--visibility: simplify and improve code
for restoring and saving values
--enable visibility mode early on the startup
--enable windows tracking after startup phase
has ended
--windows tracking respect also view geometry
changes and not only window changes from the
desktop environment
--update PulseAudio qml code inside the
latte taskmanager in order to identify properly
through pid applications that are playing
audio but they use a different parent pid
to do so. This is the Vivaldi case that
appears as Chromium in pulseaudio streams.
Consider -1 as screen edge margin default value
and not zero. This way when duplicating a default
dock AllBorders are not enabled in the new dock.
--when multiple screens placement have edges that overlap
with each other, at that edges struts must be disabled
to provide much better windows behavior. For example when
dragging a window between such screens and there is
an AlwaysVisible panel or dock between them.
--when activating activities under multiple layouts
the currentActivityChanged() signal is sent from
KActivities before the runningActivitiesChanged() and
as such we can end in considering borderless maximized
window flag before all appropriate layouts have been enabled.
The patch adds a timer and delays borderlessMaximized consideration
when currentActivityChanged signal is received.
--after recreating a view, launchers group is now
assigned again correctly. As it appears the problem
was that Host.MyView ability was sending an isReady
signal that was not accurate enough.
--This new approach paints all docks and panels during
starup offscreen. This way especially under x11 not a lot of
visual glitches are appearing all over the place.
After startup time has ended docks and panels are
moved at their original and valid placement and slide in
animations are triggered.
--send more availableRect/Region changed signals
for more cases and as such all views update
their positioning properly.
--for example when a horizontal view updates its
offset or max length independent of its visibility mode
the neighbour vertical views need to update
and validate their position.
--introduce enable/disableAutostart from command line
--accept import-layout from command line when latte is already running
--introduce --suggested-layout-name to be used with
import-layout in order to provide a preferred layout name
e.g. latte-dock --import-layout /blah/blah/mywhat.layout.latte
--suggested-layout-name MyAwesomeLayout
--dbus:introduce "setAutostart" function
--dbus:introduce "importLayoutFile" function
--as it appears plasma applets were not the main faulter
to blame for startup freezes. The bug was that Latte
was trying to communicate with Plasma DBus interface
to inform it about docks/panels geometries. For some
reason during startup other applets could also were
trying the same and for that reason Qt provides a 25sec
forced delay in case there are too many such calls.
The new approach does not block the startup code at all
and it should work at all cases.
--during startup borderless maximized windows should not be
enabled or not as long as kwin has already been configured
in the proper way. This way we make Latte startup lighter
because KWin is not reconfiguring when not needed.
--this way mouse clicks correspond much better
in how they should behave. For example right
clicks do not forward always the events to the
desktop during sliding.
--the following options are exposed to indicators
in order to use them to their preference:
--as it appears many users are using Plasma GlobalScaling
in conjuction with PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING. This commit
provides plenty of fixes for that scenario in order to
make things workable.
--adjust X11::InputMask based on devicePixelRatio()
--adjust X11::GtkFrameExtents based on devicePixelRatio()
--adjust View::absoluteGeometry() based on devicePixelRatio()
--adjust WM::Tracker based on devicePixelRatio()
--adjust WM::AbstractInterface based on devicePixelRatio()