/ *
* Copyright 2016 Smith AR < audoban @ openmailbox . org >
* Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
* This file is part of Latte - Dock
* Latte - Dock is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* Latte - Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http: //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick . Controls 1.4
import QtQuick . Layouts 1.3
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick . Dialogs 1.2
import org . kde . plasma . core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org . kde . plasma . components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org . kde . plasma . components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3
import org . kde . plasma . plasmoid 2.0
import org . kde . latte . core 0.2 as LatteCore
import org . kde . latte . components 1.0 as LatteComponents
PlasmaComponents . Page {
Layout.maximumWidth: content . width + content . Layout . leftMargin * 2
Layout.maximumHeight: content . height + units . smallSpacing * 2
Timer {
id: syncGeometry
running: false
repeat: false
interval: 400
onTriggered: viewConfig . syncGeometry ( )
ColumnLayout {
id: content
width: ( dialog . appliedWidth - units . smallSpacing * 2 ) - Layout . leftMargin * 2
spacing: dialog . subGroupSpacing
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
//! BEGIN: Layout
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: false //dialog.highLevel
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Layout" )
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: layoutCmb
Layout.fillWidth: true
property var layoutTexts: [ ] ;
property var layouts ;
Component.onCompleted: loadLayouts ( ) ;
Connections {
target: layoutsManager
onMenuLayoutsChanged: layoutCmb . loadLayouts ( ) ;
function loadLayouts ( ) {
layouts = layoutsManager . menuLayouts ;
layoutTexts = [ ] ;
//if current layout isnt at the menu layouts
if ( layouts . indexOf ( layoutsManager . currentLayoutName ) === - 1 ) {
if ( Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft ) {
layoutTexts . push ( layoutsManager . currentLayoutName + " ✔ " ) ;
} else {
layoutTexts . push ( " ✔ " + layoutsManager . currentLayoutName ) ;
var activeLayout = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < layouts . length ; ++ i ) {
var selText1 = " " ;
var selText2 = " " ;
if ( layouts [ i ] === layoutsManager . currentLayoutName ) {
selText1 = " ✔ " ;
activeLayout = i ;
if ( Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft ) {
layoutTexts . push ( selText2 + layouts [ i ] + selText1 ) ;
} else {
layoutTexts . push ( selText1 + layouts [ i ] + selText2 ) ;
model = layoutTexts ;
currentIndex = activeLayout ;
onActivated: {
layoutsManager . switchToLayout ( layouts [ index ] ) ;
PlasmaComponents . Button {
text: i18nc ( "opens the layout manager window" , "Configure..." )
iconSource: "document-edit"
Layout.alignment: Qt . AlignRight | Qt . AlignVCenter
onClicked: layoutsManager . showLatteSettingsDialog ( )
//! END: Layout
//! BEGIN: Items
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
//Layout.topMargin: dialog.highLevel ? 0 : units.smallSpacing
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Items" )
ColumnLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
text: i18nc ( "items effects" , "Size" )
isFirstSubCategory: true
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: proportionSizeSlider . value === 1
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "absolute size" , "Absolute" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: appletsSizeSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: plasmoid . configuration . iconSize
from: 16
to: latteView . visibility . mode === LatteCore . Types . SideBar ? 512 : 256
stepSize: dialog . highLevel || ( plasmoid . configuration . iconSize % 8 !== 0 ) || dialog . viewIsPanel ? 1 : 8
wheelEnabled: false
function updateIconSize ( ) {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . iconSize = value
syncGeometry . restart ( )
onPressedChanged: {
updateIconSize ( )
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updateIconSize ) ;
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updateIconSize ) ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in pixels, e.g. 12 px." , "%0 px." ) . arg ( appletsSizeSlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel || plasmoid . configuration . proportionIconSize > 0
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "relative size" , "Relative" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
enabled: proportionSizeSlider . value !== proportionSizeSlider . from
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: proportionSizeSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: plasmoid . configuration . proportionIconSize
from: 1.0
to: latteView . visibility . mode === LatteCore . Types . SideBar ? 25 : 12
stepSize: 0.5
wheelEnabled: false
function updateProportionIconSize ( ) {
if ( ! pressed ) {
if ( value === 1 ) {
plasmoid . configuration . proportionIconSize = - 1 ;
} else {
plasmoid . configuration . proportionIconSize = value ;
onPressedChanged: {
updateProportionIconSize ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updateProportionIconSize )
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updateProportionIconSize )
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: proportionSizeSlider . value !== proportionSizeSlider . from ?
