@ -70,13 +70,18 @@
* In addition to the standard demo tasks , the following tasks and tests are
* In addition to the standard demo tasks , the following tasks and tests are
* defined and / or created within this file :
* defined and / or created within this file :
* TCP / IP ( " lwIP " ) task - TBD _RB_
* TCP / IP ( " lwIP " ) task - lwIP is used to create a basic web server . The web
* server uses server side includes ( SSI ) to generate tables of task statistics ,
* and run time statistics ( run time statistics show how much processing time
* each task has consumed ) . See
* http : //www.FreeRTOS.org/Free-RTOS-for-Xilinx-MicroBlaze-on-Spartan-6-FPGA.html
* for details on setting up and using the embedded web server .
* " Reg test " tasks - These test the task context switch mechanism by first
* " Reg test " tasks - These test the task context switch mechanism by first
* filling the MicroBlaze registers with known values , before checking that each
* filling the MicroBlaze registers with known values , before checking that each
* register maintains the value that was written to it as the tasks are switched
* register maintains the value that was written to it as the tasks are switched
* in and out . The two register test tasks do not use the same values , and
* in and out . The two register test tasks do not use the same values , and
* execute at a very low priority to ensure they are pre - empted regularly .
* execute at a very low priority , to ensure they are pre - empted regularly .
* " Check " timer - The check timer period is initially set to five seconds .
* " Check " timer - The check timer period is initially set to five seconds .
* The check timer callback function checks that all the standard demo tasks ,
* The check timer callback function checks that all the standard demo tasks ,
@ -88,9 +93,15 @@
* indication of the system status : If the LED toggles every five seconds then
* indication of the system status : If the LED toggles every five seconds then
* no issues have been discovered . If the LED toggles every 200 ms then an issue
* no issues have been discovered . If the LED toggles every 200 ms then an issue
* has been discovered with at least one task . The last reported issue is
* has been discovered with at least one task . The last reported issue is
* latched into the pcStatusMessage variable .
* latched into the pcStatusMessage variable , and can also be viewed at the
* bottom of the pages served by the embedded web server .
* This file also includes example implementations of the vApplicationTickHook ( ) ,
* * * * NOTE * * * This demo uses the standard comtest tasks , which has special
* hardware requirements . See
* http : //www.FreeRTOS.org/Free-RTOS-for-Xilinx-MicroBlaze-on-Spartan-6-FPGA.html
* for more information .
* This file also includes example implementations of the
* vApplicationIdleHook ( ) , vApplicationStackOverflowHook ( ) ,
* vApplicationIdleHook ( ) , vApplicationStackOverflowHook ( ) ,
* vApplicationMallocFailedHook ( ) , vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt ( ) , and
* vApplicationMallocFailedHook ( ) , vApplicationClearTimerInterrupt ( ) , and
* vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt ( ) callback ( hook ) functions .
* vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt ( ) callback ( hook ) functions .
@ -131,11 +142,10 @@
/* Priorities at which the various tasks are created. */
/* Priorities at which the various tasks are created. */
# define mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )
# define mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
# define mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
# define mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )
# define mainuIP_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
# define mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
# define mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )
@ -210,6 +220,13 @@ static XTmrCtr xTimer0Instance;
/* The 'check' timer, as described at the top of this file. */
/* The 'check' timer, as described at the top of this file. */
static xTimerHandle xCheckTimer = NULL ;
static xTimerHandle xCheckTimer = NULL ;
/* Used in the run time stats calculations. */
static unsigned long ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond = 0UL ;
/* Constants used to set up the AXI timer to generate ticks. */
static const unsigned char ucTimerCounterNumber = ( unsigned char ) 0U ;
static const unsigned long ulCounterReloadValue = ( ( XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL ) ;
int main ( void )
int main ( void )
@ -290,6 +307,9 @@ portTickType xExecutionRate = mainNO_ERROR_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD;
/* This is the callback function used by the 'check' timer, as described
/* This is the callback function used by the 'check' timer, as described
in the comments at the top of this file . */
in the comments at the top of this file . */
/* Don't overwrite any errors that have already been latched. */
if ( pcStatusMessage = = NULL )
/* Check the standard demo tasks are running without error. */
/* Check the standard demo tasks are running without error. */
if ( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning ( ) ! = pdTRUE )
