@ -5,51 +5,52 @@ go 1.18
require (
require (
code . gitea . io / gitea - vet v0 . 2.2 - 0.20220122151748 - 48 ebc902541b
code . gitea . io / gitea - vet v0 . 2.2 - 0.20220122151748 - 48 ebc902541b
code . gitea . io / sdk / gitea v0 . 15.1
code . gitea . io / sdk / gitea v0 . 15.1
codeberg . org / gusted / mcaptcha v0 . 0.0 - 2022072 2211632- 55 c1ffff1222
codeberg . org / gusted / mcaptcha v0 . 0.0 - 2022072 3083913- 4 f3072e1d570
gitea . com / go - chi / binding v0 . 0.0 - 20220309004920 - 114340 dabecb
gitea . com / go - chi / binding v0 . 0.0 - 20220309004920 - 114340 dabecb
gitea . com / go - chi / cache v0 . 2.0
gitea . com / go - chi / cache v0 . 2.0
gitea . com / go - chi / captcha v0 . 0.0 - 20211013065431 - 70641 c1a35d5
gitea . com / go - chi / captcha v0 . 0.0 - 20211013065431 - 70641 c1a35d5
gitea . com / go - chi / session v0 . 0.0 - 20211218221615 - e3605d8b28b8
gitea . com / go - chi / session v0 . 0.0 - 20211218221615 - e3605d8b28b8
gitea . com / lunny / dingtalk_webhook v0 . 0.0 - 20171025031554 - e3534c89ef96
gitea . com / lunny / levelqueue v0 . 4.2 - 0.20220729054728 - f020868cc2f7
gitea . com / lunny / levelqueue v0 . 4.2 - 0.20220729054728 - f020868cc2f7
github . com / 42 wim / sshsig v0 . 0.0 - 20211121163825 - 841 cf5bbc121
github . com / 42 wim / sshsig v0 . 0.0 - 20211121163825 - 841 cf5bbc121
github . com / NYTimes / gziphandler v1 . 1.1
github . com / NYTimes / gziphandler v1 . 1.1
github . com / PuerkitoBio / goquery v1 . 8.0
github . com / PuerkitoBio / goquery v1 . 8.0
github . com / alecthomas / chroma v0 . 10.0
github . com / alecthomas / chroma v0 . 10.0
github . com / blevesearch / bleve / v2 v2 . 3.2
github . com / blevesearch / bleve / v2 v2 . 3.2
github . com / buildkite / terminal - to - html / v3 v3 . 6.1
github . com / buildkite / terminal - to - html / v3 v3 . 7.0
github . com / caddyserver / certmagic v0 . 1 6.1
github . com / caddyserver / certmagic v0 . 1 7.0
github . com / chi - middleware / proxy v1 . 1.1
github . com / chi - middleware / proxy v1 . 1.1
github . com / denisenkom / go - mssqldb v0 . 12. 0
github . com / denisenkom / go - mssqldb v0 . 12. 2
github . com / djherbis / buffer v1 . 2.0
github . com / djherbis / buffer v1 . 2.0
github . com / djherbis / nio / v3 v3 . 0.1
github . com / djherbis / nio / v3 v3 . 0.1
github . com / duo - labs / webauthn v0 . 0.0 - 20220 330035159- 03696 f3d4499
github . com / duo - labs / webauthn v0 . 0.0 - 20220 815211337- 00 c9fb5711f5
github . com / dustin / go - humanize v1 . 0.0
github . com / dustin / go - humanize v1 . 0.0
github . com / editorconfig / editorconfig - core - go / v2 v2 . 4. 4
github . com / editorconfig / editorconfig - core - go / v2 v2 . 4. 5
github . com / emirpasic / gods v1 . 18.1
github . com / emirpasic / gods v1 . 18.1
github . com / ethantkoenig / rupture v1 . 0.1
github . com / ethantkoenig / rupture v1 . 0.1
github . com / felixge / fgprof v0 . 9. 2
github . com / felixge / fgprof v0 . 9. 3
github . com / fsnotify / fsnotify v1 . 5.4
github . com / fsnotify / fsnotify v1 . 5.4
github . com / gliderlabs / ssh v0 . 3. 4
github . com / gliderlabs / ssh v0 . 3. 5
github . com / go - ap / activitypub v0 . 0.0 - 20220 615144428- 48208 c70483b
github . com / go - ap / activitypub v0 . 0.0 - 20220 706134811- 0 c84d76ce535
github . com / go - ap / jsonld v0 . 0.0 - 20220615144122 - 1 d862b15410d
github . com / go - ap / jsonld v0 . 0.0 - 20220615144122 - 1 d862b15410d
github . com / go - chi / chi / v5 v5 . 0.7
github . com / go - chi / chi / v5 v5 . 0.7
github . com / go - chi / cors v1 . 2.1
github . com / go - chi / cors v1 . 2.1
github . com / go - enry / go - enry / v2 v2 . 8.2
github . com / go - enry / go - enry / v2 v2 . 8.2
github . com / go - fed / httpsig v1 . 1.1 - 0.20201223112313 - 55836744818 e
github . com / go - fed / httpsig v1 . 1.1 - 0.20201223112313 - 55836744818 e
