mirror of https://github.com/fatedier/frp.git
support yaml/json/toml configuration format, make ini deprecated (#3599)
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package legacy
type BaseConfig struct {
// AuthenticationMethod specifies what authentication method to use to
// authenticate frpc with frps. If "token" is specified - token will be
// read into login message. If "oidc" is specified - OIDC (Open ID Connect)
// token will be issued using OIDC settings. By default, this value is "token".
AuthenticationMethod string `ini:"authentication_method" json:"authentication_method"`
// AuthenticateHeartBeats specifies whether to include authentication token in
// heartbeats sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
AuthenticateHeartBeats bool `ini:"authenticate_heartbeats" json:"authenticate_heartbeats"`
// AuthenticateNewWorkConns specifies whether to include authentication token in
// new work connections sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
AuthenticateNewWorkConns bool `ini:"authenticate_new_work_conns" json:"authenticate_new_work_conns"`
func getDefaultBaseConf() BaseConfig {
return BaseConfig{
AuthenticationMethod: "token",
AuthenticateHeartBeats: false,
AuthenticateNewWorkConns: false,
type ClientConfig struct {
BaseConfig `ini:",extends"`
OidcClientConfig `ini:",extends"`
TokenConfig `ini:",extends"`
func GetDefaultClientConf() ClientConfig {
return ClientConfig{
BaseConfig: getDefaultBaseConf(),
OidcClientConfig: getDefaultOidcClientConf(),
TokenConfig: getDefaultTokenConf(),
type ServerConfig struct {
BaseConfig `ini:",extends"`
OidcServerConfig `ini:",extends"`
TokenConfig `ini:",extends"`
func GetDefaultServerConf() ServerConfig {
return ServerConfig{
BaseConfig: getDefaultBaseConf(),
OidcServerConfig: getDefaultOidcServerConf(),
TokenConfig: getDefaultTokenConf(),
type OidcClientConfig struct {
// OidcClientID specifies the client ID to use to get a token in OIDC
// authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value
// is "".
OidcClientID string `ini:"oidc_client_id" json:"oidc_client_id"`
// OidcClientSecret specifies the client secret to use to get a token in OIDC
// authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value
// is "".
OidcClientSecret string `ini:"oidc_client_secret" json:"oidc_client_secret"`
// OidcAudience specifies the audience of the token in OIDC authentication
// if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
OidcAudience string `ini:"oidc_audience" json:"oidc_audience"`
// OidcScope specifies the scope of the token in OIDC authentication
// if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
OidcScope string `ini:"oidc_scope" json:"oidc_scope"`
// OidcTokenEndpointURL specifies the URL which implements OIDC Token Endpoint.
// It will be used to get an OIDC token if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc".
// By default, this value is "".
OidcTokenEndpointURL string `ini:"oidc_token_endpoint_url" json:"oidc_token_endpoint_url"`
// OidcAdditionalEndpointParams specifies additional parameters to be sent
// this field will be transfer to map[string][]string in OIDC token generator
// The field will be set by prefix "oidc_additional_"
OidcAdditionalEndpointParams map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"oidc_additional_endpoint_params"`
func getDefaultOidcClientConf() OidcClientConfig {
return OidcClientConfig{
OidcClientID: "",
OidcClientSecret: "",
OidcAudience: "",
OidcScope: "",
OidcTokenEndpointURL: "",
OidcAdditionalEndpointParams: make(map[string]string),
type OidcServerConfig struct {
// OidcIssuer specifies the issuer to verify OIDC tokens with. This issuer
// will be used to load public keys to verify signature and will be compared
// with the issuer claim in the OIDC token. It will be used if
// AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
OidcIssuer string `ini:"oidc_issuer" json:"oidc_issuer"`
// OidcAudience specifies the audience OIDC tokens should contain when validated.
// If this value is empty, audience ("client ID") verification will be skipped.
// It will be used when AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this
// value is "".
OidcAudience string `ini:"oidc_audience" json:"oidc_audience"`
// OidcSkipExpiryCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token is
// expired. It will be used when AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this
// value is false.
OidcSkipExpiryCheck bool `ini:"oidc_skip_expiry_check" json:"oidc_skip_expiry_check"`
// OidcSkipIssuerCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token's
// issuer claim matches the issuer specified in OidcIssuer. It will be used when
// AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is false.
OidcSkipIssuerCheck bool `ini:"oidc_skip_issuer_check" json:"oidc_skip_issuer_check"`
func getDefaultOidcServerConf() OidcServerConfig {
return OidcServerConfig{
OidcIssuer: "",
OidcAudience: "",
OidcSkipExpiryCheck: false,
OidcSkipIssuerCheck: false,
type TokenConfig struct {
// Token specifies the authorization token used to create keys to be sent
// to the server. The server must have a matching token for authorization
// to succeed. By default, this value is "".
Token string `ini:"token" json:"token"`
func getDefaultTokenConf() TokenConfig {
return TokenConfig{
Token: "",
@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2020 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
const (
testUser = "test"
var testClientBytesWithFull = []byte(`
# [common] is integral section
server_addr =
server_port = 7009
http_proxy = http://user:passwd@
log_file = ./frpc.log9
log_way = file
log_level = info9
log_max_days = 39
disable_log_color = false
authenticate_heartbeats = false
authenticate_new_work_conns = false
token = 12345678
oidc_client_id = client-id
oidc_client_secret = client-secret
oidc_audience = audience
oidc_token_endpoint_url = endpoint_url
admin_addr =
admin_port = 7409
admin_user = admin9
admin_pwd = admin9
assets_dir = ./static9
pool_count = 59
user = your_name
protocol = tcp
tls_enable = true
tls_cert_file = client.crt
tls_key_file = client.key
tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt
tls_server_name = example.com
dns_server =
start = ssh,dns
heartbeat_interval = 39
heartbeat_timeout = 99
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234
udp_packet_size = 1509
# all proxy
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 29
bandwidth_limit = 19MB
bandwidth_limit_mode = server
remote_port = 6009
group = test_group
group_key = 123456
health_check_type = tcp
health_check_timeout_s = 3
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_interval_s = 19
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 29
remote_port = 9
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6011,6019
remote_port = 6010-6011,6019
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 59
remote_port = 6009
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 6000,6010-6011
remote_port = 6000,6010-6011
type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 89
http_user = admin
http_pwd = admin
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
locations = /,/pic
host_header_rewrite = example.com
header_X-From-Where = frp
health_check_type = http
health_check_url = /status
health_check_interval_s = 19
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_timeout_s = 3
type = https
local_ip =
local_port = 8009
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
proxy_protocol_version = v2
type = stcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = xtcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = tcpmux
multiplexer = httpconnect
local_ip =
local_port = 10701
custom_domains = tunnel1
type = tcp
remote_port = 6003
plugin = unix_domain_socket
plugin_unix_path = /var/run/docker.sock
type = tcp
remote_port = 6004
plugin = http_proxy
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6005
plugin = socks5
plugin_user = abc
plugin_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6006
plugin = static_file
plugin_local_path = /var/www/blog
plugin_strip_prefix = static
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = https
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = https2http
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_crt_path = ./server.crt
plugin_key_path = ./server.key
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
type = http
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = http2https
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
# visitor
role = visitor
type = stcp
server_name = secret_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
role = visitor
type = xtcp
server_name = p2p_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9001
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
func Test_LoadClientCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
expected := ClientCommonConf{
ClientConfig: auth.ClientConfig{
BaseConfig: auth.BaseConfig{
AuthenticationMethod: "token",
AuthenticateHeartBeats: false,
AuthenticateNewWorkConns: false,
TokenConfig: auth.TokenConfig{
Token: "12345678",
OidcClientConfig: auth.OidcClientConfig{
OidcClientID: "client-id",
OidcClientSecret: "client-secret",
OidcAudience: "audience",
OidcTokenEndpointURL: "endpoint_url",
ServerAddr: "",
ServerPort: 7009,
NatHoleSTUNServer: "stun.easyvoip.com:3478",
DialServerTimeout: 10,
DialServerKeepAlive: 7200,
HTTPProxy: "http://user:passwd@",
LogFile: "./frpc.log9",
LogWay: "file",
LogLevel: "info9",
LogMaxDays: 39,
DisableLogColor: false,
AdminAddr: "",
AdminPort: 7409,
AdminUser: "admin9",
AdminPwd: "admin9",
AssetsDir: "./static9",
PoolCount: 59,
TCPMux: true,
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
User: "your_name",
LoginFailExit: true,
Protocol: "tcp",
QUICKeepalivePeriod: 10,
QUICMaxIdleTimeout: 30,
QUICMaxIncomingStreams: 100000,
TLSEnable: true,
TLSCertFile: "client.crt",
TLSKeyFile: "client.key",
TLSTrustedCaFile: "ca.crt",
TLSServerName: "example.com",
DisableCustomTLSFirstByte: true,
DNSServer: "",
Start: []string{"ssh", "dns"},
HeartbeatInterval: 39,
HeartbeatTimeout: 99,
Metas: map[string]string{
"var1": "123",
"var2": "234",
UDPPacketSize: 1509,
IncludeConfigFiles: []string{},
common, err := UnmarshalClientConfFromIni(testClientBytesWithFull)
assert.EqualValues(expected, common)
func Test_LoadClientBasicConf(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
proxyExpected := map[string]ProxyConf{
testUser + ".ssh": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".ssh",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
UseCompression: true,
UseEncryption: true,
Group: "test_group",
GroupKey: "123456",
BandwidthLimit: MustBandwidthQuantity("19MB"),
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeServer,
Metas: map[string]string{
"var1": "123",
"var2": "234",
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 29,
HealthCheckConf: HealthCheckConf{
HealthCheckType: consts.TCPProxy,
HealthCheckTimeoutS: 3,
HealthCheckMaxFailed: 3,
HealthCheckIntervalS: 19,
HealthCheckAddr: "",
RemotePort: 6009,
testUser + ".ssh_random": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".ssh_random",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 29,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 9,
testUser + ".tcp_port_0": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".tcp_port_0",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6010,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6010,
testUser + ".tcp_port_1": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".tcp_port_1",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6011,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6011,
testUser + ".tcp_port_2": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".tcp_port_2",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6019,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6019,
testUser + ".dns": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".dns",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 59,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6009,
testUser + ".udp_port_0": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".udp_port_0",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6000,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6000,
testUser + ".udp_port_1": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".udp_port_1",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6010,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6010,
testUser + ".udp_port_2": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".udp_port_2",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6011,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6011,
testUser + ".web01": &HTTPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".web01",
ProxyType: consts.HTTPProxy,
UseCompression: true,
UseEncryption: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 89,
HealthCheckConf: HealthCheckConf{
HealthCheckType: consts.HTTPProxy,
HealthCheckTimeoutS: 3,
HealthCheckMaxFailed: 3,
HealthCheckIntervalS: 19,
HealthCheckURL: "",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"web02.yourdomain.com"},
SubDomain: "web01",
Locations: []string{"/", "/pic"},
HTTPUser: "admin",
HTTPPwd: "admin",
HostHeaderRewrite: "example.com",
Headers: map[string]string{
"X-From-Where": "frp",
testUser + ".web02": &HTTPSProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".web02",
ProxyType: consts.HTTPSProxy,
UseCompression: true,
UseEncryption: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 8009,
ProxyProtocolVersion: "v2",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"web02.yourdomain.com"},
SubDomain: "web01",
testUser + ".secret_tcp": &STCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".secret_tcp",
ProxyType: consts.STCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 22,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RoleServerCommonConf: RoleServerCommonConf{
Role: "server",
Sk: "abcdefg",
testUser + ".p2p_tcp": &XTCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".p2p_tcp",
ProxyType: consts.XTCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 22,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RoleServerCommonConf: RoleServerCommonConf{
Role: "server",
Sk: "abcdefg",
testUser + ".tcpmuxhttpconnect": &TCPMuxProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".tcpmuxhttpconnect",
ProxyType: consts.TCPMuxProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 10701,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"tunnel1"},
SubDomain: "",
Multiplexer: "httpconnect",
testUser + ".plugin_unix_domain_socket": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_unix_domain_socket",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
Plugin: "unix_domain_socket",
PluginParams: map[string]string{
"plugin_unix_path": "/var/run/docker.sock",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6003,
testUser + ".plugin_http_proxy": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_http_proxy",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
Plugin: "http_proxy",
PluginParams: map[string]string{
"plugin_http_user": "abc",
"plugin_http_passwd": "abc",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6004,
testUser + ".plugin_socks5": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_socks5",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
Plugin: "socks5",
PluginParams: map[string]string{
"plugin_user": "abc",
"plugin_passwd": "abc",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6005,
testUser + ".plugin_static_file": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_static_file",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
Plugin: "static_file",
PluginParams: map[string]string{
"plugin_local_path": "/var/www/blog",
"plugin_strip_prefix": "static",
"plugin_http_user": "abc",
"plugin_http_passwd": "abc",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6006,
testUser + ".plugin_https2http": &HTTPSProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_https2http",
