i f e q ( $( USE_REPO_TEST_DIR ) , 1 )
# This rule replaces the whole Makefile when we're trying to use /tmp repository temporary files
location = $( CURDIR) /$( word $( words $( MAKEFILE_LIST) ) ,$( MAKEFILE_LIST) )
self := $( location)
% :
@tmpdir= ` mktemp --tmpdir -d` ; \
echo Using temporary directory $$ tmpdir for test repositories ; \
USE_REPO_TEST_DIR = $( MAKE) -f $( self) --no-print-directory REPO_TEST_DIR = $$ tmpdir/ $@ ; \
STATUS = $$ ? ; rm -r " $$ tmpdir " ; exit $$ STATUS
e l s e
# This is the "normal" part of the Makefile
DIST := dist
DIST_DIRS := $( DIST) /binaries $( DIST) /release
IMPORT := code.gitea.io/gitea
GO ?= go
SHASUM ?= shasum -a 256
HAS_GO := $( shell hash $( GO) > /dev/null 2>& 1 && echo yes)
COMMA := ,
XGO_VERSION := go-1.24.x
AIR_PACKAGE ?= github.com/air-verse/air@v1
EDITORCONFIG_CHECKER_PACKAGE ?= github.com/editorconfig-checker/editorconfig-checker/v3/cmd/editorconfig-checker@v3.1.2
GOFUMPT_PACKAGE ?= mvdan.cc/gofumpt@v0.7.0
GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE ?= github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.64.5
GXZ_PACKAGE ?= github.com/ulikunitz/xz/cmd/gxz@v0.5.12
MISSPELL_PACKAGE ?= github.com/golangci/misspell/cmd/misspell@v0.6.0
SWAGGER_PACKAGE ?= github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger@v0.31.0
XGO_PACKAGE ?= src.techknowlogick.com/xgo@latest
GO_LICENSES_PACKAGE ?= github.com/google/go-licenses@v1
GOVULNCHECK_PACKAGE ?= golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@v1
ACTIONLINT_PACKAGE ?= github.com/rhysd/actionlint/cmd/actionlint@v1
GOPLS_PACKAGE ?= golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.17.1
DOCKER_IMAGE ?= gitea/gitea
DOCKER_TAG ?= latest
i f e q ( $( HAS_GO ) , y e s )
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( GOOS ) , w i n d o w s )
e l s e i f e q ( $( patsubst Windows %,Windows ,$ ( OS ) ) , W i n d o w s )
ifeq ( $( GOOS) ,)
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( IS_WINDOWS ) , y e s )
GOFLAGS := -v -buildmode= exe
EXECUTABLE ?= gitea.exe
e l s e
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( shell sed --version 2>/dev /null | grep -q GNU && echo gnu ) , g n u )
SED_INPLACE := sed -i
e l s e
SED_INPLACE := sed -i ''
e n d i f
MAKE_VERSION := $( shell " $( MAKE) " -v | cat | head -n 1)
MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR := .make_evidence
GOTESTFLAGS ?= -vet= off
i f e q ( $( RACE_ENABLED ) , t r u e )
GOFLAGS += -race
e n d i f
HUGO_VERSION ?= 0.111.3
GITHUB_REF_NAME ?= $( shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
i f n e q ( $( GITHUB_REF_TYPE ) , b r a n c h )
VERSION ?= $( subst v,,$( GITHUB_REF_NAME) )
e l s e
ifneq ( $( GITHUB_REF_NAME) ,)
VERSION ?= $( subst release/v,,$( GITHUB_REF_NAME) ) -nightly
VERSION ?= main
STORED_VERSION = $( shell cat $( STORED_VERSION_FILE) 2>/dev/null)
ifneq ( $( STORED_VERSION) ,)
GITEA_VERSION ?= $( shell git describe --tags --always | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//' )
e n d i f
# if version = "main" then update version to "nightly"
i f e q ( $( VERSION ) , m a i n )
VERSION := main-nightly
e n d i f
LDFLAGS := $( LDFLAGS) -X " main.MakeVersion= $( MAKE_VERSION) " -X " main.Version= $( GITEA_VERSION) " -X " main.Tags= $( TAGS) "
LINUX_ARCHS ?= linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm-5,linux/arm-6,linux/arm64
GO_TEST_PACKAGES ?= $( filter-out $( shell $( GO) list code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/...) code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test code.gitea.io/gitea/tests code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e,$( shell $( GO) list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) )
MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES ?= $( shell $( GO) list code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/...)
FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR := web_src/fomantic
WEBPACK_SOURCES := $( shell find web_src/js web_src/css -type f)
Add tailwindcss (#29357)
This will get tailwindcss working on a basic level. It provides only the
utility classes, e.g. no tailwind base which we don't need because we
have our own CSS reset. Without the base, we also do not have their CSS
variables so a small amount of features do not work and I removed the
generated classes for them.
