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Search classes loaded by JVM.

sc stands for search class. This command can search all possible classes loaded by JVM and show their information. The supported options are: [d][E][f] and [x:].

Supported Options

Name Specification
class-pattern pattern for the class name
method-pattern pattern for the method name
[d] print the details of the current class, including its code source, class specification, its class loader and so on.
If a class is loaded by more than one class loader, then the class details will be printed several times
[E] turn on regex match, the default behavior is wildcards match
[f] print the fields info of the current class, MUST be used with -d together
[x:] specify the depth of recursive traverse the static fields, the default value is '0' - equivalent to use toString to output
[c:] The hash code of the special class's classLoader
[classLoaderClass:] The class name of the ClassLoader that executes the expression.
[n:] Maximum number of matching classes with details (100 by default)

class-patten supports full qualified class name, e.g. and com/taobao/test/AAA. It also supports the format of 'com/taobao/test/AAA', so that it is convenient to directly copy class name from the exception stack trace without replacing '/' to '.'.

sc turns on matching sub-class match by default, that is, sc will also search the sub classes of the target class too. If exact-match is desired, pls. use options disable-sub-class true.


  • Wildcards match search

    sc demo.*{{execute T2}}

    $ sc demo.*
    Affect(row-cnt:1) cost in 55 ms.
  • View class details

    sc -d demo.MathGame{{execute T2}}

    $ sc -d demo.MathGame
    class-info        demo.MathGame
    code-source       /private/tmp/arthas-demo.jar
    name              demo.MathGame
    isInterface       false
    isAnnotation      false
    isEnum            false
    isAnonymousClass  false
    isArray           false
    isLocalClass      false
    isMemberClass     false
    isPrimitive       false
    isSynthetic       false
    simple-name       MathGame
    modifier          public
    super-class       +-java.lang.Object
    class-loader      +-sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@3d4eac69
    classLoaderHash   3d4eac69
    Affect(row-cnt:1) cost in 875 ms.

Take a note of the classLoaderHash here:3d4eac69, and use it to replace <classLoaderHash> and execute the following command.

  • Specify classLoader

Note that the hashcode changes, you need to check the current ClassLoader information first, and extract the hashcode corresponding to the ClassLoader.

if you use-c, you have to manually type hashcode by -c <hashcode>.

$ sc -c 3d4eac69 -d demo*

For classloader with only one instance, it can be specified by --classLoaderClass using class name, which is more convenient to use.

sc --classLoaderClass sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader -d demo*{{execute T2}}

  • PS: Here the classLoaderClass in java 8 is sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader, while in java 11 it's jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader. Currently katacoda using java 8.

The value of --classloaderclass is the class name of classloader. It can only work when it matches a unique classloader instance. The purpose is to facilitate the input of general commands. However, -c <hashcode> is dynamic.

  • View class fields

    sc -d -f demo.MathGame{{execute T2}}

    $ sc -d -f demo.MathGame
    class-info        demo.MathGame
    code-source       /private/tmp/arthas-demo.jar
    name              demo.MathGame
    isInterface       false
    isAnnotation      false
    isEnum            false
    isAnonymousClass  false
    isArray           false
    isLocalClass      false
    isMemberClass     false
    isPrimitive       false
    isSynthetic       false
    simple-name       MathGame
    modifier          public
    super-class       +-java.lang.Object
    class-loader      +-sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@3d4eac69
    classLoaderHash   3d4eac69
    fields            modifierprivate,static
                      type    java.util.Random
                      name    random
                      value   java.util.Random@522b4
                      type    int
                      name    illegalArgumentCount
    Affect(row-cnt:1) cost in 19 ms.