ProxyType: consts.HTTPSProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
Plugin: "https2http",
PluginParams: map[string]string{
"plugin_local_addr": "",
"plugin_crt_path": "./server.crt",
"plugin_key_path": "./server.key",
"plugin_host_header_rewrite": "",
"plugin_header_X-From-Where": "frp",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"test.yourdomain.com"},
testUser + ".plugin_http2https": &HTTPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_http2https",
ProxyType: consts.HTTPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
Plugin: "http2https",
PluginParams: map[string]string{
"plugin_local_addr": "",
"plugin_host_header_rewrite": "",
"plugin_header_X-From-Where": "frp",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"test.yourdomain.com"},
visitorExpected := map[string]VisitorConf{
testUser + ".secret_tcp_visitor": &STCPVisitorConf{
BaseVisitorConf: BaseVisitorConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".secret_tcp_visitor",
ProxyType: consts.STCPProxy,
Role: "visitor",
Sk: "abcdefg",
ServerName: testVisitorPrefix + "secret_tcp",
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 9000,
testUser + ".p2p_tcp_visitor": &XTCPVisitorConf{
BaseVisitorConf: BaseVisitorConf{
ProxyName: testUser + ".p2p_tcp_visitor",
ProxyType: consts.XTCPProxy,
Role: "visitor",
Sk: "abcdefg",
ServerName: testProxyPrefix + "p2p_tcp",
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 9001,
Protocol: "quic",
MaxRetriesAnHour: 8,
MinRetryInterval: 90,
FallbackTimeoutMs: 1000,
proxyActual, visitorActual, err := LoadAllProxyConfsFromIni(testUser, testClientBytesWithFull, nil)
assert.Equal(proxyExpected, proxyActual)
assert.Equal(visitorExpected, visitorActual)
@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package legacy
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func Convert_ClientCommonConf_To_v1(conf *ClientCommonConf) *v1.ClientCommonConfig {
out := &v1.ClientCommonConfig{}
out.User = conf.User
out.Auth.Method = conf.ClientConfig.AuthenticationMethod
out.Auth.Token = conf.ClientConfig.Token
if conf.ClientConfig.AuthenticateHeartBeats {
out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes = append(out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes, v1.AuthScopeHeartBeats)
if conf.ClientConfig.AuthenticateNewWorkConns {
out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes = append(out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes, v1.AuthScopeNewWorkConns)
out.Auth.OIDC.ClientID = conf.ClientConfig.OidcClientID
out.Auth.OIDC.ClientSecret = conf.ClientConfig.OidcClientSecret
out.Auth.OIDC.Audience = conf.ClientConfig.OidcAudience
out.Auth.OIDC.Scope = conf.ClientConfig.OidcScope
out.Auth.OIDC.TokenEndpointURL = conf.ClientConfig.OidcTokenEndpointURL
out.Auth.OIDC.AdditionalEndpointParams = conf.ClientConfig.OidcAdditionalEndpointParams
out.ServerAddr = conf.ServerAddr
out.ServerPort = conf.ServerPort
out.NatHoleSTUNServer = conf.NatHoleSTUNServer
out.Transport.DialServerTimeout = conf.DialServerTimeout
out.Transport.DialServerKeepAlive = conf.DialServerKeepAlive
out.Transport.ConnectServerLocalIP = conf.ConnectServerLocalIP
out.Transport.ProxyURL = conf.HTTPProxy
out.Transport.PoolCount = conf.PoolCount
out.Transport.TCPMux = lo.ToPtr(conf.TCPMux)
out.Transport.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval = conf.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval
out.Transport.Protocol = conf.Protocol
out.Transport.HeartbeatInterval = conf.HeartbeatInterval
out.Transport.HeartbeatTimeout = conf.HeartbeatTimeout
out.Transport.QUIC.KeepalivePeriod = conf.QUICKeepalivePeriod
out.Transport.QUIC.MaxIdleTimeout = conf.QUICMaxIdleTimeout
out.Transport.QUIC.MaxIncomingStreams = conf.QUICMaxIncomingStreams
out.Transport.TLS.Enable = lo.ToPtr(conf.TLSEnable)
out.Transport.TLS.DisableCustomTLSFirstByte = lo.ToPtr(conf.DisableCustomTLSFirstByte)
out.Transport.TLS.TLSConfig.CertFile = conf.TLSCertFile
out.Transport.TLS.TLSConfig.KeyFile = conf.TLSKeyFile
out.Transport.TLS.TLSConfig.TrustedCaFile = conf.TLSTrustedCaFile
out.Transport.TLS.TLSConfig.ServerName = conf.TLSServerName
out.Log.To = conf.LogFile
out.Log.Level = conf.LogLevel
out.Log.MaxDays = conf.LogMaxDays
out.Log.DisablePrintColor = conf.DisableLogColor
out.WebServer.Addr = conf.AdminAddr
out.WebServer.Port = conf.AdminPort
out.WebServer.Password = conf.AdminPwd
out.WebServer.AssetsDir = conf.AssetsDir
out.WebServer.PprofEnable = conf.PprofEnable
out.DNSServer = conf.DNSServer
out.LoginFailExit = lo.ToPtr(conf.LoginFailExit)
out.Start = conf.Start
out.UDPPacketSize = conf.UDPPacketSize
out.Metadatas = conf.Metas
out.IncludeConfigFiles = conf.IncludeConfigFiles
return out
func Convert_ServerCommonConf_To_v1(conf *ServerCommonConf) *v1.ServerConfig {
out := &v1.ServerConfig{}
out.Auth.Method = conf.ServerConfig.AuthenticationMethod
out.Auth.Token = conf.ServerConfig.Token
if conf.ServerConfig.AuthenticateHeartBeats {
out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes = append(out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes, v1.AuthScopeHeartBeats)
if conf.ServerConfig.AuthenticateNewWorkConns {
out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes = append(out.Auth.AdditionalAuthScopes, v1.AuthScopeNewWorkConns)
out.Auth.OIDC.Audience = conf.ServerConfig.OidcAudience
out.Auth.OIDC.Issuer = conf.ServerConfig.OidcIssuer
out.Auth.OIDC.SkipExpiryCheck = conf.ServerConfig.OidcSkipExpiryCheck
out.Auth.OIDC.SkipIssuerCheck = conf.ServerConfig.OidcSkipIssuerCheck
out.BindAddr = conf.BindAddr
out.BindPort = conf.BindPort
out.KCPBindPort = conf.KCPBindPort
out.QUICBindPort = conf.QUICBindPort
out.Transport.QUIC.KeepalivePeriod = conf.QUICKeepalivePeriod
out.Transport.QUIC.MaxIdleTimeout = conf.QUICMaxIdleTimeout
out.Transport.QUIC.MaxIncomingStreams = conf.QUICMaxIncomingStreams
out.ProxyBindAddr = conf.ProxyBindAddr
out.VhostHTTPPort = conf.VhostHTTPPort
out.VhostHTTPSPort = conf.VhostHTTPSPort
out.TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort = conf.TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort
out.TCPMuxPassthrough = conf.TCPMuxPassthrough
out.VhostHTTPTimeout = conf.VhostHTTPTimeout
out.WebServer.Addr = conf.DashboardAddr
out.WebServer.Port = conf.DashboardPort
out.WebServer.User = conf.DashboardUser
out.WebServer.Password = conf.DashboardPwd
out.WebServer.AssetsDir = conf.AssetsDir
if conf.DashboardTLSMode {
out.WebServer.TLS = &v1.TLSConfig{}
out.WebServer.TLS.CertFile = conf.DashboardTLSCertFile
out.WebServer.TLS.KeyFile = conf.DashboardTLSKeyFile
out.WebServer.PprofEnable = conf.PprofEnable
out.EnablePrometheus = conf.EnablePrometheus
out.Log.To = conf.LogFile
out.Log.Level = conf.LogLevel
out.Log.MaxDays = conf.LogMaxDays
out.Log.DisablePrintColor = conf.DisableLogColor
out.DetailedErrorsToClient = lo.ToPtr(conf.DetailedErrorsToClient)
out.SubDomainHost = conf.SubDomainHost
out.Custom404Page = conf.Custom404Page
out.UserConnTimeout = conf.UserConnTimeout
out.UDPPacketSize = conf.UDPPacketSize
out.NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours = conf.NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours
out.Transport.TCPMux = lo.ToPtr(conf.TCPMux)
out.Transport.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval = conf.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval
out.Transport.TCPKeepAlive = conf.TCPKeepAlive
out.Transport.MaxPoolCount = conf.MaxPoolCount
out.Transport.HeartbeatTimeout = conf.HeartbeatTimeout
out.MaxPortsPerClient = conf.MaxPortsPerClient
out.TLS.Force = conf.TLSOnly
out.TLS.CertFile = conf.TLSCertFile
out.TLS.KeyFile = conf.TLSKeyFile
out.TLS.TrustedCaFile = conf.TLSTrustedCaFile
for _, v := range conf.HTTPPlugins {
out.HTTPPlugins = append(out.HTTPPlugins, v1.HTTPPluginOptions{
Name: v.Name,
Addr: v.Addr,
Path: v.Path,
Ops: v.Ops,
TLSVerify: v.TLSVerify,
out.AllowPorts, _ = types.NewPortsRangeSliceFromString(conf.AllowPortsStr)
return out
func transformHeadersFromPluginParams(params map[string]string) v1.HeaderOperations {
out := v1.HeaderOperations{}
for k, v := range params {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, "plugin_header_") {
if k = strings.TrimPrefix(k, "plugin_header_"); k != "" {
out.Set[k] = v
return out
func Convert_ProxyConf_To_v1_Base(conf ProxyConf) *v1.ProxyBaseConfig {
out := &v1.ProxyBaseConfig{}
base := conf.GetBaseConfig()
out.Name = base.ProxyName
out.Type = base.ProxyType
out.Metadatas = base.Metas
out.Transport.UseEncryption = base.UseEncryption
out.Transport.UseCompression = base.UseCompression
out.Transport.BandwidthLimit = base.BandwidthLimit
out.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode = base.BandwidthLimitMode
out.Transport.ProxyProtocolVersion = base.ProxyProtocolVersion
out.LoadBalancer.Group = base.Group
out.LoadBalancer.GroupKey = base.GroupKey
out.HealthCheck.Type = base.HealthCheckType
out.HealthCheck.TimeoutSeconds = base.HealthCheckTimeoutS
out.HealthCheck.MaxFailed = base.HealthCheckMaxFailed
out.HealthCheck.IntervalSeconds = base.HealthCheckIntervalS
out.HealthCheck.Path = base.HealthCheckURL
out.LocalIP = base.LocalIP
out.LocalPort = base.LocalPort
switch base.Plugin {
case "http2https":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.HTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions{
LocalAddr: base.PluginParams["plugin_local_addr"],
HostHeaderRewrite: base.PluginParams["plugin_host_header_rewrite"],
RequestHeaders: transformHeadersFromPluginParams(base.PluginParams),
case "http_proxy":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.HTTPProxyPluginOptions{
HTTPUser: base.PluginParams["plugin_http_user"],
HTTPPassword: base.PluginParams["plugin_http_passwd"],
case "https2http":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.HTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions{
LocalAddr: base.PluginParams["plugin_local_addr"],
HostHeaderRewrite: base.PluginParams["plugin_host_header_rewrite"],
RequestHeaders: transformHeadersFromPluginParams(base.PluginParams),
CrtPath: base.PluginParams["plugin_crt_path"],
KeyPath: base.PluginParams["plugin_key_path"],
case "https2https":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.HTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions{
LocalAddr: base.PluginParams["plugin_local_addr"],
HostHeaderRewrite: base.PluginParams["plugin_host_header_rewrite"],
RequestHeaders: transformHeadersFromPluginParams(base.PluginParams),
CrtPath: base.PluginParams["plugin_crt_path"],
KeyPath: base.PluginParams["plugin_key_path"],
case "socks5":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.Socks5PluginOptions{
Username: base.PluginParams["plugin_user"],
Password: base.PluginParams["plugin_passwd"],
case "static_file":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.StaticFilePluginOptions{
LocalPath: base.PluginParams["plugin_local_path"],
StripPrefix: base.PluginParams["plugin_strip_prefix"],
HTTPUser: base.PluginParams["plugin_http_user"],
HTTPPassword: base.PluginParams["plugin_http_passwd"],
case "unix_domain_socket":
out.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions = &v1.UnixDomainSocketPluginOptions{
UnixPath: base.PluginParams["plugin_unix_path"],
out.Plugin.Type = base.Plugin
return out
func Convert_ProxyConf_To_v1(conf ProxyConf) v1.ProxyConfigurer {
outBase := Convert_ProxyConf_To_v1_Base(conf)
var out v1.ProxyConfigurer
switch v := conf.(type) {
case *TCPProxyConf:
c := &v1.TCPProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.RemotePort = v.RemotePort
out = c
case *UDPProxyConf:
c := &v1.UDPProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.RemotePort = v.RemotePort
out = c
case *HTTPProxyConf:
c := &v1.HTTPProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.CustomDomains = v.CustomDomains
c.SubDomain = v.SubDomain
c.Locations = v.Locations
c.HTTPUser = v.HTTPUser
c.HTTPPassword = v.HTTPPwd
c.HostHeaderRewrite = v.HostHeaderRewrite
c.RequestHeaders.Set = v.Headers
c.RouteByHTTPUser = v.RouteByHTTPUser
out = c
case *HTTPSProxyConf:
c := &v1.HTTPSProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.CustomDomains = v.CustomDomains
c.SubDomain = v.SubDomain
out = c
case *TCPMuxProxyConf:
c := &v1.TCPMuxProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.CustomDomains = v.CustomDomains
c.SubDomain = v.SubDomain
c.HTTPUser = v.HTTPUser
c.HTTPPassword = v.HTTPPwd
c.RouteByHTTPUser = v.RouteByHTTPUser
c.Multiplexer = v.Multiplexer
out = c
case *STCPProxyConf:
c := &v1.STCPProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.Secretkey = v.Sk
c.AllowUsers = v.AllowUsers
out = c
case *SUDPProxyConf:
c := &v1.SUDPProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.Secretkey = v.Sk
c.AllowUsers = v.AllowUsers
out = c
case *XTCPProxyConf:
c := &v1.XTCPProxyConfig{ProxyBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.Secretkey = v.Sk
c.AllowUsers = v.AllowUsers
return out
func Convert_VisitorConf_To_v1_Base(conf VisitorConf) *v1.VisitorBaseConfig {
out := &v1.VisitorBaseConfig{}
base := conf.GetBaseConfig()
out.Name = base.ProxyName
out.Type = base.ProxyType
out.Transport.UseEncryption = base.UseEncryption
out.Transport.UseCompression = base.UseCompression
out.SecretKey = base.Sk
out.ServerUser = base.ServerUser
out.ServerName = base.ServerName
out.BindAddr = base.BindAddr
out.BindPort = base.BindPort
return out
func Convert_VisitorConf_To_v1(conf VisitorConf) v1.VisitorConfigurer {
outBase := Convert_VisitorConf_To_v1_Base(conf)
var out v1.VisitorConfigurer
switch v := conf.(type) {
case *STCPVisitorConf:
c := &v1.STCPVisitorConfig{VisitorBaseConfig: *outBase}
out = c
case *SUDPVisitorConf:
c := &v1.SUDPVisitorConfig{VisitorBaseConfig: *outBase}
out = c
case *XTCPVisitorConf:
c := &v1.XTCPVisitorConfig{VisitorBaseConfig: *outBase}
c.Protocol = v.Protocol
c.KeepTunnelOpen = v.KeepTunnelOpen
c.MaxRetriesAnHour = v.MaxRetriesAnHour
c.MinRetryInterval = v.MinRetryInterval
c.FallbackTo = v.FallbackTo
c.FallbackTimeoutMs = v.FallbackTimeoutMs
out = c
return out
@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package legacy
import (
// Proxy
var (
proxyConfTypeMap = map[string]reflect.Type{
consts.TCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(TCPProxyConf{}),
consts.TCPMuxProxy: reflect.TypeOf(TCPMuxProxyConf{}),
consts.UDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(UDPProxyConf{}),
consts.HTTPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPProxyConf{}),
consts.HTTPSProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPSProxyConf{}),
consts.STCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(STCPProxyConf{}),
consts.XTCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(XTCPProxyConf{}),
consts.SUDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(SUDPProxyConf{}),
type ProxyConf interface {
// GetBaseConfig returns the BaseProxyConf for this config.
GetBaseConfig() *BaseProxyConf
// UnmarshalFromIni unmarshals a ini.Section into this config. This function
// will be called on the frpc side.
UnmarshalFromIni(string, string, *ini.Section) error
func NewConfByType(proxyType string) ProxyConf {
v, ok := proxyConfTypeMap[proxyType]
if !ok {
return nil
cfg := reflect.New(v).Interface().(ProxyConf)
return cfg
// Proxy Conf Loader
// DefaultProxyConf creates a empty ProxyConf object by proxyType.
// If proxyType doesn't exist, return nil.
func DefaultProxyConf(proxyType string) ProxyConf {
return NewConfByType(proxyType)
// Proxy loaded from ini
func NewProxyConfFromIni(prefix, name string, section *ini.Section) (ProxyConf, error) {
// section.Key: if key not exists, section will set it with default value.
proxyType := section.Key("type").String()
if proxyType == "" {
proxyType = consts.TCPProxy
conf := DefaultProxyConf(proxyType)
if conf == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid type [%s]", proxyType)
if err := conf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conf, nil
// LocalSvrConf configures what location the client will to, or what
// plugin will be used.
type LocalSvrConf struct {
// LocalIP specifies the IP address or host name to to.
