@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const (
type DiffLine struct {
LeftIdx int // line number, 1-based
RightIdx int // line number, 1-based
Match int // line number, 1-based
Match int // the diff matched index. -1: no match. 0: plain and no need to match. >0: for add/del, "Lines" slice index of the other side
Type DiffLineType
Content string
Comments issues_model.CommentList // related PR code comments
@ -203,12 +203,20 @@ func getLineContent(content string, locale translation.Locale) DiffInline {
type DiffSection struct {
file *DiffFile
FileName string
Name string
Lines []*DiffLine
func (diffSection *DiffSection) GetLine(idx int) *DiffLine {
if idx <= 0 {
return nil
return diffSection.Lines[idx]
// GetLine gets a specific line by type (add or del) and file line number
func (diffSection *DiffSection) GetLine(lineType DiffLineType, idx int) *DiffLine {
// This algorithm is not quite right.
// Actually now we have "Match" field, it is always right, so use it instead in new GetLine
func (diffSection *DiffSection) getLineLegacy(lineType DiffLineType, idx int) *DiffLine { //nolint:unused
var (
difference = 0
addCount = 0
@ -279,7 +287,7 @@ func (diffSection *DiffSection) getLineContentForRender(lineIdx int, diffLine *D
if setting.Git.DisableDiffHighlight {
return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(diffLine.Content[1:]))
h, _ = highlight.Code(diffSection.Name, fileLanguage, diffLine.Content[1:])
h, _ = highlight.Code(diffSection.FileName, fileLanguage, diffLine.Content[1:])
return h
@ -292,20 +300,31 @@ func (diffSection *DiffSection) getDiffLineForRender(diffLineType DiffLineType,
highlightedLeftLines, highlightedRightLines = diffSection.file.highlightedLeftLines, diffSection.file.highlightedRightLines
var lineHTML template.HTML
hcd := newHighlightCodeDiff()
var diff1, diff2, lineHTML template.HTML
if diffLineType == DiffLinePlain {
// left and right are the same, no need to do line-level diff
if leftLine != nil {
lineHTML = diffSection.getLineContentForRender(leftLine.LeftIdx, leftLine, fileLanguage, highlightedLeftLines)
} else if rightLine != nil {
lineHTML = diffSection.getLineContentForRender(rightLine.RightIdx, rightLine, fileLanguage, highlightedRightLines)
} else {
var diff1, diff2 template.HTML
if leftLine != nil {
diff1 = diffSection.getLineContentForRender(leftLine.LeftIdx, leftLine, fileLanguage, highlightedLeftLines)
lineHTML = util.Iif(diffLineType == DiffLinePlain, diff1, "")
if rightLine != nil {
diff2 = diffSection.getLineContentForRender(rightLine.RightIdx, rightLine, fileLanguage, highlightedRightLines)
lineHTML = util.Iif(diffLineType == DiffLinePlain, diff2, "")
if diffLineType != DiffLinePlain {
// it seems that Gitea doesn't need the line wrapper of Chroma, so do not add them back
// if the line wrappers are still needed in the future, it can be added back by "diffLineWithHighlightWrapper(hcd.lineWrapperTags. ...)"
if diff1 != "" && diff2 != "" {
// if only some parts of a line are changed, highlight these changed parts as "deleted/added".
lineHTML = hcd.diffLineWithHighlight(diffLineType, diff1, diff2)
} else {
// if left is empty or right is empty (a line is fully deleted or added), then we do not need to diff anymore.
// the tmpl code already adds background colors for these cases.
lineHTML = util.Iif(diffLineType == DiffLineDel, diff1, diff2)
return DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape(lineHTML, locale)
@ -317,10 +336,10 @@ func (diffSection *DiffSection) GetComputedInlineDiffFor(diffLine *DiffLine, loc
case DiffLineSection:
return getLineContent(diffLine.Content[1:], locale)
case DiffLineAdd:
compareDiffLine := diffSection.GetLine(DiffLineDel, diffLine.RightIdx)
compareDiffLine := diffSection.GetLine(diffLine.Match)
return diffSection.getDiffLineForRender(DiffLineAdd, compareDiffLine, diffLine, locale)
case DiffLineDel:
compareDiffLine := diffSection.GetLine(DiffLineAdd, diffLine.LeftIdx)
compareDiffLine := diffSection.GetLine(diffLine.Match)
return diffSection.getDiffLineForRender(DiffLineDel, diffLine, compareDiffLine, locale)
default: // Plain
// TODO: there was an "if" check: `if diffLine.Content >strings.IndexByte(" +-", diffLine.Content[0]) > -1 { ... } else { ... }`
@ -383,15 +402,22 @@ type DiffLimitedContent struct {
// GetTailSectionAndLimitedContent creates a fake DiffLineSection if the last section is not the end of the file
func (diffFile *DiffFile) GetTailSectionAndLimitedContent(leftCommit, rightCommit *git.Commit) (_ *DiffSection, diffLimitedContent DiffLimitedContent) {
if len(diffFile.Sections) == 0 || leftCommit == nil || diffFile.Type != DiffFileChange || diffFile.IsBin || diffFile.IsLFSFile {
var leftLineCount, rightLineCount int
diffLimitedContent = DiffLimitedContent{}
if diffFile.IsBin || diffFile.IsLFSFile {
return nil, diffLimitedContent
if (diffFile.Type == DiffFileDel || diffFile.Type == DiffFileChange) && leftCommit != nil {
leftLineCount, diffLimitedContent.LeftContent = getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent(leftCommit, diffFile.OldName)
if (diffFile.Type == DiffFileAdd || diffFile.Type == DiffFileChange) && rightCommit != nil {
rightLineCount, diffLimitedContent.RightContent = getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent(rightCommit, diffFile.OldName)
if len(diffFile.Sections) == 0 || diffFile.Type != DiffFileChange {
return nil, diffLimitedContent
lastSection := diffFile.Sections[len(diffFile.Sections)-1]
lastLine := lastSection.Lines[len(lastSection.Lines)-1]
leftLineCount, leftContent := getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent(leftCommit, diffFile.Name)
rightLineCount, rightContent := getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent(rightCommit, diffFile.Name)
diffLimitedContent = DiffLimitedContent{LeftContent: leftContent, RightContent: rightContent}
if leftLineCount <= lastLine.LeftIdx || rightLineCount <= lastLine.RightIdx {
return nil, diffLimitedContent