@ -434,17 +434,28 @@ AAAjQmxvYgAAAGm7ENm9SGxMtAFVvPUsPJTF6PbtAAAAAFcVogEJAAAAAQAAAA==`)
Take int
ExpectedTotal int64
ExpectedResults int
ExpectedExactMatch bool
} {
{ "" , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 } ,
{ "" , 0 , 10 , 1 , 1 } ,
{ "gitea" , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ "test" , 0 , 10 , 1 , 1 } ,
{ "test" , 1 , 10 , 1 , 0 } ,
{ "" , 0 , 0 , 4 , 4 , false } ,
{ "" , 0 , 10 , 4 , 4 , false } ,
{ "gitea" , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 , false } ,
{ "test" , 0 , 10 , 1 , 1 , false } ,
{ "test" , 1 , 10 , 1 , 0 , false } ,
{ "almost.similar" , 0 , 0 , 3 , 3 , true } ,
req := NewRequestWithBody ( t , "PUT" , url , createPackage ( packageName , "1.0.99" ) ) .
fakePackages := [ ] string {
packageName ,
"almost.similar.dependency" ,
"almost.similar" ,
"almost.similar.dependant" ,
for _ , fakePackageName := range fakePackages {
req := NewRequestWithBody ( t , "PUT" , url , createPackage ( fakePackageName , "1.0.99" ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
MakeRequest ( t , req , http . StatusCreated )
t . Run ( "v2" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Run ( "Search()" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
@ -491,6 +502,63 @@ AAAjQmxvYgAAAGm7ENm9SGxMtAFVvPUsPJTF6PbtAAAAAFcVogEJAAAAAQAAAA==`)
} )
t . Run ( "Packages()" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
defer tests . PrintCurrentTest ( t ) ( )
t . Run ( "substringof" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
defer tests . PrintCurrentTest ( t ) ( )
for i , c := range cases {
req := NewRequest ( t , "GET" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/Packages()?$filter=substringof('%s',tolower(Id))&$skip=%d&$top=%d" , url , c . Query , c . Skip , c . Take ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
resp := MakeRequest ( t , req , http . StatusOK )
var result FeedResponse
decodeXML ( t , resp , & result )
assert . Equal ( t , c . ExpectedTotal , result . Count , "case %d: unexpected total hits" , i )
assert . Len ( t , result . Entries , c . ExpectedResults , "case %d: unexpected result count" , i )
req = NewRequest ( t , "GET" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/Packages()/$count?$filter=substringof('%s',tolower(Id))&$skip=%d&$top=%d" , url , c . Query , c . Skip , c . Take ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
resp = MakeRequest ( t , req , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , strconv . FormatInt ( c . ExpectedTotal , 10 ) , resp . Body . String ( ) , "case %d: unexpected total hits" , i )
} )
t . Run ( "IdEq" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
defer tests . PrintCurrentTest ( t ) ( )
for i , c := range cases {
if c . Query == "" {
// Ignore the `tolower(Id) eq ''` as it's unlikely to happen
req := NewRequest ( t , "GET" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/Packages()?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq '%s')&$skip=%d&$top=%d" , url , c . Query , c . Skip , c . Take ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
resp := MakeRequest ( t , req , http . StatusOK )
var result FeedResponse
decodeXML ( t , resp , & result )
expectedCount := 0
if c . ExpectedExactMatch {
expectedCount = 1
assert . Equal ( t , int64 ( expectedCount ) , result . Count , "case %d: unexpected total hits" , i )
assert . Len ( t , result . Entries , expectedCount , "case %d: unexpected result count" , i )
req = NewRequest ( t , "GET" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/Packages()/$count?$filter=(tolower(Id) eq '%s')&$skip=%d&$top=%d" , url , c . Query , c . Skip , c . Take ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
resp = MakeRequest ( t , req , http . StatusOK )
assert . Equal ( t , strconv . FormatInt ( int64 ( expectedCount ) , 10 ) , resp . Body . String ( ) , "case %d: unexpected total hits" , i )
} )
} )
t . Run ( "Next" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := NewRequest ( t , "GET" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/Search()?searchTerm='test'&$skip=0&$top=1" , url ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
@ -548,9 +616,11 @@ AAAjQmxvYgAAAGm7ENm9SGxMtAFVvPUsPJTF6PbtAAAAAFcVogEJAAAAAQAAAA==`)
} )
} )
req = NewRequest ( t , "DELETE" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s/%s" , url , packageName , "1.0.99" ) ) .
for _ , fakePackageName := range fakePackages {
req := NewRequest ( t , "DELETE" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s/%s/%s" , url , fakePackageName , "1.0.99" ) ) .
AddBasicAuth ( user . Name )
MakeRequest ( t , req , http . StatusNoContent )
} )
t . Run ( "RegistrationService" , func ( t * testing . T ) {