/ *
* Copyright 2016 Smith AR < audoban @ openmailbox . org >
* Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
* This file is part of Latte - Dock
* Latte - Dock is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* Latte - Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http: //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick . Controls 1.4
import QtQuick . Layouts 1.3
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org . kde . plasma . core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org . kde . plasma . components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org . kde . plasma . components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3
import org . kde . plasma . plasmoid 2.0
import org . kde . latte 0.2 as Latte
import org . kde . latte . components 1.0 as LatteComponents
import "../../controls" as LatteExtraControls
PlasmaComponents . Page {
Layout.maximumWidth: content . width + content . Layout . leftMargin * 2
Layout.maximumHeight: content . height + units . smallSpacing * 2
ColumnLayout {
id: content
width: ( dialog . appliedWidth - units . smallSpacing * 2 ) - Layout . leftMargin * 2
spacing: dialog . subGroupSpacing
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
//! BEGIN: Inline Dock/Panel Type, it is used only when the secondary window
//! overlaps the main dock config window
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . highLevel && viewConfig . showInlineProperties
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Type" )
LatteExtraControls . TypeSelection {
id: viewTypeSelection
horizontal: true
//! END: Inline Dock/Panel Type
//! BEGIN: Location
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: screenRow . visible ? i18n ( "Screen" ) : i18n ( "Location" )
Connections {
target: universalSettings
onScreensCountChanged: screenRow . updateScreens ( )
RowLayout {
id: screenRow
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 3
spacing: 2
visible: true
function updateScreens ( ) {
if ( universalSettings . screens . length > 1 ) {
screenRow . visible = true ;
} else {
screenRow . visible = false ;
screensModel . clear ( ) ;
var primary = { name: i18n ( "On Primary" ) , icon: 'favorites' } ;
screensModel . append ( primary ) ;
//check if the screen exists, it is used in cases Latte is moving
//the view automatically to primaryScreen in order for the user
//to has always a view with tasks shown
var screenExists = false
for ( var i = 0 ; i < universalSettings . screens . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( universalSettings . screens [ i ] . name === latteView . positioner . currentScreenName ) {
screenExists = true ;
if ( ! screenExists && ! latteView . onPrimary ) {
var scr = { name: latteView . positioner . currentScreenName , icon: 'view-fullscreen' } ;
screensModel . append ( scr ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < universalSettings . screens . length ; i ++ ) {
var scr = { name: universalSettings . screens [ i ] . name , icon: 'view-fullscreen' } ;
screensModel . append ( scr ) ;
if ( latteView . onPrimary ) {
screenCmb . currentIndex = 0 ;
} else {
screenCmb . currentIndex = screenCmb . findScreen ( latteView . positioner . currentScreenName ) ;
console . log ( latteView . positioner . currentScreenName ) ;
Connections {
target: viewConfig
onShowSignal: screenRow . updateScreens ( ) ;
ListModel {
id: screensModel
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: screenCmb
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: screensModel
textRole: "name"
iconRole: "icon"
Component.onCompleted: screenRow . updateScreens ( ) ;
onActivated: {
var succeed = false ;
if ( index === 0 ) {
succeed = latteView . positioner . setCurrentScreen ( "primary" ) ;
if ( succeed ) {
latteView . onPrimary = true ;
} else if ( ! latteView . onPrimary ) {
console . log ( "the edge is already occupied!!!" ) ;
currentIndex = findScreen ( latteView . positioner . currentScreenName ) ;
} else if ( index > 0 && ( index !== findScreen ( latteView . positioner . currentScreenName ) || latteView . onPrimary ) ) {
console . log ( "current index changed!!! :" + index ) ;
console . log ( "screen must be changed..." ) ;
succeed = latteView . positioner . setCurrentScreen ( textAt ( index ) ) ;
if ( succeed ) {
latteView . onPrimary = false ;
} else {
console . log ( "the edge is already occupied!!!" ) ;
currentIndex = findScreen ( latteView . positioner . currentScreenName ) ;
function findScreen ( scrName ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < screensModel . count ; ++ i ) {
if ( screensModel . get ( i ) . name === scrName ) {
return i ;
return 0 ;
RowLayout {
id: locationLayout
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.topMargin: screenRow . visible ? units.smallSpacing : 0
LayoutMirroring.enabled: false
spacing: 2
readonly property int buttonSize: ( dialog . optionsWidth - ( spacing * 3 ) ) / 4
Connections {
target: latteView
