fixes for dock configuration window

--fix binding loop from Tweaks page
--remove anchorings when used Layouts
Michail Vourlakos 7 years ago
parent 1a65904c8c
commit 2d77f98896

@ -225,18 +225,15 @@ FocusScope {
PlasmaComponents.ToolButton { PlasmaComponents.ToolButton {
id: pinButton id: pinButton
anchors.right: parent.right
//!avoid editMode box shadow
anchors.topMargin: units.smallSpacing
anchors.rightMargin: units.smallSpacing
Layout.fillWidth: false Layout.fillWidth: false
Layout.fillHeight: false Layout.fillHeight: false
Layout.preferredWidth: width Layout.preferredWidth: width
Layout.preferredHeight: height Layout.preferredHeight: height
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.bottomMargin: units.smallSpacing * 3 Layout.bottomMargin: units.smallSpacing * 3
//!avoid editMode box shadow
Layout.topMargin: units.smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units.smallSpacing
iconSource: "window-pin" iconSource: "window-pin"
checkable: true checkable: true

@ -250,7 +250,8 @@ PlasmaComponents.Page {
PlasmaComponents.Button { PlasmaComponents.Button {
iconSource: "distribute-horizontal-x" iconSource: "distribute-horizontal-x"
text: i18n("Add Spacer") text: i18n("Add Spacer")
Layout.minimumWidth: 0.5 * (parent.width - units.smallSpacing) Layout.minimumWidth: 0.5 * (content.width - 5 * units.smallSpacing)
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
tooltip: i18n("Add a spacer to separate applets") tooltip: i18n("Add a spacer to separate applets")
