Commit Graph

1511 Commits (556ecae3e2067c2ec7ef6ccbaff6c26c04fe0a67)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michail Vourlakos e07cee3862 support icon for LastActiveWindow
Michail Vourlakos 25c96d0d3a support isOnAllDesktops for LastActiveWindow
Michail Vourlakos eea213a5c0 add isOnAllDesktops to WindowInformation
Michail Vourlakos 2d2f7b172d add more properties at LastActiveWindow
Michail Vourlakos dbed45b2c7 introduce TrackedInfo and LastActiveWindow
Michail Vourlakos 99ec9cb2fd move WM:Trackers in its own directory
Michail Vourlakos 2a6620853b fix crash when updating Indicators packages
Michail Vourlakos b6520b1cd8 Improve WindowTracker CPU usage
--add a Timer in order to not sent too many
batch signals for windowChanged with no reason
and send only one at the end of the Timer::trigger
Michail Vourlakos 97332cc8cf introduce Display and Icon for WindowInfoWrap
Michail Vourlakos b251ea7b8e protect visibility destructor
--this protects a crash when closing Latte
immediately after startup
Michail Vourlakos a8a19bb550 support VirtualDesktops for kwayland>=5.52
--This of course needs Plasma>=5.15

BUG: 398106
Michail Vourlakos 61e9e629c5 rename some global shortcuts texts
--protect also the Layout::lastConfigViewFor,
dont sent a view that is no longer available
Michail Vourlakos 96b86f4c49 remember lastConfigViewFor for shared layouts
Michail Vourlakos 7cd3b6201d remember the last created ConfigView per layout
Michail Vourlakos beb0100644 fix some applets animations flickerring
--especially when the user drags something over
the Latte::View and afterwards drops it
Michail Vourlakos f822ece27a keep onPrimary flag when copying views
l10n daemon script 131ae2622d SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script fc78cae03f SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 86e645c720 position properly dropped applets and urls in view
Michail Vourlakos 1ef4de0da8 VASTLY IMPROVE dragging experience
--when dragging a new applet over the view
the responsiveness is now improved vastly
--the new architecture uses two different
DragAndDropAreas. One which is the old one
and is used when dragged launchers, urls and
separators. The second is used only when
applets are dragged into the view
--the visuals for adding launchers/applets have
been improved and a circular visual is preferred
now instead
Michail Vourlakos 3789f3c178 improve adding applets through dragging responsive
--fix all events identifications from DragMove and
DragExit etc. in containment::qml part and all drags
flags are calculated only at DragEnter! This fixes
the DragMove signaling and all DragMove signals are
sent correctly.
It needs to be fixed also for Tasks plasmoid because
every time the mouse hovers the Tasks Plasmoid then
the DragMove signals are NOT SENT as they should.
Michail Vourlakos ffced101e1 apply visibilitymanager::struts when are needed
Michail Vourlakos f63a0ad658 update/improve hack part of screenghostwindow
--related to KWin faulty behavior for visibility
Michail Vourlakos ebeabb1033 increase View::timers kwin hack
Michail Vourlakos 11f70edbac fill SharedLayouts circles in LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos f89b110a36 drop Meta+E that is used from Dolphin
Michail Vourlakos 3a3823add3 Assign/Remove properly Shares from INACTIVE Centrals
Michail Vourlakos 133c301b65 register SchemeColors as qml metatype
Michail Vourlakos 568716e9d3 add SharedLayouts ending circle in LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos 2d89e60030 fix layoutViewType for Shared Layouts
Michail Vourlakos ebaf81ddd8 remove deprecated code from AbstractWindowInterfa
Michail Vourlakos 48d3728005 REFACTOR:Introduce SchemesTracker for WM
Michail Vourlakos 4e80801523 syncLatteViews when Central is assigned to Shared
Michail Vourlakos e13793df38 identify screen id at startup for primary screens
Michail Vourlakos c653bbe14b send view edge changed signal when copying views
Michail Vourlakos ae4578433c dont track windows for AutoHide mode
--add initialization of values for views
tracking hints when enabled becomes false
--add some debug messages to be used when
we want to test out things
Michail Vourlakos a5168c3a2a REFACTOR:Introduce WM:WindowsTracker
--this is a single and very important class
that handles all windows tracking and management
Michail Vourlakos 945c6e50e2 remove deprecated m_views from AbstractWMInterface