***Note for future developers: This currently uses a `tw-` prefix, so we
use it like `tw-p-3`.***
<summary>Currently added CSS, all false-positives</summary>
visibility: visible !important
visibility: visible
visibility: hidden
visibility: collapse
position: static
position: fixed !important
position: absolute
position: relative
position: sticky
left: 2.5rem
isolation: isolate
float: right
float: left
margin-right: 0.5rem
margin-right: 0.75rem
display: block !important
display: block
display: inline-block
display: inline
display: flex
display: inline-flex
display: table !important
display: inline-table
display: table-caption
display: table-cell
display: table-column
display: table-column-group
display: table-footer-group
display: table-header-group
display: table-row-group
display: table-row
display: flow-root
display: inline-grid
display: contents
display: list-item
display: none !important
display: none
flex-shrink: 1
flex-shrink: 1
flex-grow: 1
flex-grow: 1
border-collapse: collapse
user-select: all
resize: both
flex-wrap: wrap
overflow: visible
border-radius: 0.25rem
border-width: 1px
text-align: justify
text-transform: uppercase
text-transform: lowercase
text-transform: capitalize
font-style: italic
color: var(--color-red)
color: var(--color-shadow)
text-decoration-line: underline
text-decoration-line: overline
text-decoration-line: line-through
outline-style: solid
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)
Co-authored-by: Giteabot <teabot@gitea.io>
1 year ago
WEBPACK_CONFIGS := webpack.config.js tailwind.config.js
WEBPACK_DEST := public/assets/js/index.js public/assets/css/index.css
WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES := public/assets/js public/assets/css public/assets/fonts
BINDATA_DEST := modules/public/bindata.go modules/options/bindata.go modules/templates/bindata.go
BINDATA_HASH := $( addsuffix .hash,$( BINDATA_DEST) )
GENERATED_GO_DEST := modules/charset/invisible_gen.go modules/charset/ambiguous_gen.go
SVG_DEST_DIR := public/assets/img/svg
AIR_TMP_DIR := .air
GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR := .go-licenses
GO_LICENSE_FILE := assets/go-licenses.json
TAGS_SPLIT := $( subst $( COMMA) , ,$( TAGS) )
TEST_TAGS ?= $( TAGS_SPLIT) sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
TAR_EXCLUDES := .git data indexers queues log node_modules $( EXECUTABLE) $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /node_modules $( DIST) $( MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR) $( AIR_TMP_DIR) $( GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR)
Clean some legacy files and move some build files (#23699)
* Clean the "tools" directory. The "tools" directory contains only two
files, move them.
* The "external_renderer.go" works like "cat" command to echo Stdin to
Stdout , to help testing.
* The `// gobuild: external_renderer` is incorrect, there should be no
space: `//gobuild: external_renderer`
* The `fmt.Print(os.Args[1])` is not a well-defined behavior, and it's
never used.
* The "watch.sh" is for "make watch", it's somewhat related to "build"
* After this PR, there is no "tools" directory, the project root
directory looks slightly simpler than before.
* Remove the legacy "contrib/autoboot.sh", there is no
* Remove the legacy "contrib/mysql.sql", it's never mentioned anywhere.
* Remove the legacy "contrib/pr/checkout.go", it has been broken for
long time, and it introduces unnecessary dependencies of the main code
2 years ago
GO_DIRS := build cmd models modules routers services tests
WEB_DIRS := web_src/js web_src/css
ESLINT_FILES := web_src/js tools *.js *.ts *.cjs tests/e2e
STYLELINT_FILES := web_src/css web_src/js/components/*.vue
SPELLCHECK_FILES := $( GO_DIRS) $( WEB_DIRS) templates options/locale/locale_en-US.ini .github $( filter-out CHANGELOG.md, $( wildcard *.go *.js *.md *.yml *.yaml *.toml) ) $( filter-out tools/misspellings.csv, $( wildcard tools/*) )
EDITORCONFIG_FILES := templates .github/workflows options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
GO_SOURCES := $( wildcard *.go)
GO_SOURCES += $( shell find $( GO_DIRS) -type f -name "*.go" ! -path modules/options/bindata.go ! -path modules/public/bindata.go ! -path modules/templates/bindata.go)
i f e q ( $( filter $ ( TAGS_SPLIT ) ,bindata ) , b i n d a t a )
e n d i f
# Force installation of playwright dependencies by setting this flag
i f d e f D E P S _ P L A Y W R I G H T
PLAYWRIGHT_FLAGS += --with-deps
e n d i f
SWAGGER_SPEC := templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl
SWAGGER_SPEC_INPUT := templates/swagger/v1_input.json
SWAGGER_EXCLUDE := code.gitea.io/sdk
TEST_MYSQL_HOST ?= mysql:3306
TEST_MYSQL_DBNAME ?= testgitea
TEST_PGSQL_HOST ?= pgsql:5432
TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME ?= testgitea
TEST_PGSQL_SCHEMA ?= gtestschema
TEST_MSSQL_HOST ?= mssql:1433
TEST_MSSQL_PASSWORD ?= MwantsaSecurePassword1
.PHONY : all
all : build
.PHONY : help
help : Makefile ## print Makefile help information.
