improve Tasks IconItem visuals/badges positioning

--in order to be able to draw correctly the badges when
they exceed the tasks boundaries the effects needed to
be repositioned in Task/IconItem. So now shadows/colorizers
etc. provide better freedom from code point of view.

BUG: 403518
Michail Vourlakos 6 years ago
parent 01a1ddcf9e
commit c3ddce3c86

@ -121,13 +121,9 @@ Item{
// KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem{ // KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem{
Item{ Item{
id: iconGraphic id: iconGraphic
//width: iconImageBuffer.width
//height: iconImageBuffer.height
width: parent.width width: parent.width
height: parent.height height: parent.height
opacity: root.enableShadows ? 0 : 1
//fix bug #478, when changing form factor sometimes the tasks are not positioned //fix bug #478, when changing form factor sometimes the tasks are not positioned
//correctly, in such case we make a fast reinitialization for the sizes //correctly, in such case we make a fast reinitialization for the sizes
Connections { Connections {
@ -186,6 +182,7 @@ Item{
height: Math.round(width) height: Math.round(width)
source: decoration source: decoration
opacity: root.enableShadows ? 0 : 1
visible: !taskItem.isSeparator && ! visible: !taskItem.isSeparator && !
//visible: !root.enableShadows //visible: !root.enableShadows
@ -278,9 +275,27 @@ Item{
AnchorAnimation { duration: 1.5*root.durationTime*units.longDuration } AnchorAnimation { duration: 1.5*root.durationTime*units.longDuration }
} }
] ]
} //IconImageBuffer
//! Shadows
id: taskWithShadow
anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer
active: root.enableShadows && !taskItem.isSeparator
sourceComponent: DropShadow{
anchors.fill: parent
color: root.appShadowColor
fast: true
samples: 2 * radius
source: ? badgesLoader.item : iconImageBuffer
radius: root.appShadowSize
verticalOffset: 2
} }
//! Shadows
////! Combined Loader for Progress and Audio badges //! Combined Loader for Progress and Audio badges masks
Loader{ Loader{
id: badgesLoader id: badgesLoader
anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer
@ -323,7 +338,7 @@ Item{
Rectangle{ Rectangle{
id: maskRect id: maskRect
width: Math.max(infoBadge.contentWidth, parent.width / 2) width: Math.max(badgeVisualsLoader.infoBadgeWidth, parent.width / 2)
height: parent.height / 2 height: parent.height / 2
radius: parent.height radius: parent.height
visible: badgesLoader.showInfo || badgesLoader.showProgress visible: badgesLoader.showInfo || badgesLoader.showProgress
@ -424,12 +439,41 @@ Item{
} }
" "
} //end of sourceComponent } //end of sourceComponent
//! START: Badges Visuals
//! the badges visual get out from iconGraphic in order to be able to draw shadows that
//! extend beyond the iconGraphic boundaries
Loader {
id: badgeVisualsLoader
anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer
readonly property int infoBadgeWidth: active ? publishedInfoBadgeWidth : 0
property int publishedInfoBadgeWidth: 0
sourceComponent: Item {
ProgressOverlay{ ProgressOverlay{
id: infoBadge id: infoBadge
anchors.fill:parent anchors.right: parent.right
width: Math.max(parent.width, contentWidth)
height: parent.height
opacity: badgesLoader.opacityN opacity: badgesLoader.opacityN
visible: badgesLoader.showInfo || badgesLoader.showProgress visible: badgesLoader.showInfo || badgesLoader.showProgress
layer.enabled: root.enableShadows
layer.effect: DropShadow {
color: root.appShadowColor
fast: true
samples: 2 * radius
source: infoBadge
radius: root.appShadowSize
verticalOffset: 2
} }
AudioStream{ AudioStream{
@ -437,10 +481,40 @@ Item{
anchors.fill: parent anchors.fill: parent
opacity: badgesLoader.opacityN opacity: badgesLoader.opacityN
visible: badgesLoader.showAudio visible: badgesLoader.showAudio
layer.enabled: root.enableShadows
layer.effect: DropShadow {
color: root.appShadowColor
fast: true
samples: 2 * radius
source: audioStreamBadge
radius: root.appShadowSize
verticalOffset: 2
} }
} }
Binding {
target: badgeVisualsLoader
property: "publishedInfoBadgeWidth"
value: infoBadge.contentWidth
} }
//! grey-ing the badges when the task is dragged
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: source.width
height: source.height
source: parent
opacity: stateColorizer.opacity
hue: stateColorizer.hue
saturation: stateColorizer.saturation
lightness: stateColorizer.lightness
//! END: Badges Visuals
/// START Task Number /// START Task Number
@ -501,25 +575,18 @@ Item{
} }
} }
} }
//END of task number //END of task number (showTasksNumbers)
//showTasksNumbers Colorize{
} id: stateColorizer
source: ? badgesLoader : iconImageBuffer
anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer
///Shadow in tasks opacity:0
id: taskWithShadow
anchors.fill: iconGraphic
active: root.enableShadows
sourceComponent: DropShadow{ hue:0
anchors.fill: parent saturation:0
color: root.appShadowColor lightness:0
fast: true
samples: 2 * radius
source: iconGraphic
radius: root.appShadowSize
verticalOffset: 2
} }
} }
@ -554,21 +621,6 @@ Item{
visible: clickedAnimation.running visible: clickedAnimation.running
} }
id: stateColorizer
source: ? badgesLoader : iconImageBuffer
anchors.centerIn: iconGraphic
width: source.width
height: source.height
//visible: false
Component.onCompleted: { Component.onCompleted: {
} }