onDockLocationChanged: locationLayout . lockReservedEdges ( ) ;
Connections {
target: latteView . layout
onViewsCountChanged: locationLayout . lockReservedEdges ( ) ;
Connections {
target: latteView . positioner
onCurrentScreenChanged: locationLayout . lockReservedEdges ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: lockReservedEdges ( )
ExclusiveGroup {
id: locationGroup
property bool inStartup: true
onCurrentChanged: {
if ( current . checked && ! inStartup ) {
latteView . positioner . hideDockDuringLocationChange ( current . edge ) ;
inStartup = false ;
function lockReservedEdges ( ) {
var edges = latteView . layout . qmlFreeEdges ( latteView . positioner . currentScreenId ) ;
bottomEdgeBtn . edgeIsFree = ( edges . indexOf ( bottomEdgeBtn . edge ) >= 0 ) ;
topEdgeBtn . edgeIsFree = ( edges . indexOf ( topEdgeBtn . edge ) >= 0 ) ;
leftEdgeBtn . edgeIsFree = ( edges . indexOf ( leftEdgeBtn . edge ) >= 0 ) ;
rightEdgeBtn . edgeIsFree = ( edges . indexOf ( rightEdgeBtn . edge ) >= 0 ) ;
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: bottomEdgeBtn
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "bottom location" , "Bottom" )
iconSource: "arrow-down"
checked: latteView . location === edge
checkable: true
enabled: checked || edgeIsFree
exclusiveGroup: locationGroup
property bool edgeIsFree: true
readonly property int edge: PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: leftEdgeBtn
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "left location" , "Left" )
iconSource: "arrow-left"
checked: latteView . location === edge
checkable: true
enabled: checked || edgeIsFree
exclusiveGroup: locationGroup
property bool edgeIsFree: true
readonly property int edge: PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: topEdgeBtn
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "top location" , "Top" )
iconSource: "arrow-up"
checked: latteView . location === edge
checkable: true
enabled: checked || edgeIsFree
exclusiveGroup: locationGroup
property bool edgeIsFree: true
readonly property int edge: PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: rightEdgeBtn
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "right location" , "Right" )
iconSource: "arrow-right"
checked: latteView . location === edge
checkable: true
enabled: checked || edgeIsFree
exclusiveGroup: locationGroup
property bool edgeIsFree: true
readonly property int edge: PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge
//! END: Location
//! BEGIN: Alignment
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Alignment" )
RowLayout {
id: alignmentRow
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
LayoutMirroring.enabled: false
spacing: 2
readonly property int panelPosition: plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition
readonly property int buttonSize: ( dialog . optionsWidth - ( spacing * 3 ) ) / 4
ExclusiveGroup {
id: alignmentGroup
onCurrentChanged: {
if ( current . checked )
plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition = current . position
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: panelIsVertical ? i18nc ( "top alignment" , "Top" ) : i18nc ( "left alignment" , "Left" )
iconSource: panelIsVertical ? "format-align-vertical-top" : "format-justify-left"
checked: parent . panelPosition === position
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: alignmentGroup
property int position: panelIsVertical ? Latte.Types.Top : Latte . Types . Left
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "center alignment" , "Center" )
iconSource: panelIsVertical ? "format-align-vertical-center" : "format-justify-center"
checked: parent . panelPosition === position
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: alignmentGroup
property int position: Latte . Types . Center
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: panelIsVertical ? i18nc ( "bottom alignment" , "Bottom" ) : i18nc ( "right alignment" , "Right" )
iconSource: panelIsVertical ? "format-align-vertical-bottom" : "format-justify-right"
checked: parent . panelPosition === position
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: alignmentGroup
property int position: panelIsVertical ? Latte.Types.Bottom : Latte . Types . Right
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "justify alignment" , "Justify" )
iconSource: "format-justify-fill"
checked: parent . panelPosition === position
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: alignmentGroup
property int position: Latte . Types . Justify
//! END: Alignment
//! BEGIN: Visibility
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Visibility" )
GridLayout {
width: parent . width
rowSpacing: 1
columnSpacing: 2
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
columns: 2
property int mode: latteView . visibility . mode
readonly property int buttonSize: ( dialog . optionsWidth - ( columnSpacing ) ) / 2
ExclusiveGroup {
id: visibilityGroup
onCurrentChanged: {