i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( proportionSizeSlider . value . toFixed ( 1 ) ) : i18nc ( "no value in percentage" , "--- %" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
enabled: proportionSizeSlider . value !== proportionSizeSlider . from
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
text: i18nc ( "items effects" , "Effects" )
//isFirstSubCategory: true
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: plasmoid . configuration . animationsEnabled
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18n ( "Zoom On Hover" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: zoomSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: Number ( 1 + plasmoid . configuration . zoomLevel / 20 ) . toFixed ( 2 )
from: 1
to: 2
stepSize: 0.05
wheelEnabled: false
function updateZoomLevel ( ) {
if ( ! pressed ) {
var result = Math . round ( ( value - 1 ) * 20 )
plasmoid . configuration . zoomLevel = result
onPressedChanged: {
updateZoomLevel ( )
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updateZoomLevel )
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updateZoomLevel )
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( Number ( ( zoomSlider . value * 100 ) - 100 ) . toFixed ( 0 ) )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
//! END: Items
//! BEGIN: Length
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Length" )
ColumnLayout {
id: lengthColumn
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
readonly property int labelsMaxWidth: Math . max ( maxLengthLbl . implicitWidth ,
minLengthLbl . implicitWidth ,
offsetLbl . implicitWidth )
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
PlasmaComponents . Label {
id: maxLengthLbl
Layout.minimumWidth: lengthColumn . labelsMaxWidth
text: i18n ( "Maximum" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: maxLengthSlider
value: plasmoid . configuration . maxLength
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
readonly property int localMinValue: 30
function updateMaxLength ( ) {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . maxLength = Math . max ( value , plasmoid . configuration . minLength , localMinValue ) ;
var newTotal = Math . abs ( plasmoid . configuration . offset ) + value ;
//centered and justify alignments based on offset and get out of the screen in some cases
var centeredCheck = ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Center )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) )
&& ( ( Math . abs ( plasmoid . configuration . offset ) + value / 2 ) > 50 ) ;
if ( newTotal > 100 || centeredCheck ) {
if ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Center )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) ) {
var suggestedValue = ( plasmoid . configuration . offset < 0 ) ? Math . min ( 0 , - ( 100 - value ) ) : Math . max ( 0 , 100 - value ) ;
if ( ( Math . abs ( suggestedValue ) + value / 2 ) > 50 ) {
if ( suggestedValue < 0 ) {
suggestedValue = - ( 50 - value / 2 ) ;
} else {
suggestedValue = 50 - value / 2 ;
plasmoid . configuration . offset = suggestedValue ;
} else {
plasmoid . configuration . offset = Math . max ( 0 , 100 - value ) ;
if ( plasmoid . configuration . maxLength < plasmoid . configuration . minLength ) {
minLengthSlider . updateMinLength ( ) ;
} else {
if ( ( value < plasmoid . configuration . minLength ) || ( value < localMinValue ) ) {
value = Math . max ( plasmoid . configuration . minLength , localMinValue ) ;
onPressedChanged: {
updateMaxLength ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updateMaxLength )
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updateMaxLength )
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( maxLengthSlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
enabled: ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment !== LatteCore . Types . Justify )
PlasmaComponents . Label {
id: minLengthLbl
Layout.minimumWidth: lengthColumn . labelsMaxWidth
text: i18n ( "Minimum" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: minLengthSlider
value: plasmoid . configuration . minLength
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
function updateMinLength ( ) {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . minLength = value ; //Math.min(value, plasmoid.configuration.maxLength);
if ( plasmoid . configuration . minLength > maxLengthSlider . value ) {
maxLengthSlider . updateMaxLength ( ) ;
} else {
if ( value > plasmoid . configuration . maxLength ) {
value = plasmoid . configuration . maxLength
onPressedChanged: {
updateMinLength ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updateMinLength )
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updateMinLength )
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( minLengthSlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
PlasmaComponents . Label {
id: offsetLbl
Layout.minimumWidth: lengthColumn . labelsMaxWidth
text: i18n ( "Offset" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: offsetSlider
value: plasmoid . configuration . offset
from: ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Center )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) ) ? - 20 : 0
to: ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Center )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) ) ? 20 : 40
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
function updateOffset ( ) {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . offset = value ;
var newTotal = Math . abs ( value ) + plasmoid . configuration . maxLength ;
//centered and justify alignments based on offset and get out of the screen in some cases
var centeredCheck = ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Center )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) )
&& ( ( Math . abs ( value ) + plasmoid . configuration . maxLength / 2 ) > 50 ) ;
if ( newTotal > 100 || centeredCheck ) {
plasmoid . configuration . maxLength = ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Center )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) ) ?
