@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ import org.kde.latte 0.1 as Latte
SequentialAnimation {
id: taskRealRemovalAnimation
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "ListView.delayRemove"; value: true }
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "inAnimation"; value: true }
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "inAddRemoveAnimation"; value: true }
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "inRemoveStage"; value: true }
//Animation Add/Remove (1) - when is window with no launcher, animations enabled
//Animation Add/Remove (4) - the user removes a launcher, animation enabled
property bool animation1: ((((tasksModel.launcherPosition(mainItemContainer.launcherUrl) == -1)
&& (tasksModel.launcherPosition(mainItemContainer.launcherUrlWithIcon) == -1) )
property bool animation1: ((((tasksModel.launcherPosition(mainItemContainer.launcherUrl) === -1)
&& (tasksModel.launcherPosition(mainItemContainer.launcherUrlWithIcon) === -1) )
|| !launcherIsPresent(mainItemContainer.launcherUrl))
&& !mainItemContainer.isStartup && Latte.WindowSystem.compositingActive)
@ -42,13 +44,10 @@ SequentialAnimation {
property bool enabledAnimation: (animation1 || animation4) && (root.durationTime !== 0)
&& !mainItemContainer.inBouncingAnimation
&& !mainItemContainer.isSeparator;
&& !mainItemContainer.isSeparator
&& mainItemContainer.visible;
mainItemContainer.inAnimation = true;
mainItemContainer.inAddRemoveAnimation = true;
mainItemContainer.inRemoveStage = true;
//! When a window is removed and afterwards its launcher must be shown immediately!
if (!enabledAnimation && mainItemContainer.isWindow && !mainItemContainer.isSeparator
&& tasksModel.launcherPosition(mainItemContainer.launcherUrl) !== -1
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ SequentialAnimation {
PropertyAnimation {
target: wrapper
property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight"
property: (icList.orientation === Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight"
to: 0
duration: taskRealRemovalAnimation.enabledAnimation ? 1.35*showWindowAnimation.speed : 0
easing.type: Easing.InQuad
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ SequentialAnimation {
//smooth move into place the surrounding tasks
PropertyAnimation {
target: wrapper
property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleHeight" : "tempScaleWidth"
property: (icList.orientation === Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleHeight" : "tempScaleWidth"
to: 0
duration: taskRealRemovalAnimation.enabledAnimation ? 1.35*showWindowAnimation.speed : 0
easing.type: Easing.InQuad
@ -165,8 +164,6 @@ SequentialAnimation {
mainItemContainer.inAnimation = false;
if(mainItemContainer.launcherUrl===root.launcherForRemoval && mainItemContainer.isLauncher)
@ -185,14 +182,19 @@ SequentialAnimation {
mainItemContainer.visible = false;
//send signal that the launcher is really removing
if (mainItemContainer.inBouncingAnimation) {
mainItemContainer.visible = false;
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "inAnimation"; value: false }
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "inAddRemoveAnimation"; value: false }
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "inRemoveStage"; value: false }
PropertyAction { target: mainItemContainer; property: "ListView.delayRemove"; value: false }