mirror of https://github.com/alibaba/arthas.git
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In this case, the user will resolve the HTTP 404 issue.
Visit: https://HOST_SUBDOMAIN-80-KATACODA_HOST.environments.katacoda.com/a.txt
The result is:
Something went wrong: 404 Not Found
So which servlet is handle this request and returning 404?
Trace all the Servlet methods
Start trace:
trace javax.servlet.Servlet * > /tmp/servlet.txt
{{execute T2}}
Visit: https://HOST_SUBDOMAIN-80-KATACODA_HOST.environments.katacoda.com/a.txt
In Terminal 3
, view the contents of /tmp/servlet.txt
less /tmp/servlet.txt
{{execute T3}}
The contents of /tmp/servlet.txt
will be more, and you need to be patient to find the longest level in the call tree.
It can be found that the request is handled by freemarker
`---[13.974188ms] org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewResolver:resolveViewName()
+---[0.045561ms] javax.servlet.GenericServlet:<init>()
+---[min=0.045545ms,max=0.074342ms,total=0.119887ms,count=2] org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerView$GenericServletAdapter:<init>()
+---[0.170895ms] javax.servlet.GenericServlet:init()
| `---[0.068578ms] javax.servlet.GenericServlet:init()
| `---[0.021793ms] javax.servlet.GenericServlet:init()
`---[0.164035ms] javax.servlet.GenericServlet:getServletContext()