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m[TARGETS] default target: build\033[0m\n\n\033[35mTargets:\033[0m\n"} /^[0-9A-Za-z._-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-45s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 }' Makefile #$(MAKEFILE_LIST)
@printf " \033[36m%-46s\033[0m %s\n" "test-e2e[#TestSpecificName]" "test end to end using playwright"
@printf " \033[36m%-46s\033[0m %s\n" "test[#TestSpecificName]" "run unit test"
@printf " \033[36m%-46s\033[0m %s\n" "test-sqlite[#TestSpecificName]" "run integration test for sqlite"
.PHONY : go -check
go-check :
$( eval MIN_GO_VERSION_STR := $( shell grep -Eo '^go\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' go.mod | cut -d' ' -f2) )
$( eval MIN_GO_VERSION := $( shell printf "%03d%03d" $( shell echo '$(MIN_GO_VERSION_STR)' | tr '.' ' ' ) ) )
$( eval GO_VERSION := $( shell printf "%03d%03d" $( shell $( GO) version | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | tr '.' ' ' ) ; ) )
@if [ " $( GO_VERSION) " -lt " $( MIN_GO_VERSION) " ] ; then \
echo " Gitea requires Go $( MIN_GO_VERSION_STR) or greater to build. You can get it at https://go.dev/dl/ " ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : git -check
git-check :
@if git lfs >/dev/null 2>& 1 ; then : ; else \
echo "Gitea requires git with lfs support to run tests." ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : node -check
node-check :
$( eval MIN_NODE_VERSION_STR := $( shell grep -Eo '"node":.*[0-9.]+"' package.json | sed -n 's/.*[^0-9.]\([0-9.]*\)"/\1/p' ) )
$( eval MIN_NODE_VERSION := $( shell printf "%03d%03d%03d" $( shell echo '$(MIN_NODE_VERSION_STR)' | tr '.' ' ' ) ) )
$( eval NODE_VERSION := $( shell printf "%03d%03d%03d" $( shell node -v | cut -c2- | tr '.' ' ' ) ; ) )
$( eval NPM_MISSING := $( shell hash npm > /dev/null 2>& 1 || echo 1) )
@if [ " $( NODE_VERSION) " -lt " $( MIN_NODE_VERSION) " -o " $( NPM_MISSING) " = "1" ] ; then \
echo " Gitea requires Node.js $( MIN_NODE_VERSION_STR) or greater and npm to build. You can get it at https://nodejs.org/en/download/ " ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : clean -all
clean-all : clean ## delete backend, frontend and integration files
rm -rf $( WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES) node_modules
.PHONY : clean
clean : ## delete backend and integration files
integrations*.test \
e2e*.test \
tests/integration/gitea-integration-* \
tests/integration/indexers-* \
tests/mysql.ini tests/pgsql.ini tests/mssql.ini man/ \
tests/e2e/gitea-e2e-*/ \
tests/e2e/indexers-*/ \
tests/e2e/reports/ tests/e2e/test-artifacts/ tests/e2e/test-snapshots/
.PHONY : fmt
fmt : ## format the Go code
@GOFUMPT_PACKAGE= $( GOFUMPT_PACKAGE) $( GO) run build/code-batch-process.go gitea-fmt -w '{file-list}'
$( eval TEMPLATES := $( shell find templates -type f -name '*.tmpl' ) )
@# strip whitespace after '{{' or '(' and before '}}' or ')' unless there is only
@# whitespace before it
-e 's/{{[ ]\{1,\}/{{/g' -e '/^[ ]\{1,\}}}/! s/[ ]\{1,\}}}/}}/g' \
-e 's/([ ]\{1,\}/(/g' -e '/^[ ]\{1,\})/! s/[ ]\{1,\})/)/g' \
.PHONY : fmt -check
fmt-check : fmt
@diff= $$ ( git diff --color= always $( GO_SOURCES) templates $( WEB_DIRS) ) ; \
if [ -n " $$ diff " ] ; then \
echo "Please run 'make fmt' and commit the result:" ; \
printf "%s" " $$ {diff} " ; \
exit 1; \
@mkdir -p $( MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR)
@echo " $( TAGS) " > $( TAGS_EVIDENCE)
i f n e q "$(TAGS)" "$(shell cat $(TAGS_EVIDENCE) 2>/dev/null)"
e n d i f
.PHONY : generate -swagger
generate-swagger : $( SWAGGER_SPEC ) ## generate the swagger spec from code comments
$( GO) run $( SWAGGER_PACKAGE) generate spec --exclude " $( SWAGGER_EXCLUDE) " --input " $( SWAGGER_SPEC_INPUT) " --output './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)'
.PHONY : swagger -check
swagger-check : generate -swagger
@diff= $$ ( git diff --color= always '$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' ) ; \
if [ -n " $$ diff " ] ; then \
echo "Please run 'make generate-swagger' and commit the result:" ; \