2 * ( 50 - Math . abs ( value ) ) : 100 - Math . abs ( value ) ;
onPressedChanged: {
updateOffset ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updateOffset ) ;
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updateOffset ) ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( offsetSlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
//! END: Length
//! BEGIN: Margins
ColumnLayout {
id: marginsColumn
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
readonly property int maxMargin: 25
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Margins" )
ColumnLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18n ( "Length" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: lengthExtMarginSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: plasmoid . configuration . lengthExtMargin
from: 0
to: marginsColumn . maxMargin
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
onPressedChanged: {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . lengthExtMargin = value ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( lengthExtMarginSlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
LatteComponents . HeaderSwitch {
id: shrinkThickMargins
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.minimumHeight: implicitHeight
Layout.bottomMargin: units . smallSpacing
checked: ! plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins
level: 2
text: i18n ( "Thickness" )
tooltip: i18n ( "Enable/disable thickness margins" )
isFirstSubCategory: true
onPressed: {
plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins = ! plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins ;
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: plasmoid . formFactor === PlasmaCore . Types . Horizontal ? i18n ( "Height" ) : i18n ( "Width" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: thickMarginSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: plasmoid . configuration . thickMargin
from: 0
to: 60
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
minimumInternalValue: latteView . indicator . info . minThicknessPadding * 100
onPressedChanged: {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . thickMargin = value ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( currentValue )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
readonly property int currentValue: Math . max ( thickMarginSlider . minimumInternalValue , thickMarginSlider . value )
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18n ( "Screen" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: screenEdgeMarginSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: plasmoid . configuration . screenEdgeMargin
from: - 1
to: 256
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
onPressedChanged: {
if ( ! pressed ) {
plasmoid . configuration . screenEdgeMargin = value ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: currentValue < 0 ? "---" : i18nc ( "number in pixels, e.g. 85 px." , "%0 px." ) . arg ( currentValue )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
readonly property int currentValue: screenEdgeMarginSlider . value
//! END: Margins
//! BEGIN: Colors
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
LatteComponents . Header {
Layout.columnSpan: 4
text: i18n ( "Colors" )
GridLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
columnSpacing: 2
rowSpacing: units . smallSpacing
columns: 3
property int themeColors: plasmoid . configuration . themeColors
property int windowColors: plasmoid . configuration . windowColors
readonly property int buttonSize: ( dialog . optionsWidth - ( columnSpacing * 2 ) ) / 3
ExclusiveGroup {
id: themeColorsGroup
onCurrentChanged: {
if ( current . checked ) {
plasmoid . configuration . themeColors = current . colors ;
ExclusiveGroup {
id: windowColorsGroup
onCurrentChanged: {
if ( current . checked ) {
plasmoid . configuration . windowColors = current . colors ;
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
Layout.columnSpan: 3
isFirstSubCategory: true
text: i18n ( "Theme" )
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Plasma" )
checked: parent . themeColors === colors
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: themeColorsGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Plasma theme color palette is going to be used" )
readonly property int colors: LatteCore . Types . PlasmaThemeColors
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Reverse" )
checked: parent . themeColors === colors
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: themeColorsGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Reverse color palette from plasma theme is going to be used" )
readonly property int colors: LatteCore . Types . ReverseThemeColors
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Smart" )
checked: parent . themeColors === colors
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: themeColorsGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Smart color palette is going to provide best contrast after taking into account the environment such as the underlying background" )
readonly property int colors: LatteCore . Types . SmartThemeColors
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
Layout.columnSpan: 3
text: i18n ( "From Window" )
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "None" )
checked: parent . windowColors === colors
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: windowColorsGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Colors are not going to be based on any window" )
readonly property int colors: LatteCore . Types . NoneWindowColors
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Active" )
checked: parent . windowColors === colors
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: windowColorsGroup
tooltip: universalSettings . colorsScriptIsPresent ?
i18n ( "Colors are going to be based on the active window" ) :
i18n ( "Colors are going to be based on the active window.\nNotice: For optimal experience you are advised to install Colors KWin Script from KDE Store" )
readonly property int colors: LatteCore . Types . ActiveWindowColors
PlasmaCore . IconItem {
anchors.right: parent . right
anchors.verticalCenter: parent . verticalCenter
width: height
height: parent . height
source: "state-warning"
visible: ! universalSettings . colorsScriptIsPresent
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Touching" )
checked: parent . windowColors === colors
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: windowColorsGroup
tooltip: universalSettings . colorsScriptIsPresent ?
