@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import (
stdcharset "golang.org/x/net/html/charset"
@ -75,12 +76,12 @@ const (
// DiffLine represents a line difference in a DiffSection.
type DiffLine struct {
LeftIdx int
RightIdx int
Match int
LeftIdx int // line number, 1-based
RightIdx int // line number, 1-based
Match int // line number, 1-based
Type DiffLineType
Content string
Comments issues_model . CommentList
Comments issues_model . CommentList // related PR code comments
SectionInfo * DiffLineSectionInfo
@ -95,9 +96,18 @@ type DiffLineSectionInfo struct {
RightHunkSize int
// DiffHTMLOperation is the HTML version of diffmatchpatch.Diff
type DiffHTMLOperation struct {
Type diffmatchpatch . Operation
HTML template . HTML
// BlobExcerptChunkSize represent max lines of excerpt
const BlobExcerptChunkSize = 20
// MaxDiffHighlightEntireFileSize is the maximum file size that will be highlighted with "entire file diff"
const MaxDiffHighlightEntireFileSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024
// GetType returns the type of DiffLine.
func ( d * DiffLine ) GetType ( ) int {
return int ( d . Type )
@ -112,9 +122,10 @@ func (d *DiffLine) GetHTMLDiffLineType() string {
return "del"
case DiffLineSection :
return "tag"
default :
return "same"
// CanComment returns whether a line can get commented
func ( d * DiffLine ) CanComment ( ) bool {
@ -196,38 +207,6 @@ type DiffSection struct {
Lines [ ] * DiffLine
var (
addedCodePrefix = [ ] byte ( ` <span class="added-code"> ` )
removedCodePrefix = [ ] byte ( ` <span class="removed-code"> ` )
codeTagSuffix = [ ] byte ( ` </span> ` )
func diffToHTML ( lineWrapperTags [ ] string , diffs [ ] diffmatchpatch . Diff , lineType DiffLineType ) string {
buf := bytes . NewBuffer ( nil )
// restore the line wrapper tags <span class="line"> and <span class="cl">, if necessary
for _ , tag := range lineWrapperTags {
buf . WriteString ( tag )
for _ , diff := range diffs {
switch {
case diff . Type == diffmatchpatch . DiffEqual :
buf . WriteString ( diff . Text )
case diff . Type == diffmatchpatch . DiffInsert && lineType == DiffLineAdd :
buf . Write ( addedCodePrefix )
buf . WriteString ( diff . Text )
buf . Write ( codeTagSuffix )
case diff . Type == diffmatchpatch . DiffDelete && lineType == DiffLineDel :
buf . Write ( removedCodePrefix )
buf . WriteString ( diff . Text )
buf . Write ( codeTagSuffix )
for range lineWrapperTags {
buf . WriteString ( "</span>" )
return buf . String ( )
// GetLine gets a specific line by type (add or del) and file line number
func ( diffSection * DiffSection ) GetLine ( lineType DiffLineType , idx int ) * DiffLine {
var (
@ -271,10 +250,10 @@ LOOP:
return nil
var diffMatchPatch = diffmatchpatch . New ( )
func init ( ) {
diffMatchPatch . DiffEditCost = 100
func defaultDiffMatchPatch ( ) * diffmatchpatch . DiffMatchPatch {
dmp := diffmatchpatch . New ( )
dmp . DiffEditCost = 100
return dmp
// DiffInline is a struct that has a content and escape status
@ -283,97 +262,114 @@ type DiffInline struct {
Content template . HTML
// DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape makes a DiffInline with hidden u nicode characters escaped
// DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape makes a DiffInline with hidden U nicode characters escaped
func DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape ( s template . HTML , locale translation . Locale ) DiffInline {
status , content := charset . EscapeControlHTML ( s , locale )
return DiffInline { EscapeStatus : status , Content : content }
// DiffInlineWithHighlightCode makes a DiffInline with code highlight and hidden unicode characters escaped
func DiffInlineWithHighlightCode ( fileName , language , code string , locale translation . Locale ) DiffInline {
highlighted , _ := highlight . Code ( fileName , language , code )
status , content := charset . EscapeControlHTML ( highlighted , locale )
return DiffInline { EscapeStatus : status , Content : content }
func ( diffSection * DiffSection ) getLineContentForRender ( lineIdx int , diffLine * DiffLine , fileLanguage string , highlightLines map [ int ] template . HTML ) template . HTML {
h , ok := highlightLines [ lineIdx - 1 ]
if ok {
return h
if diffLine . Content == "" {
return ""
// GetComputedInlineDiffFor computes inline diff for the given line.
