
Global options

Name Default Value Description
unsafe false whether to enhance to system-level class. Use it with caution since JVM may hang
dump false whether to dump enhanced class to the external files. If it's on, enhanced class will be dumped into /${application dir}/arthas-class-dump/, the specific output path will be output in the console
batch-re-transform true whether to re-transform matched classes in batch
json-format false whether to output in JSON format
disable-sub-class false whether to enable matching child classes. The default value is true. If exact match is desire, turn off this flag
debug-for-asm false whether to enable ASM debugging log
save-result false whether to save execution result. All execution results will be saved to ~/logs/arthas-cache/result.log when it's turned on
job-timeout 1d default timeout for background jobs. Background job will be terminated once it's timed out (i.e. 1d, 2h, 3m, 25s)

View all options

$ options
 0      bool  unsafe       false  Option to support   This option enables to proxy function
        ean                       system-level class  ality of JVM classes. Due to serious
                                                      security risk a JVM crash is possibly
                                                       be introduced. Do not activate it un
                                                      less you are able to manage.
 1      bool  dump         false  Option to dump the  This option enables the enhanced clas
        ean                        enhanced classes   ses to be dumped to external file for
                                                       further de-compilation and analysis.
 1      bool  batch-re-tr  true   Option to support   This options enables to reTransform c
        ean   ansform             batch reTransform   lasses with batch mode.
 2      bool  json-format  false  Option to support   This option enables to format object
        ean                       JSON format of obj  output with JSON when -x option selec
                                  ect output          ted.
 1      bool  disable-sub  false  Option to control   This option disable to include sub cl
        ean   -class              include sub class   ass when matching class.
                                  when class matchin
 1      bool  debug-for-a  false  Option to print DE  This option enables to print DEBUG me
        ean   sm                  BUG message if ASM  ssage of ASM for each method invocati
                                   is involved        on.
 1      bool  save-result  false  Option to print co  This option enables to save each comm
        ean                       mmand's result to   and's result to log file, which path
                                  log file            is ${user.home}/logs/arthas-cache/res
 2      Stri  job-timeout  1d     Option to job time  This option setting job timeout,The u
        ng                        out                 nit can be d, h, m, s for day, hour,
                                                      minute, second. 1d is one day in defa
 1      bool  print-paren  true   Option to print al  This option enables print files in pa
        ean   t-fields            l fileds in parent  rent class, default value true.

Get special option value

$ options json-format
 2      bool  json-format  false  Option to support   This option enables to format object
        ean                       JSON format of obj  output with JSON when -x option selec
                                  ect output          ted.

By default, json-format is false. When set json-format to true, commands like wathc/tt will print result with json format.

Set special option value

For example, to enable saving command execution result, input the command below:

$ options save-result true                                                                                         
 NAME         BEFORE-VALUE  AFTER-VALUE                                                                            
 save-result  false         true