app_desc=Ein schmerzloses selbst gehostetes Git-Service in Go geschrieben
app_desc=Ein schmerzloses selbst gehostetes Git-Service welches in Go geschrieben wurde
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ language = Sprache
re_type=neu tippen
re_type=neu tippen
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ cancel = Abbrechen
uname_holder=Benutzername oder E-mail
uname_holder=Benutzername oder E-mail
switch_dashboard_context=Switch Dashboard Context
switch_dashboard_context=Switch Dashboard Context
my_repos=Meine Repositories
my_repos=Meine Repositories
collaborative_repos=Collaborative Repositories
collaborative_repos=Collaborative Repositories
@ -49,135 +49,135 @@ my_mirrors = My Mirrors
create_new_account=Neues Konto erstellen
create_new_account=Neues Konto erstellen
register_hepler_msg=Bereits ein Konto? Jetzt anmelden!
register_hepler_msg=Sie haben bereits ein Konto? Jetzt anmelden!
social_register_hepler_msg=Already have an account? Bind now!
social_register_hepler_msg=Sie haben bereits ein Konto? Verknüpfe es jetzt!
disable_register_prompt=Sorry, registration has been disabled. Please contact the site administrator.
disable_register_prompt=Es tut uns leid, die Registrierung wurde deaktiviert. Bitte wende Sie sich an den Administrator.
disable_register_mail=Sorry, Register Mail Confirmation has been disabled.
disable_register_mail=Es tut uns leid, die Registrierung E-Mail Bestätigung wurde deaktiviert.
remember_me=Erinnere mich
remember_me=Erinnere mich
forgot_password=Passwort vergessen
forgot_password=Kennwort vergessen
forget_password=Passwort vergessen?
forget_password=Kennwort vergessen?
sign_up_now=Benötigen Sie ein Konto? Registrieren Sie sich jetzt.
sign_up_now=Benötigen Sie ein Konto? Registrieren Sie sich jetzt.
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=A new confirmation e-mail has been sent to <b>%s</b>, please check your inbox within the next %d hours to complete your registration.
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=A new confirmation e-mail has been sent to <b>%s</b>, please check your inbox within the next %d hours to complete your registration.
sign_in_email=Sign in to your e-mail
sign_in_email=Melden Sie sich mit Ihrer E-Mailadresse an
active_your_account=Activate Your Account
active_your_account=Aktivieren Sie Ihr Konto
resent_limit_prompt=Sorry, you are sending an activation e-mail too frequently. Please wait 3 minutes.
resent_limit_prompt=Sorry, you are sending an activation e-mail too frequently. Please wait 3 minutes.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address(<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation e-mail or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address(<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation e-mail or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
resend_mail=Click here to resend your activation e-mail
resend_mail=Klicken Sie hier, um Ihre Aktivierungs-E-Mail erneut senden
email_not_associate=This e-mail address does not associate to any account.
email_not_associate=Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist mit keinen Konto verknüpft.
send_reset_mail=Click here to (re)send your passowrd reset e-mail
send_reset_mail=Klicken Sie hier, um sich das E-Mail zum Kennwort zurücksetzen erneut zu senden
reset_password=Reset Your Password
reset_password=Ihr Kennwort zurücksetzen
invalid_code=Sorry, your confirmation code has exipired or not valid.
invalid_code=Es tut uns leid, Ihre Bestätigungscode abgelaufen ist oder nicht gültig.
reset_password_helper=Click here to reset your password
reset_password_helper=Klicken Sie hier, um Ihr Kennwort zurückzusetzen
password_too_short=Password length cannot be less then 6.
password_too_short=Passwortlänge kann nicht weniger als 6 sein.