LocalIP string `ini:"local_ip" json:"local_ip"`
// LocalPort specifies the port to to.
LocalPort int `ini:"local_port" json:"local_port"`
// Plugin specifies what plugin should be used for ng. If this value
// is set, the LocalIp and LocalPort values will be ignored. By default,
// this value is "".
Plugin string `ini:"plugin" json:"plugin"`
// PluginParams specify parameters to be passed to the plugin, if one is
// being used. By default, this value is an empty map.
PluginParams map[string]string `ini:"-"`
// HealthCheckConf configures health checking. This can be useful for load
// balancing purposes to detect and remove proxies to failing services.
type HealthCheckConf struct {
// HealthCheckType specifies what protocol to use for health checking.
// Valid values include "tcp", "http", and "". If this value is "", health
// checking will not be performed. By default, this value is "".
// If the type is "tcp", a connection will be attempted to the target
// server. If a connection cannot be established, the health check fails.
// If the type is "http", a GET request will be made to the endpoint
// specified by HealthCheckURL. If the response is not a 200, the health
// check fails.
HealthCheckType string `ini:"health_check_type" json:"health_check_type"` // tcp | http
// HealthCheckTimeoutS specifies the number of seconds to wait for a health
// check attempt to connect. If the timeout is reached, this counts as a
// health check failure. By default, this value is 3.
HealthCheckTimeoutS int `ini:"health_check_timeout_s" json:"health_check_timeout_s"`
// HealthCheckMaxFailed specifies the number of allowed failures before the
// is stopped. By default, this value is 1.
HealthCheckMaxFailed int `ini:"health_check_max_failed" json:"health_check_max_failed"`
// HealthCheckIntervalS specifies the time in seconds between health
// checks. By default, this value is 10.
HealthCheckIntervalS int `ini:"health_check_interval_s" json:"health_check_interval_s"`
// HealthCheckURL specifies the address to send health checks to if the
// health check type is "http".
HealthCheckURL string `ini:"health_check_url" json:"health_check_url"`
// HealthCheckAddr specifies the address to connect to if the health check
// type is "tcp".
HealthCheckAddr string `ini:"-"`
// BaseProxyConf provides configuration info that is common to all types.
type BaseProxyConf struct {
// ProxyName is the name of this
ProxyName string `ini:"name" json:"name"`
// ProxyType specifies the type of this Valid values include "tcp",
// "udp", "http", "https", "stcp", and "xtcp". By default, this value is
// "tcp".
ProxyType string `ini:"type" json:"type"`
// UseEncryption controls whether or not communication with the server will
// be encrypted. Encryption is done using the tokens supplied in the server
// and client configuration. By default, this value is false.
UseEncryption bool `ini:"use_encryption" json:"use_encryption"`
// UseCompression controls whether or not communication with the server
// will be compressed. By default, this value is false.
UseCompression bool `ini:"use_compression" json:"use_compression"`
// Group specifies which group the is a part of. The server will use
// this information to load balance proxies in the same group. If the value
// is "", this will not be in a group. By default, this value is "".
Group string `ini:"group" json:"group"`
// GroupKey specifies a group key, which should be the same among proxies
// of the same group. By default, this value is "".
GroupKey string `ini:"group_key" json:"group_key"`
// ProxyProtocolVersion specifies which protocol version to use. Valid
// values include "v1", "v2", and "". If the value is "", a protocol
// version will be automatically selected. By default, this value is "".
ProxyProtocolVersion string `ini:"proxy_protocol_version" json:"proxy_protocol_version"`
// BandwidthLimit limit the bandwidth
// 0 means no limit
BandwidthLimit types.BandwidthQuantity `ini:"bandwidth_limit" json:"bandwidth_limit"`
// BandwidthLimitMode specifies whether to limit the bandwidth on the
// client or server side. Valid values include "client" and "server".
// By default, this value is "client".
BandwidthLimitMode string `ini:"bandwidth_limit_mode" json:"bandwidth_limit_mode"`
// meta info for each proxy
Metas map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"metas"`
LocalSvrConf `ini:",extends"`
HealthCheckConf `ini:",extends"`
// Base
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) GetBaseConfig() *BaseProxyConf {
return cfg
// BaseProxyConf apply custom logic changes.
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) decorate(_ string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
cfg.ProxyName = name
// metas_xxx
cfg.Metas = GetMapWithoutPrefix(section.KeysHash(), "meta_")
// bandwidth_limit
if bandwidth, err := section.GetKey("bandwidth_limit"); err == nil {
cfg.BandwidthLimit, err = types.NewBandwidthQuantity(bandwidth.String())
if err != nil {
return err
// plugin_xxx
cfg.LocalSvrConf.PluginParams = GetMapByPrefix(section.KeysHash(), "plugin_")
return nil
type DomainConf struct {
CustomDomains []string `ini:"custom_domains" json:"custom_domains"`
SubDomain string `ini:"subdomain" json:"subdomain"`
type RoleServerCommonConf struct {
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
AllowUsers []string `ini:"allow_users" json:"allow_users"`
type HTTPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
Locations []string `ini:"locations" json:"locations"`
HTTPUser string `ini:"http_user" json:"http_user"`
HTTPPwd string `ini:"http_pwd" json:"http_pwd"`
HostHeaderRewrite string `ini:"host_header_rewrite" json:"host_header_rewrite"`
Headers map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"headers"`
RouteByHTTPUser string `ini:"route_by_http_user" json:"route_by_http_user"`
func (cfg *HTTPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.Headers = GetMapWithoutPrefix(section.KeysHash(), "header_")
return nil
type HTTPSProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
func (cfg *HTTPSProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
// TCP
type TCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
func (cfg *TCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
// UDP
type UDPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
func (cfg *UDPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
// TCPMux
type TCPMuxProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
HTTPUser string `ini:"http_user" json:"http_user,omitempty"`
HTTPPwd string `ini:"http_pwd" json:"http_pwd,omitempty"`
RouteByHTTPUser string `ini:"route_by_http_user" json:"route_by_http_user"`
Multiplexer string `ini:"multiplexer"`
func (cfg *TCPMuxProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
type STCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RoleServerCommonConf `ini:",extends"`
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
if cfg.Role == "" {
cfg.Role = "server"
return nil
type XTCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RoleServerCommonConf `ini:",extends"`
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
if cfg.Role == "" {
cfg.Role = "server"
return nil
type SUDPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RoleServerCommonConf `ini:",extends"`
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
func preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg ProxyConf, prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := section.MapTo(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
err = cfg.GetBaseConfig().decorate(prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
var glbEnvs map[string]string
func init() {
glbEnvs = make(map[string]string)
envs := os.Environ()
for _, env := range envs {
pair := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
if len(pair) != 2 {
glbEnvs[pair[0]] = pair[1]
type Values struct {
Envs map[string]string // environment vars
func GetValues() *Values {
return &Values{
Envs: glbEnvs,
func DetectLegacyINIFormat(content []byte) bool {
f, err := ini.Load(content)
if err != nil {
return false
if _, err := f.GetSection("common"); err == nil {
return true
return false
func DetectLegacyINIFormatFromFile(path string) bool {
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return DetectLegacyINIFormat(b)
func RenderWithTemplate(in []byte, values *Values) ([]byte, error) {
tmpl, err := template.New("frp").Parse(string(in))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
if err := tmpl.Execute(buffer, values); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
func LoadFileContentWithTemplate(path string, values *Values) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return RenderWithTemplate(b, values)
func LoadConfigureFromFile(path string, c any) error {
content, err := LoadFileContentWithTemplate(path, GetValues())
if err != nil {
return err
return LoadConfigure(content, c)
// LoadConfigure loads configuration from bytes and unmarshal into c.
// Now it supports json, yaml and toml format.
func LoadConfigure(b []byte, c any) error {
var tomlObj interface{}
if err := toml.Unmarshal(b, &tomlObj); err == nil {
b, err = json.Marshal(&tomlObj)
if err != nil {
return err
decoder := yaml.NewYAMLOrJSONDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(b), 4096)
return decoder.Decode(c)
func NewProxyConfigurerFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy, serverCfg *v1.ServerConfig) (v1.ProxyConfigurer, error) {
m.ProxyType = util.EmptyOr(m.ProxyType, consts.TCPProxy)
configurer := v1.NewProxyConfigurerByType(m.ProxyType)
if configurer == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown proxy type: %s", m.ProxyType)
if err := validation.ValidateProxyConfigurerForServer(configurer, serverCfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return configurer, nil
func LoadServerConfig(path string) (*v1.ServerConfig, bool, error) {
var (
svrCfg *v1.ServerConfig
isLegacyFormat bool
// detect legacy ini format
if DetectLegacyINIFormatFromFile(path) {
content, err := legacy.GetRenderedConfFromFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
legacyCfg, err := legacy.UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(content)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
svrCfg = legacy.Convert_ServerCommonConf_To_v1(&legacyCfg)
isLegacyFormat = true
} else {
svrCfg = &v1.ServerConfig{}
if err := LoadConfigureFromFile(path, svrCfg); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if svrCfg != nil {
return svrCfg, isLegacyFormat, nil
func LoadClientConfig(path string) (
bool, error,
) {
var (
cliCfg *v1.ClientCommonConfig
pxyCfgs = make([]v1.ProxyConfigurer, 0)
visitorCfgs = make([]v1.VisitorConfigurer, 0)
isLegacyFormat bool
if DetectLegacyINIFormatFromFile(path) {
legacyCommon, legacyPxyCfgs, legacyVisitorCfgs, err := legacy.ParseClientConfig(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, true, err
cliCfg = legacy.Convert_ClientCommonConf_To_v1(&legacyCommon)
for _, c := range legacyPxyCfgs {
pxyCfgs = append(pxyCfgs, legacy.Convert_ProxyConf_To_v1(c))
for _, c := range legacyVisitorCfgs {
visitorCfgs = append(visitorCfgs, legacy.Convert_VisitorConf_To_v1(c))
isLegacyFormat = true
} else {
allCfg := v1.ClientConfig{}
if err := LoadConfigureFromFile(path, &allCfg); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, false, err
cliCfg = &allCfg.ClientCommonConfig
for _, c := range allCfg.Proxies {
pxyCfgs = append(pxyCfgs, c.ProxyConfigurer)
for _, c := range allCfg.Visitors {
visitorCfgs = append(visitorCfgs, c.VisitorConfigurer)
// Load additional config from includes.
// legacy ini format alredy handle this in ParseClientConfig.
if len(cliCfg.IncludeConfigFiles) > 0 && !isLegacyFormat {
extPxyCfgs, extVisitorCfgs, err := LoadAdditionalClientConfigs(cliCfg.IncludeConfigFiles, isLegacyFormat)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, isLegacyFormat, err
pxyCfgs = append(pxyCfgs, extPxyCfgs...)
visitorCfgs = append(visitorCfgs, extVisitorCfgs...)
// Filter by start
if len(cliCfg.Start) > 0 {
startSet := sets.New(cliCfg.Start...)
pxyCfgs = lo.Filter(pxyCfgs, func(c v1.ProxyConfigurer, _ int) bool {
return startSet.Has(c.GetBaseConfig().Name)
visitorCfgs = lo.Filter(visitorCfgs, func(c v1.VisitorConfigurer, _ int) bool {
return startSet.Has(c.GetBaseConfig().Name)
if cliCfg != nil {
for _, c := range pxyCfgs {
for _, c := range visitorCfgs {
return cliCfg, pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs, isLegacyFormat, nil
func LoadAdditionalClientConfigs(paths []string, isLegacyFormat bool) ([]v1.ProxyConfigurer, []v1.VisitorConfigurer, error) {
pxyCfgs := make([]v1.ProxyConfigurer, 0)
visitorCfgs := make([]v1.VisitorConfigurer, 0)
for _, path := range paths {
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if _, err := os.Stat(absDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil, err
files, err := os.ReadDir(absDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for _, fi := range files {
if fi.IsDir() {
absFile := filepath.Join(absDir, fi.Name())
if matched, _ := filepath.Match(filepath.Join(absDir, filepath.Base(path)), absFile); matched {
// support yaml/json/toml
cfg := v1.ClientConfig{}
if err := LoadConfigureFromFile(absFile, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("load additional config from %s error: %v", absFile, err)
for _, c := range cfg.Proxies {
pxyCfgs = append(pxyCfgs, c.ProxyConfigurer)
for _, c := range cfg.Visitors {
visitorCfgs = append(visitorCfgs, c.VisitorConfigurer)
return pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs, nil
@ -1,921 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 fatedier, fatedier@gmail.com
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
// Proxy
var (
proxyConfTypeMap = map[string]reflect.Type{
consts.TCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(TCPProxyConf{}),
consts.TCPMuxProxy: reflect.TypeOf(TCPMuxProxyConf{}),
consts.UDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(UDPProxyConf{}),
consts.HTTPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPProxyConf{}),
consts.HTTPSProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPSProxyConf{}),
consts.STCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(STCPProxyConf{}),
consts.XTCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(XTCPProxyConf{}),
consts.SUDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(SUDPProxyConf{}),
func NewConfByType(proxyType string) ProxyConf {
v, ok := proxyConfTypeMap[proxyType]
if !ok {
return nil
cfg := reflect.New(v).Interface().(ProxyConf)
return cfg
type ProxyConf interface {
// GetBaseConfig returns the BaseProxyConf for this config.
GetBaseConfig() *BaseProxyConf
// SetDefaultValues sets the default values for this config.
// UnmarshalFromMsg unmarshals a msg.NewProxy message into this config.
// This function will be called on the frps side.
// UnmarshalFromIni unmarshals a ini.Section into this config. This function
// will be called on the frpc side.
UnmarshalFromIni(string, string, *ini.Section) error
// MarshalToMsg marshals this config into a msg.NewProxy message. This
// function will be called on the frpc side.
// ValidateForClient checks that the config is valid for the frpc side.
ValidateForClient() error
// ValidateForServer checks that the config is valid for the frps side.
ValidateForServer(ServerCommonConf) error
// LocalSvrConf configures what location the client will to, or what
// plugin will be used.
type LocalSvrConf struct {
// LocalIP specifies the IP address or host name to to.
LocalIP string `ini:"local_ip" json:"local_ip"`
// LocalPort specifies the port to to.
LocalPort int `ini:"local_port" json:"local_port"`
// Plugin specifies what plugin should be used for ng. If this value
// is set, the LocalIp and LocalPort values will be ignored. By default,
// this value is "".
Plugin string `ini:"plugin" json:"plugin"`
// PluginParams specify parameters to be passed to the plugin, if one is
// being used. By default, this value is an empty map.
PluginParams map[string]string `ini:"-"`
// HealthCheckConf configures health checking. This can be useful for load
// balancing purposes to detect and remove proxies to failing services.
type HealthCheckConf struct {
// HealthCheckType specifies what protocol to use for health checking.
// Valid values include "tcp", "http", and "". If this value is "", health
// checking will not be performed. By default, this value is "".
// If the type is "tcp", a connection will be attempted to the target
// server. If a connection cannot be established, the health check fails.
// If the type is "http", a GET request will be made to the endpoint
// specified by HealthCheckURL. If the response is not a 200, the health
// check fails.
HealthCheckType string `ini:"health_check_type" json:"health_check_type"` // tcp | http
// HealthCheckTimeoutS specifies the number of seconds to wait for a health
// check attempt to connect. If the timeout is reached, this counts as a
// health check failure. By default, this value is 3.