printf "%s" " $$ {diff} " ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : swagger -validate
swagger-validate : ## check if the swagger spec is valid
@# swagger "validate" requires that the "basePath" must start with a slash, but we are using Golang template "{{...}}"
@$( SED_INPLACE) -E -e 's|"basePath":( *)"(.*)"|"basePath":\1"/\2"|g' './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' # add a prefix slash to basePath
@# FIXME: there are some warnings
$( GO) run $( SWAGGER_PACKAGE) validate './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)'
@$( SED_INPLACE) -E -e 's|"basePath":( *)"/(.*)"|"basePath":\1"\2"|g' './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' # remove the prefix slash from basePath
.PHONY : checks
checks : checks -frontend checks -backend ## run various consistency checks
.PHONY : checks -frontend
checks-frontend : lockfile -check svg -check ## check frontend files
.PHONY : checks -backend
checks-backend : tidy -check swagger -check fmt -check swagger -validate security -check ## check backend files
.PHONY : lint
lint : lint -frontend lint -backend lint -spell ## lint everything
.PHONY : lint -fix
lint-fix : lint -frontend -fix lint -backend -fix lint -spell -fix ## lint everything and fix issues
.PHONY : lint -frontend
lint-frontend : lint -js lint -css ## lint frontend files
.PHONY : lint -frontend -fix
lint-frontend-fix : lint -js -fix lint -css -fix ## lint frontend files and fix issues
.PHONY : lint -backend
lint-backend : lint -go lint -go -gitea -vet lint -go -gopls lint -editorconfig ## lint backend files
.PHONY : lint -backend -fix
lint-backend-fix : lint -go -fix lint -go -gitea -vet lint -editorconfig ## lint backend files and fix issues
.PHONY : lint -js
lint-js : node_modules ## lint js files
npx eslint --color --max-warnings= 0 --ext js,ts,vue $( ESLINT_FILES)
npx vue-tsc
.PHONY : lint -js -fix
lint-js-fix : node_modules ## lint js files and fix issues
npx eslint --color --max-warnings= 0 --ext js,ts,vue $( ESLINT_FILES) --fix
npx vue-tsc
.PHONY : lint -css
lint-css : node_modules ## lint css files
npx stylelint --color --max-warnings= 0 $( STYLELINT_FILES)
.PHONY : lint -css -fix
lint-css-fix : node_modules ## lint css files and fix issues
npx stylelint --color --max-warnings= 0 $( STYLELINT_FILES) --fix
.PHONY : lint -swagger
lint-swagger : node_modules ## lint swagger files
npx spectral lint -q -F hint $( SWAGGER_SPEC)
.PHONY : lint -md
lint-md : node_modules ## lint markdown files
npx markdownlint *.md
.PHONY : lint -spell
lint-spell : ## lint spelling
@go run $( MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -dict tools/misspellings.csv -error $( SPELLCHECK_FILES)
.PHONY : lint -spell -fix
lint-spell-fix : ## lint spelling and fix issues
@go run $( MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -dict tools/misspellings.csv -w $( SPELLCHECK_FILES)
.PHONY : lint -go
lint-go : ## lint go files
.PHONY : lint -go -fix
lint-go-fix : ## lint go files and fix issues
$( GO) run $( GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) run --fix
# workaround step for the lint-go-windows CI task because 'go run' can not
# have distinct GOOS/GOARCH for its build and run steps
.PHONY : lint -go -windows
lint-go-windows :
golangci-lint run
.PHONY : lint -go -gitea -vet
lint-go-gitea-vet : ## lint go files with gitea-vet
@echo "Running gitea-vet..."
@GOOS= GOARCH = $( GO) build code.gitea.io/gitea-vet
@$( GO) vet -vettool= gitea-vet ./...
.PHONY : lint -go -gopls
lint-go-gopls : ## lint go files with gopls
@echo "Running gopls check..."
@GO= $( GO) GOPLS_PACKAGE = $( GOPLS_PACKAGE) tools/lint-go-gopls.sh $( GO_SOURCES_NO_BINDATA)
.PHONY : lint -editorconfig
lint-editorconfig :
@echo "Running editorconfig check..."
.PHONY : lint -actions
lint-actions : ## lint action workflow files
.PHONY : lint -templates
lint-templates : .venv node_modules ## lint template files
@node tools/lint-templates-svg.js
@poetry run djlint $( shell find templates -type f -iname '*.tmpl' )
.PHONY : lint -yaml
lint-yaml : .venv ## lint yaml files
@poetry run yamllint -s .
