@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ EXTRA_GOFLAGS ?=
MAKE_VERSION := $( shell " $( MAKE) " -v | cat | head -n 1)
MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR := .make_evidence
GOTESTFLAGS ?= -vet= off
i f e q ( $( RACE_ENABLED ) , t r u e )
GOFLAGS += -race
@ -311,10 +312,10 @@ lint-frontend: lint-js lint-css ## lint frontend files
lint-frontend-fix : lint -js -fix lint -css -fix ## lint frontend files and fix issues
.PHONY : lint -backend
lint-backend : lint -go lint -go - vet lint -go -gopls lint -editorconfig ## lint backend files
lint-backend : lint -go lint -go -gitea- vet lint -go -gopls lint -editorconfig ## lint backend files
.PHONY : lint -backend -fix
lint-backend-fix : lint -go -fix lint -go - vet lint -editorconfig ## lint backend files and fix issues
lint-backend-fix : lint -go -fix lint -go -gitea- vet lint -editorconfig ## lint backend files and fix issues
.PHONY : lint -js
lint-js : node_modules ## lint js files
@ -365,9 +366,9 @@ lint-go-windows:
golangci-lint run
.PHONY : lint -go - vet
lint-go- vet: ## lint go files with vet
@echo "Running g o vet..."
.PHONY : lint -go -gitea- vet
lint-go- gitea- vet: ## lint go files with gitea- vet
@echo "Running g itea- vet..."
@GOOS= GOARCH = $( GO) build code.gitea.io/gitea-vet
@$( GO) vet -vettool= gitea-vet ./...