Michail Vourlakos a295352514 limit WM::setViewExtraFlags calls
Michail Vourlakos ad788130ab REFACTOR:add WindowSystem namespace
Michail Vourlakos 7b094d7007 dont drag last active window when is minimized
Michail Vourlakos a661fbb032 refactor:drop LAYOUTSMANAGER apis moved to SYNCHER
Michail Vourlakos a6b8fbcaff consider view::hidden state after slide-out
Michail Vourlakos bea8247b84 refactor:move syncActiveShares to Synchronizer
Michail Vourlakos c4b226def5 REFACTOR:Add Synchronizer for Layouts::Manager
--Split the Layouts::Manager to Synchronizer and
Manager classes. The Synchronizer is responsible
to keep all Active layouts in sync with user
Michail Vourlakos d08f1f9dbb add bold presentation for Shares in menu
Michail Vourlakos 46bf0c1229 update activities/shares from cell QMenu(s)
Michail Vourlakos 24e25944db Shared Views have highest priority
--Shared views can be positioned to all free edges
including those occupied by Central layouts and the
Central layouts update their views accordingly
Michail Vourlakos c6cd3f4685 move layout connections in the view
--any view and view::containment() signals that
are related to layout are now moved in the
View::setLayout() in order to be reinitialized
properly when the view changes to another
Michail Vourlakos 6248a0ccae refactor:move schemecolors under "wm" folder
Michail Vourlakos 8c3d658a0d refactor:move Importer to "layouts" folder
Michail Vourlakos d426ecb50f refactor:launcherssignals moved to "layouts" folder
Michail Vourlakos a27ff3ec48 REFACTOR:Update LayoutManager to Layouts::Manager
--create "layouts" own directory in order to host
all LAYOUTS management/control code and classes
Michail Vourlakos 29157f4636 refactor:rename managedLayout to layout/viewLayout
Michail Vourlakos d307ac626b update UI elements in LayoutsEditor when needed
--toggling between Single/Multiple mode now shows/hides
all the SharedLayouts ui elements accordingly
Michail Vourlakos f43d1b56c7 fix crash concerning WORKAROUND for KWIN
--KWin hides some Views without reason when
Activities are closed under Multiple mode.
This crash fixes these kind of crashes.
Michail Vourlakos 84e8da60f8 improve column widths loading for LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos 08ef9c10b9 add the Shared button behavior
Michail Vourlakos 0c4bbd9529 unload Central(active)layouts to become Shared
Michail Vourlakos c37f605257 SharedLayouts, active layouts at LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos e51dbeab42 update strings for Background at LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos 3aeabcd885 fix for LayoutsEditor cells coloring
--when the LayoutsEditor is losing focus the
colors chosen should respect that change
and be drawn correctly
Michail Vourlakos f5b36b0230 fix typos
Michail Vourlakos b33f29bc42 Activate Shared Layout if it is not loaded yet
Michail Vourlakos e7568c8478 NO/ASSIGN active Shares to active Centrals
Michail Vourlakos 971d207d86 update Shared button state
Michail Vourlakos 05161a1ab8 fix layout lock/unlock from settings
Michail Vourlakos 55671ae31c improve layout names renames from LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos 78d212ce8e SharedLayouts saving their settings from Layouts
Michail Vourlakos 25a29111e7 update Actitivies Delegate to new ButtonMenu ui
Michail Vourlakos 715e8b58c1 sharedtocolumn use only #settingid for layouts
--this way we can keep track of layout names changes
and work flawlessly in updating Shares names etc.
Michail Vourlakos 93ede645b8 introduce new menu for SharedToLayout
Michail Vourlakos 1090e6a22d add Shared button in LayoutsEditor
Michail Vourlakos 14d7079198 improve disabled cells layout for shareds
Michail Vourlakos cff6436a74 add shared icon for layouts to be identified
Michail Vourlakos 4c0a3f5523 update shared layouts cell states
--enable/disable shared layouts cells
Michail Vourlakos 61621277d3 set icons for layouts columns
Michail Vourlakos d813a15b57 publish Shared to relevant ComboBox
Michail Vourlakos c27de681d1 LayoutsEditor:load shares for SharedLayouts
Michail Vourlakos 1b21e26dfa introduce sharedcmbboxdelegate at settings ui
Michail Vourlakos a52144cc3a remove SharedLayouts from Layouts ContextMenu
Michail Vourlakos f2eb0b6b3a REFACTOR:DONT load MultipleLayouts in Central(s)
--no reason to load Mutiple layouts linked file
as a Pseudo Central layout. This way no needed
checks can be removed and things are still working
as before.