.PHONY : watch
watch : ## watch everything and continuously rebuild
@bash tools/watch.sh
.PHONY : watch -frontend
watch-frontend : node -check node_modules ## watch frontend files and continuously rebuild
NODE_ENV = development npx webpack --watch --progress
.PHONY : watch -backend
watch-backend : go -check ## watch backend files and continuously rebuild
GITEA_RUN_MODE = dev $( GO) run $( AIR_PACKAGE) -c .air.toml
.PHONY : test
test : test -frontend test -backend ## test everything
.PHONY : test -backend
test-backend : ## test frontend files
@echo " Running go test with $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags ' $( TEST_TAGS) '... "
@$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' $( GO_TEST_PACKAGES)
.PHONY : test -frontend
test-frontend : node_modules ## test backend files
npx vitest
.PHONY : test -check
test-check :
@echo "Running test-check..." ;
@diff= $$ ( git status -s) ; \
if [ -n " $$ diff " ] ; then \
echo "make test-backend has changed files in the source tree:" ; \
printf "%s" " $$ {diff} " ; \
echo "You should change the tests to create these files in a temporary directory." ; \
echo "Do not simply add these files to .gitignore" ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : test \#%
test\#% :
@echo " Running go test with -tags ' $( TEST_TAGS) '... "
@$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' -run $( subst .,/,$* ) $( GO_TEST_PACKAGES)
.PHONY : coverage
coverage :
grep '^\(mode: .*\)\|\(.*:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+,[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+ [0-9]\+ [0-9]\+\)$$' coverage.out > coverage-bodged.out
grep '^\(mode: .*\)\|\(.*:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+,[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+ [0-9]\+ [0-9]\+\)$$' integration.coverage.out > integration.coverage-bodged.out
$( GO) run build/gocovmerge.go integration.coverage-bodged.out coverage-bodged.out > coverage.all
.PHONY : unit -test -coverage
unit-test-coverage :
@echo " Running unit-test-coverage $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags ' $( TEST_TAGS) '... "
@$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -timeout= 20m -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' -cover -coverprofile coverage.out $( GO_TEST_PACKAGES) && echo "\n==>\033[32m Ok\033[m\n" || exit 1
.PHONY : tidy
tidy : ## run go mod tidy
$( eval MIN_GO_VERSION := $( shell grep -Eo '^go\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9.]+' go.mod | cut -d' ' -f2) )
$( GO) mod tidy -compat= $( MIN_GO_VERSION)
@$( MAKE) --no-print-directory $( GO_LICENSE_FILE)
vendor : go .mod go .sum
$( GO) mod vendor
@touch vendor
.PHONY : tidy -check
tidy-check : tidy
@diff= $$ ( git diff --color= always go.mod go.sum $( GO_LICENSE_FILE) ) ; \
if [ -n " $$ diff " ] ; then \
echo "Please run 'make tidy' and commit the result:" ; \
printf "%s" " $$ {diff} " ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : go -licenses
go-licenses : $( GO_LICENSE_FILE ) ## regenerate go licenses
$(GO_LICENSE_FILE) : go .mod go .sum
@rm -rf $( GO_LICENSE_FILE)
$( GO) install $( GO_LICENSES_PACKAGE)
-GOOS= linux CGO_ENABLED = 1 go-licenses save . --force --save_path= $( GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR) 2>/dev/null
$( GO) run build/generate-go-licenses.go $( GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR) $( GO_LICENSE_FILE)
@rm -rf $( GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR)
generate-ini-sqlite :
sed -e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \
tests/sqlite.ini.tmpl > tests/sqlite.ini
.PHONY : test -sqlite
test-sqlite : integrations .sqlite .test generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.sqlite.test
.PHONY : test -sqlite \#%
test-sqlite\#% : integrations .sqlite .test generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.sqlite.test -test.run $( subst .,/,$* )
.PHONY : test -sqlite -migration
test-sqlite-migration : migrations .sqlite .test migrations .individual .sqlite .test
generate-ini-mysql :
sed -e 's|{{TEST_MYSQL_HOST}}|${TEST_MYSQL_HOST}|g' \
-e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \
tests/mysql.ini.tmpl > tests/mysql.ini
.PHONY : test -mysql
test-mysql : integrations .mysql .test generate -ini -mysql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.mysql.test
.PHONY : test -mysql \#%
test-mysql\#% : integrations .mysql .test generate -ini -mysql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.mysql.test -test.run $( subst .,/,$* )
.PHONY : test -mysql -migration
test-mysql-migration : migrations .mysql .test migrations .individual .mysql .test
generate-ini-pgsql :
sed -e 's|{{TEST_PGSQL_HOST}}|${TEST_PGSQL_HOST}|g' \
-e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \
tests/pgsql.ini.tmpl > tests/pgsql.ini
.PHONY : test -pgsql
test-pgsql : integrations .pgsql .test generate -ini -pgsql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini ./integrations.pgsql.test
.PHONY : test -pgsql \#%
test-pgsql\#% : integrations .pgsql .test generate -ini -pgsql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini ./integrations.pgsql.test -test.run $( subst .,/,$* )
.PHONY : test -pgsql -migration
test-pgsql-migration : migrations .pgsql .test migrations .individual .pgsql .test
generate-ini-mssql :
sed -e 's|{{TEST_MSSQL_HOST}}|${TEST_MSSQL_HOST}|g' \
-e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \
-e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \
tests/mssql.ini.tmpl > tests/mssql.ini
.PHONY : test -mssql
test-mssql : integrations .mssql .test generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini ./integrations.mssql.test
.PHONY : test -mssql \#%
test-mssql\#% : integrations .mssql .test generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini ./integrations.mssql.test -test.run $( subst .,/,$* )
.PHONY : test -mssql -migration
test-mssql-migration : migrations .mssql .test migrations .individual .mssql .test
.PHONY : playwright
playwright : deps -frontend
npx playwright install $( PLAYWRIGHT_FLAGS)
