@ -345,35 +345,19 @@ func copySection(source, target *ini.Section) {
// GetDefaultClientConf returns a client configuration with default values.
// Note: Some default values here will be set to empty and will be converted to them
// new configuration through the 'Complete' function to set them as the default
// values of the new configuration.
func GetDefaultClientConf() ClientCommonConf {
return ClientCommonConf{
ClientConfig: legacyauth.GetDefaultClientConf(),
ServerAddr: "",
ServerPort: 7000,
NatHoleSTUNServer: "stun.easyvoip.com:3478",
DialServerTimeout: 10,
DialServerKeepAlive: 7200,
HTTPProxy: os.Getenv("http_proxy"),
LogFile: "console",
LogWay: "console",
LogLevel: "info",
LogMaxDays: 3,
AdminAddr: "",
PoolCount: 1,
TCPMux: true,
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
LoginFailExit: true,
Start: make([]string, 0),
Protocol: "tcp",
QUICKeepalivePeriod: 10,
QUICMaxIdleTimeout: 30,
QUICMaxIncomingStreams: 100000,
Start: make([]string, 0),
TLSEnable: true,
DisableCustomTLSFirstByte: true,
HeartbeatInterval: 30,
HeartbeatTimeout: 90,
Metas: make(map[string]string),
UDPPacketSize: 1500,
IncludeConfigFiles: make([]string, 0),