func ( diffSection * DiffSection ) GetComputedInlineDiffFor ( diffLine * DiffLine , locale translation . Locale ) DiffInline {
if setting . Git . DisableDiffHighlight {
return getLineContent ( diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] , locale )
return template . HTML ( html . EscapeString ( diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] ) )
h , _ = highlight . Code ( diffSection . Name , fileLanguage , diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] )
return h
var (
compareDiffLine * DiffLine
diff1 string
diff2 string
language := ""
func ( diffSection * DiffSection ) getDiffLineForRender ( diffLineType DiffLineType , leftLine , rightLine * DiffLine , locale translation . Locale ) DiffInline {
var fileLanguage string
var highlightedLeftLines , highlightedRightLines map [ int ] template . HTML
// when a "diff section" is manually prepared by ExcerptBlob, it doesn't have "file" information
if diffSection . file != nil {
language = diffSection . file . Language
fileLanguage = diffSection . file . Language
highlightedLeftLines , highlightedRightLines = diffSection . file . highlightedLeftLines , diffSection . file . highlightedRightLines
hcd := newHighlightCodeDiff ( )
var diff1 , diff2 , lineHTML template . HTML
if leftLine != nil {
diff1 = diffSection . getLineContentForRender ( leftLine . LeftIdx , leftLine , fileLanguage , highlightedLeftLines )
lineHTML = util . Iif ( diffLineType == DiffLinePlain , diff1 , "" )
if rightLine != nil {
diff2 = diffSection . getLineContentForRender ( rightLine . RightIdx , rightLine , fileLanguage , highlightedRightLines )
lineHTML = util . Iif ( diffLineType == DiffLinePlain , diff2 , "" )
if diffLineType != DiffLinePlain {
// it seems that Gitea doesn't need the line wrapper of Chroma, so do not add them back
// if the line wrappers are still needed in the future, it can be added back by "diffLineWithHighlightWrapper(hcd.lineWrapperTags. ...)"
lineHTML = hcd . diffLineWithHighlight ( diffLineType , diff1 , diff2 )
return DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape ( lineHTML , locale )
// GetComputedInlineDiffFor computes inline diff for the given line.