Michail Vourlakos 1f14405e63 REFACTOR: rename Active TO -> CENTRALLAYOUT
l10n daemon script e8d79632bd SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script 1085d4b4e4 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos d945c89713 update struts when needed after their removal
--improve also when struts are applied under a
Multiple Mode and Multiple Activities
Michail Vourlakos be36b7cfaf unload SharedLayout when does not activeLayouts
--this code path is also used on Latte exit
Michail Vourlakos 004a284711 dont load sharedlayout when is already active
Michail Vourlakos 01f7f17aa5 remove deprecated code from layoutmanager
Michail Vourlakos bd3950a601 dont assign shared layouts to activities
Michail Vourlakos fe995bb4f5 layoutmanager track storedsharedlayouts
Michail Vourlakos 9f338f38a4 dont set sharedLayout var if the layout not exist
Michail Vourlakos 913c35523f move views between Active/SharedLayouts
--the move to layout option under View Settings
window now can enable the user to move view
between Active and Shared Layouts
Michail Vourlakos e417a8d4ba add type() to layouts
Michail Vourlakos c38e3016de update hidden state after slide-in
BUG: 406415
Michail Vourlakos 5cf047dcc5 clear publishedStruts for visibility modes changes
Michail Vourlakos 06b92024ba remove no needed debug message
Michail Vourlakos 04e7f333c5 dont compute innershadow for available screen area
Michail Vourlakos bb3e82024e simplify valid struts calculations
Michail Vourlakos a472ef34f3 fix ident in visibilitymanager
--AlwaysVisible signals to update struts
are always enabled independent of Single/Multiple
mode but for Single mode they are just ignored
Michail Vourlakos d8cc85dd4a fix assert for visibilitymanager
BUG: 407131
Michail Vourlakos cf0f22b44d fix crash,protect connector() calls
--connector calls must be done only when we
are sure that a screen id has already been

BUG: 407128
Michail Vourlakos 5fbdf19b78 fixes for edit mode
l10n daemon script 064b1178e6 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script 536949840e SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script 3598639740 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 854840b8fc fixes for style and naming
--for visibilitymanager class
Michail Vourlakos 417f992831 move intersect function to WindowsTracker
Michail Vourlakos dab796e253 improvements for visibilitymanager code
Michail Vourlakos a2566d1414 move dodgeAllWindows to windowtracker
Michail Vourlakos e1d44bc157 simplify code in windowstracker
l10n daemon script 32904be361 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script dfa9e28f52 GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
l10n daemon script 02673f346a GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Michail Vourlakos 9ce7ba35bb simplify mouse signals from Latte::Views
Michail Vourlakos 8a99a9249b improvements for !compositing mode
--fixed struts gap for !compositing mode in order
to handle the strange kwin behavior. Kwin under
!compositing removes 1px. from the struts specified
by windows
--plenty of fixes concerning automatic coloring
under !compositing mode
Michail Vourlakos 499c4eb1d1 update !compositing panelbackground used until now
--following plasma approach and use always
even for !compositing mode the widgets/panel-background
svg file. This way when Latte and Plasma panels are
combined there is uniformity between them.

BUG: 406597
Michail Vourlakos ce55c632c6 reduce crashes for view config windows in wayland
l10n daemon script 09147cdead SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 6505e8797f send mouse signals from View to containment
--this is side-way path for mouse events and
more specific the mouse pressed, released
events to be sent from parent window to its
qml containment part. This way it is possible
to keep the original plasma applet behavior
such as original plasma tooltips and provide
Latte specific functionality such as animated
clicks from indicators.

NOTE: An investigation - testing took place in
order to check if this approach could be also used
for mouseMove events to be used for applets parabolic
effect. The result was that this was not possible because
there were too many signals and too much calculations
too identify for which applet the signal belonged to.
The parabolic effect was not fluid in that case and
could not catch up.