i18n ( "Colors are going to be based on windows that are touching the view" ) :
i18n ( "Colors are going to be based on windows that are touching the view.\nNotice: For optimal experience you are advised to install Colors KWin Script from KDE Store" )
readonly property int colors: LatteCore . Types . TouchingWindowColors
PlasmaCore . IconItem {
anchors.right: parent . right
anchors.verticalCenter: parent . verticalCenter
width: height
height: parent . height
source: "state-warning"
visible: ! universalSettings . colorsScriptIsPresent
//! END: Colors
//! BEGIN: Background
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . HeaderSwitch {
id: showBackground
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth + 2 * units . smallSpacing
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.minimumHeight: implicitHeight
Layout.bottomMargin: units . smallSpacing
enabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
checked: plasmoid . configuration . useThemePanel
text: i18n ( "Background" )
tooltip: i18n ( "Enable/disable background" )
onPressed: {
plasmoid . configuration . useThemePanel = ! plasmoid . configuration . useThemePanel ;
ColumnLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
enabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
PlasmaComponents . Label {
enabled: showBackground . checked
text: i18n ( "Size" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: panelSizeSlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
enabled: showBackground . checked
value: plasmoid . configuration . panelSize
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
function updatePanelSize ( ) {
if ( ! pressed )
plasmoid . configuration . panelSize = value
onPressedChanged: {
updatePanelSize ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updatePanelSize )
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updatePanelSize )
PlasmaComponents . Label {
enabled: showBackground . checked
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( panelSizeSlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
enabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized && plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized ?
i18nc ( "opacity when desktop background is busy from contrast point of view" , "Busy Opacity" ) : i18n ( "Opacity" )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignLeft
enabled: transparencySlider . enabled
LatteComponents . Slider {
id: transparencySlider
Layout.fillWidth: true
enabled: showBackground . checked //&& !blockOpacityAdjustment
value: plasmoid . configuration . panelTransparency
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
wheelEnabled: false
/ * p r o p e r t y b o o l b l o c k O p a c i t y A d j u s t m e n t : ( p l a s m o i d . c o n f i g u r a t i o n . s o l i d B a c k g r o u n d F o r M a x i m i z e d & & p l a s m o i d . c o n f i g u r a t i o n . b a c k g r o u n d O n l y O n M a x i m i z e d )
|| ( solidBackground . checked
&& ! plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized
&& ! plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized ) * /
function updatePanelTransparency ( ) {
if ( ! pressed )
plasmoid . configuration . panelTransparency = value
onPressedChanged: {
updatePanelTransparency ( ) ;
Component.onCompleted: {
valueChanged . connect ( updatePanelTransparency ) ;
Component.onDestruction: {
valueChanged . disconnect ( updatePanelTransparency ) ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
enabled: transparencySlider . enabled
text: i18nc ( "number in percentage, e.g. 85 %" , "%0 %" ) . arg ( transparencySlider . value )
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignRight
Layout.minimumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
Layout.maximumWidth: theme . mSize ( theme . defaultFont ) . width * 4
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
visible: dialog . expertLevel
isFirstSubCategory: true
text: i18n ( "Options" )
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 2
visible: dialog . expertLevel
readonly property int buttonSize: ( dialog . optionsWidth - ( spacing * 2 ) ) / 3
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: panelBlur
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Blur" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . blurEnabled
checkable: true
enabled: showBackground . checked && LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
tooltip: i18n ( "Background is blurred underneath" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . blurEnabled = checked
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: panelShadows
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Shadows" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows
checkable: true
enabled: showBackground . checked && LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
tooltip: i18n ( "Background shows its shadows" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows = checked
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: solidBackground
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18n ( "Outline" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . panelOutline
checkable: true
enabled: showBackground . checked
tooltip: i18n ( "Background draws a line for its borders. You can set the line size from Latte Preferences" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . panelOutline = ! plasmoid . configuration . panelOutline ;
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
visible: dialog . expertLevel
text: i18nc ( "dynamic visibility for background" , "Dynamic Visibility" )
enabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
LatteComponents . CheckBoxesColumn {
enabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: solidForMaximizedChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Prefer opaque background when touching any window" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized
tooltip: i18n ( "Background removes its transparency setting when a window is touching" )
enabled: showBackground . checked
visible: dialog . expertLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized = checked ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: onlyOnMaximizedChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Hide background when not needed" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
tooltip: i18n ( "Background becomes hidden except when a window is touching or the desktop background is busy" )
enabled: showBackground . checked
visible: dialog . expertLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized = checked ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: hideShadowsOnMaximizedChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Hide background shadow for maximized windows" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . disablePanelShadowForMaximized
tooltip: i18n ( "Background shadows become hidden when an active maximized window is touching the view" )
enabled: showBackground . checked
visible: dialog . expertLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . disablePanelShadowForMaximized = checked ;
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
visible: dialog . expertLevel
text: i18n ( "Exceptions" )
enabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: solidForPopupsChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Prefer Plasma background and colors for expanded applets" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . plasmaBackgroundForPopups
tooltip: i18n ( "Background becomes opaque in plasma style when applets are expanded" )
enabled: showBackground . checked
visible: dialog . expertLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . plasmaBackgroundForPopups = checked ;
//! END: Background