HealthCheckTimeoutS int `ini:"health_check_timeout_s" json:"health_check_timeout_s"`
// HealthCheckMaxFailed specifies the number of allowed failures before the
// is stopped. By default, this value is 1.
HealthCheckMaxFailed int `ini:"health_check_max_failed" json:"health_check_max_failed"`
// HealthCheckIntervalS specifies the time in seconds between health
// checks. By default, this value is 10.
HealthCheckIntervalS int `ini:"health_check_interval_s" json:"health_check_interval_s"`
// HealthCheckURL specifies the address to send health checks to if the
// health check type is "http".
HealthCheckURL string `ini:"health_check_url" json:"health_check_url"`
// HealthCheckAddr specifies the address to connect to if the health check
// type is "tcp".
HealthCheckAddr string `ini:"-"`
// BaseProxyConf provides configuration info that is common to all types.
type BaseProxyConf struct {
// ProxyName is the name of this
ProxyName string `ini:"name" json:"name"`
// ProxyType specifies the type of this Valid values include "tcp",
// "udp", "http", "https", "stcp", and "xtcp". By default, this value is
// "tcp".
ProxyType string `ini:"type" json:"type"`
// UseEncryption controls whether or not communication with the server will
// be encrypted. Encryption is done using the tokens supplied in the server
// and client configuration. By default, this value is false.
UseEncryption bool `ini:"use_encryption" json:"use_encryption"`
// UseCompression controls whether or not communication with the server
// will be compressed. By default, this value is false.
UseCompression bool `ini:"use_compression" json:"use_compression"`
// Group specifies which group the is a part of. The server will use
// this information to load balance proxies in the same group. If the value
// is "", this will not be in a group. By default, this value is "".
Group string `ini:"group" json:"group"`
// GroupKey specifies a group key, which should be the same among proxies
// of the same group. By default, this value is "".
GroupKey string `ini:"group_key" json:"group_key"`
// ProxyProtocolVersion specifies which protocol version to use. Valid
// values include "v1", "v2", and "". If the value is "", a protocol
// version will be automatically selected. By default, this value is "".
ProxyProtocolVersion string `ini:"proxy_protocol_version" json:"proxy_protocol_version"`
// BandwidthLimit limit the bandwidth
// 0 means no limit
BandwidthLimit BandwidthQuantity `ini:"bandwidth_limit" json:"bandwidth_limit"`
// BandwidthLimitMode specifies whether to limit the bandwidth on the
// client or server side. Valid values include "client" and "server".
// By default, this value is "client".
BandwidthLimitMode string `ini:"bandwidth_limit_mode" json:"bandwidth_limit_mode"`
// meta info for each proxy
Metas map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"metas"`
LocalSvrConf `ini:",extends"`
HealthCheckConf `ini:",extends"`
type DomainConf struct {
CustomDomains []string `ini:"custom_domains" json:"custom_domains"`
SubDomain string `ini:"subdomain" json:"subdomain"`
type RoleServerCommonConf struct {
Role string `ini:"role" json:"role"`
Sk string `ini:"sk" json:"sk"`
AllowUsers []string `ini:"allow_users" json:"allow_users"`
func (cfg *RoleServerCommonConf) setDefaultValues() {
cfg.Role = "server"
func (cfg *RoleServerCommonConf) marshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.Sk = cfg.Sk
m.AllowUsers = cfg.AllowUsers
func (cfg *RoleServerCommonConf) unmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
cfg.Sk = m.Sk
cfg.AllowUsers = m.AllowUsers
type HTTPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
Locations []string `ini:"locations" json:"locations"`
HTTPUser string `ini:"http_user" json:"http_user"`
HTTPPwd string `ini:"http_pwd" json:"http_pwd"`
HostHeaderRewrite string `ini:"host_header_rewrite" json:"host_header_rewrite"`
Headers map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"headers"`
RouteByHTTPUser string `ini:"route_by_http_user" json:"route_by_http_user"`
type HTTPSProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
// TCP
type TCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
// UDP
type UDPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RemotePort int `ini:"remote_port" json:"remote_port"`
// TCPMux
type TCPMuxProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
DomainConf `ini:",extends"`
HTTPUser string `ini:"http_user" json:"http_user,omitempty"`
HTTPPwd string `ini:"http_pwd" json:"http_pwd,omitempty"`
RouteByHTTPUser string `ini:"route_by_http_user" json:"route_by_http_user"`
Multiplexer string `ini:"multiplexer"`
type STCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RoleServerCommonConf `ini:",extends"`
type XTCPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RoleServerCommonConf `ini:",extends"`
type SUDPProxyConf struct {
BaseProxyConf `ini:",extends"`
RoleServerCommonConf `ini:",extends"`
// Proxy Conf Loader
// DefaultProxyConf creates a empty ProxyConf object by proxyType.
// If proxyType doesn't exist, return nil.
func DefaultProxyConf(proxyType string) ProxyConf {
conf := NewConfByType(proxyType)
if conf != nil {
return conf
// Proxy loaded from ini
func NewProxyConfFromIni(prefix, name string, section *ini.Section) (ProxyConf, error) {
// section.Key: if key not exists, section will set it with default value.
proxyType := section.Key("type").String()
if proxyType == "" {
proxyType = consts.TCPProxy
conf := DefaultProxyConf(proxyType)
if conf == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid type [%s]", proxyType)
if err := conf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := conf.ValidateForClient(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conf, nil
// Proxy loaded from msg
func NewProxyConfFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy, serverCfg ServerCommonConf) (ProxyConf, error) {
if m.ProxyType == "" {
m.ProxyType = consts.TCPProxy
conf := DefaultProxyConf(m.ProxyType)
if conf == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] type [%s] error", m.ProxyName, m.ProxyType)
err := conf.ValidateForServer(serverCfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return conf, nil
// Base
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) GetBaseConfig() *BaseProxyConf {
return cfg
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) SetDefaultValues() {
cfg.LocalSvrConf = LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
cfg.BandwidthLimitMode = BandwidthLimitModeClient
// BaseProxyConf apply custom logic changes.
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) decorate(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
// proxy_name
cfg.ProxyName = prefix + name
// metas_xxx
cfg.Metas = GetMapWithoutPrefix(section.KeysHash(), "meta_")
// bandwidth_limit
if bandwidth, err := section.GetKey("bandwidth_limit"); err == nil {
cfg.BandwidthLimit, err = NewBandwidthQuantity(bandwidth.String())
if err != nil {
return err
// plugin_xxx
cfg.LocalSvrConf.PluginParams = GetMapByPrefix(section.KeysHash(), "plugin_")
// custom logic code
if cfg.HealthCheckType == "tcp" && cfg.Plugin == "" {
cfg.HealthCheckAddr = cfg.LocalIP + fmt.Sprintf(":%d", cfg.LocalPort)
if cfg.HealthCheckType == "http" && cfg.Plugin == "" && cfg.HealthCheckURL != "" {
s := "http://" + net.JoinHostPort(cfg.LocalIP, strconv.Itoa(cfg.LocalPort))
if !strings.HasPrefix(cfg.HealthCheckURL, "/") {
s += "/"
cfg.HealthCheckURL = s + cfg.HealthCheckURL
return nil
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) marshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.ProxyName = cfg.ProxyName
m.ProxyType = cfg.ProxyType
m.UseEncryption = cfg.UseEncryption
m.UseCompression = cfg.UseCompression
m.BandwidthLimit = cfg.BandwidthLimit.String()
// leave it empty for default value to reduce traffic
if cfg.BandwidthLimitMode != "client" {
m.BandwidthLimitMode = cfg.BandwidthLimitMode
m.Group = cfg.Group
m.GroupKey = cfg.GroupKey
m.Metas = cfg.Metas
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) unmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
cfg.ProxyName = m.ProxyName
cfg.ProxyType = m.ProxyType
cfg.UseEncryption = m.UseEncryption
cfg.UseCompression = m.UseCompression
if m.BandwidthLimit != "" {
cfg.BandwidthLimit, _ = NewBandwidthQuantity(m.BandwidthLimit)
if m.BandwidthLimitMode != "" {
cfg.BandwidthLimitMode = m.BandwidthLimitMode
cfg.Group = m.Group
cfg.GroupKey = m.GroupKey
cfg.Metas = m.Metas
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) validateForClient() (err error) {
if cfg.ProxyProtocolVersion != "" {
if cfg.ProxyProtocolVersion != "v1" && cfg.ProxyProtocolVersion != "v2" {
return fmt.Errorf("no support proxy protocol version: %s", cfg.ProxyProtocolVersion)
if cfg.BandwidthLimitMode != "client" && cfg.BandwidthLimitMode != "server" {
return fmt.Errorf("bandwidth_limit_mode should be client or server")
if err = cfg.LocalSvrConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
if err = cfg.HealthCheckConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
return nil
func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) validateForServer() (err error) {
if cfg.BandwidthLimitMode != "client" && cfg.BandwidthLimitMode != "server" {
return fmt.Errorf("bandwidth_limit_mode should be client or server")
return nil
// DomainConf
func (cfg *DomainConf) check() (err error) {
if len(cfg.CustomDomains) == 0 && cfg.SubDomain == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("custom_domains and subdomain should set at least one of them")
func (cfg *DomainConf) validateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.check(); err != nil {
func (cfg *DomainConf) validateForServer(serverCfg ServerCommonConf) (err error) {
if err = cfg.check(); err != nil {
for _, domain := range cfg.CustomDomains {
if serverCfg.SubDomainHost != "" && len(strings.Split(serverCfg.SubDomainHost, ".")) < len(strings.Split(domain, ".")) {
if strings.Contains(domain, serverCfg.SubDomainHost) {
return fmt.Errorf("custom domain [%s] should not belong to subdomain_host [%s]", domain, serverCfg.SubDomainHost)
if cfg.SubDomain != "" {
if serverCfg.SubDomainHost == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("subdomain is not supported because this feature is not enabled in remote frps")
if strings.Contains(cfg.SubDomain, ".") || strings.Contains(cfg.SubDomain, "*") {
return fmt.Errorf("'.' and '*' is not supported in subdomain")
return nil
// LocalSvrConf
func (cfg *LocalSvrConf) validateForClient() (err error) {
if cfg.Plugin == "" {
if cfg.LocalIP == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("local ip or plugin is required")
if cfg.LocalPort <= 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("error local_port")
// HealthCheckConf
func (cfg *HealthCheckConf) validateForClient() error {
if cfg.HealthCheckType != "" && cfg.HealthCheckType != "tcp" && cfg.HealthCheckType != "http" {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupport health check type")
if cfg.HealthCheckType != "" {
if cfg.HealthCheckType == "http" && cfg.HealthCheckURL == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("health_check_url is required for health check type 'http'")
return nil
func preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg ProxyConf, prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := section.MapTo(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
err = cfg.GetBaseConfig().decorate(prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TCP
func (cfg *TCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.RemotePort = m.RemotePort
func (cfg *TCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
func (cfg *TCPProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
m.RemotePort = cfg.RemotePort
func (cfg *TCPProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
func (cfg *TCPProxyConf) ValidateForServer(_ ServerCommonConf) error {
return cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer()
// TCPMux
func (cfg *TCPMuxProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
func (cfg *TCPMuxProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.CustomDomains = m.CustomDomains
cfg.SubDomain = m.SubDomain
cfg.Multiplexer = m.Multiplexer
cfg.HTTPUser = m.HTTPUser
cfg.HTTPPwd = m.HTTPPwd
cfg.RouteByHTTPUser = m.RouteByHTTPUser
func (cfg *TCPMuxProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
m.CustomDomains = cfg.CustomDomains
m.SubDomain = cfg.SubDomain
m.Multiplexer = cfg.Multiplexer
m.HTTPUser = cfg.HTTPUser
m.HTTPPwd = cfg.HTTPPwd
m.RouteByHTTPUser = cfg.RouteByHTTPUser
func (cfg *TCPMuxProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
if err = cfg.DomainConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
if cfg.Multiplexer != consts.HTTPConnectTCPMultiplexer {
return fmt.Errorf("parse conf error: incorrect multiplexer [%s]", cfg.Multiplexer)
func (cfg *TCPMuxProxyConf) ValidateForServer(serverCfg ServerCommonConf) (err error) {
if err := cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer(); err != nil {
return err
if cfg.Multiplexer != consts.HTTPConnectTCPMultiplexer {
return fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] incorrect multiplexer [%s]", cfg.ProxyName, cfg.Multiplexer)
if cfg.Multiplexer == consts.HTTPConnectTCPMultiplexer && serverCfg.TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] type [tcpmux] with multiplexer [httpconnect] requires tcpmux_httpconnect_port configuration", cfg.ProxyName)
if err = cfg.DomainConf.validateForServer(serverCfg); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] domain conf check error: %v", cfg.ProxyName, err)
// UDP
func (cfg *UDPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
func (cfg *UDPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.RemotePort = m.RemotePort
func (cfg *UDPProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
m.RemotePort = cfg.RemotePort
func (cfg *UDPProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
func (cfg *UDPProxyConf) ValidateForServer(_ ServerCommonConf) error {
return cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer()
func (cfg *HTTPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.Headers = GetMapWithoutPrefix(section.KeysHash(), "header_")
return nil
func (cfg *HTTPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.CustomDomains = m.CustomDomains
cfg.SubDomain = m.SubDomain
cfg.Locations = m.Locations
cfg.HostHeaderRewrite = m.HostHeaderRewrite
cfg.HTTPUser = m.HTTPUser
cfg.HTTPPwd = m.HTTPPwd
cfg.Headers = m.Headers
cfg.RouteByHTTPUser = m.RouteByHTTPUser
func (cfg *HTTPProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
m.CustomDomains = cfg.CustomDomains
m.SubDomain = cfg.SubDomain
m.Locations = cfg.Locations
m.HostHeaderRewrite = cfg.HostHeaderRewrite
m.HTTPUser = cfg.HTTPUser
m.HTTPPwd = cfg.HTTPPwd
m.Headers = cfg.Headers
m.RouteByHTTPUser = cfg.RouteByHTTPUser
func (cfg *HTTPProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
if err = cfg.DomainConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
func (cfg *HTTPProxyConf) ValidateForServer(serverCfg ServerCommonConf) (err error) {
if err := cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer(); err != nil {
return err
if serverCfg.VhostHTTPPort == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("type [http] not support when vhost_http_port is not set")
if err = cfg.DomainConf.validateForServer(serverCfg); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] domain conf check error: %v", cfg.ProxyName, err)
func (cfg *HTTPSProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
func (cfg *HTTPSProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
cfg.CustomDomains = m.CustomDomains
cfg.SubDomain = m.SubDomain
func (cfg *HTTPSProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
m.CustomDomains = cfg.CustomDomains
m.SubDomain = cfg.SubDomain
func (cfg *HTTPSProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
if err = cfg.DomainConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
func (cfg *HTTPSProxyConf) ValidateForServer(serverCfg ServerCommonConf) (err error) {
if err := cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer(); err != nil {
return err
if serverCfg.VhostHTTPSPort == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("type [https] not support when vhost_https_port is not set")
if err = cfg.DomainConf.validateForServer(serverCfg); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] domain conf check error: %v", cfg.ProxyName, err)
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) SetDefaultValues() {
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
return nil
// Only for role server.