Michail Vourlakos 2be8ba0b06 position correctly vertical views
--use the way horizontal views are positioned
in order to fix vertical views positioning both
for docks and panels
l10n daemon script 210674d67b SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 2963a1fc2f apply all colors from applyTheme
--infrastructure is now ready to expose to
applets the full color paletter and not
make compromises by choosing only from
original plasma theme for some of the
exposed colors
--dont reverse colors for selection group.
It creates a much nicer effect from user point
of view to keep the highlighting colors the
same for both the normal and reversed plasma
Michail Vourlakos 67a4a4ab14 remove deprecated options
--reversed, dotsOnActive and
threeColors that were related
to Latte indicator
Michail Vourlakos 710c527cb7 update Latte indicator
--introduce its own reversed option
--support flexible layout for its
config ui
Michail Vourlakos d95d861b64 add new options to indicators interface
--providesHoveredAnimation, in order to disable
the Latte one
--providesClickedAnimation, in order to disable
the Latte one
--needsMouseEventCoordinates, in order to know
when the mouse pressed e.g. creating animations
like the android way
Michail Vourlakos 20a57f3c15 improve edge changing animation
Michail Vourlakos b35fa94307 reduce availableScreenGeometry calls
l10n daemon script 80fbb074b4 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos db6a4e9d0d make struts and Always Visible lighter
--support them also in Live Editing
Michail Vourlakos 7e9064eb5e track last active window properly at per view
Michail Vourlakos f33cd25ff5 update mask when secconfigwindow is destroyed
Michail Vourlakos 7ec1f6b928 support kde_frameworks<=47 for settings windows
BUG: 406436
Michail Vourlakos d5b294b88e improve vastly Justify Live Editing experience
--the entire Justify to Another alignment experience
has been improved a lot and made much smoother than
in the past
Michail Vourlakos 0b07b58abc support kdeclarative both <5.45 and >=5.45
Michail Vourlakos 86a7eddba5 restore translations for settings window
BUG: 406114
Michail Vourlakos 4048edc7f9 Option to set Settings size at per screen level
--the Latte Settings window tries its best in order
to provide a nice experience concerning its width/height
ratio and a width size that is best for its contents.
There are cases that this fails so the user in the
best to set it right. Latte now provides two shortcuts
Meta+Scroll, that changes the width scale ratio and
Ctrl+Scroll, that changes the height scale ratio when
settings are in Basic mode.
The previous shortcuts must be applied when the mouse
is over the empty areas in the Settings View window.
Michail Vourlakos e2ccad62d9 RENAME TopLayout to SharedLayout
--Shared is a better term to describe these
layouts that can be Shared and be OnTop of
other layouts in Multiple Mode
Michail Vourlakos 1c6ddcad10 Improve addView for ActiveLayouts
--take into account the TopLayout views before
adding a new View either on startup loading
or when the user adds it
Michail Vourlakos 7240134ec2 add comments
Michail Vourlakos 0cb2bb38af plenty of fixes for TopLayouts and multi-screen(s)
Michail Vourlakos 6620cf54bd plenty fixes updates for MultipleTopLayouts
Michail Vourlakos b7cb41e322 ui improvements for Layouts editor
--lock icon takes into account the selected state
in order to draw itself
--focus dotted lines for tableview cells were disabled
until something less noisy is introduced
Michail Vourlakos 70640ae2e5 override functions for Active and TopLayouts
Michail Vourlakos 71435d4938 identify Touching windows for Multiple mode
--improve how the available screen geometry is
calculated because in MultipleLayouts mode we can
have different layouts that provide different
available screen geometries
Michail Vourlakos 385b0e0b20 update struts properly for TopLayouts
Michail Vourlakos caedf9842e ActiveLayout override GeneralLayout::latteViews()
Michail Vourlakos bdca8f58e8 simplify GenericLayout::latteViews call
Michail Vourlakos 69af8d0e0c fix updating lastUsedActivity properly
Michail Vourlakos dc9553b3ca fix crashes from loading/unloading layouts
Michail Vourlakos 9236f18c4e add TopLayout and use combined with ActiveLayout
Michail Vourlakos 1ec19d6627 update syncLatteViewsToScreens
--update function to use new validViewsMap() function
in order to identify which views must be presented
and where. The validViewsMap function can be used also
from subclasses in order to indetify the Layout occupied
edges without applying the final map state to actual
l10n daemon script d9217065fe SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos d07956cbb4 multiple layouts import properly
l10n daemon script bfb96b0f67 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos fb4508c6a7 simplify CMakeLists
Michail Vourlakos 2c8a0a83c1 update secondary config window position properly
Michail Vourlakos 861fced797 REFACTOR:move storaging to own class
--GenericLayout moves out all the storaging
mechanism to its dedicated Layout::Storage
Michail Vourlakos bbddfd3d48 REFACTOR:move code from Active to GeneralLayout
--huge refactor in order to split the logic of the
Layout file. One of small steps in order to end at
the following logic:


PresentedLayout, that will contain references for
one ActiveLayout and one OnTopLayout and will
act as a class to provide useful information to
layoutManager and all other classes that want
to work with Views.

