@ -9,11 +9,23 @@ Changes in 2.4.0
* Significantly reduced overhead, and increased reliabilty, of ConcurrentBag.
* Reduced garbage generation by 2-3x.
* Add connection soft-eviction and replacement if backward system clock motion or
significant forward jumps (greater than 1 minute) are detected.
* Pool configuration properties and DataSource methods previously marked as
@Deprecated have been removed.
* Deprecated HikariDataSource.shutdown() in favor of close().
* Improve shutdown performance.
* Allow user specified ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor for housekeeping timer. Useful
in applications with dozens or hundreds of pools in the same JVM.
* Reduce overhead and accuracy of Dropwizard gauges.
Changes in 2.3.7
* Try harder at resolving the driver by various means when both driverClassName and jdbcUrl