if ( xAreGenericQueueTasksStillRunning ( ) ! = pdTRUE )
@ -349,6 +369,7 @@ portTickType xExecutionRate = mainNO_ERROR_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD;
pcStatusMessage = " Error: RegTest2 \r \n " ;
pcStatusMessage = " Error: RegTest2 \r \n " ;
/* Store a local copy of the current reg test loop counters. If these have
/* Store a local copy of the current reg test loop counters. If these have
not incremented the next time this callback function is executed then the
not incremented the next time this callback function is executed then the
@ -401,8 +422,6 @@ function below declares as an extern. */
void vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt ( void )
void vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt ( void )
portBASE_TYPE xStatus ;
portBASE_TYPE xStatus ;
const unsigned char ucTimerCounterNumber = ( unsigned char ) 0U ;
const unsigned long ulCounterValue = ( ( XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) - 1UL ) ;
extern void vPortTickISR ( void * pvUnused ) ;
extern void vPortTickISR ( void * pvUnused ) ;
/* Initialise the timer/counter. */
/* Initialise the timer/counter. */
@ -427,7 +446,7 @@ extern void vPortTickISR( void *pvUnused );
XTmrCtr_SetHandler ( & xTimer0Instance , ( void * ) vPortTickISR , NULL ) ;
XTmrCtr_SetHandler ( & xTimer0Instance , ( void * ) vPortTickISR , NULL ) ;
/* Set the correct period for the timer. */
/* Set the correct period for the timer. */
XTmrCtr_SetResetValue ( & xTimer0Instance , ucTimerCounterNumber , ulCounter Value ) ;
XTmrCtr_SetResetValue ( & xTimer0Instance , ucTimerCounterNumber , ulCounter Reload Value ) ;
/* Enable the interrupts. Auto-reload mode is used to generate a
/* Enable the interrupts. Auto-reload mode is used to generate a
periodic tick . Note that interrupts are disabled when this function is
periodic tick . Note that interrupts are disabled when this function is
@ -525,18 +544,6 @@ static long lCheckTimerStarted = pdFALSE;
void vApplicationTickHook ( void )
/* vApplicationTickHook() will only be called if configUSE_TICK_HOOK is set
to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig . h . It executes from an interrupt context so must
not use any FreeRTOS API functions that do not end in . . . FromISR ( ) . */
/* Call the periodic timer test, which tests the timer API functions that
can be called from an ISR . */
vTimerPeriodicISRTests ( ) ;
void vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump ( xPortRegisterDump * xRegisterDump )
void vApplicationExceptionRegisterDump ( xPortRegisterDump * xRegisterDump )
( void ) xRegisterDump ;
( void ) xRegisterDump ;
@ -590,19 +597,53 @@ static void prvSetupHardware( void )
void vMainConfigureTimerForRunTimeStats ( void )
void vMainConfigureTimerForRunTimeStats ( void )
unsigned long ulRunTimeStatsDivisor ;
/* How many times does the counter counter increment in 10ms? */
/* How many times does the counter counter increment in 10ms? */
ul RunTimeStatsDivisor = 0UL / 1000UL ; //_RB_
ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond = XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ / 10000UL ;
unsigned long ulMainGetRunTimeCounterValue ( void )
unsigned long ulMainGetRunTimeCounterValue ( void )
unsigned long ulReturn , ulCurrentCount ;
unsigned long ulTimerCounts1 , ulTimerCounts2 , ulTickCount , ulReturn ;
/* NOTE: This can get called from a yield, in which case interrupts are
disabled , or from a tick ISR , in which case the effect is the same as if
interrupts were disabled . In either case , it is going to run atomically . */
/* The timer is in down count mode. How many clocks have passed since it
was last reloaded ? */
ulTimerCounts1 = ulCounterReloadValue - XTmrCtr_GetValue ( & xTimer0Instance , ucTimerCounterNumber ) ;
/* How many times has it overflowed? */
ulTickCount = xTaskGetTickCountFromISR ( ) ;
ulCurrentCount = 0UL ;
/* If this is being called from a yield, has the counter overflowed since
ulReturn = 0UL ;
it was read ? If that is the case then ulTickCounts will need incrementing
again as it will not yet have been incremented from the tick interrupt . */
ulTimerCounts2 = ulCounterReloadValue - XTmrCtr_GetValue ( & xTimer0Instance , ucTimerCounterNumber ) ;
if ( ulTimerCounts2 < ulTimerCounts1 )
/* There is a tick interrupt pending but the tick count not yet
incremented . */
ulTickCount + + ;
/* Use the second timer reading. */
ulTimerCounts1 = ulTimerCounts2 ;
/* Convert the tick count into tenths of a millisecond. THIS ASSUMES
configTICK_RATE_HZ is 1000 ! */
ulReturn = ( ulTickCount * 10UL ) ;
/* Add on the number of tenths of a millisecond that have passed since the
tick count last got updated . */
ulReturn + = ( ulTimerCounts1 / ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond ) ;
/* Some crude rounding. */
if ( ( ulTimerCounts1 % ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond ) > ( ulClocksPer10thOfAMilliSecond > > 1UL ) )
ulReturn + + ;
return ulReturn ;
return ulReturn ;
@ -610,7 +651,18 @@ unsigned long ulReturn, ulCurrentCount;
char * pcMainGetTaskStatusMessage ( void )
char * pcMainGetTaskStatusMessage ( void )
return ( char * ) pcStatusMessage ;
char * pcReturn ;
if ( pcStatusMessage = = NULL )
pcReturn = ( char * ) " OK " ;
pcReturn = ( char * ) pcStatusMessage ;
return pcReturn ;