--when changing between different views the offset
slider should not change offset values by taking
into account offset boundaries that are relevant
only to previous views
--PlasmaExtended::Theme produces QRegions based on corners
radius that can be consumed afterwards from Effects calculations
in order to provide correct QRegions for custom backgrounds
produced from custom background radius option
--playing around with Kirigami.ShadowedRectangle in order
to provide a nice beautiful custom made panel background
that the user can chosen custom radius or shadow size.
Colors are going to be used totally based on current plasma
--new single instance editing windows revealed
an issue with buttons groups that use ExclusiveGroups
in order to identify their property. All such
implementations have been adjusted in order to
provide a more concrete experience
--that option from Behavior page is now renamed and
also its behavior has been upgraded by enabling
three possible options:
1. Disabled always
2. Auto - which is enabled for Docks and disabled for Panels
3. Enabled always
--the new approach is much more memory efficient
as the same indicator config ui is used for ALL
views and anything related to config uis is now
handled by the manager instead of each diffent
view on its own
--curent view indicator config ui is not deleted
when the PrimaryConfigView changes its parent view.
For each view there is one indicator config ui
that is kept available to be shown when appropriate.
This way we avoid unnecessary recreations of indicator
config uis when the user cycles between different views
--many plasma themes disable their shadows with
settings their opacity to zero instead of removing
their shadow elements. In such case the new approach
sets the hasShadow flag to zero
--provide an option for previews to work as a
popup window[new] or as tooltip[classic]
--multiple fixes to show/hide previews based on
user preferences from left click and hovering
a task
--move the active window line as the last item
of Preview column in order to be always drawn and
never overlap with previews or previous items
--used a video demonstrating multiple panels at the
bottom edge with padding between them
--max/minLength and offset are changed to float values
--max/minLength and offset can now be adjusted with
Ctrl+Wheel over their label in Appearance tab page. Clicking
the previous mentioned label will round the values
--introduce an autoSizeEnabled value in order to block
auto size mechanism when it becomes annoying. Such issue
appears more often to Latte panels
--block MenuZ from Latte icon heuristics
--improve types and references and add types splitted
at better places. So now we have
- LatteCore.Types that are global for all components
- LatteTasks.Types that are private to tasks plasmoid
- LatteContainment.Types that are private to latte
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--First steps in order to support mulitple Tasks
applets in the same dock and panel.
--Step1: migrate values from Containment to Task
--Step2: deprecate Task applet options that are
found in containment
--Step3: provide multiple dynamic Tasks tabs in
--this way we make sure that the user will be
able to trigger showing with mouse at the screen
edge. Using the window mask to succeed in this
in not an option.
--Latte can now support multiple Views in the same screen
edge. Views as separated in THREE Layers of priorities.
1. Views from Shared Layouts have highest priority and they
are first to occupy a screen edge
2. Views that are set OnPrimary screen occupy a screen edge only
if there is NO other View from a Shared Layout applied already
3. Views that are Explicit to specific screens occupy a screen
edge only if there is NO PRIMARY view already loaded
--a new Wheel action is introduced to Tasks and
the user can now choose to disable wheel actions
only for tasks OR cycle through grouped tasks OR
upwards cycles trhough grouped tasks and downwards
minimizes them.
--mouse wheel can now be used from panel empty areas
in order to minimize windows or cycle between them.
The action is called ScrollToggleMinimed. When that
option is used the user can also use Ctrl+ScrollUp
in order to maximize a window or Ctrl+ScrollDown
to restore it
--this is an option introduced to v0.10 in order to
inform indicators config settings that the two depracated
settings, "lengthPadding, enabledForApplets" are now
indicators responsibility to provide
--enabledForApplets and lengthPadding for indicators
has now moved to indicators responsibility to handle
--as a consequence usesPlasmaStyle has been removed
from indicators API. The corner cases that indicators
conflict with plasma theme applets should be handled
differently and in a different way
--requesting from users a different way to remove
the Latte Tasks plasmoid if they want to is not
a good hig. Reenabling the classic ways to remove
Latte Tasks. The user can now use the applet tooltip
to remove it or by right clicking it in Latte
edit mode. Because of this the Tasks->Recycling
button is not needed any more.
--for floating views the hide timer can do
the trick about when to make the checks
that the view must become hidden. In floating
views should support different default and
current value because it should be greater
that the normal use cases.
--improved settings for Floating windows in Behavior
tab and add a new option to hide ALL screen gaps meaning
both length screen and thickness screen gap when there
is a maximized window in the screen
--applets can now use the screen edge margin value
in order to follow Fitt's Law for floating docks/panels
if they want to. Latte takes case all applets of
course but in case an applet would like also to
to use also the space between the gap of the view
and the screen edge, it can so.
--when option "Hide Background when not needed" is
used on its own activates or not the forceTransparentPanel
code path. So when that option is enabled and any
window is touching the Latte::View then the force
transparency codepath should be disabled. In such
case the user background settings are applied.
--previously the user when the zoom factor was
1.0 the title tooltips was disabled. BUT as it
appers there are plenty of cases that title
tooltips can be shown when zoom factor = 1.0
so the user it is better to choose if wants them
or not.
--The user from Tasks,Badges can choose a more prominent
color for notification badges (usually reddish). In case
the user has not enabled that option(default) then the plasma
theme highlight color is used which is also the default
option of Latte v0.8
BUG: 408955
--when the desktop background isBusy and
the user has chosen full transparency when
no window is touching the View then the
user can set the Busy Opacity to define
how much panel background opacity wants
--Latte can now use the new multi-screen
Last Active Window infrastructur to choose
which Active Window is preferred, only from
current screen OR from all screens
--TitleTooltips produced by Latte are thinner but they
can create issues comparing with user expectations and
how Plasma applets original work. This fix takes the
Plasma original behavior as granted and for now on
TitleTooltips from Latte will be applied ONLY WHEN:
----The parabolic effect is enabled, zoomFactor>0% AND
the applet in question is NOT LOCKED, meaning that its
Parabolic Effect is active
--the user can now adjust the Scrolling options
for its Tasks when the items overflow. The following
are provided:
--Auto Scrolling: ENABLE/DISABLE
BUG: 407779