github . com / go - git / go - billy / v5 v5 . 3.1
github . com / go - git / go - billy / v5 v5 . 3.1
github . com / go - git / go - git / v5 v5 . 4.3 - 0.202 10630082519- b4368b2a2ca4
github . com / go - git / go - git / v5 v5 . 4.3 - 0.202 20529141257- bc1f419cebcf
github . com / go - ldap / ldap / v3 v3 . 4. 3
github . com / go - ldap / ldap / v3 v3 . 4. 4
github . com / go - redis / redis / v8 v8 . 11.5
github . com / go - redis / redis / v8 v8 . 11.5
github . com / go - sql - driver / mysql v1 . 6.0
github . com / go - sql - driver / mysql v1 . 6.0
github . com / go - swagger / go - swagger v0 . 29 .0
github . com / go - swagger / go - swagger v0 . 30 .0
github . com / go - testfixtures / testfixtures / v3 v3 . 6 .1
github . com / go - testfixtures / testfixtures / v3 v3 . 8 .1
github . com / gobwas / glob v0 . 2.3
github . com / gobwas / glob v0 . 2.3
github . com / gogs / chardet v0 . 0.0 - 20211120154057 - b7413eaefb8f
github . com / gogs / chardet v0 . 0.0 - 20211120154057 - b7413eaefb8f
github . com / gogs / cron v0 . 0.0 - 20171120032916 - 9 f6c956d3e14
github . com / gogs / cron v0 . 0.0 - 20171120032916 - 9 f6c956d3e14
github . com / gogs / go - gogs - client v0 . 0.0 - 20210131175652 - 1 d7215cd8d85
github . com / gogs / go - gogs - client v0 . 0.0 - 20210131175652 - 1 d7215cd8d85
github . com / golang - jwt / jwt / v4 v4 . 4. 1
github . com / golang - jwt / jwt / v4 v4 . 4. 2
github . com / google / go - github / v45 v45 . 0.0
github . com / google / go - github / v45 v45 . 0.0
github . com / google / pprof v0 . 0.0 - 20220 509035851- 59 ca7ad80af3
github . com / google / pprof v0 . 0.0 - 20220 829040838- 70 bd9ae97f40
github . com / google / uuid v1 . 3.0
github . com / google / uuid v1 . 3.0
github . com / gorilla / feeds v1 . 1.1
github . com / gorilla / feeds v1 . 1.1
github . com / gorilla / sessions v1 . 2.1
github . com / gorilla / sessions v1 . 2.1
@ -60,48 +61,47 @@ require (
github . com / json - iterator / go v1 . 1.12
github . com / json - iterator / go v1 . 1.12
github . com / kballard / go - shellquote v0 . 0.0 - 20180428030007 - 95032 a82bc51
github . com / kballard / go - shellquote v0 . 0.0 - 20180428030007 - 95032 a82bc51
github . com / keybase / go - crypto v0 . 0.0 - 20200123153347 - de78d2cb44f4
github . com / keybase / go - crypto v0 . 0.0 - 20200123153347 - de78d2cb44f4
github . com / klauspost / compress v1 . 15.3
github . com / klauspost / compress v1 . 15.9
github . com / klauspost / cpuid / v2 v2 . 0.12
github . com / klauspost / cpuid / v2 v2 . 1.1
github . com / lib / pq v1 . 10.5
github . com / lib / pq v1 . 10.6
github . com / lunny / dingtalk_webhook v0 . 0.0 - 20171025031554 - e3534c89ef96
github . com / markbates / goth v1 . 73.0
github . com / markbates / goth v1 . 72.0
github . com / mattn / go - isatty v0 . 0.16
github . com / mattn / go - isatty v0 . 0.14
github . com / mattn / go - sqlite3 v1 . 14.13
github . com / mattn / go - sqlite3 v1 . 14.12
github . com / mholt / archiver / v3 v3 . 5.1
github . com / mholt / archiver / v3 v3 . 5.1
github . com / microcosm - cc / bluemonday v1 . 0.19
github . com / microcosm - cc / bluemonday v1 . 0.19
github . com / minio / minio - go / v7 v7 . 0. 26
github . com / minio / minio - go / v7 v7 . 0. 35
github . com / msteinert / pam v1 . 0.0
github . com / msteinert / pam v1 . 0.0
github . com / nfnt / resize v0 . 0.0 - 20180221191011 - 83 c6a9932646
github . com / nfnt / resize v0 . 0.0 - 20180221191011 - 83 c6a9932646
github . com / niklasfasching / go - org v1 . 6. 2
github . com / niklasfasching / go - org v1 . 6. 5
github . com / oliamb / cutter v0 . 2.2
github . com / oliamb / cutter v0 . 2.2
github . com / olivere / elastic / v7 v7 . 0.32
github . com / olivere / elastic / v7 v7 . 0.32
github . com / pkg / errors v0 . 9.1