.PHONY : test -e 2e %
test-e2e% : TEST_TYPE ?= e 2e
# Clear display env variable. Otherwise, chromium tests can fail.
.PHONY : test -e 2e
test-e2e : test -e 2e -sqlite
.PHONY : test -e 2e -sqlite
test-e2e-sqlite : playwright e 2e .sqlite .test generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./e2e.sqlite.test
.PHONY : test -e 2e -sqlite \#%
test-e2e-sqlite\#% : playwright e 2e .sqlite .test generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./e2e.sqlite.test -test.run TestE2e/$*
.PHONY : test -e 2e -mysql
test-e2e-mysql : playwright e 2e .mysql .test generate -ini -mysql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./e2e.mysql.test
.PHONY : test -e 2e -mysql \#%
test-e2e-mysql\#% : playwright e 2e .mysql .test generate -ini -mysql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./e2e.mysql.test -test.run TestE2e/$*
.PHONY : test -e 2e -pgsql
test-e2e-pgsql : playwright e 2e .pgsql .test generate -ini -pgsql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini ./e2e.pgsql.test
.PHONY : test -e 2e -pgsql \#%
test-e2e-pgsql\#% : playwright e 2e .pgsql .test generate -ini -pgsql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini ./e2e.pgsql.test -test.run TestE2e/$*
.PHONY : test -e 2e -mssql
test-e2e-mssql : playwright e 2e .mssql .test generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini ./e2e.mssql.test
.PHONY : test -e 2e -mssql \#%
test-e2e-mssql\#% : playwright e 2e .mssql .test generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini ./e2e.mssql.test -test.run TestE2e/$*
.PHONY : bench -sqlite
bench-sqlite : integrations .sqlite .test generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.sqlite.test -test.cpuprofile= cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench .
.PHONY : bench -mysql
bench-mysql : integrations .mysql .test generate -ini -mysql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.mysql.test -test.cpuprofile= cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench .
.PHONY : bench -mssql
bench-mssql : integrations .mssql .test generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini ./integrations.mssql.test -test.cpuprofile= cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench .
.PHONY : bench -pgsql
bench-pgsql : integrations .pgsql .test generate -ini -pgsql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini ./integrations.pgsql.test -test.cpuprofile= cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench .
.PHONY : integration -test -coverage
integration-test-coverage : integrations .cover .test generate -ini -mysql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.cover.test -test.coverprofile= integration.coverage.out
.PHONY : integration -test -coverage -sqlite
integration-test-coverage-sqlite : integrations .cover .sqlite .test generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.cover.sqlite.test -test.coverprofile= integration.coverage.out
integrations.mysql.test : git -check $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.mysql.test
integrations.pgsql.test : git -check $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.pgsql.test
integrations.mssql.test : git -check $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.mssql.test
integrations.sqlite.test : git -check $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'
integrations.cover.test : git -check $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -coverpkg $( shell echo $( GO_TEST_PACKAGES) | tr ' ' ',' ) -o integrations.cover.test
integrations.cover.sqlite.test : git -check $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -coverpkg $( shell echo $( GO_TEST_PACKAGES) | tr ' ' ',' ) -o integrations.cover.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'
.PHONY : migrations .mysql .test
migrations.mysql.test : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -mysql
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.mysql.test
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini ./migrations.mysql.test
.PHONY : migrations .pgsql .test
migrations.pgsql.test : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -pgsql
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.pgsql.test
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini ./migrations.pgsql.test
.PHONY : migrations .mssql .test
migrations.mssql.test : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -mssql
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.mssql.test
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini ./migrations.mssql.test
.PHONY : migrations .sqlite .test
migrations.sqlite.test : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -sqlite
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini ./migrations.sqlite.test
.PHONY : migrations .individual .mysql .test
migrations.individual.mysql.test : $( GO_SOURCES )
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mysql.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $( MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
.PHONY : migrations .individual .sqlite .test \#%
migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#% : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$*
.PHONY : migrations .individual .pgsql .test
migrations.individual.pgsql.test : $( GO_SOURCES )
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $( MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
.PHONY : migrations .individual .pgsql .test \#%
migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#% : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -pgsql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/pgsql.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$*
.PHONY : migrations .individual .mssql .test
migrations.individual.mssql.test : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $( MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
.PHONY : migrations .individual .mssql .test \#%
migrations.individual.mssql.test\#% : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -mssql
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/mssql.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$*
.PHONY : migrations .individual .sqlite .test
migrations.individual.sqlite.test : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags= '$(TEST_TAGS)' -p 1 $( MIGRATE_TEST_PACKAGES)
.PHONY : migrations .individual .sqlite .test \#%
migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#% : $( GO_SOURCES ) generate -ini -sqlite
GITEA_ROOT = " $( CURDIR) " GITEA_CONF = tests/sqlite.ini $( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$*
e2e.mysql.test : $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.mysql.test
e2e.pgsql.test : $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.pgsql.test
e2e.mssql.test : $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.mssql.test
e2e.sqlite.test : $( GO_SOURCES )
$( GO) test $( GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'
.PHONY : check
check : test
.PHONY : install $( TAGS_PREREQ )
install : $( wildcard *.go )
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) install -v -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w $(LDFLAGS)'
.PHONY : build
build : frontend backend ## build everything
.PHONY : frontend
frontend : $( WEBPACK_DEST ) ## build frontend files
.PHONY : backend
backend : go -check generate -backend $( EXECUTABLE ) ## build backend files
# We generate the backend before the frontend in case we in future we want to generate things in the frontend from generated files in backend
.PHONY : generate
generate : generate -backend ## run "go generate"
.PHONY : generate -backend
generate-backend : $( TAGS_PREREQ ) generate -go
.PHONY : generate -go
generate-go : $( TAGS_PREREQ )
@echo "Running go generate..."
