@ -3499,3 +3499,85 @@ void test_task_priority_inherit_disinherit_timeout( void )
/* Verify that the low priority task is ready. */
verifySmpTask( &xTaskHandles[ configNUMBER_OF_CORES ], eReady, -1 );
* @brief AWS_IoT-FreeRTOS_SMP_TC-110
* Yield for the task when setting the core affinity of a task of ready state. This
* situation happens when the core can't select the task to run before the task
* core affinity is changed. The vTaskCoreAffinitySet should request a core on which
* the task is able to run with new core affinity setting.
* #define configUSE_TIME_SLICING 0
* #define configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY 1
* #define configNUMBER_OF_CORES (N > 2)
* This test can be run with FreeRTOS configured for any number of cores greater
* than 2.
* Tasks are created prior to starting the scheduler
* Main task (T1)
* Priority – 3
* State – Ready
* After calling vTaskStartScheduler()
* Main task (T1)
* Priority – 3
* State – Running( 0 )
* After creating the core task with xTaskCreate(). Core 2 was requested to yield
* but not yet able to select core task.
* Main task (T1) Core Task (T2)
* Priority – 3 Priority – 3
* State – Running( 0 ) State – Ready
* After setting the core affinity of the core task to core 1 only with vTaskCoreAffinitySet().
* Main task (T1) Core Task (T2)
* Priority – 3 Priority – 3
* State – Running( 0 ) Affinity – ( 1 )
* State – Ready
* After async core yield for core task.
* Main Task (T1) Core Task (T2)
* Priority – 3 Priority – 3
* State – Running( 0 ) Affinity – ( 1 )
* State – Running( 1 )
void test_task_create_task_set_affinity_async_yield( void )
TaskHandle_t xMainTaskHandle;
TaskHandle_t xCoreTaskHandle;
BaseType_t xCoreID;
/* The core yield should be manually triggered in the test cases when using
* async core yield setup. */
/* Create high priority main task. */
xTaskCreate( vSmpTestTask, "SMP Task", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 3, &xMainTaskHandle );
/* Start the scheduler. */
/* Create high priority core task. */
xTaskCreate( vSmpTestTask, "SMP Task", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 3, &xCoreTaskHandle );
/* Set the core affinity of the core task to core 1. */
vTaskCoreAffinitySet( xCoreTaskHandle, ( 1 << 1 ) );
/* Core yield is called here to simulate SMP asynchronous behavior. */
for( xCoreID = 0; xCoreID < configNUMBER_OF_CORES; xCoreID++ )
vCheckAndExecuteAsyncCoreYield( xCoreID );
/* Verify that the task core task can run on core 1. */
verifySmpTask( &xCoreTaskHandle, eRunning, 1 );