if ( current . checked )
latteView . visibility . mode = current . mode
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Always Visible" )
checked: parent . mode === mode
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: visibilityGroup
property int mode: Latte . Types . AlwaysVisible
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Auto Hide" )
checked: parent . mode === mode
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: visibilityGroup
property int mode: Latte . Types . AutoHide
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Dodge Active" )
checked: parent . mode === mode
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: visibilityGroup
property int mode: Latte . Types . DodgeActive
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Dodge Maximized" )
checked: parent . mode === mode
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: visibilityGroup
property int mode: Latte . Types . DodgeMaximized
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: dodgeAllWindowsBtn
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Dodge All Windows" )
checked: parent . mode === mode
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: visibilityGroup
property int mode: Latte . Types . DodgeAllWindows
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: windowsGoBelowBtn
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Windows Go Below" )
checked: parent . mode === mode
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: visibilityGroup
property int mode: Latte . Types . WindowsGoBelow
//! END: Visibility
//! BEGIN: Delay
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! ( latteView . visibility . mode === Latte . Types . AlwaysVisible
|| latteView . visibility . mode === Latte . Types . WindowsGoBelow )
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Delay" )
Flow {
width: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
spacing: 2
readonly property bool overlap: showContainer . overlap || hideContainer . overlap
Item {
id: showContainer
width: parent . overlap ? dialog.optionsWidth : oneLineWidth
height: childrenRect . height
implicitWidth: width
implicitHeight: height
readonly property bool overlap: oneLineWidth > dodgeAllWindowsBtn . width
readonly property int oneLineWidth: Math . max ( dodgeAllWindowsBtn . width , showTimerRow . width )
RowLayout {
id: showTimerRow
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter
PlasmaComponents . Label {
Layout.leftMargin: Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft ? units.smallSpacing : 0
Layout.rightMargin: Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft ? 0 : units . smallSpacing
text: i18n ( "Show " )
LatteComponents . TextField {
Layout.preferredWidth: width
text: latteView . visibility . timerShow
onValueChanged: {
latteView . visibility . timerShow = value
Item {
id: hideContainer
width: parent . overlap ? dialog.optionsWidth : oneLineWidth
height: childrenRect . height
implicitWidth: width
implicitHeight: height
readonly property bool overlap: oneLineWidth > windowsGoBelowBtn . width
readonly property int oneLineWidth: Math . max ( windowsGoBelowBtn . width , hideTimerRow . width )
RowLayout {
id: hideTimerRow
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter
PlasmaComponents . Label {
Layout.leftMargin: Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft ? units.smallSpacing : 0
Layout.rightMargin: Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft ? 0 : units . smallSpacing
text: i18n ( "Hide" )
LatteComponents . TextField {
Layout.preferredWidth: width
text: latteView . visibility . timerHide
onValueChanged: {
latteView . visibility . timerHide = value
//! END: Delay
//! BEGIN: Actions
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Actions" )
ColumnLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
text: i18n ( "Empty Area" )
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
PlasmaComponents . Label {
id: mouseWheelLbl
text: i18n ( "Mouse wheel" )
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: scrollAction
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [ i18nc ( "none scroll actions" , "None Action" ) ,
i18n ( "Cycle Through Desktops" ) ,
i18n ( "Cycle Through Activities" ) ,
i18n ( "Cycle Through Tasks" ) ]
currentIndex: plasmoid . configuration . scrollAction
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
switch ( currentIndex ) {
case Latte.Types.ScrollNone:
plasmoid . configuration . scrollAction = Latte . Types . ScrollNone ;
break ;
case Latte.Types.ScrollDesktops:
plasmoid . configuration . scrollAction = Latte . Types . ScrollDesktops ;
break ;
case Latte.Types.ScrollActivities:
plasmoid . configuration . scrollAction = Latte . Types . ScrollActivities ;
break ;
case Latte.Types.ScrollTasks:
plasmoid . configuration . scrollAction = Latte . Types . ScrollTasks ;
break ;
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
text: i18n ( "Active Window" )