@CC= GOOS = GOARCH = CGO_ENABLED = 0 $( GO) generate -tags '$(TAGS)' ./...
.PHONY : security -check
security-check :
go run $( GOVULNCHECK_PACKAGE) ./...
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) build $( GOFLAGS) $( EXTRA_GOFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' -o $@
.PHONY : release
release : frontend generate release -windows release -linux release -darwin release -freebsd release -copy release -compress vendor release -sources release -check
mkdir -p $( DIST_DIRS)
.PHONY : release -windows
release-windows : | $( DIST_DIRS )
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) run $( XGO_PACKAGE) -go $( XGO_VERSION) -buildmode exe -dest $( DIST) /binaries -tags 'osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w -linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'windows/*' -out gitea-$( VERSION) .
i f e q ( , $( findstring gogit ,$ ( TAGS ) ) )
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) run $( XGO_PACKAGE) -go $( XGO_VERSION) -buildmode exe -dest $( DIST) /binaries -tags 'osusergo gogit $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w -linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'windows/*' -out gitea-$( VERSION) -gogit .
e n d i f
.PHONY : release -linux
release-linux : | $( DIST_DIRS )
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) run $( XGO_PACKAGE) -go $( XGO_VERSION) -dest $( DIST) /binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w -linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets '$(LINUX_ARCHS)' -out gitea-$( VERSION) .
.PHONY : release -darwin
release-darwin : | $( DIST_DIRS )
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) run $( XGO_PACKAGE) -go $( XGO_VERSION) -dest $( DIST) /binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'darwin-10.12/amd64,darwin-10.12/arm64' -out gitea-$( VERSION) .
.PHONY : release -freebsd
release-freebsd : | $( DIST_DIRS )
CGO_CFLAGS = " $( CGO_CFLAGS) " $( GO) run $( XGO_PACKAGE) -go $( XGO_VERSION) -dest $( DIST) /binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'freebsd/amd64' -out gitea-$( VERSION) .
.PHONY : release -copy
release-copy : | $( DIST_DIRS )
cd $( DIST) ; for file in ` find . -type f -name "*" ` ; do cp $$ { file} ./release/; done ;
.PHONY : release -check
release-check : | $( DIST_DIRS )
cd $( DIST) /release/; for file in ` find . -type f -name "*" ` ; do echo " checksumming $$ {file} " && $( SHASUM) ` echo $$ { file} | sed 's/^..//' ` > $$ { file} .sha256; done ;
.PHONY : release -compress
release-compress : | $( DIST_DIRS )
cd $( DIST) /release/; for file in ` find . -type f -name "*" ` ; do echo " compressing $$ {file} " && $( GO) run $( GXZ_PACKAGE) -k -9 $$ { file} ; done ;
.PHONY : release -sources
release-sources : | $( DIST_DIRS )
# bsdtar needs a ^ to prevent matching subdirectories
$( eval EXCL := --exclude= $( shell tar --help | grep -q bsdtar && echo "^" ) ./)
# use transform to a add a release-folder prefix; in bsdtar the transform parameter equivalent is -s
$( eval TRANSFORM := $( shell tar --help | grep -q bsdtar && echo " -s '/^./gitea-src- $( VERSION) /' " || echo " --transform 's|^./|gitea-src- $( VERSION) /|' " ) )
tar $( addprefix $( EXCL) ,$( TAR_EXCLUDES) ) $( TRANSFORM) -czf $( DIST) /release/gitea-src-$( VERSION) .tar.gz .