github . com / pkg / errors v0 . 9.1
github . com / pquerna / otp v1 . 3.0
github . com / pquerna / otp v1 . 3.0
github . com / prometheus / client_golang v1 . 1 2.1
github . com / prometheus / client_golang v1 . 1 3.0
github . com / quasoft / websspi v1 . 1.2
github . com / quasoft / websspi v1 . 1.2
github . com / santhosh - tekuri / jsonschema / v5 v5 . 0.0
github . com / santhosh - tekuri / jsonschema / v5 v5 . 0.0
github . com / sergi / go - diff v1 . 2.0
github . com / sergi / go - diff v1 . 2.0
github . com / shurcooL / vfsgen v0 . 0.0 - 20200824052919 - 0 d455de96546
github . com / shurcooL / vfsgen v0 . 0.0 - 20200824052919 - 0 d455de96546
github . com / stretchr / testify v1 . 7.1
github . com / stretchr / testify v1 . 8.0
github . com / syndtr / goleveldb v1 . 0.0
github . com / syndtr / goleveldb v1 . 0.0
github . com / tstranex / u2f v1 . 0.0
github . com / tstranex / u2f v1 . 0.0
github . com / unrolled / render v1 . 4.1
github . com / unrolled / render v1 . 5.0
github . com / urfave / cli v1 . 22.9
github . com / urfave / cli v1 . 22.9
github . com / xanzy / go - gitlab v0 . 64.0
github . com / xanzy / go - gitlab v0 . 73.1
github . com / yohcop / openid - go v1 . 0.0
github . com / yohcop / openid - go v1 . 0.0
github . com / yuin / goldmark v1 . 4.13
github . com / yuin / goldmark v1 . 4.13
github . com / yuin / goldmark - highlighting v0 . 0.0 - 20220208100518 - 594 be1970594
github . com / yuin / goldmark - highlighting v0 . 0.0 - 20220208100518 - 594 be1970594
github . com / yuin / goldmark - meta v1 . 1.0
github . com / yuin / goldmark - meta v1 . 1.0
go . jolheiser . com / hcaptcha v0 . 0.4
go . jolheiser . com / hcaptcha v0 . 0.4
go . jolheiser . com / pwn v0 . 0.3
go . jolheiser . com / pwn v0 . 0.3
golang . org / x / crypto v0 . 0.0 - 20220 507011949- 2 cf3adece122
golang . org / x / crypto v0 . 0.0 - 20220 829220503- c86fa9a7ed90
golang . org / x / net v0 . 0.0 - 20220 630215102- 69896 b714898
golang . org / x / net v0 . 0.0 - 20220 826154423- 83 b083e8dc8b
golang . org / x / oauth2 v0 . 0.0 - 20220 411215720- 9780585627 b5
golang . org / x / oauth2 v0 . 0.0 - 20220 822191816- 0 ebed06d0094
golang . org / x / sys v0 . 0.0 - 20220 520151302- bc2c85ada10a
golang . org / x / sys v0 . 0.0 - 20220 829200755- d48e67d00261
golang . org / x / text v0 . 3.7
golang . org / x / text v0 . 3.7
golang . org / x / tools v0 . 1.1 0
golang . org / x / tools v0 . 1.1 2
gopkg . in / gomail . v2 v2 . 0.0 - 20160411212932 - 81 ebce5c23df
gopkg . in / gomail . v2 v2 . 0.0 - 20160411212932 - 81 ebce5c23df
gopkg . in / ini . v1 v1 . 6 6.4
gopkg . in / ini . v1 v1 . 6 7.0
gopkg . in / yaml . v2 v2 . 4.0
gopkg . in / yaml . v2 v2 . 4.0
mvdan . cc / xurls / v2 v2 . 4.0
mvdan . cc / xurls / v2 v2 . 4.0
strk . kbt . io / projects / go / libravatar v0 . 0.0 - 20191008002943 - 06 d1c002b251
strk . kbt . io / projects / go / libravatar v0 . 0.0 - 20191008002943 - 06 d1c002b251
@ -110,13 +110,14 @@ require (
require (
require (
cloud . google . com / go v0 . 99.0 / / indirect
cloud . google . com / go / compute v1 . 7.0 / / indirect
git . sr . ht / ~ mariusor / go - xsd - duration v0 . 0.0 - 20200411073322 - f0bcc40f0bf2 / / indirect
git . sr . ht / ~ mariusor / go - xsd - duration v0 . 0.0 - 20220703122237 - 02 e73435a078 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - ntlmssp v0 . 0.0 - 20211209120228 - 48547 f28849e / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - ntlmssp v0 . 0.0 - 20220621081337 - cb9428e4ac1e / / indirect
github . com / Masterminds / goutils v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
github . com / Masterminds / semver / v3 v3 . 1.1 / / indirect
github . com / Masterminds / sprig / v3 v3 . 2.2 / / indirect
github . com / Microsoft / go - winio v0 . 5.2 / / indirect
github . com / Microsoft / go - winio v0 . 5.2 / / indirect