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err := cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic check if exists
if cfg.Role != "server" {
return fmt.Errorf("role should be 'server'")
return nil
func (cfg *SUDPProxyConf) ValidateForServer(_ ServerCommonConf) error {
return cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer()
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) SetDefaultValues() {
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
if cfg.Role == "" {
cfg.Role = "server"
return nil
// Only for role server.
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
if cfg.Role != "server" {
return fmt.Errorf("role should be 'server'")
func (cfg *STCPProxyConf) ValidateForServer(_ ServerCommonConf) error {
return cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer()
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) SetDefaultValues() {
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section *ini.Section) error {
err := preUnmarshalFromIni(cfg, prefix, name, section)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
if cfg.Role == "" {
cfg.Role = "server"
return nil
// Only for role server.
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic unmarshal if exists
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
// Add custom logic marshal if exists
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) ValidateForClient() (err error) {
if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForClient(); err != nil {
// Add custom logic check if exists
if cfg.Role != "server" {
return fmt.Errorf("role should be 'server'")
func (cfg *XTCPProxyConf) ValidateForServer(_ ServerCommonConf) error {
return cfg.BaseProxyConf.validateForServer()
@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2020 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
var (
testLoadOptions = ini.LoadOptions{
Insensitive: false,
InsensitiveSections: false,
InsensitiveKeys: false,
IgnoreInlineComment: true,
AllowBooleanKeys: true,
testProxyPrefix = "test."
func Test_Proxy_Interface(_ *testing.T) {
for name := range proxyConfTypeMap {
func Test_Proxy_UnmarshalFromIni(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
testcases := []struct {
sname string
source []byte
expected ProxyConf
sname: "ssh",
source: []byte(`
# tcp | udp | http | https | stcp | xtcp, default is tcp
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 29
bandwidth_limit = 19MB
bandwidth_limit_mode = server
remote_port = 6009
group = test_group
group_key = 123456
health_check_type = tcp
health_check_timeout_s = 3
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_interval_s = 19
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234`),
expected: &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "ssh",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
UseCompression: true,
UseEncryption: true,
Group: "test_group",
GroupKey: "123456",
BandwidthLimit: MustBandwidthQuantity("19MB"),
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeServer,
Metas: map[string]string{
"var1": "123",
"var2": "234",
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 29,
HealthCheckConf: HealthCheckConf{
HealthCheckType: consts.TCPProxy,
HealthCheckTimeoutS: 3,
HealthCheckMaxFailed: 3,
HealthCheckIntervalS: 19,
HealthCheckAddr: "",
RemotePort: 6009,
sname: "ssh_random",
source: []byte(`
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 29
remote_port = 9
expected: &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "ssh_random",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 29,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 9,
sname: "dns",
source: []byte(`
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 59
remote_port = 6009
expected: &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "dns",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 59,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6009,
sname: "web01",
source: []byte(`
type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 89
http_user = admin
http_pwd = admin
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
locations = /,/pic
host_header_rewrite = example.com
header_X-From-Where = frp
health_check_type = http
health_check_url = /status
health_check_interval_s = 19
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_timeout_s = 3
expected: &HTTPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "web01",
ProxyType: consts.HTTPProxy,
UseCompression: true,
UseEncryption: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 89,
HealthCheckConf: HealthCheckConf{
HealthCheckType: consts.HTTPProxy,
HealthCheckTimeoutS: 3,
HealthCheckMaxFailed: 3,
HealthCheckIntervalS: 19,
HealthCheckURL: "",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"web02.yourdomain.com"},
SubDomain: "web01",
Locations: []string{"/", "/pic"},
HTTPUser: "admin",
HTTPPwd: "admin",
HostHeaderRewrite: "example.com",
Headers: map[string]string{
"X-From-Where": "frp",
sname: "web02",
source: []byte(`
type = https
local_ip =
local_port = 8009
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
proxy_protocol_version = v2
expected: &HTTPSProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "web02",
ProxyType: consts.HTTPSProxy,
UseCompression: true,
UseEncryption: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 8009,
ProxyProtocolVersion: "v2",
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"web02.yourdomain.com"},
SubDomain: "web01",
sname: "secret_tcp",
source: []byte(`
type = stcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
expected: &STCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "secret_tcp",
ProxyType: consts.STCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 22,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RoleServerCommonConf: RoleServerCommonConf{
Role: "server",
Sk: "abcdefg",
sname: "p2p_tcp",
source: []byte(`
type = xtcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
expected: &XTCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "p2p_tcp",
ProxyType: consts.XTCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 22,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RoleServerCommonConf: RoleServerCommonConf{
Role: "server",
Sk: "abcdefg",
sname: "tcpmuxhttpconnect",
source: []byte(`
type = tcpmux
multiplexer = httpconnect
local_ip =
local_port = 10701
custom_domains = tunnel1
expected: &TCPMuxProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "tcpmuxhttpconnect",
ProxyType: consts.TCPMuxProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 10701,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
DomainConf: DomainConf{
CustomDomains: []string{"tunnel1"},
SubDomain: "",
Multiplexer: "httpconnect",
for _, c := range testcases {
f, err := ini.LoadSources(testLoadOptions, c.source)
proxyType := f.Section(c.sname).Key("type").String()
actual := DefaultProxyConf(proxyType)
err = actual.UnmarshalFromIni(testProxyPrefix, c.sname, f.Section(c.sname))
assert.Equal(c.expected, actual)
func Test_RangeProxy_UnmarshalFromIni(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
testcases := []struct {
sname string
source []byte
expected map[string]ProxyConf
sname: "range:tcp_port",
source: []byte(`
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6011,6019
remote_port = 6010-6011,6019
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
expected: map[string]ProxyConf{
"tcp_port_0": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "tcp_port_0",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6010,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6010,
"tcp_port_1": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "tcp_port_1",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6011,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6011,
"tcp_port_2": &TCPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "tcp_port_2",
ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6019,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6019,
sname: "range:udp_port",
source: []byte(`
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 6000,6010-6011
remote_port = 6000,6010-6011
expected: map[string]ProxyConf{
"udp_port_0": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "udp_port_0",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6000,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6000,
"udp_port_1": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "udp_port_1",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6010,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6010,
"udp_port_2": &UDPProxyConf{
BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{
ProxyName: testProxyPrefix + "udp_port_2",
ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy,
UseEncryption: true,
UseCompression: true,
LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{
LocalIP: "",
LocalPort: 6011,
BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient,
RemotePort: 6011,
for _, c := range testcases {
f, err := ini.LoadSources(testLoadOptions, c.source)
actual := make(map[string]ProxyConf)
s := f.Section(c.sname)
err = renderRangeProxyTemplates(f, s)
for _, section := range f.Sections() {
proxyType := section.Key("type").String()
newsname := section.Name()
tmp := DefaultProxyConf(proxyType)
err = tmp.UnmarshalFromIni(testProxyPrefix, newsname, section)
actual[newsname] = tmp
assert.Equal(c.expected, actual)
@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2020 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
plugin "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/plugin/server"
func Test_LoadServerCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
testcases := []struct {
source []byte
expected ServerCommonConf
source: []byte(`
# [common] is integral section
bind_addr =
bind_port = 7009
kcp_bind_port = 7007
proxy_bind_addr =
vhost_http_port = 89
vhost_https_port = 449
vhost_http_timeout = 69
tcpmux_httpconnect_port = 1339
dashboard_addr =
dashboard_port = 7509
dashboard_user = admin9
dashboard_pwd = admin9
assets_dir = ./static9
log_file = ./frps.log9
log_way = file
log_level = info9
log_max_days = 39
disable_log_color = false
authentication_method = token
authenticate_heartbeats = false
authenticate_new_work_conns = false
token = 123456789
oidc_issuer = test9
oidc_audience = test9
heartbeat_timeout = 99
user_conn_timeout = 9
allow_ports = 10-12,99
max_pool_count = 59
max_ports_per_client = 9
tls_only = false
tls_cert_file = server.crt
tls_key_file = server.key
tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt
subdomain_host = frps.com
udp_packet_size = 1509
addr =
path = /handler
ops = Login
addr =
path = /handler
ops = NewProxy
expected: ServerCommonConf{
ServerConfig: auth.ServerConfig{
BaseConfig: auth.BaseConfig{
AuthenticationMethod: "token",
AuthenticateHeartBeats: false,
AuthenticateNewWorkConns: false,
TokenConfig: auth.TokenConfig{
Token: "123456789",
OidcServerConfig: auth.OidcServerConfig{
OidcIssuer: "test9",
OidcAudience: "test9",
OidcSkipExpiryCheck: true,
OidcSkipIssuerCheck: true,
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 7009,
KCPBindPort: 7007,
QUICKeepalivePeriod: 10,
QUICMaxIdleTimeout: 30,
QUICMaxIncomingStreams: 100000,
ProxyBindAddr: "",
VhostHTTPPort: 89,
VhostHTTPSPort: 449,
VhostHTTPTimeout: 69,
TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort: 1339,
DashboardAddr: "",
DashboardPort: 7509,
DashboardUser: "admin9",
DashboardPwd: "admin9",
EnablePrometheus: true,
AssetsDir: "./static9",
LogFile: "./frps.log9",
LogWay: "file",
LogLevel: "info9",
LogMaxDays: 39,
DisableLogColor: false,
DetailedErrorsToClient: true,
HeartbeatTimeout: 99,
UserConnTimeout: 9,
AllowPorts: map[int]struct{}{
10: {},
11: {},
12: {},
99: {},
AllowPortsStr: "10-12,99",
MaxPoolCount: 59,
MaxPortsPerClient: 9,
TLSOnly: true,
TLSCertFile: "server.crt",
TLSKeyFile: "server.key",
TLSTrustedCaFile: "ca.crt",
SubDomainHost: "frps.com",
TCPMux: true,
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
TCPKeepAlive: 7200,
UDPPacketSize: 1509,
NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours: 7 * 24,
HTTPPlugins: map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions{
"user-manager": {
Name: "user-manager",
Addr: "",
Path: "/handler",
Ops: []string{"Login"},
"port-manager": {
Name: "port-manager",
Addr: "",
Path: "/handler",
Ops: []string{"NewProxy"},
TLSVerify: true,
source: []byte(`
# [common] is integral section
bind_addr =
bind_port = 7009
expected: ServerCommonConf{
ServerConfig: auth.ServerConfig{
BaseConfig: auth.BaseConfig{
AuthenticationMethod: "token",
AuthenticateHeartBeats: false,
AuthenticateNewWorkConns: false,
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 7009,
QUICKeepalivePeriod: 10,
QUICMaxIdleTimeout: 30,
QUICMaxIncomingStreams: 100000,
ProxyBindAddr: "",
VhostHTTPTimeout: 60,
DashboardAddr: "",
DashboardUser: "",
DashboardPwd: "",
EnablePrometheus: false,
LogFile: "console",
LogWay: "console",
LogLevel: "info",
LogMaxDays: 3,
DetailedErrorsToClient: true,
TCPMux: true,
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
TCPKeepAlive: 7200,
AllowPorts: make(map[int]struct{}),
MaxPoolCount: 5,
HeartbeatTimeout: 90,
UserConnTimeout: 10,
HTTPPlugins: make(map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions),
UDPPacketSize: 1500,
NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours: 7 * 24,
for _, c := range testcases {
actual, err := UnmarshalServerConfFromIni(c.source)
assert.Equal(c.expected, actual)
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
type APIMetadata struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
type ClientConfig struct {
Proxies []TypedProxyConfig `json:"proxies,omitempty"`
Visitors []TypedVisitorConfig `json:"visitors,omitempty"`
type ClientCommonConfig struct {
Auth AuthClientConfig `json:"auth,omitempty"`
// User specifies a prefix for proxy names to distinguish them from other
// clients. If this value is not "", proxy names will automatically be
// changed to "{user}.{proxy_name}".
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
// ServerAddr specifies the address of the server to connect to. By
// default, this value is "".
ServerAddr string `json:"serverAddr,omitempty"`
// ServerPort specifies the port to connect to the server on. By default,
// this value is 7000.
ServerPort int `json:"serverPort,omitempty"`
// STUN server to help penetrate NAT hole.
NatHoleSTUNServer string `json:"natHoleStunServer,omitempty"`
// DNSServer specifies a DNS server address for FRPC to use. If this value
// is "", the default DNS will be used.
DNSServer string `json:"dnsServer,omitempty"`
// LoginFailExit controls whether or not the client should exit after a
// failed login attempt. If false, the client will retry until a login
// attempt succeeds. By default, this value is true.
LoginFailExit *bool `json:"loginFailExit,omitempty"`
// Start specifies a set of enabled proxies by name. If this set is empty,
// all supplied proxies are enabled. By default, this value is an empty
// set.
Start []string `json:"start,omitempty"`
Log LogConfig `json:"log,omitempty"`
WebServer WebServerConfig `json:"webServer,omitempty"`
Transport ClientTransportConfig `json:"transport,omitempty"`
// UDPPacketSize specifies the udp packet size
// By default, this value is 1500
UDPPacketSize int64 `json:"udpPacketSize,omitempty"`
// Client metadata info
Metadatas map[string]string `json:"metadatas,omitempty"`
// Include other config files for proxies.
IncludeConfigFiles []string `json:"includes,omitempty"`
func (c *ClientCommonConfig) Complete() {
c.ServerAddr = util.EmptyOr(c.ServerAddr, "")
c.ServerPort = util.EmptyOr(c.ServerPort, 7000)
c.LoginFailExit = util.EmptyOr(c.LoginFailExit, lo.ToPtr(true))
c.UDPPacketSize = util.EmptyOr(c.UDPPacketSize, 1500)
type ClientTransportConfig struct {
// Protocol specifies the protocol to use when interacting with the server.
// Valid values are "tcp", "kcp", "quic", "websocket" and "wss". By default, this value
// is "tcp".
Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
// The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete.
DialServerTimeout int64 `json:"dialServerTimeout,omitempty"`
// DialServerKeepAlive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
// If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
DialServerKeepAlive int64 `json:"dialServerKeepalive,omitempty"`
// ConnectServerLocalIP specifies the address of the client bind when it connect to server.
// Note: This value only use in TCP/Websocket protocol. Not support in KCP protocol.
ConnectServerLocalIP string `json:"connectServerLocalIP,omitempty"`
// ProxyURL specifies a proxy address to connect to the server through. If
// this value is "", the server will be connected to directly. By default,
// this value is read from the "http_proxy" environment variable.
ProxyURL string `json:"proxyURL,omitempty"`
// PoolCount specifies the number of connections the client will make to
// the server in advance.
PoolCount int `json:"poolCount,omitempty"`
// TCPMux toggles TCP stream multiplexing. This allows multiple requests
// from a client to share a single TCP connection. If this value is true,
// the server must have TCP multiplexing enabled as well. By default, this
// value is true.
TCPMux *bool `json:"tcpMux,omitempty"`
// TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval specifies the keep alive interval for TCP stream multipler.
// If TCPMux is true, heartbeat of application layer is unnecessary because it can only rely on heartbeat in TCPMux.
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval int64 `json:"tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval,omitempty"`
// QUIC protocol options.
