@ -154,21 +154,23 @@ Item {
&& latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . isTouchingBusyVerticalView
&& latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . isTouchingBusyVerticalView
&& root . themeColors === Latte . Types . SmartThemeColors
&& root . themeColors === Latte . Types . SmartThemeColors
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& ! plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximize d
/ * & & ! p l a s m o i d . c o n f i g u r a t i o n . s o l i d B a c k g r o u n d F o r M a x i m i z e d
&& ! plasmaBackgroundForPopups )
&& ! plasmaBackgroundForPopups * / )
property bool solidBusyForTouchingBusyVerticalView: ( latteView && latteView . windowsTracker /*is touching a vertical view that is in busy state and the user prefers solidness*/
property bool solidBusyForTouchingBusyVerticalView: false / / D I S A B L E D , u n t i l t o c h e c k i f t h e n o r m a l B u s y F o r T o u c h i n g B u s y V e r t i c a l V i e w i s e n o u g h t o c a t c h a n d h a n d l e t h e c a s e
&& latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . isTouchingBusyVerticalView
/*(latteView && latteView.windowsTracker /*is touching a vertical view that is in busy state and the user prefers solidness*/
/ * & & l a t t e V i e w . w i n d o w s T r a c k e r . c u r r e n t S c r e e n . i s T o u c h i n g B u s y V e r t i c a l V i e w
&& root . themeColors === Latte . Types . SmartThemeColors
&& root . themeColors === Latte . Types . SmartThemeColors
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized
&& plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized
&& ! plasmaBackgroundForPopups )
&& ! plasmaBackgroundForPopups ) * /
property bool plasmaStyleBusyForTouchingBusyVerticalView: ( latteView && latteView . windowsTracker /*is touching a vertical view that is in busy state and the user prefers solidness*/
property bool plasmaStyleBusyForTouchingBusyVerticalView: false / / D I S A B L E D , u n t i l t o c h e c k i f t h e n o r m a l B u s y F o r T o u c h i n g B u s y V e r t i c a l V i e w i s e n o u g h t o c a t c h a n d h a n d l e t h e c a s e
&& latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . isTouchingBusyVerticalView
/ / ( l a t t e V i e w & & l a t t e V i e w . w i n d o w s T r a c k e r / * i s t o u c h i n g a v e r t i c a l v i e w t h a t i s i n b u s y s t a t e a n d t h e u s e r p r e f e r s s o l i d n e s s * /
/ * & & l a t t e V i e w . w i n d o w s T r a c k e r . c u r r e n t S c r e e n . i s T o u c h i n g B u s y V e r t i c a l V i e w
&& root . themeColors === Latte . Types . SmartThemeColors
&& root . themeColors === Latte . Types . SmartThemeColors
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& plasmaBackgroundForPopups )
&& plasmaBackgroundForPopups ) * /
property int themeColors: plasmoid . configuration . themeColors
property int themeColors: plasmoid . configuration . themeColors