github . com / ProtonMail / go - crypto v0 . 0.0 - 20220407094043 - a94812496cf5 / / indirect
github . com / ProtonMail / go - crypto v0 . 0.0 - 20220824120805 - 4 b6e5c587895 / / indirect
github . com / PuerkitoBio / purell v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
github . com / PuerkitoBio / urlesc v0 . 0.0 - 20170810143723 - de5bf2ad4578 / / indirect
github . com / RoaringBitmap / roaring v0 . 9.4 / / indirect
github . com / RoaringBitmap / roaring v0 . 9.4 / / indirect
github . com / acomagu / bufpipe v1 . 0.3 / / indirect
github . com / acomagu / bufpipe v1 . 0.3 / / indirect
github . com / andybalholm / brotli v1 . 0.4 / / indirect
github . com / andybalholm / brotli v1 . 0.4 / / indirect
@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ require (
github . com / census - instrumentation / opencensus - proto v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / census - instrumentation / opencensus - proto v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / cespare / xxhash / v2 v2 . 1.2 / / indirect
github . com / cespare / xxhash / v2 v2 . 1.2 / / indirect
github . com / cloudflare / cfssl v1 . 6.1 / / indirect
github . com / cloudflare / cfssl v1 . 6.1 / / indirect
github . com / cloudflare / circl v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / cncf / udpa / go v0 . 0.0 - 20210930031921 - 04548 b0d99d4 / / indirect
github . com / cncf / udpa / go v0 . 0.0 - 20210930031921 - 04548 b0d99d4 / / indirect
github . com / cncf / xds / go v0 . 0.0 - 20211130200136 - a8f946100490 / / indirect
github . com / cncf / xds / go v0 . 0.0 - 20211130200136 - a8f946100490 / / indirect
github . com / coreos / go - semver v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / coreos / go - semver v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
@ -156,34 +158,33 @@ require (
github . com / cpuguy83 / go - md2man / v2 v2 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / cpuguy83 / go - md2man / v2 v2 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / davecgh / go - spew v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
github . com / davecgh / go - spew v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
github . com / dgryski / go - rendezvous v0 . 0.0 - 20200823014737 - 9 f7001d12a5f / / indirect
github . com / dgryski / go - rendezvous v0 . 0.0 - 20200823014737 - 9 f7001d12a5f / / indirect
github . com / dlclark / regexp2 v1 . 4 .0 / / indirect
github . com / dlclark / regexp2 v1 . 7 .0 / / indirect
github . com / dsnet / compress v0 . 0.2 - 0.20210315054119 - f66993602bf5 / / indirect
github . com / dsnet / compress v0 . 0.2 - 0.20210315054119 - f66993602bf5 / / indirect
github . com / envoyproxy / go - control - plane v0 . 10. 1 / / indirect
github . com / envoyproxy / go - control - plane v0 . 10. 2- 0.20220325020618 - 49 ff273808a 1 / / indirect
github . com / envoyproxy / protoc - gen - validate v0 . 6.2 / / indirect
github . com / envoyproxy / protoc - gen - validate v0 . 6.2 / / indirect
github . com / felixge / httpsnoop v1 . 0. 2 / / indirect
github . com / felixge / httpsnoop v1 . 0. 3 / / indirect
github . com / form3tech - oss / jwt - go v3 . 2.3 + incompatible / / indirect
github . com / form3tech - oss / jwt - go v3 . 2.3 + incompatible / / indirect
github . com / fullstorydev / grpcurl v1 . 8.1 / / indirect
github . com / fullstorydev / grpcurl v1 . 8.1 / / indirect
github . com / fxamacker / cbor / v2 v2 . 4.0 / / indirect
github . com / fxamacker / cbor / v2 v2 . 4.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - ap / errors v0 . 0.0 - 2022061 5144307- e8bc4a40ae9f / / indirect
github . com / go - ap / errors v0 . 0.0 - 2022061 8122732- 319 f41ac54e1 / / indirect
github . com / go - asn1 - ber / asn1 - ber v1 . 5.4 / / indirect
github . com / go - asn1 - ber / asn1 - ber v1 . 5.4 / / indirect
