@ -53403,13 +53403,13 @@ var reloadCSS = require('_css_loader');
module . hot . dispose ( reloadCSS ) ;
module . hot . dispose ( reloadCSS ) ;
module . hot . accept ( reloadCSS ) ;
module . hot . accept ( reloadCSS ) ;
module . exports = {
module . exports = {
"version" : "_version_ itqqz _1",
"version" : "_version_ 12zto _1",
"keyCodeInfo" : "_keyCodeInfo_ itqqz_5 ",
"keyCodeInfo" : "_keyCodeInfo_ 12zto_13 ",
"header" : "_header_ itqqz_23 ",
"header" : "_header_ 12zto_31 ",
"title" : "_title_ itqqz_27 ",
"title" : "_title_ 12zto_35 ",
"lang" : "_lang_ itqqz_34 ",
"lang" : "_lang_ 12zto_42 ",
"info" : "_info_ itqqz_42 ",
"info" : "_info_ 12zto_50 ",
"github" : "_github_ itqqz_51 "
"github" : "_github_ 12zto_59 "
} ;
} ;
} , { "_css_loader" : "../node_modules/parcel-bundler/src/builtins/css-loader.js" } ] , "../README.md" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
} , { "_css_loader" : "../node_modules/parcel-bundler/src/builtins/css-loader.js" } ] , "../README.md" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
module . exports = ` # Hotkeys
module . exports = ` # Hotkeys
@ -53762,7 +53762,7 @@ $ npm run test:watch # Development model
} , { } ] , "../dist/hotkeys.common.js" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
} , { } ] , "../dist/hotkeys.common.js" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
/ * !
/ * !
* hotkeys - js v3 . 4. 2
* hotkeys - js v3 . 4. 3
* A simple micro - library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts . It has no dependencies .
* A simple micro - library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts . It has no dependencies .
* Copyright ( c ) 2019 kenny wong < wowohoo @ qq . com >
* Copyright ( c ) 2019 kenny wong < wowohoo @ qq . com >
@ -54177,6 +54177,74 @@ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
module . exports = hotkeys ;
module . exports = hotkeys ;
} , { } ] , "../package.json" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
module . exports = {
"name" : "hotkeys-js" ,
"description" : "A simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts. It has no dependencies." ,
"version" : "3.4.3" ,
"main" : "index.js" ,
"module" : "dist/hotkeys.esm.js" ,
"scripts" : {
"lint" : "eslint --ext .js src website" ,
"deploy" : "npm run doc:build && gh-pages -d doc" ,
"build" : "node scripts/build.js" ,
"watch" : "node scripts/watch.js" ,
"pretest" : "npm run build" ,
"test" : "npm run lint && jest --coverage" ,
"test:watch" : "jest --watch" ,
"doc" : "npm run doc:dev" ,
"doc:dev" : "NODE_ENV=development parcel website/index.html --out-dir doc --no-cache" ,
"doc:build" : "NODE_ENV=production parcel build website/index.html --out-dir doc --public-url ./ --no-cache"
} ,
"husky" : {
"hooks" : {
"pre-commit" : "npm run build && npm run lint"
} ,
"keywords" : [ "hotkey" , "hotkeys" , "hotkeys-js" , "hotkeysjs" , "key" , "keys" , "keyboard" , "shortcuts" , "keypress" ] ,
"author" : "kenny wong <wowohoo@qq.com>" ,
"license" : "MIT" ,
"homepage" : "http://jaywcjlove.github.io/hotkeys" ,
"repository" : {
"type" : "git" ,
"url" : "https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys.git"
} ,
"dependencies" : { } ,
"devDependencies" : {
"autoprefixer" : "^8.6.1" ,
"babel-core" : "^6.26.3" ,
"babel-eslint" : "^8.2.3" ,
"babel-plugin-external-helpers" : "^6.22.0" ,
"babel-preset-env" : "^1.7.0" ,
"babel-preset-react" : "^6.24.1" ,
"bannerjs" : "^1.0.5" ,
"classnames" : "^2.2.5" ,
"colors-cli" : "^1.0.13" ,
"eslint" : "^4.19.1" ,
"eslint-config-airbnb" : "^16.1.0" ,
"eslint-plugin-import" : "^2.12.0" ,
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y" : "^6.0.3" ,
"eslint-plugin-react" : "^7.9.1" ,
"gh-pages" : "^1.2.0" ,
"highlight.js" : "^9.12.0" ,
"husky" : "^1.0.0-rc.8" ,
"jest" : "^22.4.4" ,
"less" : "^3.0.4" ,
"parcel-bundler" : "^1.10.3" ,
"parcel-plugin-markdown-string" : "^1.3.1" ,
"postcss-modules" : "^1.1.0" ,
"puppeteer" : "^1.5.0" ,
"react" : "^16.7.0" ,
"react-dom" : "^16.7.0" ,
"react-markdown" : "^3.3.2" ,
"rollup" : "^0.57.1" ,
"rollup-plugin-babel" : "^3.0.4" ,
"rollup-plugin-commonjs" : "^9.1.3" ,
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve" : "^3.3.0" ,
"uglify-js" : "^3.4.0" ,
"zlib" : "^1.0.5"
} ;
} , { } ] , "App.js" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
} , { } ] , "App.js" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
"use strict" ;
"use strict" ;
@ -54203,6 +54271,8 @@ var _README = _interopRequireDefault(require("../README.md"));
var _hotkeys = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "../dist/hotkeys.common" ) ) ;
var _hotkeys = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "../dist/hotkeys.common" ) ) ;
