--the new implementation supports and always darkish
case when the isBusy background is drawn. So now
we have the following possibilities:
a)panel transparency<35 means BEST contrast with
underlying desktop background
b)panel transparency>=35 AND <70 means a DARKISH
c)panel transparency>=70 the user chosen plasma
--when hide timer is set below 50ms. there are
cases that does not let the view to be shown after
a containmouse trigerring. By setting a minimum
value for the timer to 50ms this is fixed.
--absolute geometry is the published area that the
dock/panel occupies when it is shown. So it should
not change when the dock becomes hidden. This patch
fixes the case for the !compositing environment.
--when a window is stacked back to its parent window
for example the firefox case (dragging a tab to create
a new firefox window and redrag it afterwards to the
main window) the wm::windows array had inconsistent
window records.
--This is fixed and also any X11 transient changed signals
are not blocked for windowChanged signals
--if the main window is not active but is
touching the dock then the dock is not shown
for dodge active state
--fix the cleanup code in order to cleanup
windows that have a ghost wid ( 0 )
--when KWin edges are used in a SharedLayout then the
all view Layout::isCurrent() function must be used
otherwise the layout is not identified properly as
current based on different layouts per activities
--in such case under x11, the winIds of the visible
Latte windows are changed and as such the windows
tracking mechanism becomes broken. The code introduced
tries to track the case the update the WM::ignoredWindows
--this function creates irrelevant crashes even
under x11 environment... Dropped in favour of
show()/hide() functions that seem to not create
any issues
--the new report identifies for all your layouts
when a screen has not been assigned any docks/panels.
That can help user to clean up the ScreensConnectors
if wants to
--this was noticed when the user was removing an applet
through the context menu and at the same time this
applet was zoomed. With this patch the parabolic effect
behavior returns to normal