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tcp_mem_stats.c : FreeRTOS+TCP Memory Statistics

This module can be used in any project on any platform that uses FreeRTOS+TCP.

It creates an overview of the memory usage of FreeRTOS+TCP. It reports the static use of RAM, and also the dynamic usage ( heap ). It relates these numbers to the macro's defined FreeRTOSIPConfig.h.

It writes CSV records to the logging with configPRINTF().

The resulting log can be filtered by e.g.:

cat logging.txt | grep ".*TCPMemStat," | sed "s/.*TCPMemStat,//"

The resulting text can be imported into any spreadsheet at cell "A1" ( top-left ):

ipconfig item,Value,PerUnit,Total
NUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_DESCRIPTORS,12,60,=B13*C13,Descriptors only

When the CSV-records are imported at another row or column than "A1", the formulas will be incorrect.

How to include 'tcp_mem_stats' into a project:

● Add tools/tcp_mem_stats.c to the sources ● Add the following lines to FreeRTOSIPConfig.h : #define ipconfigUSE_TCP_MEM_STATS ( 1 ) #define ipconfigTCP_MEM_STATS_MAX_ALLOCATION ( 128 ) #include "../tools/tcp_mem_stats.h"

Later on, the module can disabled by setting #define ipconfigUSE_TCP_MEM_STATS 0.

ipconfigTCP_MEM_STATS_MAX_ALLOCATION is the maximum number of objects that can be followed at any time. A socket that has 2 stream buffers counts as 3 objects ( needing 3 x 16 = 48 bytes to store their properties ).

The summary at the bottom will only be written when iptraceMEM_STATS_CLOSE() is called. The application is responsible for calling iptraceMEM_STATS_CLOSE(). The summary at the bottom looks like this:

Maximum RAM usage:,,,=SUM(D20;D32)

The spreadsheet can be edited further to make estimations with different macro values.