@ -632,6 +632,7 @@ func shortLinkProcessorFull(ctx *postProcessCtx, node *html.Node, noLink bool) {
// When parsing HTML, x/net/html will change all quotes which are
// not used for syntax into UTF-8 quotes. So checking val[0] won't
// be enough, since that only checks a single byte.
if len(val) > 1 {
if (strings.HasPrefix(val, "“") && strings.HasSuffix(val, "”")) ||
(strings.HasPrefix(val, "‘") && strings.HasSuffix(val, "’")) {
const lenQuote = len("‘")
@ -643,6 +644,7 @@ func shortLinkProcessorFull(ctx *postProcessCtx, node *html.Node, noLink bool) {
const lenQuote = len("‘")
val = val[1 : len(val)-lenQuote]
props[key] = val