config uis when the user cycles between different views
Michail Vourlakos 3b3388d673 rename SideBar to SidebarOnDemand
--improve semantics all over the place now
that we provide two different sidebar
visibility modes
Martijn Vogelaar 2e4f7da4c2 Introduction and implementation of the SidebarAutohide
as discussed in .
Michail Vourlakos e00ec530c9 update primary config advanced mode properly
--each View has its own advanced level identification.
Michail Vourlakos 79d95371d7 fix #9,panel/dock buttons
--fix panel/dock mode buttons from configuration
Michail Vourlakos 0b8fa321bc dont crash when panels change location
Michail Vourlakos 166ee1899a multiple fixes to PrimaryConfig geom calcs
--provide also instant layout switching when
View changes a layout between central and shared
layout in the same view port
Michail Vourlakos d30143f7f1 update only when needed PrimaryCV availScreenGeom
Michail Vourlakos a4445a3e9a provide context menu for Canvas config window
Michail Vourlakos 7084953672 wayland:fix multi-config views behavior
Michail Vourlakos 2b7d663950 wayland:fix view config windows positioning
Michail Vourlakos 673882f966 provide live editing for !compositing
Michail Vourlakos 334a40fff1 improve View config windows focusOut codepath
Michail Vourlakos 1740c0be91 orchestrate View config windows showing properly
Michail Vourlakos ba87b3b32b remove View config windows deprecated code
Michail Vourlakos ed226761f9 fix crash from reloading View sources
Michail Vourlakos b22a184337 improve positioning for primary/secconfigviews
Michail Vourlakos 2b06debfa4 draw Canvas on top of surrounding panels docks
Michail Vourlakos a51eb8578e support most of CanvasConfigView functionality
--move the relevant qml files from containment into
shell configuration files
Michail Vourlakos fa83db7825 provide consistent Canvas SubConfigWindow behavior
--CanvasSubConfigWindow is now ready to provide the
same Header editing controls and behavior that previous
implementation was already doing so
Michail Vourlakos b5df821eb2 introduce new Canvas subconfig view window
Michail Vourlakos 37248789f6 improvements to view config windows abstraction
Michail Vourlakos 5cba3c3259 upgrade PrimaryConfigView at SubConfigView base
Michail Vourlakos 7aee0fbca1 upgrade secconfigview to subconfigview class
Michail Vourlakos 03dca23ce6 improve semantics for primary config view
Michail Vourlakos 91449e06f0 remove option delete hidden config windows
--it is not needed any more because config windows
are now using a singleton design in order to be
created only one time.

Michail Vourlakos 6652cb9a15 update indicators to primary config singleton
Michail Vourlakos fcde318d7a hide view config windows in layout switching
Michail Vourlakos 7906c8788a update primary config window to isReady
Michail Vourlakos ca87504535 fix crash
Michail Vourlakos e6ab9385d8 fix crash when destoying config window
Michail Vourlakos dea32cb37a update SecConfigView to new design
--SecConfigView is created only once and
use afterwards for all Views
Michail Vourlakos d01d1f60a4 use primary config single instance for all views
Michail Vourlakos 5c22b8f8ed update View:: config views creators
Michail Vourlakos 6c2dcfbab8 drop Plasma::ConfigView for View primary window
--this is a step forward in order for all Views to
use the same Config Windows which is more memory
Michail Vourlakos 5bd1fe955d dont initialize global launchers group from config
Michail Vourlakos 631837e199 Tasks fixes for disableAllWindowsFunctionality
Michail Vourlakos 6f3367225d new Effects API for config windows subtract region
Michail Vourlakos 741eedfc3c improve Primary Config view syncGeometry
--fix also a crash when updateInlineProperties
was called
Michail Vourlakos d6fc66a7a3 user option for hiddenConfigWindowsAreDeleted
--when hidden configuration windows are deleted memory
consumption is improved and provides much lower values
--when hidden configuration windows are not deleted
memory consumption increases but their responsiveness
for hiding/showing is instantly