@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ func (diffFile *DiffFile) GetType() int {
// GetTailSection creates a fake DiffLineSection if the last section is not the end of the file
func ( diffFile * DiffFile ) GetTailSection ( gitRepo * git . Repository , leftCommit, rightCommit * git . Commit ) * DiffSection {
if len ( diffFile . Sections ) == 0 || diffFile. Type != DiffFileChange || diffFile . IsBin || diffFile . IsLFSFile {
func ( diffFile * DiffFile ) GetTailSection ( leftCommit, rightCommit * git . Commit ) * DiffSection {
if len ( diffFile . Sections ) == 0 || leftCommit == nil || diffFile. Type != DiffFileChange || diffFile . IsBin || diffFile . IsLFSFile {
return nil
@ -453,8 +453,6 @@ func getCommitFileLineCount(commit *git.Commit, filePath string) int {
// Diff represents a difference between two git trees.
type Diff struct {
Start , End string
NumFiles int
TotalAddition , TotalDeletion int
Files [ ] * DiffFile
IsIncomplete bool
NumViewedFiles int // user-specific
@ -699,8 +697,6 @@ parsingLoop:
// Otherwise do nothing with this line, but now switch to parsing hunks
lineBytes , isFragment , err := parseHunks ( ctx , curFile , maxLines , maxLineCharacters , input )
diff . TotalAddition += curFile . Addition
diff . TotalDeletion += curFile . Deletion
if err != nil {
if err != io . EOF {
return diff , err
@ -773,7 +769,6 @@ parsingLoop:
diff . NumFiles = len ( diff . Files )
return diff , nil
@ -1104,7 +1099,26 @@ type DiffOptions struct {
MaxFiles int
WhitespaceBehavior git . TrustedCmdArgs
DirectComparison bool
FileOnly bool
func guessBeforeCommitForDiff ( gitRepo * git . Repository , beforeCommitID string , afterCommit * git . Commit ) ( actualBeforeCommit * git . Commit , actualBeforeCommitID git . ObjectID , err error ) {
commitObjectFormat := afterCommit . ID . Type ( )
isBeforeCommitIDEmpty := beforeCommitID == "" || beforeCommitID == commitObjectFormat . EmptyObjectID ( ) . String ( )
if isBeforeCommitIDEmpty && afterCommit . ParentCount ( ) == 0 {
actualBeforeCommitID = commitObjectFormat . EmptyTree ( )
} else {
if isBeforeCommitIDEmpty {
actualBeforeCommit , err = afterCommit . Parent ( 0 )
} else {
actualBeforeCommit , err = gitRepo . GetCommit ( beforeCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
actualBeforeCommitID = actualBeforeCommit . ID
return actualBeforeCommit , actualBeforeCommitID , nil
// GetDiff builds a Diff between two commits of a repository.
@ -1113,46 +1127,19 @@ type DiffOptions struct {
func GetDiff ( ctx context . Context , gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) ( * Diff , error ) {
repoPath := gitRepo . Path
var beforeCommit * git . Commit
commit , err := gitRepo . GetCommit ( opts . AfterCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
cmdCtx , cmdCancel := context . WithCancel ( ctx )
defer cmdCancel ( )
cmdDiff := git . NewCommand ( )
objectFormat , err := gitRepo . GetObjectFormat ( )
afterCommit , err := gitRepo . GetCommit ( opts . AfterCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if ( len ( opts . BeforeCommitID ) == 0 || opts . BeforeCommitID == objectFormat . EmptyObjectID ( ) . String ( ) ) && commit . ParentCount ( ) == 0 {
cmdDiff . AddArguments ( "diff" , "--src-prefix=\\a/" , "--dst-prefix=\\b/" , "-M" ) .
AddArguments ( opts . WhitespaceBehavior ... ) .
AddDynamicArguments ( objectFormat . EmptyTree ( ) . String ( ) ) .
AddDynamicArguments ( opts . AfterCommitID )
} else {
actualBeforeCommitID := opts . BeforeCommitID
if len ( actualBeforeCommitID ) == 0 {
parentCommit , err := commit . Parent ( 0 )
actualBeforeCommit , actualBeforeCommitID , err := guessBeforeCommitForDiff ( gitRepo , opts . BeforeCommitID , afterCommit )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
actualBeforeCommitID = parentCommit . ID . String ( )
cmdDiff . AddArguments ( "diff" , "--src-prefix=\\a/" , "--dst-prefix=\\b/" , "-M" ) .
AddArguments ( opts . WhitespaceBehavior ... ) .
AddDynamicArguments ( actualBeforeCommitID , opts . AfterCommitID )
opts . BeforeCommitID = actualBeforeCommitID
beforeCommit , err = gitRepo . GetCommit ( opts . BeforeCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
cmdDiff := git . NewCommand ( ) .
AddArguments ( "diff" , "--src-prefix=\\a/" , "--dst-prefix=\\b/" , "-M" ) .
