sync from github to svn: Xtensa GCC as-is.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: Wiced_CY for AFR Cypress ports.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: documentation for RISC-V. This may be a temporary parking location.
6 years ago
sync from github to svn: Renasas/RX100 #pragma _VECT()
6 years ago
Richard Barry
RISC-V port updates: The machine timer compare register can now be for any HART, and correct the sequence used to update the 64-bit machine timer compare register on 32-bit cores.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor bug fix in NTPDemo.c -> use of FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET in place of NULL.
Update trace recorder code to account for uxPendedTicks renaming to xPendedTicks.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add IAR RISC-V port to SVN - a work in progress.
6 years ago
Yuhui Zheng
Atollic project update for CORTEX_M0_Infineon_XMC1000_IAR_Keil_GCC, GCC port.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Correct alignment of stack top in RISC-V port when configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS is defined to a non zero value.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
+ Moved the History.txt file from the website git repo into the source code SVN repo.
+ Added xTaskCatchUpTicks() which corrects the tick count value after the application code has held interrupts disabled for an extended period.
+ Updated the xTaskResumeAll() implementation so it uses the new xTaskCatchUpTicks() function mentioned above to unwind ticks that were pended while the scheduler was suspended.
+ Various maintenance on the message buffer, stream buffer and abort delay demos.
+ Change type of uxPendedTicks from UBaseType_t to TickType_t to ensure it has same type as variables it is compared to, and therefore also rename the variable xPendingTicks.
+ Correct spelling mistake within a comment that was common to all the ARMv7-M ports.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Starting point for IAR RISC-V project created some time ago - checking in now so it can be completed - currently work in progress.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Tidy up Win32 port layer - include addition of new variable that prevents recursive attempts to obtain a mutex when the trace recorder is used inside an interrupt.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Update the FreeRTOS version number in task.h
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Add the default definition of configPRECONDITION to FreeRTOS.h.
This is needed for CBMC proofs.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Files as per 190725_FreeRTOS_IoT_Libs_Task_Pool_and_MQTT_Preview interim release.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Delete obsolete makefiles that were causing confusion from RISC-V-Qemu-sifive_e-FreedomStudio demo.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove unnecessary include path from the MQTT demo.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Cosmetic changes in the MQTT demo - mostly comment updates.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Continued to work on the MQTT demo project.
A few review comments added into the MQTT implementation.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove the simple UDP client/server tasks from the MQTT demo as the demo's network connection can be tested more easily just by pinging it.
Tidy up the iot_config.h header files a little.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Cosmetic changes in the MQTT demo
- Fix warnings in the MQTT code.
- Update comments in the iot_config.h.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Reduce warning level in Visual Studio project as it generates lots of warnings in the library files.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Revert a couple of changes in Win32 demo that should not have been checked in.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Remove dependency on secure sockets
Network interface implementation for FreeRTOS now directly calls into
FreeRTOS+TCP instead of going via secure sockets.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Remove IotMqtt_Assert( pTaskPool == IOT_SYSTEM_TASKPOOL ) from MQTT code
The cut down version of the task pool has only one task pool, namely,
system task pool. All the task pool API functions accept NULL as a
valid parameter for IotTaskPool_t and use the system task pool when
NULL is passed for the system task pool.
IOT_SYSTEM_TASKPOOL is defined to NULL to use system task pool and
therefore the above assert is no longer valid.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Update projects to use the new directory name
IotTaskPool_GetSystemTaskPool has been removed from the cut down version
of the task pool. define IOT_SYSTEM_TASKPOOL to NULL so that the MQTT library
builds successfully.
Use the new #defines in the iot_config.h.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Rename \FreeRTOS-Plus\Source\FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK to \FreeRTOS-Plus\Source\FreeRTOS-IoT-Libraries.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update task pool so tasks and timer are allocated statically.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Another backup check-in during process of optimising task pool for FreeRTOS. This checkin is prior to making the task pool statically allocated.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Backup checking on - part way through optimising task pool.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Fix DNS resolution failure for test.mosquitto.org
The DNS cache entry size was not big enough to fit the DNS name and
as a result the DNS reply parsing code returned error. Increased the
size of the entry to ensure that the DNS name can fit in.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
The MQTT example now works with the local MQTT broker.
It still needs to be tested with the public mosquitto broker.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Add first draft of mqtt example
Note that it is still work in progress and not working as of now.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add the files from the MQTT project that were not check in.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add missing files so base MQTT project builds.
6 years ago
Gaurav Aggarwal
Update the task pool demo to show re-use of recyclable jobs
The example now creates a recyclable job, schedules it and returns it
back to the task pool when it is done. It then again creates a
recyclable job and ensures that the task pool the same job present
it its cache.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Added simple UDP demo into the mqtt project to enable the network connectivity to be tested in a simple way prior to performing any MQTT operations.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Add MQTT project that builds on the task pool project - currently the library is building but not being used.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename the FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK directory to FreeRTOS_IoT_Libraries.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Function rename in task pool demo.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove any TCP/IP functionality from the task pool demo - the TCP/IP stack is still built as it will be used in later revisions.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Update TCP/IP tack to latest form Git.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Synch IoT libraries with latest versions.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
New MSVC task pool demo now building both the task pool and TCP libraries.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Rename the task pool version of FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Minimal.sln to task_pool_demo.sln.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Restart the task pool demo, this time using the minimal FreeRTOS+TCP project as a base.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Minor modification to the WIn32 simple TCP/IP stack example only.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Only partially implemented and may get reverted - updates to the Win32 port that uses a per-task event to prevent the task proceeding past its yield point if the SuspendThread() call used to stop the task does not take effect immediately. This is intended to fix issues reported by users, although we have been unable to replicate them ourselves.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Remove IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob() and IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob() again, which were intended to be alternative APIs that only access the system task pool, and instead update IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob() and IotTaskPool_ScheduleJob() to allow the parameter used to pass in the task pool handle to be NULL if the system task pool is the only one available.
Update the task pool demo app to include a lot more functionality.
6 years ago
Richard Barry
Exercise the new vPortGetHeapStats() function from the Win32 demo projects.
6 years ago