QUIC QUICOptions `json:"quic,omitempty"`
// HeartBeatInterval specifies at what interval heartbeats are sent to the
// server, in seconds. It is not recommended to change this value. By
// default, this value is 30. Set negative value to disable it.
HeartbeatInterval int64 `json:"heartbeatInterval,omitempty"`
// HeartBeatTimeout specifies the maximum allowed heartbeat response delay
// before the connection is terminated, in seconds. It is not recommended
// to change this value. By default, this value is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
HeartbeatTimeout int64 `json:"heartbeatTimeout,omitempty"`
// TLS specifies TLS settings for the connection to the server.
TLS TLSClientConfig `json:"tls,omitempty"`
func (c *ClientTransportConfig) Complete() {
c.Protocol = util.EmptyOr(c.Protocol, "tcp")
c.DialServerTimeout = util.EmptyOr(c.DialServerTimeout, 10)
c.DialServerKeepAlive = util.EmptyOr(c.DialServerKeepAlive, 7200)
c.ProxyURL = util.EmptyOr(c.ProxyURL, os.Getenv("http_proxy"))
c.PoolCount = util.EmptyOr(c.PoolCount, 1)
c.TCPMux = util.EmptyOr(c.TCPMux, lo.ToPtr(true))
c.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval = util.EmptyOr(c.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval, 60)
c.HeartbeatInterval = util.EmptyOr(c.HeartbeatInterval, 30)
c.HeartbeatTimeout = util.EmptyOr(c.HeartbeatTimeout, 90)
type TLSClientConfig struct {
// TLSEnable specifies whether or not TLS should be used when communicating
// with the server. If "tls.certFile" and "tls.keyFile" are valid,
// client will load the supplied tls configuration.
// Since v0.50.0, the default value has been changed to true, and tls is enabled by default.
Enable *bool `json:"enable,omitempty"`
// If DisableCustomTLSFirstByte is set to false, frpc will establish a connection with frps using the
// first custom byte when tls is enabled.
// Since v0.50.0, the default value has been changed to true, and the first custom byte is disabled by default.
DisableCustomTLSFirstByte *bool `json:"disableCustomTLSFirstByte,omitempty"`
func (c *TLSClientConfig) Complete() {
c.Enable = util.EmptyOr(c.Enable, lo.ToPtr(true))
c.DisableCustomTLSFirstByte = util.EmptyOr(c.DisableCustomTLSFirstByte, lo.ToPtr(true))
type AuthClientConfig struct {
// Method specifies what authentication method to use to
// authenticate frpc with frps. If "token" is specified - token will be
// read into login message. If "oidc" is specified - OIDC (Open ID Connect)
// token will be issued using OIDC settings. By default, this value is "token".
Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
// Specify whether to include auth info in additional scope.
// Current supported scopes are: "HeartBeats", "NewWorkConns".
AdditionalAuthScopes []AuthScope `json:"additionalAuthScopes,omitempty"`
// Token specifies the authorization token used to create keys to be sent
// to the server. The server must have a matching token for authorization
// to succeed. By default, this value is "".
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
OIDC AuthOIDCClientConfig `json:"oidc,omitempty"`
func (c *AuthClientConfig) Complete() {
c.Method = util.EmptyOr(c.Method, "token")
type AuthOIDCClientConfig struct {
// ClientID specifies the client ID to use to get a token in OIDC authentication.
ClientID string `json:"clientID,omitempty"`
// ClientSecret specifies the client secret to use to get a token in OIDC
// authentication.
ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"`
// Audience specifies the audience of the token in OIDC authentication.
Audience string `json:"audience,omitempty"`
// Scope specifies the scope of the token in OIDC authentication.
Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
// TokenEndpointURL specifies the URL which implements OIDC Token Endpoint.
// It will be used to get an OIDC token.
TokenEndpointURL string `json:"tokenEndpointURL,omitempty"`
// AdditionalEndpointParams specifies additional parameters to be sent
// this field will be transfer to map[string][]string in OIDC token generator.
AdditionalEndpointParams map[string]string `json:"additionalEndpointParams,omitempty"`
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
func TestClientConfigComplete(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c := &ClientConfig{}
require.Equal("token", c.Auth.Method)
require.Equal(true, lo.FromPtr(c.Transport.TCPMux))
require.Equal(true, lo.FromPtr(c.LoginFailExit))
require.Equal(true, lo.FromPtr(c.Transport.TLS.Enable))
require.Equal(true, lo.FromPtr(c.Transport.TLS.DisableCustomTLSFirstByte))
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
type AuthScope string
const (
AuthScopeHeartBeats AuthScope = "HeartBeats"
AuthScopeNewWorkConns AuthScope = "NewWorkConns"
// QUIC protocol options
type QUICOptions struct {
KeepalivePeriod int `json:"quicKeepalivePeriod,omitempty" validate:"gte=0"`
MaxIdleTimeout int `json:"quicMaxIdleTimeout,omitempty" validate:"gte=0"`
MaxIncomingStreams int `json:"quicMaxIncomingStreams,omitempty" validate:"gte=0"`
func (c *QUICOptions) Complete() {
c.KeepalivePeriod = util.EmptyOr(c.KeepalivePeriod, 10)
c.MaxIdleTimeout = util.EmptyOr(c.MaxIdleTimeout, 30)
c.MaxIncomingStreams = util.EmptyOr(c.MaxIncomingStreams, 100000)
type WebServerConfig struct {
// This is the network address to bind on for serving the web interface and API.
// By default, this value is "".
Addr string `json:"addr,omitempty"`
// Port specifies the port for the web server to listen on. If this
// value is 0, the admin server will not be started.
Port int `json:"port,omitempty"`
// User specifies the username that the web server will use for login.
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
// Password specifies the password that the admin server will use for login.
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
// AssetsDir specifies the local directory that the admin server will load
// resources from. If this value is "", assets will be loaded from the
// bundled executable using embed package.
AssetsDir string `json:"assetsDir,omitempty"`
// Enable golang pprof handlers.
PprofEnable bool `json:"pprofEnable,omitempty"`
// Enable TLS if TLSConfig is not nil.
TLS *TLSConfig `json:"tls,omitempty"`
func (c *WebServerConfig) Complete() {
c.Addr = util.EmptyOr(c.Addr, "")
type TLSConfig struct {
// CertPath specifies the path of the cert file that client will load.
CertFile string `json:"certFile,omitempty"`
// KeyPath specifies the path of the secret key file that client will load.
KeyFile string `json:"keyFile,omitempty"`
// TrustedCaFile specifies the path of the trusted ca file that will load.
TrustedCaFile string `json:"trustedCaFile,omitempty"`
// ServerName specifies the custom server name of tls certificate. By
// default, server name if same to ServerAddr.
ServerName string `json:"serverName,omitempty"`
type LogConfig struct {
// This is destination where frp should wirte the logs.
// If "console" is used, logs will be printed to stdout, otherwise,
// logs will be written to the specified file.
// By default, this value is "console".
To string `json:"to,omitempty"`
// Level specifies the minimum log level. Valid values are "trace",
// "debug", "info", "warn", and "error". By default, this value is "info".
Level string `json:"level,omitempty"`
// MaxDays specifies the maximum number of days to store log information
// before deletion.
MaxDays int64 `json:"maxDays"`
// DisablePrintColor disables log colors when log.to is "console".
DisablePrintColor bool `json:"disablePrintColor,omitempty"`
func (c *LogConfig) Complete() {
c.To = util.EmptyOr(c.To, "console")
c.Level = util.EmptyOr(c.Level, "info")
c.MaxDays = util.EmptyOr(c.MaxDays, 3)
type HTTPPluginOptions struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Ops []string `json:"ops"`
TLSVerify bool `json:"tls_verify,omitempty"`
type HeaderOperations struct {
Set map[string]string `json:"set,omitempty"`
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
type ClientPluginOptions interface{}
type TypedClientPluginOptions struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
func (c *TypedClientPluginOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if len(b) == 4 && string(b) == "null" {
return errors.New("type is required")
typeStruct := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &typeStruct); err != nil {
return err
c.Type = typeStruct.Type
v, ok := clientPluginOptionsTypeMap[typeStruct.Type]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown plugin type: %s", typeStruct.Type)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, v); err != nil {
return err
c.ClientPluginOptions = v
return nil
const (
PluginHTTP2HTTPS = "http2https"
PluginHTTPProxy = "http_proxy"
PluginHTTPS2HTTP = "https2http"
PluginHTTPS2HTTPS = "https2https"
PluginSocks5 = "socks5"
PluginStaticFile = "static_file"
PluginUnixDomainSocket = "unix_domain_socket"
var clientPluginOptionsTypeMap = map[string]reflect.Type{
PluginHTTP2HTTPS: reflect.TypeOf(HTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions{}),
PluginHTTPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPProxyPluginOptions{}),
PluginHTTPS2HTTP: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions{}),
PluginHTTPS2HTTPS: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions{}),
PluginSocks5: reflect.TypeOf(Socks5PluginOptions{}),
PluginStaticFile: reflect.TypeOf(StaticFilePluginOptions{}),
PluginUnixDomainSocket: reflect.TypeOf(UnixDomainSocketPluginOptions{}),
type HTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions struct {
LocalAddr string `json:"localAddr,omitempty"`
HostHeaderRewrite string `json:"hostHeaderRewrite,omitempty"`
RequestHeaders HeaderOperations `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"`
type HTTPProxyPluginOptions struct {
HTTPUser string `json:"httpUser,omitempty"`
HTTPPassword string `json:"httpPassword,omitempty"`
type HTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions struct {
LocalAddr string `json:"localAddr,omitempty"`
HostHeaderRewrite string `json:"hostHeaderRewrite,omitempty"`
RequestHeaders HeaderOperations `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"`
CrtPath string `json:"crtPath,omitempty"`
KeyPath string `json:"keyPath,omitempty"`
type HTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions struct {
LocalAddr string `json:"localAddr,omitempty"`
HostHeaderRewrite string `json:"hostHeaderRewrite,omitempty"`
RequestHeaders HeaderOperations `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"`
CrtPath string `json:"crtPath,omitempty"`
KeyPath string `json:"keyPath,omitempty"`
type Socks5PluginOptions struct {
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
type StaticFilePluginOptions struct {
LocalPath string `json:"localPath,omitempty"`
StripPrefix string `json:"stripPrefix,omitempty"`
HTTPUser string `json:"httpUser,omitempty"`
HTTPPassword string `json:"httpPassword,omitempty"`
type UnixDomainSocketPluginOptions struct {
UnixPath string `json:"unixPath,omitempty"`
@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
type ProxyTransport struct {
// UseEncryption controls whether or not communication with the server will
// be encrypted. Encryption is done using the tokens supplied in the server
// and client configuration.
UseEncryption bool `json:"useEncryption,omitempty"`
// UseCompression controls whether or not communication with the server
// will be compressed.
UseCompression bool `json:"useCompression,omitempty"`
// BandwidthLimit limit the bandwidth
// 0 means no limit
BandwidthLimit types.BandwidthQuantity `json:"bandwidthLimit,omitempty"`
// BandwidthLimitMode specifies whether to limit the bandwidth on the
// client or server side. Valid values include "client" and "server".
// By default, this value is "client".
BandwidthLimitMode string `json:"bandwidthLimitMode,omitempty"`
// ProxyProtocolVersion specifies which protocol version to use. Valid
// values include "v1", "v2", and "". If the value is "", a protocol
// version will be automatically selected. By default, this value is "".
ProxyProtocolVersion string `json:"proxyProtocolVersion,omitempty"`
type LoadBalancerConfig struct {
// Group specifies which group the is a part of. The server will use
// this information to load balance proxies in the same group. If the value
// is "", this will not be in a group.
Group string `json:"group"`
// GroupKey specifies a group key, which should be the same among proxies
// of the same group.
GroupKey string `json:"groupKey,omitempty"`
type ProxyBackend struct {
// LocalIP specifies the IP address or host name of the backend.
LocalIP string `json:"localIP,omitempty"`
// LocalPort specifies the port of the backend.
LocalPort int `json:"localPort,omitempty"`
// Plugin specifies what plugin should be used for handling connections. If this value
// is set, the LocalIP and LocalPort values will be ignored.
Plugin TypedClientPluginOptions `json:"plugin,omitempty"`
// HealthCheckConfig configures health checking. This can be useful for load
// balancing purposes to detect and remove proxies to failing services.
type HealthCheckConfig struct {
// Type specifies what protocol to use for health checking.
// Valid values include "tcp", "http", and "". If this value is "", health
// checking will not be performed.
// If the type is "tcp", a connection will be attempted to the target
// server. If a connection cannot be established, the health check fails.
// If the type is "http", a GET request will be made to the endpoint
// specified by HealthCheckURL. If the response is not a 200, the health
// check fails.
Type string `json:"type"` // tcp | http
// TimeoutSeconds specifies the number of seconds to wait for a health
// check attempt to connect. If the timeout is reached, this counts as a
// health check failure. By default, this value is 3.
TimeoutSeconds int `json:"timeoutSeconds,omitempty"`
// MaxFailed specifies the number of allowed failures before the
// is stopped. By default, this value is 1.
MaxFailed int `json:"maxFailed,omitempty"`
// IntervalSeconds specifies the time in seconds between health
// checks. By default, this value is 10.
IntervalSeconds int `json:"intervalSeconds"`
// Path specifies the path to send health checks to if the
// health check type is "http".
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
type DomainConfig struct {
CustomDomains []string `json:"customDomains,omitempty"`
SubDomain string `json:"subdomain,omitempty"`
type ProxyBaseConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Transport ProxyTransport `json:"transport,omitempty"`
// metadata info for each proxy
Metadatas map[string]string `json:"metadatas,omitempty"`
LoadBalancer LoadBalancerConfig `json:"loadBalancer,omitempty"`
HealthCheck HealthCheckConfig `json:"healthCheck,omitempty"`
func (c *ProxyBaseConfig) GetBaseConfig() *ProxyBaseConfig {
return c
func (c *ProxyBaseConfig) Complete(namePrefix string) {
c.Name = lo.Ternary(namePrefix == "", "", namePrefix+".") + c.Name
c.LocalIP = util.EmptyOr(c.LocalIP, "")
c.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode = util.EmptyOr(c.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode, types.BandwidthLimitModeClient)
func (c *ProxyBaseConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.ProxyName = c.Name
m.ProxyType = c.Type
m.UseEncryption = c.Transport.UseEncryption
m.UseCompression = c.Transport.UseCompression
m.BandwidthLimit = c.Transport.BandwidthLimit.String()
// leave it empty for default value to reduce traffic
if c.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode != "client" {
m.BandwidthLimitMode = c.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode
m.Group = c.LoadBalancer.Group
m.GroupKey = c.LoadBalancer.GroupKey
m.Metas = c.Metadatas
func (c *ProxyBaseConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.Name = m.ProxyName
c.Type = m.ProxyType
c.Transport.UseEncryption = m.UseEncryption
c.Transport.UseCompression = m.UseCompression
if m.BandwidthLimit != "" {
c.Transport.BandwidthLimit, _ = types.NewBandwidthQuantity(m.BandwidthLimit)
if m.BandwidthLimitMode != "" {
c.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode = m.BandwidthLimitMode
c.LoadBalancer.Group = m.Group
c.LoadBalancer.GroupKey = m.GroupKey
c.Metadatas = m.Metas
type TypedProxyConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
func (c *TypedProxyConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if len(b) == 4 && string(b) == "null" {
return errors.New("type is required")
typeStruct := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &typeStruct); err != nil {
return err
c.Type = typeStruct.Type
configurer := NewProxyConfigurerByType(typeStruct.Type)
if configurer == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown proxy type: %s", typeStruct.Type)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, configurer); err != nil {
return err
c.ProxyConfigurer = configurer
return nil
type ProxyConfigurer interface {
Complete(namePrefix string)
GetBaseConfig() *ProxyBaseConfig
// MarshalToMsg marshals this config into a msg.NewProxy message. This
// function will be called on the frpc side.