var _package = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "../package.json" ) ) ;
function _interopRequireDefault ( obj ) { return obj && obj . _ _esModule ? obj : { default : obj } ; }
function _interopRequireDefault ( obj ) { return obj && obj . _ _esModule ? obj : { default : obj } ; }
function _interopRequireWildcard ( obj ) { if ( obj && obj . _ _esModule ) { return obj ; } else { var newObj = { } ; if ( obj != null ) { for ( var key in obj ) { if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , key ) ) { var desc = Object . defineProperty && Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( obj , key ) : { } ; if ( desc . get || desc . set ) { Object . defineProperty ( newObj , key , desc ) ; } else { newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] ; } } } } newObj . default = obj ; return newObj ; } }
function _interopRequireWildcard ( obj ) { if ( obj && obj . _ _esModule ) { return obj ; } else { var newObj = { } ; if ( obj != null ) { for ( var key in obj ) { if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , key ) ) { var desc = Object . defineProperty && Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( obj , key ) : { } ; if ( desc . get || desc . set ) { Object . defineProperty ( newObj , key , desc ) ; } else { newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] ; } } } } newObj . default = obj ; return newObj ; } }
@ -54348,7 +54418,9 @@ function (_Component) {
onChange : this . openVersionWebsite . bind ( this )
onChange : this . openVersionWebsite . bind ( this )
} , _react . default . createElement ( "option" , {
} , _react . default . createElement ( "option" , {
value : "https://jaywcjlove.github.io/hotkeys"
value : "https://jaywcjlove.github.io/hotkeys"
} , "v3.0.0" ) , _react . default . createElement ( "option" , {
} , "v" , _package . default . version ) , _react . default . createElement ( "option" , {
value : "https://unpkg.com/hotkeys-js@3.4.2/doc/index.html"
} , "v3.4.2" ) , _react . default . createElement ( "option" , {
value : "https://unpkg.com/hotkeys-js@2.0.10/doc/index.html"
value : "https://unpkg.com/hotkeys-js@2.0.10/doc/index.html"
} , "v2.0.10" ) ) , keyStr . length > - 1 && _react . default . createElement ( "div" , {
} , "v2.0.10" ) ) , keyStr . length > - 1 && _react . default . createElement ( "div" , {
className : _index . default . keyCodeInfo
className : _index . default . keyCodeInfo
@ -54404,7 +54476,7 @@ function (_Component) {
} ( _react . Component ) ;
} ( _react . Component ) ;
exports . default = App ;
exports . default = App ;
} , { "react" : "../node_modules/react/index.js" , "./components/GithubCorner" : "components/GithubCorner.js" , "./components/KeyBoard" : "components/KeyBoard.js" , "./components/Footer" : "components/Footer.js" , "./components/Markdown" : "components/Markdown/index.js" , "./components/GithubShields" : "components/GithubShields.js" , "./styles/index.less" : "styles/index.less" , "../README.md" : "../README.md" , "../dist/hotkeys.common" : "../dist/hotkeys.common.js" }] , "styles/reset.less" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
} , { "react" : "../node_modules/react/index.js" , "./components/GithubCorner" : "components/GithubCorner.js" , "./components/KeyBoard" : "components/KeyBoard.js" , "./components/Footer" : "components/Footer.js" , "./components/Markdown" : "components/Markdown/index.js" , "./components/GithubShields" : "components/GithubShields.js" , "./styles/index.less" : "styles/index.less" , "../README.md" : "../README.md" , "../dist/hotkeys.common" : "../dist/hotkeys.common.js" ,"../package.json" : "../package.json" }] , "styles/reset.less" : [ function ( require , module , exports ) {
var reloadCSS = require ( '_css_loader' ) ;
var reloadCSS = require ( '_css_loader' ) ;
module . hot . dispose ( reloadCSS ) ;
module . hot . dispose ( reloadCSS ) ;
@ -54451,7 +54523,7 @@ var parent = module.bundle.parent;
if ( ( ! parent || ! parent . isParcelRequire ) && typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( ( ! parent || ! parent . isParcelRequire ) && typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined' ) {
var hostname = "" || location . hostname ;
var hostname = "" || location . hostname ;
var protocol = location . protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws' ;
var protocol = location . protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws' ;
var ws = new WebSocket ( protocol + '://' + hostname + ':' + "5 2728 " + '/' ) ;
var ws = new WebSocket ( protocol + '://' + hostname + ':' + "5 5811 " + '/' ) ;
ws . onmessage = function ( event ) {
ws . onmessage = function ( event ) {
var data = JSON . parse ( event . data ) ;
var data = JSON . parse ( event . data ) ;