GeneralLayout will gain a storage object
for all STORAGE properties that require
a CORONA to work
Michail Vourlakos 89b86a3c12 REFACTOR:move code from ActiveLayout to Abstract
Michail Vourlakos 7d0905e379 refactor: rename Layout to ActiveLayout
--first steps to abstract the Layout code in
different classes
Michail Vourlakos 2767c0f4a0 remove deprecated class from layout
l10n daemon script 42b236e8a9 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos ae69884e04 ignore PlasmaDesktop for windows tracking flags
BUG: 406235
Michail Vourlakos 4c4b41d378 remove deprecated code
Michail Vourlakos ae3c4d3cf0 update SecondConfigView when availableGeometryChanged
Michail Vourlakos bb3ef16dea fix RTL positioning for View::Settings windows
Michail Vourlakos 8b3920ef64 fix indicators warnings when removing a view
Michail Vourlakos 6e1dfe9670 comment deprecated code in view settings windows
Michail Vourlakos c735792c30 REFACTOR:replace all "foreach" statements
Michail Vourlakos d48d2da2cd add comment
l10n daemon script c06423b443 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 3e19e553f1 add IndicatorInfo to have a global reference
Michail Vourlakos 915bb1bd39 provide visual limits for margins/padding
--based on the current indicator there minimum
thickness and indicator padding can be altered.
Providing some visual feedback for the user to
understand these limits is a good practice.
Michail Vourlakos e7eb06a63e optimize subtracked masking for wayland case
--under wayland masking does not break the visual
result of a window. For that reason under wayland
the editShadow can be masked out totally and not
only for its windows underlying parts.
Michail Vourlakos 92584e638c consider vertical views to position viewconfigs
Michail Vourlakos 8b6f250733 dont subtract sec.config win for vertical views
Michail Vourlakos 1210e708c9 support automatic roundness to !compositing
Michail Vourlakos a5c7148168 improve icon references in Latte Layouts UI
Michail Vourlakos c060f0449c fix wrong calculations for roundness
Michail Vourlakos ff53a23cac drop manual roundness setting from code
--as the new automatic mechanism works nice
the old manual setting of plasma theme roundness
is not needed
Michail Vourlakos b6c272d6a9 add heuristic to identify theme roundness automatic
l10n daemon script 1a17ffb683 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script 73745f2f53 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 555fc966b0 activate config windows under wayland environment
--add heuristic method in wayland interface in order to
return the internal id of a window by using its appId
and its geometry
Michail Vourlakos 9f1b284f64 init earlier translation domain, indicatorconfigui
l10n daemon script 5c09168968 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos d280b6e4aa button to remove locally installed indicators
l10n daemon script 348b617b49 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script 91fbcf19b7 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 9b1841e9e3 watch app paths for indicators changes
Michail Vourlakos de170d42d8 remove unneeded warning
Michail Vourlakos 83ab266cd8 improvements in installing standalone indicators
Michail Vourlakos ba08038bc0 add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
l10n daemon script 7b5c2a0980 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
Michail Vourlakos 3d2d399072 add functionality to custom indicators
Michail Vourlakos 81204e3519 support importing indicators from compressed files
Michail Vourlakos fd74397bae support file dialog for indicators
Michail Vourlakos 4c613a1d47 support last used custom type
Michail Vourlakos 06c965248c support customIndicators interface under settings
--a new element is introduced for CustomIndicators
which is going to be responsible to choose between
them and download also online for new indicators