func ( diffSection * DiffSection ) GetComputedInlineDiffFor ( diffLine * DiffLine , locale translation . Locale ) DiffInline {
// try to find equivalent diff line. ignore, otherwise
switch diffLine . Type {
case DiffLineSection :
return getLineContent ( diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] , locale )
case DiffLineAdd :
compareDiffLine = diffSection . GetLine ( DiffLineDel , diffLine . RightIdx )
if compareDiffLine == nil {
return DiffInlineWithHighlightCode ( diffSection . FileName , language , diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] , locale )
diff1 = compareDiffLine . Content
diff2 = diffLine . Content
compareDiffLine := diffSection . GetLine ( DiffLineDel , diffLine . RightIdx )
return diffSection . getDiffLineForRender ( DiffLineAdd , compareDiffLine , diffLine , locale )
case DiffLineDel :
compareDiffLine = diffSection . GetLine ( DiffLineAdd , diffLine . LeftIdx )
if compareDiffLine == nil {
return DiffInlineWithHighlightCode ( diffSection . FileName , language , diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] , locale )
compareDiffLine := diffSection . GetLine ( DiffLineAdd , diffLine . LeftIdx )
return diffSection . getDiffLineForRender ( DiffLineDel , diffLine , compareDiffLine , locale )
default : // Plain
// TODO: there was an "if" check: `if diffLine.Content >strings.IndexByte(" +-", diffLine.Content[0]) > -1 { ... } else { ... }`
// no idea why it needs that check, it seems that the "if" should be always true, so try to simplify the code
return diffSection . getDiffLineForRender ( DiffLinePlain , nil , diffLine , locale )
diff1 = diffLine . Content
diff2 = compareDiffLine . Content
default :
if strings . IndexByte ( " +-" , diffLine . Content [ 0 ] ) > - 1 {
return DiffInlineWithHighlightCode ( diffSection . FileName , language , diffLine . Content [ 1 : ] , locale )
return DiffInlineWithHighlightCode ( diffSection . FileName , language , diffLine . Content , locale )
hcd := newHighlightCodeDiff ( )
diffRecord := hcd . diffWithHighlight ( diffSection . FileName , language , diff1 [ 1 : ] , diff2 [ 1 : ] )
// it seems that Gitea doesn't need the line wrapper of Chroma, so do not add them back
// if the line wrappers are still needed in the future, it can be added back by "diffToHTML(hcd.lineWrapperTags. ...)"
diffHTML := diffToHTML ( nil , diffRecord , diffLine . Type )
return DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape ( template . HTML ( diffHTML ) , locale )
// DiffFile represents a file diff.
type DiffFile struct {
// only used internally to parse Ambiguous filenames
isAmbiguous bool
// basic fields (parsed from diff result)
Name string
NameHash string
OldName string
Index int
Addition, Deletion int
Addition int
Deletion int
Type DiffFileType
Mode string
OldMode string
IsCreated bool
IsDeleted bool
IsBin bool
IsLFSFile bool
IsRenamed bool
IsAmbiguous bool
IsSubmodule bool
// basic fields but for render purpose only
Sections [ ] * DiffSection
IsIncomplete bool
IsIncompleteLineTooLong bool
IsProtected bool
// will be filled by the extra loop in GitDiffForRender
Language string
IsGenerated bool
IsVendored bool
SubmoduleDiffInfo * SubmoduleDiffInfo // IsSubmodule==true, then there must be a SubmoduleDiffInfo
// will be filled by route handler
IsProtected bool
// will be filled by SyncUserSpecificDiff
IsViewed bool // User specific
HasChangedSinceLastReview bool // User specific
Language string
Mode string
OldMode string
IsSubmodule bool // if IsSubmodule==true, then there must be a SubmoduleDiffInfo
SubmoduleDiffInfo * SubmoduleDiffInfo
// for render purpose only, will be filled by the extra loop in GitDiffForRender
highlightedLeftLines map [ int ] template . HTML
highlightedRightLines map [ int ] template . HTML
// GetType returns type of diff file.