AddArguments ( opts . WhitespaceBehavior ... )
// In git 2.31, git diff learned --skip-to which we can use to shortcut skip to file
// so if we are using at least this version of git we don't have to tell ParsePatch to do
@ -1163,8 +1150,12 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
parsePatchSkipToFile = ""
cmdDiff . AddDynamicArguments ( actualBeforeCommitID . String ( ) , opts . AfterCommitID )
cmdDiff . AddDashesAndList ( files ... )
cmdCtx , cmdCancel := context . WithCancel ( ctx )
defer cmdCancel ( )
reader , writer := io . Pipe ( )
defer func ( ) {
_ = reader . Close ( )
@ -1214,7 +1205,7 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
// Populate Submodule URLs
if diffFile . SubmoduleDiffInfo != nil {
diffFile . SubmoduleDiffInfo . PopulateURL ( diffFile , beforeCommit, c ommit)
diffFile . SubmoduleDiffInfo . PopulateURL ( diffFile , actualBeforeCommit, afterC ommit)
if ! isVendored . Has ( ) {
@ -1227,75 +1218,45 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
diffFile . IsGenerated = isGenerated . Value ( )
tailSection := diffFile . GetTailSection ( gitRepo, beforeCommit , c ommit)
tailSection := diffFile . GetTailSection ( actualBeforeCommit, afterC ommit)
if tailSection != nil {
diffFile . Sections = append ( diffFile . Sections , tailSection )
if opts . FileOnly {
return diff , nil
stats , err := GetPullDiffStats ( gitRepo , opts )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
diff . NumFiles , diff . TotalAddition , diff . TotalDeletion = stats . NumFiles , stats . TotalAddition , stats . TotalDeletion
return diff , nil
type PullDiffStats struct {
type DiffShortStat struct {
NumFiles , TotalAddition , TotalDeletion int
// GetPullDiffStats
func GetPullDiffStats ( gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions ) ( * PullDiffStats , error ) {
func GetDiffShortStat ( gitRepo * git . Repository , beforeCommitID , afterCommitID string ) ( * DiffShortStat , error ) {
repoPath := gitRepo . Path
diff := & PullDiffStats { }
separator := "..."
if opts . DirectComparison {
separator = ".."
objectFormat , err := gitRepo . GetObjectFormat ( )
afterCommit , err := gitRepo . GetCommit ( afterCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
diffPaths := [ ] string { opts . BeforeCommitID + separator + opts . AfterCommitID }
if len ( opts . BeforeCommitID ) == 0 || opts . BeforeCommitID == objectFormat . EmptyObjectID ( ) . String ( ) {
diffPaths = [ ] string { objectFormat . EmptyTree ( ) . String ( ) , opts . AfterCommitID }
_ , actualBeforeCommitID , err := guessBeforeCommitForDiff ( gitRepo , beforeCommitID , afterCommit )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
diff . NumFiles , diff . TotalAddition , diff . TotalDeletion , err = git . GetDiffShortStat ( gitRepo . Ctx , repoPath , nil , diffPaths ... )
if err != nil && strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "no merge base" ) {
// git >= 2.28 now returns an error if base and head have become unrelated.
// previously it would return the results of git diff --shortstat base head so let's try that...
diffPaths = [ ] string { opts . BeforeCommitID , opts . AfterCommitID }
diff . NumFiles , diff . TotalAddition , diff . TotalDeletion , err = git . GetDiffShortStat ( gitRepo . Ctx , repoPath , nil , diffPaths ... )
diff := & DiffShortStat { }
diff . NumFiles , diff . TotalAddition , diff . TotalDeletion , err = git . GetDiffShortStatByCmdArgs ( gitRepo . Ctx , repoPath , nil , actualBeforeCommitID . String ( ) , afterCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return diff , nil
// SyncAndGetUserSpecificDiff is like GetDiff, except that user specific data such as which files the given user has already viewed on the given PR will also be set
// Additionally, the database asynchronously is updated if files have changed since the last review
func SyncAndGetUserSpecificDiff ( ctx context . Context , userID int64 , pull * issues_model . PullRequest , gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) ( * Diff , error ) {
diff , err := GetDiff ( ctx , gitRepo , opts , files ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
// SyncUserSpecificDiff inserts user-specific data such as which files the user has already viewed on the given diff
// Additionally, the database is updated asynchronously if files have changed since the last review
func SyncUserSpecificDiff ( ctx context . Context , userID int64 , pull * issues_model . PullRequest , gitRepo * git . Repository , diff * Diff , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) error {
review , err := pull_model . GetNewestReviewState ( ctx , userID , pull . ID )
if err != nil || review == nil || review . UpdatedFiles == nil {
return diff, err
return err
latestCommit := opts . AfterCommitID
@ -1348,11 +1309,11 @@ outer:
err := pull_model . UpdateReviewState ( ctx , review . UserID , review . PullID , review . CommitSHA , filesChangedSinceLastDiff )
if err != nil {
log . Warn ( "Could not update review for user %d, pull %d, commit %s and the changed files %v: %v" , review . UserID , review . PullID , review . CommitSHA , filesChangedSinceLastDiff , err )
return nil , err
return err
return diff , nil
return nil
// CommentAsDiff returns c.Patch as *Diff