github . com / go - enry / go - oniguruma v1 . 2.1 / / indirect
github . com / go - enry / go - oniguruma v1 . 2.1 / / indirect
github . com / go - git / gcfg v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - git / gcfg v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / analysis v0 . 21. 2 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / analysis v0 . 21. 4 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / errors v0 . 20. 2 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / errors v0 . 20. 3 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / inflect v0 . 19.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / inflect v0 . 19.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / jsonpointer v0 . 19.5 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / jsonpointer v0 . 19.5 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / jsonreference v0 . 19.6 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / jsonreference v0 . 20.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / loads v0 . 21.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / loads v0 . 21.2 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / runtime v0 . 21.1 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / runtime v0 . 24.1 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / spec v0 . 20.4 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / spec v0 . 20.7 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / strfmt v0 . 21.1 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / strfmt v0 . 21.3 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / swag v0 . 19.15 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / swag v0 . 22.3 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / validate v0 . 20.3 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / validate v0 . 22.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - stack / stack v1 . 8.1 / / indirect
github . com / goccy / go - json v0 . 9.11 / / indirect
github . com / goccy / go - json v0 . 9.7 / / indirect
github . com / gogo / protobuf v1 . 3.2 / / indirect
github . com / gogo / protobuf v1 . 3.2 / / indirect
github . com / golang - sql / civil v0 . 0.0 - 20220223132316 - b832511892a9 / / indirect
github . com / golang - sql / civil v0 . 0.0 - 20220223132316 - b832511892a9 / / indirect
github . com / golang - sql / sqlexp v0 . 0.0- 20170517235910 - f1bb20e5a188 / / indirect
github . com / golang - sql / sqlexp v0 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / golang / groupcache v0 . 0.0 - 20210331224755 - 41 bb18bfe9da / / indirect
github . com / golang / groupcache v0 . 0.0 - 20210331224755 - 41 bb18bfe9da / / indirect
github . com / golang / mock v1 . 6.0 / / indirect
github . com / golang / mock v1 . 6.0 / / indirect
github . com / golang / protobuf v1 . 5.2 / / indirect
github . com / golang / protobuf v1 . 5.2 / / indirect
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ require (
github . com / hashicorp / go - cleanhttp v0 . 5.2 / / indirect
github . com / hashicorp / go - cleanhttp v0 . 5.2 / / indirect
github . com / hashicorp / go - retryablehttp v0 . 7.1 / / indirect
github . com / hashicorp / go - retryablehttp v0 . 7.1 / / indirect
github . com / hashicorp / hcl v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / hashicorp / hcl v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / imdario / mergo v0 . 3.1 2 / / indirect
github . com / imdario / mergo v0 . 3.1 3 / / indirect
github . com / inconshreveable / mousetrap v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / inconshreveable / mousetrap v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / jbenet / go - context v0 . 0.0 - 20150711004518 - d14ea06fba99 / / indirect
github . com / jbenet / go - context v0 . 0.0 - 20150711004518 - d14ea06fba99 / / indirect
