
Monitor the class-pattern & method-pattern matched methods invoking traces.


  1. monitor is a persistent command, it never returns until Ctrl+C to manually stop it.
  2. the server runs the tasks in the background;
  3. injected code will become invalid automatically once the tasks being terminated;
  4. in theory, Arthas commands will not change any original behaviors.

Properties monitored

Property Specification
timestamp timestamp
class Java class
method constructor and regular methods
total calling times
success success count
fail failure count
rt average RT
fail-rate failure ratio


Name Specification
class-pattern pattern for the class name
method-pattern pattern for the method name
[E] turn on regx matching while the default is wildcards matching
[c:] cycle of output with default value: 120 s


$ monitor -c 5 execute
Press Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class-cnt:1 , method-cnt:1) cost in 36 ms.
 timestamp            class                                                         method   total  success  fail  rt    fail-rate
 2015-12-17 10:56:40  execute  10     10       0     2.00  0.00%

 timestamp            class                                                         method   total  success  fail  rt    fail-rate
 2015-12-17 10:56:45  execute  11     11       0     2.18  0.00%

 timestamp            class                                                         method   total  success  fail  rt    fail-rate
 2015-12-17 10:56:50  execute  0      0        0     0.00  0.00%