@ -381,18 +377,23 @@ func (diffFile *DiffFile) GetType() int {
return int ( diffFile . Type )
// GetTailSection creates a fake DiffLineSection if the last section is not the end of the file
func ( diffFile * DiffFile ) GetTailSection ( leftCommit , rightCommit * git . Commit ) * DiffSection {
type DiffLimitedContent struct {
LeftContent , RightContent * limitByteWriter
// GetTailSectionAndLimitedContent creates a fake DiffLineSection if the last section is not the end of the file
func ( diffFile * DiffFile ) GetTailSectionAndLimitedContent ( leftCommit , rightCommit * git . Commit ) ( _ * DiffSection , diffLimitedContent DiffLimitedContent ) {
if len ( diffFile . Sections ) == 0 || leftCommit == nil || diffFile . Type != DiffFileChange || diffFile . IsBin || diffFile . IsLFSFile {
return nil
return nil , diffLimitedContent
lastSection := diffFile . Sections [ len ( diffFile . Sections ) - 1 ]
lastLine := lastSection . Lines [ len ( lastSection . Lines ) - 1 ]
leftLineCount := getCommitFileLineCount ( leftCommit , diffFile . Name )
rightLineCount := getCommitFileLineCount ( rightCommit , diffFile . Name )
leftLineCount , leftContent := getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent ( leftCommit , diffFile . Name )
rightLineCount , rightContent := getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent ( rightCommit , diffFile . Name )
diffLimitedContent = DiffLimitedContent { LeftContent : leftContent , RightContent : rightContent }
if leftLineCount <= lastLine . LeftIdx || rightLineCount <= lastLine . RightIdx {
return nil
return nil , diffLimitedContent
tailDiffLine := & DiffLine {
Type : DiffLineSection ,
@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ func (diffFile *DiffFile) GetTailSection(leftCommit, rightCommit *git.Commit) *D
} ,
tailSection := & DiffSection { FileName : diffFile . Name , Lines : [ ] * DiffLine { tailDiffLine } }
return tailSection
return tailSection , diffLimitedContent
// GetDiffFileName returns the name of the diff file, or its old name in case it was deleted
@ -438,16 +439,29 @@ func (diffFile *DiffFile) ModeTranslationKey(mode string) string {
func getCommitFileLineCount ( commit * git . Commit , filePath string ) int {
type limitByteWriter struct {
buf bytes . Buffer
limit int
func ( l * limitByteWriter ) Write ( p [ ] byte ) ( n int , err error ) {
if l . buf . Len ( ) + len ( p ) > l . limit {
p = p [ : l . limit - l . buf . Len ( ) ]
return l . buf . Write ( p )
func getCommitFileLineCountAndLimitedContent ( commit * git . Commit , filePath string ) ( lineCount int , limitWriter * limitByteWriter ) {
blob , err := commit . GetBlobByPath ( filePath )
if err != nil {
return 0
return 0 , nil
lineCount , err := blob . GetBlobLineCount ( )
w := & limitByteWriter { limit : MaxDiffHighlightEntireFileSize + 1 }
lineCount , err = blob . GetBlobLineCount ( w )
if err != nil {
return 0
return 0 , nil
return lineCount
return lineCount , w
// Diff represents a difference between two git trees.
@ -526,13 +540,13 @@ parsingLoop:
if maxFiles > - 1 && len ( diff . Files ) >= maxFiles {
lastFile := createDiffFile ( diff, line)
lastFile := createDiffFile ( line)
diff . End = lastFile . Name
diff . IsIncomplete = true
break parsingLoop
curFile = createDiffFile ( diff, line)
curFile = createDiffFile ( line)
if skipping {
if curFile . Name != skipToFile {
line , err = skipToNextDiffHead ( input )
@ -615,28 +629,28 @@ parsingLoop:
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "rename from " ) :
curFile . IsRenamed = true
curFile . Type = DiffFileRename
if curFile . I sAmbiguous {
if curFile . i sAmbiguous {
curFile . OldName = prepareValue ( line , "rename from " )
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "rename to " ) :
curFile . IsRenamed = true
curFile . Type = DiffFileRename
if curFile . I sAmbiguous {
if curFile . i sAmbiguous {
curFile . Name = prepareValue ( line , "rename to " )
curFile . I sAmbiguous = false
curFile . i sAmbiguous = false
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "copy from " ) :
curFile . IsRenamed = true
curFile . Type = DiffFileCopy
if curFile . I sAmbiguous {
if curFile . i sAmbiguous {
curFile . OldName = prepareValue ( line , "copy from " )
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "copy to " ) :
curFile . IsRenamed = true
curFile . Type = DiffFileCopy
if curFile . I sAmbiguous {
if curFile . i sAmbiguous {
curFile . Name = prepareValue ( line , "copy to " )
curFile . I sAmbiguous = false
curFile . i sAmbiguous = false
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "new file" ) :
curFile . Type = DiffFileAdd
@ -663,7 +677,7 @@ parsingLoop:
curFile . IsBin = true
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "--- " ) :
// Handle ambiguous filenames
if curFile . I sAmbiguous {
if curFile . i sAmbiguous {
// The shortest string that can end up here is:
// "--- a\t\n" without the quotes.