github . com / jessevdk / go - flags v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
github . com / jessevdk / go - flags v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
@ -214,17 +215,18 @@ require (
github . com / kr / pretty v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / kr / pretty v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / kr / text v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / kr / text v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / libdns / libdns v0 . 2.1 / / indirect
github . com / libdns / libdns v0 . 2.1 / / indirect
github . com / magiconair / properties v1 . 8. 5 / / indirect
github . com / magiconair / properties v1 . 8. 6 / / indirect
github . com / mailru / easyjson v0 . 7.7 / / indirect
github . com / mailru / easyjson v0 . 7.7 / / indirect
github . com / markbates / going v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / markbates / going v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / mattn / go - runewidth v0 . 0.13 / / indirect
github . com / mattn / go - runewidth v0 . 0.13 / / indirect
github . com / matttproud / golang_protobuf_extensions v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / matttproud / golang_protobuf_extensions v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / mholt / acmez v1 . 0. 2 / / indirect
github . com / mholt / acmez v1 . 0. 4 / / indirect
github . com / miekg / dns v1 . 1. 48 / / indirect
github . com / miekg / dns v1 . 1. 50 / / indirect
github . com / minio / md5 - simd v1 . 1.2 / / indirect
github . com / minio / md5 - simd v1 . 1.2 / / indirect
github . com / minio / sha256 - simd v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / minio / sha256 - simd v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / mitchellh / go - homedir v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / mitchellh / copystructure v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / mitchellh / mapstructure v1 . 4.3 / / indirect
github . com / mitchellh / mapstructure v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
github . com / mitchellh / reflectwalk v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / modern - go / concurrent v0 . 0.0 - 20180306012644 - bacd9c7ef1dd / / indirect
github . com / modern - go / concurrent v0 . 0.0 - 20180306012644 - bacd9c7ef1dd / / indirect
github . com / modern - go / reflect2 v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / modern - go / reflect2 v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / mrjones / oauth v0 . 0.0 - 20190623134757 - 126 b35219450 / / indirect
github . com / mrjones / oauth v0 . 0.0 - 20190623134757 - 126 b35219450 / / indirect
@ -232,69 +234,68 @@ require (
github . com / nwaples / rardecode v1 . 1.3 / / indirect
github . com / nwaples / rardecode v1 . 1.3 / / indirect
github . com / oklog / ulid v1 . 3.1 / / indirect
github . com / oklog / ulid v1 . 3.1 / / indirect
github . com / olekukonko / tablewriter v0 . 0.5 / / indirect
github . com / olekukonko / tablewriter v0 . 0.5 / / indirect
github . com / pelletier / go - toml v1 . 9.4 / / indirect
github . com / pelletier / go - toml v1 . 9.5 / / indirect
github . com / pierrec / lz4 / v4 v4 . 1.14 / / indirect
github . com / pelletier / go - toml / v2 v2 . 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / pierrec / lz4 / v4 v4 . 1.15 / / indirect
github . com / pmezard / go - difflib v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / pmezard / go - difflib v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / client_model v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / client_model v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / common v0 . 3 2.1 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / common v0 . 3 7.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / procfs v0 . 7.3 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / procfs v0 . 8.0 / / indirect