RepoName=Repository name
RepoName=Repository Name
Retype=Passwort erneut eingeben
Retype=Kennwort erneut eingeben
SSHTitle=SSH key name
SSHTitle=SSH Schlüsselname
PayloadUrl=Payload URL
PayloadUrl=Payload URL
require_error=` cannot be empty.`
require_error=` darf nicht leer sein.`
alpha_dash_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters.`
alpha_dash_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters.`
alpha_dash_dot_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) or dot characters.`
alpha_dash_dot_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) or dot characters.`
min_size_error=` must contain at least %s characters.`
min_size_error=` muss mindestens %s Zeichen enthalten.`
max_size_error=` must contain at most %s characters.`
settings.add_collaborator_success=New collaborator has been added.
settings.add_collaborator_success=Neuer Mitarbeiter wurde hinzugefügt.
settings.remove_collaborator_success=Collaborator has been removed.
settings.remove_collaborator_success=Mitarbeiter wurde entfernt.
settings.add_webhook=Add Webhook
settings.add_webhook= Webhook hinzufügen
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks allow external services to be notified when certain events happen on Gogs. When the specified events happen, we'll send a POST request to each of the URLs you provide. Learn more in our <a target="_blank" href="">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks allow external services to be notified when certain events happen on Gogs. When the specified events happen, we'll send a POST request to each of the URLs you provide. Learn more in our <a target="_blank" href="">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.remove_hook_success=Webhook has been removed.
settings.remove_hook_success=Webhook wurde entfernt.
settings.add_webhook_desc=We’ll send a <code>POST</code> request to the URL below with details of any subscribed events. You can also specify which data format you'd like to receive (JSON, <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code>, <em>etc</em>). More information can be found in <a target="_blank" href="">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.add_webhook_desc=We’ll send a <code>POST</code> request to the URL below with details of any subscribed events. You can also specify which data format you'd like to receive (JSON, <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code>, <em>etc</em>). More information can be found in <a target="_blank" href="">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.payload_url=Payload URL
settings.payload_url=Payload URL
settings.content_type=Content Type
settings.event_desc=Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
settings.event_desc=Durch welche Ereignisse würden Sie gerne diesen Webhook auslösen?
settings.event_push_only=Just the <code>push</code> event.
settings.event_push_only=Just the <code>push</code> event.
settings.active_helper=We will deliver event details when this hook is triggered.
settings.active_helper=We will deliver event details when this hook is triggered.
settings.add_hook_success=New webhook has been added.
settings.add_hook_success=Neuer Webhook wurde hinzugefügt.
settings.update_webhook=Update Webhook
settings.update_webhook= Webhook aktualisieren
settings.update_hook_success=Webhook has been updated.
settings.update_hook_success=Webhook wurde aktualisiert.
settings.delete_webhook=Delete Webhook
settings.delete_webhook= Webhook löschen
settings.recent_deliveries=Recent Deliveries
settings.recent_deliveries=Recent Deliveries
org_name_holder=Organization Name
org_name_holder=Name der Organisation
org_name_helper=Great organization names are short and memorable.
org_name_helper=Namen großer Organisationen sind kurz und einprägsam.
org_email_helper=Organization's Email receives all notifications and confirmations.
org_email_helper=E-Mail der Organisation empfängt alle Benachrichtigungen und Bestätigungen.
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ resent_limit_prompt = Sorry, you are sending an activation e-mail too frequently
has_unconfirmed_mail=Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address(<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation e-mail or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address(<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation e-mail or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
resend_mail=Click here to resend your activation e-mail
resend_mail=Click here to resend your activation e-mail
email_not_associate=This e-mail address does not associate to any account.
email_not_associate=This e-mail address does not associate to any account.
send_reset_mail=Click here to (re)send your passowrd reset e-mail
send_reset_mail=Click here to (re)send your password reset e-mail
reset_password=Reset Your Password
reset_password=Reset Your Password
invalid_code=Sorry, your confirmation code has exipired or not valid.
invalid_code=Sorry, your confirmation code has expired or not valid.
reset_password_helper=Click here to reset your password
reset_password_helper=Click here to reset your password
password_too_short=Password length cannot be less then 6.
password_too_short=Password length cannot be less then 6.