// This line has a len() of 7 but doesn't contain a oldName.
@ -681,7 +695,7 @@ parsingLoop:
// Otherwise do nothing with this line
case strings . HasPrefix ( line , "+++ " ) :
// Handle ambiguous filenames
if curFile . I sAmbiguous {
if curFile . i sAmbiguous {
if len ( line ) > 6 && line [ 4 ] == 'b' {
curFile . Name = line [ 6 : len ( line ) - 1 ]
if line [ len ( line ) - 2 ] == '\t' {
@ -693,7 +707,7 @@ parsingLoop:
} else {
curFile . Name = curFile . OldName
curFile . I sAmbiguous = false
curFile . i sAmbiguous = false
// Otherwise do nothing with this line, but now switch to parsing hunks
lineBytes , isFragment , err := parseHunks ( ctx , curFile , maxLines , maxLineCharacters , input )
@ -1006,7 +1020,7 @@ func parseHunks(ctx context.Context, curFile *DiffFile, maxLines, maxLineCharact
func createDiffFile ( diff * Diff , line string ) * DiffFile {
func createDiffFile ( line string ) * DiffFile {
// The a/ and b/ filenames are the same unless rename/copy is involved.
// Especially, even for a creation or a deletion, /dev/null is not used
// in place of the a/ or b/ filenames.
@ -1017,12 +1031,11 @@ func createDiffFile(diff *Diff, line string) *DiffFile {
// Path names are quoted if necessary.
// This means that you should always be able to determine the file name even when there
// This means that you should always be able to determine the file name even when
// there is potential ambiguity...
// but we can be simpler with our heuristics by just forcing git to prefix things nicely
curFile := & DiffFile {
Index : len ( diff . Files ) + 1 ,
Type : DiffFileChange ,
Sections : make ( [ ] * DiffSection , 0 , 10 ) ,
@ -1034,7 +1047,7 @@ func createDiffFile(diff *Diff, line string) *DiffFile {
curFile . OldName , oldNameAmbiguity = readFileName ( rd )
curFile . Name , newNameAmbiguity = readFileName ( rd )
if oldNameAmbiguity && newNameAmbiguity {
curFile . I sAmbiguous = true
curFile . i sAmbiguous = true
// OK we should bet that the oldName and the newName are the same if they can be made to be same
// So we need to start again ...
if ( len ( line ) - len ( cmdDiffHead ) - 1 ) % 2 == 0 {
@ -1121,20 +1134,21 @@ func guessBeforeCommitForDiff(gitRepo *git.Repository, beforeCommitID string, af
return actualBeforeCommit , actualBeforeCommitID , nil
// GetDiff builds a Diff between two commits of a repository.
// getDiffBasic builds a Diff between two commits of a repository.
// Passing the empty string as beforeCommitID returns a diff from the parent commit.
// The whitespaceBehavior is either an empty string or a git flag
func GetDiff ( ctx context . Context , gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) ( * Diff , error ) {
// Returned beforeCommit could be nil if the afterCommit doesn't have parent commit
func getDiffBasic ( ctx context . Context , gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) ( _ * Diff , beforeCommit , afterCommit * git . Commit , err error ) {
repoPath := gitRepo . Path
afterCommit , err : = gitRepo . GetCommit ( opts . AfterCommitID )
afterCommit , err = gitRepo . GetCommit ( opts . AfterCommitID )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return nil , nil , nil , err
actualBeforeCommit, actualB eforeCommitID, err := guessBeforeCommitForDiff ( gitRepo , opts . BeforeCommitID , afterCommit )
beforeCommit, b eforeCommitID, err := guessBeforeCommitForDiff ( gitRepo , opts . BeforeCommitID , afterCommit )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return nil , nil , nil , err
cmdDiff := git . NewCommand ( ) .