github . com / rivo / uniseg v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / rivo / uniseg v0 . 3.4 / / indirect
github . com / rogpeppe / go - internal v1 . 8.1 / / indirect
github . com / rogpeppe / go - internal v1 . 9.0 / / indirect
github . com / rs / xid v1 . 4.0 / / indirect
github . com / rs / xid v1 . 4.0 / / indirect
github . com / russross / blackfriday / v2 v2 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / russross / blackfriday / v2 v2 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / shopspring / decimal v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / shurcooL / httpfs v0 . 0.0 - 20190707220628 - 8 d4bc4ba7749 / / indirect
github . com / shurcooL / httpfs v0 . 0.0 - 20190707220628 - 8 d4bc4ba7749 / / indirect
github . com / sirupsen / logrus v1 . 8.1 / / indirect
github . com / sirupsen / logrus v1 . 9.0 / / indirect
github . com / soheilhy / cmux v0 . 1.5 / / indirect
github . com / soheilhy / cmux v0 . 1.5 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / afero v1 . 8. 0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / afero v1 . 8. 2 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / cast v1 . 4.1 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / cast v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / cobra v1 . 3 .0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / cobra v1 . 5 .0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / jwalterweatherman v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / jwalterweatherman v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / pflag v1 . 0.5 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / pflag v1 . 0.5 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / viper v1 . 1 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / viper v1 . 1 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / ssor / bom v0 . 0.0 - 20170718123548 - 6386211 fdfcf / / indirect
github . com / ssor / bom v0 . 0.0 - 20170718123548 - 6386211 fdfcf / / indirect
github . com / subosito / gotenv v1 . 2 .0 / / indirect
github . com / subosito / gotenv v1 . 3 .0 / / indirect
github . com / tmc / grpc - websocket - proxy v0 . 0.0 - 20201229170055 - e5319fda7802 / / indirect
github . com / tmc / grpc - websocket - proxy v0 . 0.0 - 20201229170055 - e5319fda7802 / / indirect
github . com / toqueteos / webbrowser v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / toqueteos / webbrowser v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / ulikunitz / xz v0 . 5.10 / / indirect
github . com / ulikunitz / xz v0 . 5.10 / / indirect
github . com / unknwon / com v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / unknwon / com v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / valyala / fastjson v1 . 6.3 / / indirect
github . com / valyala / fastjson v1 . 6.3 / / indirect
github . com / x448 / float16 v0 . 8.4 / / indirect
github . com / x448 / float16 v0 . 8.4 / / indirect
github . com / xanzy / ssh - agent v0 . 3. 1 / / indirect
github . com / xanzy / ssh - agent v0 . 3. 2 / / indirect
github . com / xi2 / xz v0 . 0.0 - 20171230120015 - 48954 b6210f8 / / indirect
github . com / xi2 / xz v0 . 0.0 - 20171230120015 - 48954 b6210f8 / / indirect
github . com / xiang90 / probing v0 . 0.0 - 20190116061207 - 43 a291ad63a2 / / indirect
