@ -22,4 +22,30 @@ import QtQuick 2.7
Item {
readonly property Item level: parent && parent.hasOwnProperty("level") ? parent.level : null
readonly property Item indicator: parent && parent.hasOwnProperty("level") ? parent.level.bridge : null
//! indicator is using main colors from icon e.g. unity style
property bool needsIconColors: false
//! indicator is using the mouse events coordinates e.g. for animations
property bool needsMouseEventCoordinates: false
//! indicator provides also foreground layer that should be drawn on top of the Items icons
property bool providesFrontLayer: false
//! indicator provides its own hovering animations. Latte should not provide
//! any hovering animation in that case
property bool providesHoveredAnimation: false
//! indicator provides its own clicked animations. Latte should not provide
//! any clicked animation in that case
property bool providesClickedAnimation: false
//! this indicator visuals go out of the regular mask thickness and this variable sets
//! the pixels needed outside of the mask thickness e.g. a glow
property int extraMaskThickness: 0
//! this indicator specifies a minimum thickness padding in order to be drawn correctly.
//! Values below the specified value are ignored. This value is a percentage,
//! e.g 0.06 -> 6%
property real minThicknessPadding: 0
//! this indicator specifies a minimum length padding in order to be drawn correctly.
//! Values below the specified value are ignored. This value is a percentage,
//! e.g 0.06 -> 6%
property real minLengthPadding: 0