// UnmarshalFromMsg unmarshals a msg.NewProxy message into this config.
// This function will be called on the frps side.
var proxyConfigTypeMap = map[string]reflect.Type{
consts.TCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(TCPProxyConfig{}),
consts.UDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(UDPProxyConfig{}),
consts.HTTPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPProxyConfig{}),
consts.HTTPSProxy: reflect.TypeOf(HTTPSProxyConfig{}),
consts.TCPMuxProxy: reflect.TypeOf(TCPMuxProxyConfig{}),
consts.STCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(STCPProxyConfig{}),
consts.XTCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(XTCPProxyConfig{}),
consts.SUDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(SUDPProxyConfig{}),
func NewProxyConfigurerByType(proxyType string) ProxyConfigurer {
v, ok := proxyConfigTypeMap[proxyType]
if !ok {
return nil
return reflect.New(v).Interface().(ProxyConfigurer)
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &TCPProxyConfig{}
type TCPProxyConfig struct {
RemotePort int `json:"remotePort,omitempty"`
func (c *TCPProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.RemotePort = c.RemotePort
func (c *TCPProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.RemotePort = m.RemotePort
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &UDPProxyConfig{}
type UDPProxyConfig struct {
RemotePort int `json:"remotePort,omitempty"`
func (c *UDPProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.RemotePort = c.RemotePort
func (c *UDPProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.RemotePort = m.RemotePort
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &HTTPProxyConfig{}
type HTTPProxyConfig struct {
Locations []string `json:"locations,omitempty"`
HTTPUser string `json:"httpUser,omitempty"`
HTTPPassword string `json:"httpPassword,omitempty"`
HostHeaderRewrite string `json:"hostHeaderRewrite,omitempty"`
RequestHeaders HeaderOperations `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"`
RouteByHTTPUser string `json:"routeByHttpUser,omitempty"`
func (c *HTTPProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.CustomDomains = c.CustomDomains
m.SubDomain = c.SubDomain
m.Locations = c.Locations
m.HostHeaderRewrite = c.HostHeaderRewrite
m.HTTPUser = c.HTTPUser
m.HTTPPwd = c.HTTPPassword
m.Headers = c.RequestHeaders.Set
m.RouteByHTTPUser = c.RouteByHTTPUser
func (c *HTTPProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.CustomDomains = m.CustomDomains
c.SubDomain = m.SubDomain
c.Locations = m.Locations
c.HostHeaderRewrite = m.HostHeaderRewrite
c.HTTPUser = m.HTTPUser
c.HTTPPassword = m.HTTPPwd
c.RequestHeaders.Set = m.Headers
c.RouteByHTTPUser = m.RouteByHTTPUser
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &HTTPSProxyConfig{}
type HTTPSProxyConfig struct {
func (c *HTTPSProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.CustomDomains = c.CustomDomains
m.SubDomain = c.SubDomain
func (c *HTTPSProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.CustomDomains = m.CustomDomains
c.SubDomain = m.SubDomain
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &TCPMuxProxyConfig{}
type TCPMuxProxyConfig struct {
HTTPUser string `json:"httpUser,omitempty"`
HTTPPassword string `json:"httpPassword,omitempty"`
RouteByHTTPUser string `json:"routeByHttpUser,omitempty"`
Multiplexer string `json:"multiplexer,omitempty"`
func (c *TCPMuxProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.CustomDomains = c.CustomDomains
m.SubDomain = c.SubDomain
m.Multiplexer = c.Multiplexer
m.HTTPUser = c.HTTPUser
m.HTTPPwd = c.HTTPPassword
m.RouteByHTTPUser = c.RouteByHTTPUser
func (c *TCPMuxProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.CustomDomains = m.CustomDomains
c.SubDomain = m.SubDomain
c.Multiplexer = m.Multiplexer
c.HTTPUser = m.HTTPUser
c.HTTPPassword = m.HTTPPwd
c.RouteByHTTPUser = m.RouteByHTTPUser
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &STCPProxyConfig{}
type STCPProxyConfig struct {
Secretkey string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"`
AllowUsers []string `json:"allowUsers,omitempty"`
func (c *STCPProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.Sk = c.Secretkey
m.AllowUsers = c.AllowUsers
func (c *STCPProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.Secretkey = m.Sk
c.AllowUsers = m.AllowUsers
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &XTCPProxyConfig{}
type XTCPProxyConfig struct {
Secretkey string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"`
AllowUsers []string `json:"allowUsers,omitempty"`
func (c *XTCPProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.Sk = c.Secretkey
m.AllowUsers = c.AllowUsers
func (c *XTCPProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.Secretkey = m.Sk
c.AllowUsers = m.AllowUsers
var _ ProxyConfigurer = &SUDPProxyConfig{}
type SUDPProxyConfig struct {
Secretkey string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"`
AllowUsers []string `json:"allowUsers,omitempty"`
func (c *SUDPProxyConfig) MarshalToMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
m.Sk = c.Secretkey
m.AllowUsers = c.AllowUsers
func (c *SUDPProxyConfig) UnmarshalFromMsg(m *msg.NewProxy) {
c.Secretkey = m.Sk
c.AllowUsers = m.AllowUsers
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
func TestUnmarshalTypedProxyConfig(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
proxyConfigs := struct {
Proxies []TypedProxyConfig `json:"proxies,omitempty"`
strs := `{
"proxies": [
"type": "tcp",
"localPort": 22,
"remotePort": 6000
"type": "http",
"localPort": 80,
"customDomains": ["www.example.com"]
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(strs), &proxyConfigs)
require.IsType(&TCPProxyConfig{}, proxyConfigs.Proxies[0].ProxyConfigurer)
require.IsType(&HTTPProxyConfig{}, proxyConfigs.Proxies[1].ProxyConfigurer)
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
type ServerConfig struct {
Auth AuthServerConfig `json:"auth,omitempty"`
// BindAddr specifies the address that the server binds to. By default,
// this value is "".
BindAddr string `json:"bindAddr,omitempty"`
// BindPort specifies the port that the server listens on. By default, this
// value is 7000.
BindPort int `json:"bindPort,omitempty" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
// KCPBindPort specifies the KCP port that the server listens on. If this
// value is 0, the server will not listen for KCP connections.
KCPBindPort int `json:"kcpBindPort,omitempty" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
// QUICBindPort specifies the QUIC port that the server listens on.
// Set this value to 0 will disable this feature.
QUICBindPort int `json:"quicBindPort,omitempty" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
// ProxyBindAddr specifies the address that the proxy binds to. This value
// may be the same as BindAddr.
ProxyBindAddr string `json:"proxyBindAddr,omitempty"`
// VhostHTTPPort specifies the port that the server listens for HTTP Vhost
// requests. If this value is 0, the server will not listen for HTTP
// requests.
VhostHTTPPort int `json:"vhostHTTPPort,omitempty" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
// VhostHTTPTimeout specifies the response header timeout for the Vhost
// HTTP server, in seconds. By default, this value is 60.
VhostHTTPTimeout int64 `json:"vhostHTTPTimeout,omitempty"`
// VhostHTTPSPort specifies the port that the server listens for HTTPS
// Vhost requests. If this value is 0, the server will not listen for HTTPS
// requests.
VhostHTTPSPort int `json:"vhostHTTPSPort,omitempty" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
// TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort specifies the port that the server listens for TCP
// HTTP CONNECT requests. If the value is 0, the server will not multiplex TCP
// requests on one single port. If it's not - it will listen on this value for
// HTTP CONNECT requests.
TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort int `json:"tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort,omitempty" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
// If TCPMuxPassthrough is true, frps won't do any update on traffic.
TCPMuxPassthrough bool `json:"tcpmuxPassthrough,omitempty"`
// SubDomainHost specifies the domain that will be attached to sub-domains
// requested by the client when using Vhost proxying. For example, if this
// value is set to "frps.com" and the client requested the subdomain
// "test", the resulting URL would be "test.frps.com".
SubDomainHost string `json:"subdomainHost,omitempty"`
// Custom404Page specifies a path to a custom 404 page to display. If this
// value is "", a default page will be displayed.
Custom404Page string `json:"custom404Page,omitempty"`
WebServer WebServerConfig `json:"webServer,omitempty"`
// EnablePrometheus will export prometheus metrics on webserver address
// in /metrics api.
EnablePrometheus bool `json:"enablePrometheus,omitempty"`
Log LogConfig `json:"log,omitempty"`
Transport ServerTransportConfig `json:"transport,omitempty"`
TLS TLSServerConfig `json:"tls,omitempty"`
// DetailedErrorsToClient defines whether to send the specific error (with
// debug info) to frpc. By default, this value is true.
DetailedErrorsToClient *bool `json:"detailedErrorsToClient,omitempty"`
// MaxPortsPerClient specifies the maximum number of ports a single client
// may proxy to. If this value is 0, no limit will be applied.
MaxPortsPerClient int64 `json:"maxPortsPerClient,omitempty"`
// UserConnTimeout specifies the maximum time to wait for a work
// connection. By default, this value is 10.
UserConnTimeout int64 `json:"userConnTimeout,omitempty"`
// UDPPacketSize specifies the UDP packet size
// By default, this value is 1500
UDPPacketSize int64 `json:"udpPacketSize,omitempty"`
// NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours specifies the hours to reserve nat hole analysis data.
NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours int64 `json:"natholeAnalysisDataReserveHours,omitempty"`
AllowPorts []types.PortsRange `json:"allowPorts,omitempty"`
HTTPPlugins []HTTPPluginOptions `json:"httpPlugins,omitempty"`
func (c *ServerConfig) Complete() {
c.BindAddr = util.EmptyOr(c.BindAddr, "")
c.BindPort = util.EmptyOr(c.BindPort, 7000)
if c.ProxyBindAddr == "" {
c.ProxyBindAddr = c.BindAddr
if c.TLS.TrustedCaFile != "" {
c.TLS.Force = true
if c.WebServer.Port > 0 {
c.WebServer.Addr = util.EmptyOr(c.WebServer.Addr, "")
c.VhostHTTPTimeout = util.EmptyOr(c.VhostHTTPTimeout, 60)
c.DetailedErrorsToClient = util.EmptyOr(c.DetailedErrorsToClient, lo.ToPtr(true))
c.UserConnTimeout = util.EmptyOr(c.UserConnTimeout, 10)
c.UDPPacketSize = util.EmptyOr(c.UDPPacketSize, 1500)
c.NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours = util.EmptyOr(c.NatHoleAnalysisDataReserveHours, 7*24)
type AuthServerConfig struct {
Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
AdditionalAuthScopes []AuthScope `json:"additionalAuthScopes,omitempty"`
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
OIDC AuthOIDCServerConfig `json:"oidc,omitempty"`
func (c *AuthServerConfig) Complete() {
c.Method = util.EmptyOr(c.Method, "token")
type AuthOIDCServerConfig struct {
// Issuer specifies the issuer to verify OIDC tokens with. This issuer
// will be used to load public keys to verify signature and will be compared
// with the issuer claim in the OIDC token.
Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"`
// Audience specifies the audience OIDC tokens should contain when validated.
// If this value is empty, audience ("client ID") verification will be skipped.
Audience string `json:"audience,omitempty"`
// SkipExpiryCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token is
// expired.
SkipExpiryCheck bool `json:"skipExpiryCheck,omitempty"`
// SkipIssuerCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token's
// issuer claim matches the issuer specified in OidcIssuer.
SkipIssuerCheck bool `json:"skipIssuerCheck,omitempty"`
type ServerTransportConfig struct {
// TCPMux toggles TCP stream multiplexing. This allows multiple requests
// from a client to share a single TCP connection. By default, this value
// is true.
TCPMux *bool `json:"tcpMux,omitempty"`
// TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval specifies the keep alive interval for TCP stream multipler.
// If TCPMux is true, heartbeat of application layer is unnecessary because it can only rely on heartbeat in TCPMux.
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval int64 `json:"tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval,omitempty"`
// TCPKeepAlive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
// If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
TCPKeepAlive int64 `json:"tcpKeepalive,omitempty"`
// MaxPoolCount specifies the maximum pool size for each proxy. By default,
// this value is 5.
MaxPoolCount int64 `json:"maxPoolCount,omitempty"`
// HeartBeatTimeout specifies the maximum time to wait for a heartbeat
// before terminating the connection. It is not recommended to change this
// value. By default, this value is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
HeartbeatTimeout int64 `json:"heartbeatTimeout,omitempty"`
// QUIC options.
QUIC QUICOptions `json:"quic,omitempty"`
func (c *ServerTransportConfig) Complete() {
c.TCPMux = util.EmptyOr(c.TCPMux, lo.ToPtr(true))
c.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval = util.EmptyOr(c.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval, 60)
c.TCPKeepAlive = util.EmptyOr(c.TCPKeepAlive, 7200)
c.MaxPoolCount = util.EmptyOr(c.MaxPoolCount, 5)
c.HeartbeatTimeout = util.EmptyOr(c.HeartbeatTimeout, 90)
type TLSServerConfig struct {
// Force specifies whether to only accept TLS-encrypted connections.
Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"`
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
func TestServerConfigComplete(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
c := &ServerConfig{}
require.Equal("token", c.Auth.Method)
require.Equal(true, lo.FromPtr(c.Transport.TCPMux))
require.Equal(true, lo.FromPtr(c.DetailedErrorsToClient))
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func ValidateClientCommonConfig(c *v1.ClientCommonConfig) (Warning, error) {
var (
warnings Warning
errs error
if c.Transport.HeartbeatTimeout > 0 && c.Transport.HeartbeatInterval > 0 {
if c.Transport.HeartbeatTimeout < c.Transport.HeartbeatInterval {
errs = AppendError(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid transport.heartbeatTimeout, heartbeat timeout should not less than heartbeat interval"))
if !lo.FromPtr(c.Transport.TLS.Enable) {
checkTLSConfig := func(name string, value string) Warning {
if value != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is invalid when transport.tls.enable is false", name)
return nil
warnings = AppendError(warnings, checkTLSConfig("transport.tls.certFile", c.Transport.TLS.CertFile))
warnings = AppendError(warnings, checkTLSConfig("transport.tls.keyFile", c.Transport.TLS.KeyFile))
warnings = AppendError(warnings, checkTLSConfig("transport.tls.trustedCaFile", c.Transport.TLS.TrustedCaFile))
if !lo.Contains([]string{"tcp", "kcp", "quic", "websocket", "wss"}, c.Transport.Protocol) {
errs = AppendError(errs, fmt.Errorf("invalid transport.protocol, only support tcp, kcp, quic, websocket, wss"))
for _, f := range c.IncludeConfigFiles {
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(f))
if err != nil {
errs = AppendError(errs, fmt.Errorf("include: parse directory of %s failed: %v", f, err))
if _, err := os.Stat(absDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
errs = AppendError(errs, fmt.Errorf("include: directory of %s not exist", f))
return warnings, errs
func ValidateAllClientConfig(c *v1.ClientCommonConfig, pxyCfgs []v1.ProxyConfigurer, visitorCfgs []v1.VisitorConfigurer) (Warning, error) {
var warnings Warning
if c != nil {
warning, err := ValidateClientCommonConfig(c)
warnings = AppendError(warnings, warning)
if err != nil {
return err, warnings
for _, c := range pxyCfgs {
if err := ValidateProxyConfigurerForClient(c); err != nil {
return warnings, fmt.Errorf("proxy %s: %v", c.GetBaseConfig().Name, err)
for _, c := range visitorCfgs {
if err := ValidateVisitorConfigurer(c); err != nil {
return warnings, fmt.Errorf("visitor %s: %v", c.GetBaseConfig().Name, err)
return warnings, nil
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func validateWebServerConfig(c *v1.WebServerConfig) error {
if c.TLS != nil {
if c.TLS.CertFile == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("tls.certFile must be specified when tls is enabled")
if c.TLS.KeyFile == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("tls.keyFile must be specified when tls is enabled")
return nil
// ValidatePort checks that the network port is in range
func ValidatePort(port int) error {
if 0 <= port && port <= 65535 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("port number %d must be in the range 0..65535", port)
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func ValidateClientPluginOptions(c v1.ClientPluginOptions) error {
switch v := c.(type) {
case *v1.HTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions:
return validateHTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions(v)
case *v1.HTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions:
return validateHTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions(v)
case *v1.HTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions:
return validateHTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions(v)
case *v1.StaticFilePluginOptions:
return validateStaticFilePluginOptions(v)
case *v1.UnixDomainSocketPluginOptions:
return validateUnixDomainSocketPluginOptions(v)
return nil
func validateHTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions(c *v1.HTTP2HTTPSPluginOptions) error {
if c.LocalAddr == "" {
return errors.New("localAddr is required")
return nil
func validateHTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions(c *v1.HTTPS2HTTPPluginOptions) error {
if c.LocalAddr == "" {
return errors.New("localAddr is required")
return nil
func validateHTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions(c *v1.HTTPS2HTTPSPluginOptions) error {
if c.LocalAddr == "" {
return errors.New("localAddr is required")
return nil
func validateStaticFilePluginOptions(c *v1.StaticFilePluginOptions) error {
if c.LocalPath == "" {
return errors.New("localPath is required")
return nil
func validateUnixDomainSocketPluginOptions(c *v1.UnixDomainSocketPluginOptions) error {
if c.UnixPath == "" {
return errors.New("unixPath is required")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func validateProxyBaseConfigForClient(c *v1.ProxyBaseConfig) error {
if c.Name == "" {
return errors.New("name should not be empty")
if !lo.Contains([]string{"", "v1", "v2"}, c.Transport.ProxyProtocolVersion) {
return fmt.Errorf("not support proxy protocol version: %s", c.Transport.ProxyProtocolVersion)
if !lo.Contains([]string{"client", "server"}, c.Transport.BandwidthLimitMode) {
return fmt.Errorf("bandwidth limit mode should be client or server")
if c.Plugin.Type == "" {
if err := ValidatePort(c.LocalPort); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("localPort: %v", err)
if !lo.Contains([]string{"", "tcp", "http"}, c.HealthCheck.Type) {
return fmt.Errorf("not support health check type: %s", c.HealthCheck.Type)
if c.HealthCheck.Type != "" {
if c.HealthCheck.Type == "http" &&
c.HealthCheck.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("health check path should not be empty")
if c.Plugin.Type != "" {
if err := ValidateClientPluginOptions(c.Plugin.ClientPluginOptions); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("plugin %s: %v", c.Plugin.Type, err)
return nil
func validateProxyBaseConfigForServer(c *v1.ProxyBaseConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
return nil
func validateDomainConfigForClient(c *v1.DomainConfig) error {
if c.SubDomain == "" && len(c.CustomDomains) == 0 {
return errors.New("subdomain and custom domains should not be both empty")
return nil
func validateDomainConfigForServer(c *v1.DomainConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
for _, domain := range c.CustomDomains {
if s.SubDomainHost != "" && len(strings.Split(s.SubDomainHost, ".")) < len(strings.Split(domain, ".")) {
if strings.Contains(domain, s.SubDomainHost) {
return fmt.Errorf("custom domain [%s] should not belong to subdomain host [%s]", domain, s.SubDomainHost)
if c.SubDomain != "" {
if s.SubDomainHost == "" {
return errors.New("subdomain is not supported because this feature is not enabled in server")
if strings.Contains(c.SubDomain, ".") || strings.Contains(c.SubDomain, "*") {
return errors.New("'.' and '*' are not supported in subdomain")
return nil
func ValidateProxyConfigurerForClient(c v1.ProxyConfigurer) error {
base := c.GetBaseConfig()
if err := validateProxyBaseConfigForClient(base); err != nil {
return err
switch v := c.(type) {
case *v1.TCPProxyConfig:
return validateTCPProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.UDPProxyConfig:
return validateUDPProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.TCPMuxProxyConfig:
return validateTCPMuxProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.HTTPProxyConfig:
return validateHTTPProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.HTTPSProxyConfig:
return validateHTTPSProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.STCPProxyConfig:
return validateSTCPProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.XTCPProxyConfig:
return validateXTCPProxyConfigForClient(v)
case *v1.SUDPProxyConfig:
return validateSUDPProxyConfigForClient(v)
return errors.New("unknown proxy config type")
func validateTCPProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.TCPProxyConfig) error {
return nil
func validateUDPProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.UDPProxyConfig) error {
return nil
func validateTCPMuxProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.TCPMuxProxyConfig) error {
if err := validateDomainConfigForClient(&c.DomainConfig); err != nil {
return err
if !lo.Contains([]string{consts.HTTPConnectTCPMultiplexer}, c.Multiplexer) {
return fmt.Errorf("not support multiplexer: %s", c.Multiplexer)
return nil
func validateHTTPProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.HTTPProxyConfig) error {
return validateDomainConfigForClient(&c.DomainConfig)
func validateHTTPSProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.HTTPSProxyConfig) error {
return validateDomainConfigForClient(&c.DomainConfig)
func validateSTCPProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.STCPProxyConfig) error {
return nil
func validateXTCPProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.XTCPProxyConfig) error {
return nil
func validateSUDPProxyConfigForClient(c *v1.SUDPProxyConfig) error {
return nil
func ValidateProxyConfigurerForServer(c v1.ProxyConfigurer, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
base := c.GetBaseConfig()
if err := validateProxyBaseConfigForServer(base, s); err != nil {
return err
switch v := c.(type) {
case *v1.TCPProxyConfig:
return validateTCPProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.UDPProxyConfig:
return validateUDPProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.TCPMuxProxyConfig:
return validateTCPMuxProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.HTTPProxyConfig:
return validateHTTPProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.HTTPSProxyConfig:
return validateHTTPSProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.STCPProxyConfig:
return validateSTCPProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.XTCPProxyConfig:
return validateXTCPProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
case *v1.SUDPProxyConfig:
return validateSUDPProxyConfigForServer(v, s)
return errors.New("unknown proxy config type")
func validateTCPProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.TCPProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
return nil
func validateUDPProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.UDPProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
return nil
func validateTCPMuxProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.TCPMuxProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
if c.Multiplexer == consts.HTTPConnectTCPMultiplexer &&
s.TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("tcpmux with multiplexer httpconnect not supported because this feature is not enabled in server")
return validateDomainConfigForServer(&c.DomainConfig, s)
func validateHTTPProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.HTTPProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
if s.VhostHTTPPort == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("type [http] not supported when vhost http port is not set")
return validateDomainConfigForServer(&c.DomainConfig, s)
func validateHTTPSProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.HTTPSProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
if s.VhostHTTPSPort == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("type [https] not supported when vhost https port is not set")
return validateDomainConfigForServer(&c.DomainConfig, s)
func validateSTCPProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.STCPProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
return nil
func validateXTCPProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.XTCPProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
return nil
func validateSUDPProxyConfigForServer(c *v1.SUDPProxyConfig, s *v1.ServerConfig) error {
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func ValidateServerConfig(c *v1.ServerConfig) (Warning, error) {
var (
warnings Warning
errs error
if err := validateWebServerConfig(&c.WebServer); err != nil {
errs = AppendError(errs, err)
errs = AppendError(errs, ValidatePort(c.BindPort))
errs = AppendError(errs, ValidatePort(c.KCPBindPort))
errs = AppendError(errs, ValidatePort(c.QUICBindPort))
errs = AppendError(errs, ValidatePort(c.VhostHTTPPort))
errs = AppendError(errs, ValidatePort(c.VhostHTTPSPort))
errs = AppendError(errs, ValidatePort(c.TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort))
return warnings, errs
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
type Warning error
func AppendError(err error, errs ...error) error {
if len(errs) == 0 {
return err
return errors.Join(append([]error{err}, errs...)...)
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
v1 "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/config/v1"
func ValidateVisitorConfigurer(c v1.VisitorConfigurer) error {
base := c.GetBaseConfig()
if err := validateVisitorBaseConfig(base); err != nil {
return err
switch v := c.(type) {
case *v1.STCPVisitorConfig:
case *v1.SUDPVisitorConfig:
case *v1.XTCPVisitorConfig:
return validateXTCPVisitorConfig(v)
return errors.New("unknown visitor config type")
return nil
func validateVisitorBaseConfig(c *v1.VisitorBaseConfig) error {
if c.Name == "" {
return errors.New("name should not be empty")
if c.BindPort == 0 {
return errors.New("bind port is required")
return nil
func validateXTCPVisitorConfig(c *v1.XTCPVisitorConfig) error {
if !lo.Contains([]string{"kcp", "quic"}, c.Protocol) {
return fmt.Errorf("protocol should be kcp or quic")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
type VisitorTransport struct {
UseEncryption bool `json:"useEncryption,omitempty"`
UseCompression bool `json:"useCompression,omitempty"`
type VisitorBaseConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Transport VisitorTransport `json:"transport,omitempty"`
SecretKey string `json:"sk,omitempty"`
// if the server user is not set, it defaults to the current user
ServerUser string `json:"serverUser,omitempty"`
ServerName string `json:"serverName,omitempty"`
BindAddr string `json:"bindAddr,omitempty"`
// BindPort is the port that visitor listens on.
// It can be less than 0, it means don't bind to the port and only receive connections redirected from
// other visitors. (This is not supported for SUDP now)
BindPort int `json:"bindPort,omitempty"`
func (c *VisitorBaseConfig) GetBaseConfig() *VisitorBaseConfig {
return c
func (c *VisitorBaseConfig) Complete(g *ClientCommonConfig) {
if c.BindAddr == "" {
c.BindAddr = ""
namePrefix := ""
if g.User != "" {
namePrefix = g.User + "."
c.Name = namePrefix + c.Name
if c.ServerUser != "" {
c.ServerName = c.ServerUser + "." + c.ServerName
} else {
c.ServerName = namePrefix + c.ServerName
type VisitorConfigurer interface {
GetBaseConfig() *VisitorBaseConfig
var visitorConfigTypeMap = map[string]reflect.Type{
consts.STCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(STCPVisitorConfig{}),
consts.XTCPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(XTCPVisitorConfig{}),
consts.SUDPProxy: reflect.TypeOf(SUDPVisitorConfig{}),
type TypedVisitorConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
func (c *TypedVisitorConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if len(b) == 4 && string(b) == "null" {
return errors.New("type is required")
typeStruct := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &typeStruct); err != nil {
return err
c.Type = typeStruct.Type
configurer := NewVisitorConfigurerByType(typeStruct.Type)
if configurer == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown visitor type: %s" + typeStruct.Type)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, configurer); err != nil {
return err
c.VisitorConfigurer = configurer
return nil
func NewVisitorConfigurerByType(t string) VisitorConfigurer {
v, ok := visitorConfigTypeMap[t]
if !ok {
return nil
return reflect.New(v).Interface().(VisitorConfigurer)
var _ VisitorConfigurer = &STCPVisitorConfig{}
type STCPVisitorConfig struct {
var _ VisitorConfigurer = &SUDPVisitorConfig{}
type SUDPVisitorConfig struct {
var _ VisitorConfigurer = &XTCPVisitorConfig{}
type XTCPVisitorConfig struct {
Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
KeepTunnelOpen bool `json:"keepTunnelOpen,omitempty"`
MaxRetriesAnHour int `json:"maxRetriesAnHour,omitempty"`
MinRetryInterval int `json:"minRetryInterval,omitempty"`
FallbackTo string `json:"fallbackTo,omitempty"`
FallbackTimeoutMs int `json:"fallbackTimeoutMs,omitempty"`
func (c *XTCPVisitorConfig) Complete(g *ClientCommonConfig) {
c.Protocol = util.EmptyOr(c.Protocol, "quic")
c.MaxRetriesAnHour = util.EmptyOr(c.MaxRetriesAnHour, 8)
c.MinRetryInterval = util.EmptyOr(c.MinRetryInterval, 90)
c.FallbackTimeoutMs = util.EmptyOr(c.FallbackTimeoutMs, 1000)
if c.FallbackTo != "" {
c.FallbackTo = lo.Ternary(g.User == "", "", g.User+".") + c.FallbackTo
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2020 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
const testVisitorPrefix = "test."
func Test_Visitor_Interface(_ *testing.T) {
for name := range visitorConfTypeMap {
func Test_Visitor_UnmarshalFromIni(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
testcases := []struct {
sname string
source []byte
expected VisitorConf
sname: "secret_tcp_visitor",
source: []byte(`
role = visitor
type = stcp
server_name = secret_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
expected: &STCPVisitorConf{
BaseVisitorConf: BaseVisitorConf{
ProxyName: testVisitorPrefix + "secret_tcp_visitor",
ProxyType: consts.STCPProxy,
Role: "visitor",
Sk: "abcdefg",
ServerName: testVisitorPrefix + "secret_tcp",
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 9000,
sname: "p2p_tcp_visitor",
source: []byte(`
role = visitor
type = xtcp
server_name = p2p_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9001
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
expected: &XTCPVisitorConf{
BaseVisitorConf: BaseVisitorConf{
ProxyName: testVisitorPrefix + "p2p_tcp_visitor",
ProxyType: consts.XTCPProxy,
Role: "visitor",
Sk: "abcdefg",
ServerName: testProxyPrefix + "p2p_tcp",
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 9001,
Protocol: "quic",
MaxRetriesAnHour: 8,
MinRetryInterval: 90,
FallbackTimeoutMs: 1000,
for _, c := range testcases {
f, err := ini.LoadSources(testLoadOptions, c.source)
visitorType := f.Section(c.sname).Key("type").String()
actual := DefaultVisitorConf(visitorType)
err = actual.UnmarshalFromIni(testVisitorPrefix, c.sname, f.Section(c.sname))
assert.Equal(c.expected, actual)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// Copyright 2023 The frp Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package util
func EmptyOr[T comparable](v T, fallback T) T {
var zero T
if zero == v {
return fallback
return v
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