github . com / xiang90 / probing v0 . 0.0 - 20190116061207 - 43 a291ad63a2 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / bbolt v1 . 3.6 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / bbolt v1 . 3.6 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / api / v3 v3 . 5. 1 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / api / v3 v3 . 5. 4 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / pkg / v3 v3 . 5. 1 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / pkg / v3 v3 . 5. 4 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v2 v2 . 305. 1 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v2 v2 . 305. 4 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v3 v3 . 5. 0- alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v3 v3 . 5. 4 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / etcdctl / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / etcdctl / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / pkg / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / pkg / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / raft / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / raft / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / server / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / server / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / tests / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / tests / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / v3 v3 . 5.0 - alpha . 0 / / indirect
go . mongodb . org / mongo - driver v1 . 8.2 / / indirect
go . mongodb . org / mongo - driver v1 . 10.1 / / indirect
go . uber . org / atomic v1 . 9 .0 / / indirect
go . uber . org / atomic v1 . 10 .0 / / indirect
go . uber . org / multierr v1 . 8.0 / / indirect
go . uber . org / multierr v1 . 8.0 / / indirect
go . uber . org / zap v1 . 21.0 / / indirect
go . uber . org / zap v1 . 23.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / mod v0 . 6.0 - dev . 0.20220106191415 - 9 b9b3d81d5e3 / / indirect
golang . org / x / mod v0 . 6.0 - dev . 0.20220419223038 - 86 c51ed26bb4 / / indirect
golang . org / x / time v0 . 0.0 - 20220411224347 - 583 f2d630306 / / indirect
golang . org / x / time v0 . 0.0 - 20220722155302 - e5dcc9cfc0b9 / / indirect
golang . org / x / xerrors v0 . 0.0 - 20220411194840 - 2 f41105eb62f / / indirect
google . golang . org / appengine v1 . 6.7 / / indirect
google . golang . org / appengine v1 . 6.7 / / indirect
google . golang . org / genproto v0 . 0.0 - 202 11208223120- 3 a66f561d7aa / / indirect
google . golang . org / genproto v0 . 0.0 - 202 20616135557- 88 e70c0c3a90 / / indirect
google . golang . org / grpc v1 . 4 3 .0 / / indirect
google . golang . org / grpc v1 . 4 7 .0 / / indirect
google . golang . org / protobuf v1 . 28. 0 / / indirect
google . golang . org / protobuf v1 . 28. 1 / / indirect
gopkg . in / alexcesaro / quotedprintable . v3 v3 . 0.0 - 20150716171945 - 2 caba252f4dc / / indirect
gopkg . in / alexcesaro / quotedprintable . v3 v3 . 0.0 - 20150716171945 - 2 caba252f4dc / / indirect
gopkg . in / cheggaaa / pb . v1 v1 . 0.28 / / indirect
gopkg . in / cheggaaa / pb . v1 v1 . 0.28 / / indirect
gopkg . in / warnings . v0 v0 . 1.2 / / indirect
gopkg . in / warnings . v0 v0 . 1.2 / / indirect
gopkg . in / yaml . v3 v3 . 0. 0- 202 10107192922- 496545 a6307b / / indirect
gopkg . in / yaml . v3 v3 . 0. 1 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / yaml v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / yaml v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
replace github . com / hashicorp / go - version = > github . com / 6543 / go - version v1 . 3.1
replace github . com / hashicorp / go - version = > github . com / 6543 / go - version v1 . 3.1
replace github . com / markbates / goth v1 . 68.0 = > github . com / zeripath / goth v1 . 68.1 - 0.20220109111530 - 754359885 dce
replace github . com / shurcooL / vfsgen = > github . com / lunny / vfsgen v0 . 0.0 - 20220105142115 - 2 c99e1ffdfa0
replace github . com / shurcooL / vfsgen = > github . com / lunny / vfsgen v0 . 0.0 - 20220105142115 - 2 c99e1ffdfa0
replace github . com / satori / go . uuid v1 . 2.0 = > github . com / gofrs / uuid v4 . 2.0 + incompatible
replace github . com / satori / go . uuid v1 . 2.0 = > github . com / gofrs / uuid v4 . 2.0 + incompatible