improve Colors and DynBackground combinations

--the user can now have back the plasma theme style
in more cases such as when Theme:Smart, WindowColors:None,
and has enabled from DynBackground for solid panel
background when windows are touching
Michail Vourlakos 6 years ago
parent 362d50a1fd
commit ffac993845

@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ Loader{
if (themeExtended) {
if (root.userShowPanelBackground && root.plasmaBackgroundForPopups && root.hasExpandedApplet) {
if (root.userShowPanelBackground && root.plasmaBackgroundForPopups && root.hasExpandedApplet /*for expanded popups when it is enabled*/
|| (root.themeColors === Latte.Types.SmartThemeColors /*for Smart theming that Windows colors are not used and the user wants solidness at some cases*/
&& root.windowColors === Latte.Types.NoneWindowColors
&& root.forceSolidPanel) ) {
/* plasma style*/
return theme;

@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ DragDrop.DropArea {
&& Latte.WindowSystem.compositingActive
&& !root.editMode
&& userShowPanelBackground
&& ( (plasmoid.configuration.solidBackgroundForMaximized && !hasExpandedApplet
&& ( (plasmoid.configuration.solidBackgroundForMaximized
&& !(hasExpandedApplet && !plasmaBackgroundForPopups)
&& (latteView.windowsTracker.existsWindowMaximized || latteView.windowsTracker.activeWindowTouching))
|| (hasExpandedApplet && plasmaBackgroundForPopups) ))
|| !Latte.WindowSystem.compositingActive
@ -114,9 +115,9 @@ DragDrop.DropArea {
&& latteView && latteView.visibility
&& Latte.WindowSystem.compositingActive
&& !root.editMode
&& !forceSolidPanel
&& !(windowColors === Latte.Types.TouchingWindowColors && (latteView.windowsTracker.existsWindowMaximized || latteView.windowsTracker.activeWindowTouching))
&& !(windowColors === Latte.Types.ActiveWindowColors && latteView.windowsTracker.existsWindowActive)
&& !(hasExpandedApplet && zoomFactor===1 && plasmoid.configuration.panelSize===100)
property bool forcePanelForBusyBackground: userShowPanelBackground && root.forceTransparentPanel
&& colorizerManager.mustBeShown && colorizerManager.backgroundIsBusy