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
PlasmaComponents . Label {
Layout.minimumWidth: mouseWheelLbl . width
Layout.maximumWidth: mouseWheelLbl . width
text: i18n ( "Track From" )
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: activeWindowFilterCmb
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [ i18nc ( "track from current screen" , "Current Screen" ) ,
i18nc ( "track from all screens" , "All Screens" ) ]
currentIndex: plasmoid . configuration . activeWindowFilter
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
switch ( currentIndex ) {
case Latte.Types.ActiveInCurrentScreen:
plasmoid . configuration . activeWindowFilter = Latte . Types . ActiveInCurrentScreen ;
break ;
case Latte.Types.ActiveFromAllScreens:
plasmoid . configuration . activeWindowFilter = Latte . Types . ActiveFromAllScreens ;
break ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
text: i18n ( "Drag and maximize/restore active window" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . dragActiveWindowEnabled
tooltip: i18n ( "Drag/Maximize/Restore active window with double-click and dragging actions" )
visible: dialog . highLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . dragActiveWindowEnabled = ! plasmoid . configuration . dragActiveWindowEnabled ;
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
text: i18n ( "Items" )
LatteComponents . CheckBoxesColumn {
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: titleTooltipsChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Show title tooltips on hovering" )
tooltip: i18n ( "Show thinner tooltips produced by Latte for items.\nThese tooltips are not drawn when applets zoom effect is disabled" ) ;
checked: plasmoid . configuration . titleTooltips
//enabled: plasmoid.configuration.zoomLevel > 0
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . titleTooltips = ! plasmoid . configuration . titleTooltips ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: mouseWheelChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Activate through mouse wheel" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . mouseWheelActions
tooltip: i18n ( "Enable/Disable the mouse wheel action" )
visible: dialog . highLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . mouseWheelActions = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: fittsLawChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Always use empty screen gap when in floating mode" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . fittsLawIsRequested
tooltip: i18n ( "When the dock or panel is in floating mode, the gap to the screen is also used by items" )
visible: dialog . highLevel
enabled: ! plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins && ( plasmoid . configuration . screenEdgeMargin >= 0 )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . fittsLawIsRequested = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
// Layout.maximumHeight: mouseWheelChk.height
text: i18n ( "🅰 Activate based on position through global shortcuts" )
checked: latteView . isPreferredForShortcuts || ( ! latteView . layout . preferredForShortcutsTouched && latteView . isHighestPriorityView ( ) )
tooltip: i18n ( "This view is used for based on position global shortcuts. Take note that only one view can have that option enabled for each layout" )
onClicked: {
latteView . isPreferredForShortcuts = checked
if ( ! latteView . layout . preferredForShortcutsTouched ) {
latteView . layout . preferredForShortcutsTouched = true
//! END: Actions
//! BEGIN: Adjust
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
enabled: latteView . visibility . mode !== Latte . Types . AlwaysVisible && latteView . visibility . mode !== Latte . Types . WindowsGoBelow
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Environment" )
LatteComponents . CheckBoxesColumn {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Activate KWin edge after hiding" )
checked: latteView . visibility . enableKWinEdges
tooltip: i18n ( "After the view becomes hidden, KWin is informed to track user feedback. For example an edge visual hint is shown whenever the mouse approaches the hidden view" )
enabled: ! latteView . byPassWM
onClicked: {
latteView . visibility . enableKWinEdges = checked ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Can be above fullscreen windows" )
checked: latteView . byPassWM
tooltip: i18n ( "BypassWindowManagerHint flag for the window. The view will be above all windows even those set as 'Always On Top'" )
onCheckedChanged: {
latteView . byPassWM = checked ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Raise on desktop change" )
checked: latteView . visibility . raiseOnDesktop
onClicked: {
latteView . visibility . raiseOnDesktop = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Raise on activity change" )
checked: latteView . visibility . raiseOnActivity
onClicked: {
latteView . visibility . raiseOnActivity = checked
//! END: Adjust