@ -1150,7 +1164,7 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
parsePatchSkipToFile = ""
cmdDiff . AddDynamicArguments ( actualB eforeCommitID. String ( ) , opts . AfterCommitID )
cmdDiff . AddDynamicArguments ( b eforeCommitID. String ( ) , opts . AfterCommitID )
cmdDiff . AddDashesAndList ( files ... )
cmdCtx , cmdCancel := context . WithCancel ( ctx )
@ -1180,12 +1194,25 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
// Ensure the git process is killed if it didn't exit already
cmdCancel ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "unable to ParsePatch: %w" , err )
return nil , nil , nil , fmt . Errorf ( "unable to ParsePatch: %w" , err )
diff . Start = opts . SkipTo
return diff , beforeCommit , afterCommit , nil
checker , deferable := gitRepo . CheckAttributeReader ( opts . AfterCommitID )
defer deferable ( )
func GetDiffForAPI ( ctx context . Context , gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) ( * Diff , error ) {
diff , _ , _ , err := getDiffBasic ( ctx , gitRepo , opts , files ... )
return diff , err
func GetDiffForRender ( ctx context . Context , gitRepo * git . Repository , opts * DiffOptions , files ... string ) ( * Diff , error ) {
diff , beforeCommit , afterCommit , err := getDiffBasic ( ctx , gitRepo , opts , files ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
checker , deferrable := gitRepo . CheckAttributeReader ( opts . AfterCommitID )
defer deferrable ( )
for _ , diffFile := range diff . Files {
isVendored := optional . None [ bool ] ( )
@ -1205,7 +1232,7 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
// Populate Submodule URLs
if diffFile . SubmoduleDiffInfo != nil {
diffFile . SubmoduleDiffInfo . PopulateURL ( diffFile , actualB eforeCommit, afterCommit )
diffFile . SubmoduleDiffInfo . PopulateURL ( diffFile , b eforeCommit, afterCommit )
if ! isVendored . Has ( ) {
@ -1217,15 +1244,46 @@ func GetDiff(ctx context.Context, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *DiffOptions, fi
isGenerated = optional . Some ( analyze . IsGenerated ( diffFile . Name ) )
diffFile . IsGenerated = isGenerated . Value ( )
tailSection := diffFile . GetTailSection ( actualBeforeCommit , afterCommit )
tailSection , limitedContent := diffFile . GetTailSectionAndLimitedContent ( beforeCommit , afterCommit )
if tailSection != nil {
diffFile . Sections = append ( diffFile . Sections , tailSection )
if ! setting . Git . DisableDiffHighlight {
if limitedContent . LeftContent != nil && limitedContent . LeftContent . buf . Len ( ) < MaxDiffHighlightEntireFileSize {
diffFile . highlightedLeftLines = highlightCodeLines ( diffFile , true /* left */ , limitedContent . LeftContent . buf . String ( ) )
if limitedContent . RightContent != nil && limitedContent . RightContent . buf . Len ( ) < MaxDiffHighlightEntireFileSize {
diffFile . highlightedRightLines = highlightCodeLines ( diffFile , false /* right */ , limitedContent . RightContent . buf . String ( ) )
return diff , nil
func highlightCodeLines ( diffFile * DiffFile , isLeft bool , content string ) map [ int ] template . HTML {
highlightedNewContent , _ := highlight . Code ( diffFile . Name , diffFile . Language , content )
splitLines := strings . Split ( string ( highlightedNewContent ) , "\n" )
lines := make ( map [ int ] template . HTML , len ( splitLines ) )
// only save the highlighted lines we need, but not the whole file, to save memory
for _ , sec := range diffFile . Sections {
for _ , ln := range sec . Lines {
lineIdx := ln . LeftIdx
if ! isLeft {
lineIdx = ln . RightIdx
if lineIdx >= 1 {
idx := lineIdx - 1
if idx < len ( splitLines ) {
lines [ idx ] = template . HTML ( splitLines [ idx ] )
return lines
type DiffShortStat struct {
NumFiles , TotalAddition , TotalDeletion int