Add call to xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag(), just as a test as its new and not called anywhere else.

Richard Barry 16 years ago
parent 695eed8eb4
commit 3af07deca2

@ -244,12 +244,19 @@ portTickType xWakeTime;
portLONG lTimeDifference;
const portCHAR *pcReceivedMessage;
const portCHAR * const pcTaskBlockedTooLongMsg = "Print task blocked too long!\r\n";
const portCHAR * const pcUnexpectedHookValueMsg = "Task hook has unexpected value!\r\n";
( void ) pvParameters;
/* Register our callback function. */
vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag( NULL, prvExampleTaskHook );
/* Just for test purposes. */
if( xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag( NULL ) != prvExampleTaskHook )
vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcUnexpectedHookValueMsg );
/* Loop continuously, blocking, then checking all the other tasks are still
running, before blocking once again. This task blocks on the queue of
messages that require displaying so will wake either by its time out expiring,