.PHONY : deps
deps : deps -frontend deps -backend deps -tools deps -py ## install dependencies
.PHONY : deps -py
deps-py : .venv ## install python dependencies
.PHONY : deps -frontend
deps-frontend : node_modules ## install frontend dependencies
.PHONY : deps -backend
deps-backend : ## install backend dependencies
$( GO) mod download
.PHONY : deps -tools
deps-tools : ## install tool dependencies
$( GO) install $( AIR_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( GOFUMPT_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( GXZ_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( MISSPELL_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( SWAGGER_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( XGO_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( GO_LICENSES_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( GOVULNCHECK_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( ACTIONLINT_PACKAGE) & \
$( GO) install $( GOPLS_PACKAGE) & \
node_modules : package -lock .json
npm install --no-save
@touch node_modules
.venv : poetry .lock
poetry install
@touch .venv
.PHONY : update
update : update -js update -py ## update js and py dependencies
.PHONY : update -js
update-js : node -check | node_modules ## update js dependencies
npx updates -u -f package.json
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install --package-lock
npx nolyfill install
npm install --package-lock
@touch node_modules
.PHONY : update -py
update-py : node -check | node_modules ## update py dependencies
npx updates -u -f pyproject.toml
rm -rf .venv poetry.lock
poetry install
@touch .venv
.PHONY : fomantic
fomantic : ## build fomantic files
rm -rf $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /build
cd $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npm install --no-save
cp -f $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /theme.config.less $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/theme.config
cp -rf $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /_site $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/
$( SED_INPLACE) -e 's/ overrideBrowserslist\r/ overrideBrowserslist: ["defaults"]\r/g' $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /node_modules/fomantic-ui/tasks/config/tasks.js
cd $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npx gulp -f node_modules/fomantic-ui/gulpfile.js build
# fomantic uses "touchstart" as click event for some browsers, it's not ideal, so we force fomantic to always use "click" as click event
$( SED_INPLACE) -e 's/clickEvent[ \t]*=/clickEvent = "click", unstableClickEvent =/g' $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /build/semantic.js
$( SED_INPLACE) -e 's/\r//g' $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /build/semantic.css $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /build/semantic.js
rm -f $( FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) /build/*.min.*
.PHONY : webpack
webpack : $( WEBPACK_DEST ) ## build webpack files
$(WEBPACK_DEST) : $( WEBPACK_SOURCES ) $( WEBPACK_CONFIGS ) package -lock .json
@$( MAKE) -s node-check node_modules
@echo "Running webpack..."
@touch $( WEBPACK_DEST)
.PHONY : svg
svg : node -check | node_modules ## build svg files
rm -rf $( SVG_DEST_DIR)
node tools/generate-svg.js
.PHONY : svg -check
svg-check : svg
@git add $( SVG_DEST_DIR)
@diff= $$ ( git diff --color= always --cached $( SVG_DEST_DIR) ) ; \
if [ -n " $$ diff " ] ; then \
echo " Please run 'make svg' and 'git add $( SVG_DEST_DIR) ' and commit the result: " ; \
printf "%s" " $$ {diff} " ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : lockfile -check
lockfile-check :
npm install --package-lock-only
@diff= $$ ( git diff --color= always package-lock.json) ; \
if [ -n " $$ diff " ] ; then \
echo "package-lock.json is inconsistent with package.json" ; \
echo "Please run 'npm install --package-lock-only' and commit the result:" ; \
printf "%s" " $$ {diff} " ; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY : update -translations
update-translations :
mkdir -p ./translations
cd ./translations && curl -L https://crowdin.com/download/project/gitea.zip > gitea.zip && unzip gitea.zip
rm ./translations/gitea.zip
$( SED_INPLACE) -e 's/="/=/g' -e 's/"$$//g' ./translations/*.ini
$( SED_INPLACE) -e 's/\\"/"/g' ./translations/*.ini
mv ./translations/*.ini ./options/locale/
rmdir ./translations
.PHONY : generate -license
generate-license : ## update license files
$( GO) run build/generate-licenses.go
.PHONY : generate -gitignore
generate-gitignore : ## update gitignore files
$( GO) run build/generate-gitignores.go
.PHONY : generate -images
generate-images : | node_modules
npm install --no-save fabric@6 imagemin-zopfli@7
node tools/generate-images.js $( TAGS)
.PHONY : generate -manpage
generate-manpage : ## generate manpage
@[ -f gitea ] || make backend
@mkdir -p man/man1/ man/man5
@./gitea docs --man > man/man1/gitea.1
@gzip -9 man/man1/gitea.1 && echo man/man1/gitea.1.gz created
Fix various typos (#20338)
* Fix various typos
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./options/locale,./options/license,./public/vendor -L actived,allways,attachements,ba,befores,commiter,pullrequest,pullrequests,readby,splitted,te,unknwon`
Co-authored-by: zeripath <art27@cantab.net>
3 years ago
@#TODO A small script that formats config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md nicely for use as a config man page
.PHONY : docker
docker :
docker build --disable-content-trust= false -t $( DOCKER_REF) .
# support also build args docker build --build-arg GITEA_VERSION=v1.2.3 --build-arg TAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" .
# This endif closes the if at the top of the file
e n d i f
# Disable parallel execution because it would break some targets that don't
# specify exact dependencies like 'backend' which does currently not depend
# on 'frontend' to enable Node.js-less builds from source tarballs.