@ -119,14 +119,19 @@ export function initGlobalCommon() {
// make table <tr> element clickable like a link
// make table <tr> and <td> elements clickable like a link
$('tr[data-href]').on('click', function () {
$('tr[data-href], td[data-href]').on('click', function (e) {
window.location = $(this).data('href');
const href = $(this).data('href');
if (e.target.nodeName === 'A') {
// if a user clicks on <a>, then the <tr> or <td> should not act as a link.
// make table <td> element clickable like a link
$('td[data-href]').click(function () {
window.location = $(this).data('href');
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
// ctrl+click or meta+click opens a new window in modern browsers
} else {
window.location = href;